Chapter 7
Pacifica pov: I woke up to see Brown eyes over me. Dipper sat there with a napkin his face red and squished in concentration. I felt the napkin wiping my face and I sat up. He jumped back and placed his hand on his chest. "Your awake!" I felt my stomach rumble and I stood up slowly. I covered my mouth feeling sick again. "Bathroom." I was able to get out. He grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to a bathroom. I kneeled down at a toilet and placed my face over it letting all the anger and emotions flow out of me. I felt my hair being pulled back. I turned a bit to see Dipper holding it back for me. After 10 minutes of puking I felt my stomach begin to feel better. I sighed and panted down as Dipper flushed the toilet again. Suddenly without thinking I grabbed him and hugged him still panting. He held me close and patted my hair. "Its ok pacifica." I felt myself begin to tear up but I held it back and ended the hug. Dipper watched me for a bit. "Do you wanna tell me what happened?" He asked wiping my mouth with the napkin. I shook my head. "I don't want to sound petty."
"Paz..You wont." After a minute I decided to tell him.
"That outfit. The one candy wore. I picked it out for myself but she.. she told me to choose this one, and then behind my back got it for you. Blue is your favorite color and it's the color of the top. I was just so suprised and..and seeing you compliment her and I-I.. Seeing you kiss her just made me lose it!" She sighed. "Pacifica it's alright. I'm sorry I made you feel comfortable. And about that outfit.. it really isn't all that great I mean uh. Sorry I'm not good at this." I laughed at his nervousness. "Hehe.. You know Mabel tried to catch you. She caught you and fell on me. And then I was suprised and fell on candy. You got puke all over her. She keeps saying she wants you to pay for it. Mabel and her are upstairs cleaning up." I stopped laughing at the mention of money.
"Do you want me to take you home?" He asked.
"Yes please." He helped me up and we went to the kitchen. He handed me a water bottle to clean my mouth and together we went outside. We began to long walk to my house.
"I can talk to candy if you want." He said and I shrugged.
"That's ok. I really don't want another reason for people to hate me."
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Well you know.. Everyone at school hates me because I don't use my money for things anymore. They think I'm a stuck up person. And no one wants to do anything with me. Not even on projects. You and Mabel are my only friends." Dipper looked down obviously mad.
"Ugh people are so shallow in this town. I'm sorry pacifica. Maybe you should tell your parents about this." I looked down and didn't say anything. Soon we arrived at the front of my house. He took me inside and told me to quickly change out of my outfit. After changing into pjs he told me to lay in my bed. I did as he told me to and he left. After 20 minutes he came back with 2 bowls of Ramen and water. I smiled up at him and told him to hand me my laptop. I turned on a movie called "Crylight" a story of a crying vamipire. I moved over so he sat next to me. The entire atmosphere was great. After finishing the Ramen, Dipper took our bowls and put them on the floor next to the bed. He then put his arm around me and I cuddled into his arms. "I'm glad your my friend pacifica."
Soon it was 9 and Dipper had to go. He hugged me and asked to borrow my phone. He then handed it back his face red. "Uh I put my number in just in case you feel sick and need company. Bye pacifica." He kissed my cheek and quickly left the house. I fell down onto the couch clutching my hard in shock. I danced around the room happily. Dipper pines kissed my cheek!!! Things could not get any better!
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