Chapter 11
Guys, I'm officially an 8th grader!! None of my friends are on my team so I sit alone at lunch :(. However I still see most of them on my bus and also in band homeroom. I am also officially confused because a boy I was friends with last year is in my homeroom. He's always complimented me and tried to make me feel better and I think I like him >○<. But when I speak to him I have no butterflies just feel like I'm speaking to someone I'm comfortable with. Any ways you probably don't care so let's get in to the story....
11:23 am. Thursday Morning. A month after the kiss.
Pacifica pov: "Pacifica why don't you go?" I looked up to see my art teacher smiling down at me. I got up slowly and placed the canvas on the front of the room. "Uh...This is my inspiration. He's my ...friend.. Dipper pines."
"I thought he hated her?" I heard someone say but the teacher quicker shushed him. "He really helped me understand that good things only come once. Like having parents, having money and having a real friend. Guess that's over now huh?" I laughed and the teacher placed her hand on my shoe sadly. "Sit down pacifica." She said disappointedly.
I sat in the lunch room sketching a people. It was something I felt like doing. I would sketch them and write down what I heard from them. It was like my own personal info chan. (LOVE YOU YANDERE!) I was currently sketching candy. She had long black hair and wore a turquoise dress and blue jacket. She had contacts now and was kinda pretty. For a jerk. I was still hurt having no friends not to mention I had completely lost my edge. I sucked at sports, talking and my grades dropped from A's and B's to B's and C's.
Age: 15
Name: Candy Chu
Friends: everyone
What I think: She's a total Bitc-
Before I could finish someone yanked my sketch book from out of my hands. "Hey Pacifica what are you drawing my boyfriend perhaps?!" Candy asked gripping my book. "Give it!" I said getting up. She flipped through the pages before landing on a image of Dipper I had drew laughing with Milk coming out his nose. I had drew that a week ago. "Omg! I knew it. Lin told me all about it in Art class. How dare you draw him he's mine! And it's not even good." She began to rip the page out of the book before tearing it into tiny pieces. "STOP!" I tried to grab it but she held it up protectively. Everyone in the cafeteria watched as Candy ripped the pages of Dipper and other people out the book and tore them into pieces. Then she took my fashion drawings. "PLEASE STOP!" I began to feel tears come to my eyes as I watched everything I loved, everything had left be destroyed." I collapsed crying as the pieces fell in my hair. She dropped the rest in the trash. "Just stay away from Dipper pacifica. And try to learn to draw while your at it." I snapped. I got up and grabbed Candy by her hair and pulled her face down. "FUCK YOU!" I yelled. I pulled her face down and began to punch her in the face repeatively. People stared in shock at me. "YOUR NOTHING BUT A LOW SELF ASTEEM, HORNY SON OF A BITCH!" I yelled punching her with every word. "JUST GO FUKING BURN IN HELL!" I shouted crying. "PACIFICA STOP!" I stopped punching and saw Dipper standing there is shock. He ran up and pushed me off of candy before picking her up. "What the Hell pacifica? Why are you such a bitch?" I stepped back in suprise. Candy with the now bloody nose watched me and I let my bangs cover me eyes. The quietness I'm the cafeteria was strong as my voice rang out.
"I hate you. I hate you. I hate everyone here. You all think you can make me feel like this, like I will just deal with it bit your wrong. Im done with this and I'm done with all of you." I turned around and pushed my way through the crowd. "Karma gonna come collect you dept."
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