{57} - Rose
Rose kept quiet.
Her mind was racing as she kept completely still -- making sure that no hints of nervousness were evident on her face. Her eyes roamed the small office, which wasn't at all impressive or clean. Papers and files were everywhere, both on the desk and floor. Once she heard footsteps enter the room, she sat up straight, "Officer. . ."
"Hello Rose." Jason sighed. Rose's eyes beamed with curiosity, 'Of all people they chose to interrogate me, they picked Jason. Perfect.'
"Hey Jason, glad seeing you again." Rose said casually.
"Yeah, but I didn't expect to see you here, though." Jason sat down at his seat.
Rose arched an eyebrow at the ice pack he was holding to his head, "What happened to you?"
"There was a little. . . incident, before you came here." Jason replied hesitantly.
"Oh?" Rose gave him a curious look, "Mind telling me what happened?"
"We don't have time for that." Jason said. "What we do have time for though, is your little predicament."
"Mine? What about yours? Don't we have that one to worry about first? I personally think we've got time for it. Did someone try to fight you and succeeded?" Rose continued asking.
". . . Let's say a prisoner got away. . ." Jason answered.
"Another one?" Rose gave him a fake surprised look. Not that she wasn't surprised, though. It was very rare for prisoners to escape in a town like her's. It would be on full alert now that there were three prisoners outside of their cages. "Who was it this time?"
"Mat. . . We were interrogating him when it happened. He told us about you, and how you really did have something to do with Rob's murder."
"And let me guess, you believed him?" Rose crossed her arms. 'That little bastard. . . So he's the one that framed me, unintentionally too.'
"He was really believeable at first." Jason persisted. "He described you as-"
"Cunning as a fox? As sly as a snake?" Rose said, amused. "A few similes spat out from his tongue are not enough to prove me guilty of the crime."
"Well, I guess you can say that this was all a misunderstanding then. . ." Jason murmured awkwardly.
"It's alright," Rose sighed, "I forgive you, I guess I would have fallen for him as well."
'No, no I wouldn't. I would know better than to believe a good for nothing criminal right off the bat.'
"I guess you can leave now, sorry, again." Jason stood up and walked towards the door; holding it for her. "We'll make sure to not bother you anymore about the matter."
"Like I said, I forgive you." Rose repeated impatiently as she sat up and walked towards the door. "But please, don't let this mistake happen again."
"I'll make sure." Jason cleared his throat and closed his door, saying his goodbye.
After he closed it, Rose grinned and walked off. She was surprised to see Ian sitting at a chair -- looking down at his hands. He looked up at her when she came into view, "The fox striked again, didn't she?"
"Maybe. . ." Her lips formed a thin line. "But then again, it wasn't just me."
Ian stood up, "What? Who ratted you out."
"Mat. Unintentionally too." Rose sighed. 'How did it go, though? He mentioned me in a negative way, obviously, but what exactly did he say? And where is he now?'
"Well that's unfortunate. How come it scared you?" Ian said.
Rose looked at him. ". . . What do you mean?"
Ian raised an eyebrow at her, "Well, when going up the stairs back at the hospital, you freaked out when the police man was 'chasing' you down."
"Of course I was going to freak out! It's not every day where a police man randomly goes after you." Rose protested. She scolded herself mentally when she realized that she sounded a bit too whiny.
". . .It is a bit scary, I suppose." He paused momentarily as he licked his dry lips. "You know, I would believe you, but that would be if you were more charismatic, more trustworthy, more kind, and a lot more thoughtful." Rose glared at him while he grinned in return, "But I guess the world doesn't work like that,
" Ironic, isn't it? "
-Author's Note-
Ian said the magic words .o.
Because, you know, he's my favorite and all
Antyways, since it's currently spring break, I hope to get a head start on some books including this one
So expect more frequent updates ^^
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