{40} - Jerome
Jerome heard Rose's shriek.
He had hoped that Rob or someone had attacked her, but to his disappointment, Rose knelt over a pale looking Rob, her eyes swelling with tears, "R-Rob?! Can you hear me? Oh my god. . ."
"What the hell happened?!" Jerome exclaimed, gagging at the sight of his now dead friend. He frowned as he remembered how Mat was left behind, oh well, he was just too slow.
"I don't know! I found him like this a-and. . ." Other people heard her shrieks, and they gasped at Rob's body. A couple of 'Call 911!' And 'Contact the police!' triggered Jerome to take action. He walked and sneaked into the basement, turning the light on. He glanced at Emily, who's eyes were squinted as she tried to get used to the light again.
"What happened? Is Rob okay?" Emily asked, her voice full of concern. It drove Jerome crazy at the thought of her caring more about Rob, but he waved the thought off as he carried her chair into a hidden room. The house they were in was clearly old if it had hidden rooms like that, but Jerome was too busy to ask anyone in this household about it. Once he got Emily into the new room, he went back out to meet a lonely Rose.
"You're a good liar, you know that, right?" Jerome whispered into her ear.
Her face was emotionless as she wiped fake tears from her eyes, "I know what I'm doing Jerome. You don't have to compliment me."
Jerome grinned as he pulled her closer, her body now against his', "I admire you. . . Too bad you suck, and I mean both definitions."
"Screw you." Rose murmured as she pushed a smirking Jerome away, "I know a lot of things about you Jerome, and I know you're not aware of it."
"And why the hell would I care?" Jerome laughed as he leaned against the desk.
"Because, words can do a lot damage more than actions can." Rose replied proudly, her face getting dangerously close to Jerome's, "And, I'd watch out if I were you, because you know how I am with secrets. If anyone else were to find you out, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes."
Jerome rolled his eyes as he walked over towards the basement door, hearing the sirens of the policemen. "Oh my dear Rose." He began dreamily,
" No one keeps a secret. "
-Author's Note-
(I used the book's quote whoa thank you Cat ilysfm: CatWritesBooks <3 )
Btw if my grammar is funny it's probably bc I recently got turnt
(I went to a party)
a few minutes ago and came back so
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