ch 4
(Look at meh doggo anyway..Onto the story)
Sabre POV:
Me and my friends watched as those three swam away hiding..
Some people and children around us got kinda mad and started all talking and the children started whining saying
'We want the pet fishes to perform!'
I was disgusted along with my friends we then looked at each other and moose wad the first to say something
"They ain't pets them idiots.."
"...I think they are afraid and doesn't trust us.."
"Maybe...We can take them away..And put them back into the ocean...We just need a plan so we won't be caught"
I watched them nod as we looked back at the giant tank looking to where we saw them hide..And then we heard some banging and yelling
"Get Out Of Your Hiding Now!"
Sharks POV:
Me and my friends stayed huddled in hiding and mumbled some stuff in merfolk to each other.
"Why are they here.."
"We can't trust them.."
"I'm afraid shark.."
I calmed down goldy who wad mostly freaking out and nate who calmed down fast and helped me calm goldy.
We then heard a lot of talking and children whining.
'We want the pet fishes to perform!'
I growled under my breath and huddled more with the others and continued talking again.
"W-we ain't pets r-right shark..?"
"No we ain't goldy don't worry."
"I h-hate being here I m-miss the ocean..And a l-little of home.."
"Same here.."
We all grew quite and hugged each other smiling softly but that was cut off when we heard banging on the glass tank walls and yelling that sounded like..The prince and King..Plus some guards
"Get out of your hiding now!"
That sounded like the humans king...I looked at the others and told them to stay while I swam out of our hiding spot into the open not making eye contact with anyone..Just looking at the sand floor..I listened to the kids cheer a bit and some still saying they want me to perform and sing.
"Well you hear the kids sing for them pet."
I looked and made eye contact with the prince and it ain't a friendly one it was a glare..
I watched as his smirk turned into a frown and grab something near him from a guard..
"Sing Now."
I saw him pull out a chain net and pointed it past me?
I turned a little and seen from the corner of my eye goldy and nate and behind them that went in the water is two guards and was holding my friends..They had strange masks that let them breath under water..Probably got it from a merchant..
I hissed and swam to quick for the guards and swung my tail straight at the two guards chest making a dent in whatever armor they had and
Knocking them to the glass wall making a crack in the wall..And I think they lost air in there lungs from the strong
I then turn and swam so fast That no one except my friends seen and jumped up out of the water grabbing the prince making him fall into the water and took him down underneath..
Might as well do what us merfolk did when we fought in war.
Drown Them.
Let's say he was a pretty good fighter.
as I was trying to take him underneath he elbowed me in the stomach..And yes water does make his movement slow but it still hurts when it makes impact.
I let go letting him swim up to the surface taking in big gasps while the king and guards are trying to help get the prince out.
Around us people was pushed outside except some people like sabre and his friends.
I didn't care though.
No one and I mean no one messes with me and my friends.
I was swimming to the prince with my friends who decided to Stop being scared and fight back.
We were about to grab the prince leg and drag him underwater but stopped when we heard some big splashes behind us and yells.
"Shark, Goldy and Nate Don't Do It!!"
I turned to see unicorn, sabre and moose in the water swimming towards us while the other two are outside the tank with blankets?
I watched as nate swam quickly to moose hugging him tight..I think that means he forgives moose and the others for what they did..
And next up goldy swam hugging Unicorn crying tears of joy.
I watched and swam up slowly to sabre not sure if I should trust him or not..But I missed the times with the humans so I hugged him not caring about the shocked humans..
"We...missed y-you guys..."
"But I thought you guys hated us.."
"No...we were just sad..T-that you guys..S-sold us as p-pets to these beasts.."
"Were sorry..."
"We forgive you.."
I slowly closed my eyes falling asleep in sabre arms
Sabre POV:
I was happy because they forgive us and didn't hate us...They are so forgiving and that's what we love about them.
I then realized we came
To save them not calm them and leave then here to those pests.
I nodded to my crew as soon as they nodded back me,moose and unicorn quickly swam back with the sleeping merfolk in our arms and as soon as we made it out of the tank we wrapped them in blankets and ran off out of the palace to where my ship was ready.
And behind us is those royal prince and King with guards.
I kinda wish we didn't stop them to drown the prince but its to late to change that its time to go sailing!
~time skip~
"yes Sir!"
I watched tina run off quicker than us boys to the ship telling everyone to hurry up and get ready I then look at the merfolk in our arms and start waking them up.
"Ye guys are near the ocean you got to get up so you can swim under our ship!"
We tossed them gently into the ocean water with the blankets..We couldn't see since it was dark but I was positive that they swam off and the only thing in the water was a floating blanket that's empty.
~A week later(Cough sabre,moose and unicorn still single Until Now for Sabre)~
We are on our ship..We escaped and it seems that we again have merfolk traveling with us once again.
I smiled slightly and relaxed leaning on the railing looking out into the water..
And then someone jumped out the water and kissed my cheek..
I blushed bright red and looked to see shark fall back in the water and he is smiling at me blushing slightly.
I leant a hand to him and he grabbed mine with his wet hand I lifted him out the water a little and used my other hand grabbing him by the waist and brought him fully out the water
I then kissed him
On the lips gently not caring that my friends and crew saw.
He blushed a lot more but after a couple of seconds he kissed back.
And we'll that moment was ruined
When moose yelled out
"AHH OW!!"
I saw from the corner of my eye moose get smacked in the back of his head from Tina and Ryan.
I broke the kiss and chuckled gently putting shark back in the water and smiled at him.
He smiled back before ducking into the water swimming off..
'Guess I'm now with a mer..Never knew I would be in a relationship.'
I thought I then turned to my friends and walked to them Also waving my hand for my crew to know to get back to work.
"So You got a merman boyfriend..Who is top and who is bottom~?"
I bit into a apple when moose said that..And choked onto it..
One by one my friends smacked him in the back of the head it went like this
But then Nate and goldy jumped out the water smacking him also in the back of the head and soon later came shark also smacking him before landing in the water again by his friends.
"Wait did you guys hear what he said..?"
"No we saw you guys smacking him and thought it seemed fun so We joined!!"
"Wait so hold up...Goldy..You guys just thought smacking me was fun!?"
I started laughing along with some of the others while the mermaid and merman's stayed confused looking at us
I then see nate and moose talking and nate his out of the water kinda only his tail touching it and holding onto the railing and moose is leaning on the railing..I whisper to Tina
"Hey tina"
"Those two over there are kinda close."
I was very confused when she walked off sneaking behind moose and then out of no where she pushed moose face to Nates face making them kiss..
They where so shocked
And then nate quickly dived underwater with his friends swimming after him and moose he quickly turned glaring at Tina.
"Why did you do that?!"
"Hehe..Because I Can."
"If I get killed the next day by shark because his friend hates me I'm haunting you."
"Fine by me plus you both looked like you enjoyed it."
"Shut Up!!"
"Tina I swear to Moose milk God!"
"Oi chill out..And stop yelling at my girlfriend."
I watched as moose stomped off and Ryan and tina cuddling.. Unicorn is just reading a book now.
I sighed and walked off to my small little office.
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