Short installment :)
Guy woke up to a little noise come from the bed. Opening his eyes, he smiled softly when he found that Linda was talking in her sleep. He looked to the window and found that the sun was peeking out. It was morning, and that meant that Vaisey was probably already up, and now it was expected from Guy to supply Finn with troops.
Groaning to himself, he gently tore away from Linda, letting her head rest on the pillows. When she didn't move, he left the room.
By the time he reached the stables, Vasiey and Finn were already there. There was no Tiernan, but it didn't surprise him. Besides, it wasn't like he wanted to see him. Vasiey stopped talking and turned when he heard Guy's rather large footsteps.
"Gisborne," he said. "I take it you know what you need to do?"
"He should, we told him yesterday. Though, the girl objected to it, obviously unaware of the plans you and I have made, Sheriff," said Finn darkly with a smirk, causing Guy to growl. "You will go to Locksley and collect my troops," he commanded, turning his attention to Guy. "Make sure that all goes well, Gisborne. You are being accompanied with guards to help you. Can you mange?"
Gritting his teeth, Guy nodded. "You shall have your men," he muttered.
"Good. If you'll excuse me, the Sheriff and I have business to discuss." Finn walked off, Vaisey right behind him.
Sneering at Finn's backside, Guy got his horse ready, along with lots of other guards, too. He swung on, and the guards followed his motion. Then he left Nottingham, setting off for Locksley.
As soon as Guy arrived, all hell broke loose.
As ordered, the guards rounded up all the men—boys eighteen and up—and put them in a line for inspection, chaining them first, and then started to brand them. Guy rode around on his horse, watching as the chaos commenced right before his eyes. Boys were trying to escape their fate, mothers clung onto their sons, and fathers and men struggled but failed.
"I want the men lined up and ready to go!" shouted Guy as another peasant got branded. A guard brought a man to him, and Guy frowned. "Too old. He'll meet his maker soon enough."
Guy trotted his horse around, his eyes scanning the line. This better be what Finn wants, he thought. Then his eyes wandered around Locksley, and he saw something... or rather someone.
A girl.
She was about five feet, with blonde hair and blue eyes. Her face seemed serious and bold, too bold actually. Her purple dressed swayed as she tried to casually make her way to a wagon. Suspicion ran through him, and he called five guards to accompany him as he walked toward the girl. When he arrived, the girl was talking. When she finished, she put down the sheet and fixed the wagon up.
"In a hurry?" said Guy, making the girl jump.
Turning around, she said, "Delivery for the market in Nottingham. I'm late."
Guy gave her a look that said that he wasn't convinced. "Search," he said to two guards.
The guards advanced, and the girl stepped back. "No, no! There's nothing in there! There's nothing in there!" she shouted, fighting against the guard's grips.
Too late.
The guards lifted up the sheet and one of the guard gasped. "Look!" he exclaimed. A boy with ginger hair and freckles was inside the wagon, fear written all over his face. The guards dragged him out, but the boy fought out of their hold. He tried to punch Guy, but he easily grabbed his wrist.
"These people have taken enough," he said gritting his teeth. "One day, they'll rise up and destroy you and all men like you."
Guy thrusted him forward so that the boy was staring him straight in the face. "Dangerous talk," he said darkly with a raspy voice. "We'll soon beat that out of you." Pushing him back, the guards caught him. "Take him away."
"Please! He's my brother! He's too young!" cried the girl.
Guy turned around and jabbed a finger at her. "You tried to defy me!" he yelled. "Flog her!"
"Matthew!" shouted the girl as she was behind dragged away by two more guards.
Guy walked back and got in his horse. "Right," he said to the captured men. "You better get used to taking orders. You're going to be soldiers, all of you. So say goodbye to your families. Bring them to the castle."
Guy entered Nottingham Castle with annoyance. Walking into the main room, he rolled his eyes when he saw Tiernan on the table asleep, some girl next to him. Growling, Guy thumped down the stairs.
