{55} - Preston
Preston had to get to the bottom of this.
He had been sitting, laying, and sleeping on his bed for a while and he still couldn't understand, at least, until now. It was obvious that Rose lied to him, but he wanted to catch her on the act. The problem was that no one was in her basement afterwards when he went to go check where Emily was. It may not have been a nightmare, but Emily was still missing and Rose may be a convict of kidnap. Preston prayed that she didn't do anything to her. He was also conflicted on what to do. He could always tell the police, but the problem wasn't that whatever Rose did was not true. The real conflict was finding the evidence.
After a while, he stood up and grabbed his coat. It may have been night time, but it wasn't going to stop him from having a chat with Rose. Walking out the door, he made his way down the block at a steady pace. Not that he wanted to rush or anything, since it was very unlikely for him to get kidnapped and or bothered. What did cause him to jump though, was the sudden honking. "Hey Preston!"
Feeling weirded out, Preston turned his attention towards the road, and there was Vik. He had his head poking out of his car along with his arm which ran along the shiny car door. "Oh. Hello Vik." Preston murmured.
"Are you heading home or do you need a ride somewhere?" His english accent was pretty distracting, but Preston understood.
"I need a ride to Rose and Mitch's home." Preston replied.
"At this time?"
"It's a long story, and I'm not in the mood to tell it. So if you're at all bothered then please, proceed." Preston said.
"Ok ok whatever, I'll drive you."
That was all it took for Preston to go ahead and enter his vehicle. He wasn't going to turn down the offer anyway, it was better than walking down an eerie street at this time of night. "Thanks, you know, for driving me." Preston said.
"Oh no problem, I wasn't going to leave you out there alone anyway." Vik said.
It only took a few moments until Vik stopped the car. Preston looked out the window, and sure enough, they were right outside the house. "Uh, thanks again. You know, for the ride." Preston said awkwardly.
Vik chuckled, "Just go already. No need for more thanks."
Nodding, Preston walked out and towards the dark house. Surprisingly, none of the lights were on and behind the crimson curtains were just a few silhouettes of furniture. But none were of people. 'Weird. . . They couldn't be sleeping, could they?' It may have been very late, but he knew that Mitch would still be up at this hour editing videos.
Preston hesitantly walked towards the door and knocked. He waited, but after a few minutes, there was no response. Impatient, he knocked again.
"Hey, are they not there?" Vik called out. Preston was pretty surprised that Vik was still there, but he did not question it.
"No." Preston sighed. "Maybe they went out or something."
"At this hour?" Vik sounded perplexed. "I doubt it."
"Well whatever it is, I know for sure that they are not in the house." Preston said.
Vik shrugged, "Maybe you can try again tomorrow."
"Yeah. . ." Preston muttered. "Maybe. . ."
All of a sudden, Preston heard mutters and curses at the side of the house. Confused, Preston turned towards the sound. It was too dark to see, but he knew for sure that the noises were human. "Mitch? Is that you?" Preston called out cautiously. 'What a stupid question. . . Jesus Preston, get it together.'
The sounds stopped, and a voice called back, ". . . Preston?"
"Who is this?" Preston asked, surprised. Whoever this was, he obviously knew him.
The person's silhouette become clearer and clearer as he started coming out from the shadows. The only thing that caused Preston to doubt himself was the orange clothing he was wearing, which caused him to hold his breath. 'This isn't Jerome. . . Or is it? No. . . This guy has curly hair. . . Wait.'
Preston's eyes widened as he finally realized who it was, "Matt?"
"Oh hi." He smirked,
" I didn't expect to see you here. "
- Author's Note -
Hey look homeboy is back
I feel bad I haven't updated :(
But hey, at least I remembered this book's existence amirite?
(No I should stop someone slap me)
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