{51} - Mitch
Mitch had enough.
Once he stormed out of the room, he gently got ahold of the baby carrier and left with it, since it was only fair. Oh how badly he wanted to go up to a police man and spill his feelings out. But then he thought about it and he realized how stupid he would probably look. Hell, he didn't even have solid proof! As he went out and started driving away (Without Rose), Mitch thought about how stupid he would sound if he said something along the lines of, 'Hey dudes? Yeah I think my girlfriend murdered one of my best friends.'
"What a joke. . ." Mitch murmured to himself.
Then a sudden thought popped into his head, 'Carla! Crap, I forgot she was there too!'
He couldn't help but feel bad about her. It must have felt terrible to have a good friend stab you in the back, especially using your partner as the weapon. Mitch knew the fact that his girlfriend was a cheater, but it still hurt him immensely. But his mind focused on Carla once more, did she have a car? Was she ok? Where did she go? Mitch knew she lived in the city along with Ian, Jason, and Seto. But he lived in the Suburbs with the others. He hated that, the fact that they were all in the same town. Why couldn't one of them just move? Ian had the money to escape all his problems, why didn't he at least put it to good use? Mitch continued driving, at least wanting to put his daughter in good hands for just this night.
He parked his car outside of a driveway -- An orphanage's driveway, exactly where Rose's sister, Elizabeth, worked. She was the only one he knew could care for a child properly; unlike her sister. Mitch walked out of his car and walked up to the front door with Samantha. He knocked and rang the doorbell and he looked at the window. It was a large one -- Too bad it had to be replaced due to the fact that a random idiot decided to break it, and God knows what with. The door opened, revealing the young girl from before, Cesca. Her tired yet attentive eyes widened at the sight of him, "Hello?"
Mitch grinned awkwardly, "Hi again, I didn't know you worked here."
She looked away, "Well, I work here too."
"Great, do you know where Beth is?" Mitch asked, making sure to use her nickname.
"She's sleeping right now, why?" Cesca responded.
"Shoot. . . Do you know how to take care of babies?" Mitch asked.
Her eyes widened slightly, "Pardon?"
"I asked, do you know how to care of babies?" Mitch repeated.
"Somewhat, yes I do. Once again, why?" Cesca asked.
"I need you to take care of her while I'm gone." Mitch said while handing her the baby carrier, never acknowledging the fact that she is his daughter. "And give her to Beth when she wakes up."
"Oh, um, ok." Cesca said, obviously perplexed.
"Alright, thanks." Mitch said awkwardly as he turned to leave.
"H-Hey! Wait!" Cesca called after him.
Mitch turned around and looked at her, "Is there something else I didn't say? Or-"
"N-No, it's not that." Cesca said while biting her lip. "It's just that, was there anyone in the waiting room back at the hospital that was injured, arm-wise?"
Mitch quirked an eyebrow at her, "Yes. . . Yes there was. Why?"
"The police are looking at our window problem, and there is almost absolutely no leads whatsoever, well, unless the person used their arm, that's why I'm asking." Cesca explained.
Mitch blinked at her, "You're not honestly going to blame the first person you see, right?"
"No no no that's not what I meant!" She said. "The police just wants suspects to find out who did the crime, so, who was the guy or girl?"
"His name is. . . Lachlan, if they ask for his last name just tell them what his condition is and they'll understand who he is, well, IF there is another Lachlan." Mitch said.
Cesca nodded. "Oh and one more thing. . ."
"You can ask me anything, I won't care." Mitch said genuinely.
"Is Rose a suspect?" Cesca asked.
Mitch stared at her, "Not for long. . . Why? Was she here?"
"No I don't think so. . . But do you know someone named Jerome?" Cesca asked nervously.
Mitch's eyes widened, "He is one of my best friends. . . And he's in jail. . . How do you know him?"
Cesca bit her lip, "Well. . ." She didn't have to say anything more, since she scooted over to the side, which revealed another being from behind her. Mitch stared at the grinning figure in disbelief, who in return found his friend's reaction rather amusing. "Hey there biggums,
" Did you miss me? "
-Author's Note-
Sobbing internally bc I'm just like halfway there wtf T_T
And it took me almost a year to get here I'm not making the same mistake!
Btw many things are leading up so you're considerably smart if you realize them I guess and I'll give you props and praise you
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