charliesangelss when you find ghostbusters on a london children's party
6.8k likes|522 comments
baemymariah did you give your number to that guy?
charliesangelss that's a secret i will never tell
baemymariah robertdowneyjr your daughter is cheating on tom !!!!
robertdowneyjr mY CHILD WHAT ARE YOU DOING
mamakingsley wait so is robert my husband now?
charliesangelss MOM! MARIAH! DAD!! everyone chill !
robertdowneyjr why are you doing this my child
username tomholland2013 is cuter than those two guys smh
baemymariah so tru username
mamakingsley who are those boys charlotte?
robertdowneyjr yes daughter, who are they? they are not tom, stay away
tomholland2013 what is going on here?
charliesangelss i am confused too tomholland2013
baemymariah tom! control your woman and come get her
robertdowneyjr yes tom! control my daughter #tomlie
mamakingsley #tomlie
baemymariah #tomlie
chrispratt #theguyontheright
charliesangelss intense
tomholland2013 #tomlie ?
baemymariah THE SHIP IS SAILED
robertdowneyjr THE ONLY GUY I WILL LET MY CHILD DATE #tomlie
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