JAQUELINE WATCHED FROM BEHIND A PILLAR as a red-headed woman landed beside Steve, his parachute falling to the ground. Both looked up, watching as their backup followed down, landing just as quietly.
"What about the nurse on your level?" Jaqueline heard the woman with Steve ask and she gasped.
She bit her dry lips, shrinking into the shadows, running to the engine room. It took the woman awhile, especially with avoiding the red-headed woman who attacked crew members silently.
Jaqueline didn't bother knocking and quickly pushed her through the door. In the center was the Captain of the ship and her eyes widened at movement from outside the control room.
"Sir, we've got inco–" the glass shattered and Jaq ran towards the fallen soldier. "You alright?" she shouted and he nodded. Pushing away from him, her brown eyes widened as Steve pulled himself through the broken window.
A body fell to the floor, and Steve sighed at the destruction around him.
"Shit," he whispered as he saw another soldier run and went to follow, so did Jaqueline. Steve tripped, and Jaq smirked down at him at his confused expression as she approached his fallen figure. His eyes followed up Jaqueline's legs... to a hand that held her mask... before he took in the strangers face.
"Jaq?" Steve whispered, his brows furrowing in confusion. It had been too long since he had seen his old friend and right now, he didn't believe it. "No, you're dead. You can't be here."
"Sorry sweetie," Jaqueline smirked down at him, she felt cruel. No one was there to save her. "No hard feelings." She shot at him, but missed. Jaq cursed mentally as Steve dodged every bullet sent his way, was she trying to miss on purpose?
"I survived, Steve." Jaqueline yelled out, looking through the windows, trying to find the star spangled boy. "Shouldn't you be happy?"
Jaq gasped lightly and aimed her gun directly at Steve, who stood before her.
"Not if you're Hydra," Steve said warily, his eyes more focused on her gun than anything.
The brunette shot at him, but cursed when the bullets were deflected from his shield.
"Drop the gun, Jaq." Steve said in a stern voice, it was as if he was her father right now.
"Fight fair, you mean?"
Steve shouldered his shield and Jaq cracked her knuckles. "Ready when you are, sweetheart." Steve's old friend drawled and hissed at the quick hit she received a punch to the gut. She punched back, fighting with all her force.
"I could do this all day," Steve told Jaq, pulling off his mask and she froze. It was the same boy she grew up with, the one who was her best friend. Jaqueline couldn't kill him.
Jaq yelled out as he pushed his opponent into the wall, taking her shock as an advantage. She struggled against his hold, tears threatening to spill at her sudden change of emotion.
"Why are you doing this? Why are you with HYDRA?" Steve yelled at Jaq, frustrated and confused.
"I'm sorry Steve, I couldn't do anything they–" Jaq was interrupted by her own scream as a bullet hit her hip and her eyes couldn't move from Steve.
Steve turned from his wounded friend and moved onto the man in the red uniform, holding the gun.
The HYDRA assassin fled the scene, whimpering at the pain. She needed to get out of there.
Jaq pushed off the side of the boat and fell into the water. She gasped at the cold sea and spotted the emergency jet nearby. She swam towards it and heard yells from behind.
Jaq pulled up and onto the craft, ready to leave.
And disappeared.
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