{14} - Mat
"What?!" Mat exclaimed in disbelief. Mat expected something else, maybe a request, but a deed as awful as that one? Mat couldn't possibly do it, or could he?
"Lower your voice." Jerome whispered harshly, looking around nervously.
"Lower my voice?!" Mat repeated, making Jerome frustrated. "How can I lower my voice, when you ask me something as stupid as that?!"
Everyone gave them peculiar glances, making Mat, Jerome, and Rob nervous.
"Nothing to see here people," Rob announced, "Just a big, committed question, that's all."
Mat scratched the back of his neck, and he looked at Jerome, "I don't know what you're thinking, hell, I don't know where you got this stupid idea, but I don't like it. And I won't do it. We won't do it, right Rob?"
Rob was quiet, twiddling his thumbs in a silent moment of awkwardness. Mat gave him a weird look, ". . . Right, Rob?"
"Look man," Rob began, looking at Mat in an apologetic way, "I don't know, honestly. Jerome is our friend and-"
"Wait," Mat interrupted Rob, "So, you actually want to help him?"
Rob shrugged, "I guess. . ."
Mat started laughing, making Jerome tense, "Rob, please tell me you're joking. You have to be."
Rob scratched the back of his head, and he put his hands on his hips, "Mat, I'm being serious, at least, I think so."
Mat sighed and looked at Jerome, "I probably would, if it weren't for what happened with you and Emily."
Jerome suddenly started laughing, his outburst surprising Mat. "Jerome, this isn't a joke."
"You actually think that you know." Jerome stated, his voice wheezing from his own laughter.
"Know what?" Mat asked.
"Don't you know? I'm not the father you idiot."
Mat's face turned pale. Emily was pregnant? Since when? And how come he didn't know about it? Mat's curiosity grew, "What do you mean, Jerome?"
Rob's eyes shifted in between the two men as they talked, his voice silent among them. He didn't want to interrupt, so he kept himself quiet.
"Oh, dear little Emily didn't tell you? Wow, what a big surprise." Jerome growled, rolling his eyes in sarcasm.
"Jerome, shut up and tell me, we ain't got all day." Mat said as the officer mumbled something that only Rob heard.
"Five minutes left boys, you'd better hurry up." Rob stated.
"Look Mat, your sweet little angel of a sister got herself pregnant. Oh, and I'm not the father. Hell, even I am surprised too." Jerome said, glaring at Mat.
Mat frowned, "If you're not, then who-"
"Preston." Jerome answered, catching Rob's attention.
"Preston?" Rob asked, gaping at Jerome.
Jerome nodded and crossed his chest with his finger, "With all of my honesty."
Mat was quiet for a while, his anger slowly rising as every second passed by. Rob gave him a concerned look, "Mat? What do you plan on doing?"
Mat inhaled and exhaled slowly, calming his temper. Suddenly, he started giggling, then he started laughing, leaving Rob and Jerome perplexed, but Mat paid no attention. After a few minutes, Mat caught his breath again and he looked at Jerome with a plaid grin,
"Well Rob, to answer your question,
we're busting Jerome out."
-Author's Note-
I would have updated yesterday.
But I was super duper busy xc
Luckily, I did it today though c:
Don't forget to vote for this story, that would be awesome ^^
❤️Much Love!❤️
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