"Get up, MacMurrough, you lazy Irish dog," he ordered. "Party's over." Grabbing a goblet of water, he dumped it on Tiernan's face.
Tiernan groaned and sat up. "Gisborne, I was very comfortable here," he said sleepily. Looking to his right, Tiernan's eyes widened when he saw the girl. "Very comfortable indeed."
"The rest of your men are on their way," said Guy in annoyance. Snapping suddenly, he shouted, "I said get up!" Guy grabbed Tiernan's legs and pulled his body off of the table, him thumping in a chair.
Tiernan chuckled to himself and pointed to Guy. "You know, big fella, you've been riling me since I got here. From the pretty maiden Linda, to the party, everything. What say we, uh, settle it?" Standing up, he took off his coat. "Sporting fashion." He pulled out a sword. "First strike. Blunt edge of the blade only, of course."
Guy turned around and put his hands on his hips. Shaking his head, he spun around and drew his sword. "Go."
Tiernan struck first. He tried to go for Guy's legs, blocked. Middle, blocked. Head, barely blocked. Then, Guy used his power to drive Tiernan's sword on the table. Guy swung for Tiernan's head, him parrying his hit. Spinning Guy around, Tiernan pointed his sword at Guy.
"For the cause!" he shouted. Tiernan laughed. "Ireland for the Irish under an Irish King." When he said this, he pretended to bow. "The devil with your English rule."
Guy smirked and shook his head. "My mother was French."
Guy swung again at Tiernan's head, then tried to strike him sideways. When Guy went for his middle, Tiernan grabbed his arm and thrusted him forward, making Guy stumble a bit. Tiernan jumped on a table, then jumped off when Guy hit the table with his sword hard.
"Oh!" chuckled Tiernan cockily. "You know, I hope the soldiers you've promised me are better fighters than you are. They're expensive enough."
Not taking any more insults, Guy went for his head again. Then he swung wildly, and Tiernan jumped back. Guy went for his middle, and Tiernan had to admit, he had trouble blocking Guy's moves. Guy swung his sword at Tiernan's neck, who ducked. Now Tiernan had an advantage. He swung at Guy, barely missing his neck. Tiernan went for Guy's middle, but Guy grabbed him and pulled him forward. Grabbing his arm, Guy put Tiernan's behind Guy's back and put his sword to Tiernan's chest.
Panting, he smiled with no emotion. "First strike, I think," he said.
Tiernan laughed. "Do you know, you're already dead."
Looking down, Guy frowned. Tiernan had a knife at his middle. Guy growled in anger. Stupid boy, he thought.
"So, Gisborne's met his match," said Vasiey from the top of the stairs that entered the room. Guy looked up, finding that the Sheriff was talking to someone to his left. "See? Told you that you would not have to intervene. You can put that bow down."
Linda was next to Vaisey, arrow notched and aimed toward Tiernan. Giving him a look, she reluctantly put down the bow. "Fine," she muttered.
Looking to Tiernan now, the Sheriff rested his hands on the railing. "I like your style, MacMurrough. Very sneaky. How's your head?"
"Like a hundred blacksmiths are playing the anvil behind my eyes," said Tiernan wearily. He chuckled. "What a night. Actually, Linda and I had a very good time."
"Well, I am pretty good company." At this she glanced at Guy, who raised an eyebrow. "Though, I seem to have left as soon as the good stuff happened. Hm. What a night it must have been." said Linda, putting her bow on her back and her arrow in her quiver.
Vaisey put an arm around Linda, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Indeed. Make yourself comfortable," he said to Tiernan. "Gisborne." He signaled him over.
Sighing, Guy went up the stairs. Vaisey left, and Linda was waiting for him at the stairway, smirking at him.
"What?" he asked.
She chuckled. "I find myself alone this morning, and then find that you were dueling just thirty minutes later. You? This early in the morning?" she whispered teasingly, trying to contain her laughter.
Guy gave her a look. "I did not have a choice," he grumbled.
Linda laughed that adorable laugh Guy loved and took his arm. "Yes, I know. Come on, let's go."
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