{29} - Rob
"W-Wait are you fucking crazy?!" Rob shrieked as he jumped back in horror. He knew better than this, especially since he learned his lesson from helping Jerome bail out of prison, but to him, this was a lot more worse.
"If I were crazy, I would have killed her, but do you see her harmed whatsoever? No, of course not." Rose answered sarcastically.
"But you still kidnapped her. That's illegal." Rob protested.
"And helping Jerome out of prison wasn't?" Rose retorted, arching an eyebrow at Rob. Rob bit his lip, giving Emily a sympathetic look as beads of sweat were visible on her pale face, making Rob feel even worse.
"Jerome don't just stand there, say something!" Rob said as both he and Rose looked over at him. Jerome wasn't looking back, though. He was too busy looking at Emily to give a crap about whatever Rose and Rob were arguing about.
He frowned, his eyes focused on a petrified Emily, "I. . . Well. . . S-She's not hurt. . . Or is she?"
Rob looked at Jerome in disbelief, but he gulped nervously, "It doesn't look like it. . ."
"G-Good. . ." Jerome muttered, his breath hitched in his throat.
Rob watched Jerome as he slowly approached Emily, although her response to him wasn't at all so welcoming, since she tried to back up as much as she could against her chair, until he finally stopped and took her handkerchief off. It was until Emily started shrieking, and it annoyed Rose, "Shut up! Or else you're not coming out of here alive."
Emily quieted down, her eyes shiny from the amount of tears that had gone down her cheeks in the process, making Rose look away in annoyance. Rob frowned, "So, what now?"
"Jerome can ask his questions." Rose answered simply. "And he gets his answers."
"W-What questions?" Emily croaked, her voice cracking.
"On exactly what happened at the night of the party." Jerome finished for Rose, his gaze stern.
Emily raised her eyebrows, "You d-don't remember?"
"Fuck no! Does it look like it? I've tried asking you this multiple times, but you never give me a straight answer." Jerome protested angrily, making Emily flinch.
She looked away, "We were celebrating y-your birthday. . . And we invited our friends, a-almost all of them. So, we had fun, you know, for the first time in a while. . ." Emily frowned, gulping.
Rob smiled and chuckled softly, "I miss those days. . ."
"Heh. . . Same. . ." Emily murmured, looking up at Rob, a soft smile tugging on her lips.
"And? Quit avoiding the damn question." Jerome grumbled, making Emily frown once more.
"Right. . . Anyway, it was near midnight, the house was loud, and I was. . . Tipsy, I'm pretty sure we all were. At least, I know I was. Normally I'd drink more than that, but, I didn't feel like it. And so I was laying on my bed, my head hurting and my vision blurry. That's when, someone came into the room. I thought it was you but, it turned out to be someone else." Emily said, making Rob flinch at her explanation.
"Who was it?" Jerome asked impatiently.
". . . It was Preston." Emily finished, making Rob pretty much put the puzzle pieces together to figure out what exactly happened next.
Jerome stared at her, but his face was blank yet pale, "And, what happened next?" He asked shakily.
"He wasn't drunk, b-but, I was. . ." Emily whimpered guiltily, "I, I remember mean words escaping my mouth, about you. He said he thought we broke up or something and. . . He comforted me. I didn't stop him and. . . A-And. . ." She couldn't say anything else, not until quiet sobs came out from her mouth, and she silently broke down, avoiding to look at their stunned and blank faces.
Rob walked up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder, making her tense muscles loosen at his touch. Rose just stared, not in disgust or in sympathy, but in disappointment. Not because she expected her to explain even more treacherous things, but because that's how she managed to win Preston, making Rose look away from her immediately. It was until the doorbell rang, when Rose sighed, "I'll go get it. . . Stay as quiet as you can. And Emily, if you try something sketchy, you won't be the only thing coming out of here dead." Rose walked out, leaving a merely scared Emily, who bit her lip quietly.
On the other hand, there was Jerome, his emotions mixed and confused, which all led to burning anger. He licked his dry lips, as he shakily asked, "But what did I do? I just got jealous and beat him up just because you made out? Or. . .?"
Emily shook her head softly, her face looking up to his', "No. . . You got angry because. . . You found us. . . I-In the room, not only together but. . . In bed. . ."
Jerome sighed and looked away, not wanting to cause anything because of whoever was upstairs. It was until he heard the voice coming over towards the basement stairs, when he froze completely.
"Wait, what the hell are you-"
"I swear I heard Emily's voice earlier, where is she?"
"Preston wait-!"
Jerome clenched his fists, just as Emily shouted, "DOWN HERE! HELP!"
There were footsteps echoing all the way towards the end of the stairs, just as Preston came face-to-face with a shaking Jerome. Preston stared at him, and Jerome lost it.
And all hell broke loose.
-Author's Note-
So yeah this was long dayum
A vote is appreciated, it will forever be <3
Btw I hate this stupid update it doesn't space out the paragraphs.
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