Chapter 7
Chapter 7
"Raj I am in the middle of the lecture. Is it really important?" Sam asked in a hushed voice.
"Yes and you are coming to India." I said excited.
"Oh I would have loved to but..." she paused; her voice clipped.
"No ifs and buts, you take the next flight to India and come to my home, no sorry sorry I will come to pick you at the airport. We are getting married." I stated easily as if I was offering her piece of cake on her birthday.
Again my inner applauded as if I had achieved a world record of foolishness.
Yes I forgot marriages and commitment freak her out.
But I was very excited that my granny approves of me marrying a gori, [her term for US origin girls]
"WHAT" she shouted "Hold on to the line."
"So you quit the idea of your convenient marriage. Good. Keep it up my boy." She appreciated me proudly. I could feel her smile broaden from the other end.
"And I enjoyed the humor too." She said laughing easily.
"Humor?' I asked confused
"About flying to India and marrying you.," she said still smiling. I could feel it in her voice.
"I wasn't joking Sam," I said seriously.
"Seriously Raj are we having the same conversation again?" her happy tone now gone and replaced by what I call dismay.
"You know since my parents split I have an aversion towards weddings. I need time.
My counselor too said so. So what's the rush?' she stated obviously bewildered.
"You met that nasty Dan again?" I shouted more than annoyed.
Because all he does is flirt with Sam and all his solutions are worthless.
You got the point I hate the guy.
"Come on Raj I don't need any of your jealous tantrums. So don't start. I am busy." She said in her professional tone that meant don't beat around the bush and come to the point'
"Sam things are complicated. I am trying what is best for us." I explained.
"Raj I just got an offer from the multinational firm based in US and it is one hell of an opportunity and today was the orientation going on when you called.
Guess what? I have signed the contract. It was huge. I cannot leave the company for another eleven months, let alone come to India. You know this is important. I have always dreamt of working in a multinational." Although she rushed with her explanations I understood each and every word and how this was important for her.
I probably knew her too well.
"I do" I sighed "But Sam this is the only way; my granny was all supportive. You have to consider this."
"Raj.." she paused "I want to. You know I care for you, I value our relationship but marriage.. Career is a lot important for me; just eleven months than I promise I would come running to you but this is an opportunity of lifetime, I can't miss. I might even have to travel different countries; my childhood dream" She sighed dreamily as she continued "Raj you are the best boyfriend in the world and if I didn't have aversion to the L word I would have admitted my strongest feelings for you." She said lovingly.
"Cut the crap Sam" I was bugged "Now you come to the point"
"Raj do anything but please please wait for me. I promise my commitment once I am through with this two-year job opportunity. I do."
"Wow! Are you indirectly accepting the marriage?" I asked expectantly.
She took a deep sigh "I know I have to eventually..." she went offline, a bit distracted.
"Do anything, try and convince your parents whatever you can do but give me two years, only two.."
"Baby then I guess this marriage for convenience is the only.."
"Raj Raj Raj.." I was cut mid conversation "I have to go. You do what seems right. I trust you and remember I am here for you" and she hooked up before shouting "coming in a bit..."
But it wasn't for me.....
"Gran ma please I don't want to marry"
I sat on the floor bended knees, my head on her laps.
Looking from distance anybody would say I am her pet dog sitting besides her.
You can laugh because this is what my inner doing rolling on the floor practically laughing at me mockingly
Love stoops you to the level of an animal.
"Okay" she giggled at my dismay "Even your granpa did not want to marry in the first place" she smiled as she moved her hands on my soft hair
Yes they are soft I use deep conditioning for them
"He was afraid of commitment" and she patted me on my back lovingly.
"But see how our wedding turned out to be. I have your father, uncle, your silly mom" she made a funny face looking at my mom working in the kitchen making me laugh.
I coughed widening my eyes, my gesture of saying it was my mom she was talking about.
My gran ma took the clue and covered it up saying "Yeah she is a package melodrama cum entertainment and then I have you, my grandson" her eyes lit up even though I know that we both are aware of the facts but she never discloses it.
It is like a hidden secret of the family
And No I am not going to share with you guys, Ha!
Not now at least
Soon she was deported to her past "I still remember how happy he was when he held your father for first time." Her eyes welled up by now "and when you held his finger for the first time, the sparkle in his eyes was twice more. Had he been here how proud he would have been to see you full grown up, responsible, tall and full of values just like Malhotra family, our family, your family" she was sniffling by now.
I don't blame her illness now she actually loved gran pa that much that she misses him and they were one hell of a couple. I have seen an old black and white video where he kissed her and she turned scarlet hiding her face in the veil of her dress, completely adorable and the pile of pictures in which they were doing all the PDA's and honestly they do not look gross.
They look adorable couple just stepped out from Nicholas Spark's book.
Don't judge!
I do not read cliché stories
Even though I'd love to but I know because Sam made me watch all the crap Walk to remember, Message in the bottle, Lucky one and blah blah blah and even though I watched with a grimace I did secretly enjoy it.
But don't you dare tell this to Sam.
I'll have to hear till the ends
"But gran ma I really do not approve of arrange marriage. I want to marry the girl I love. Can't we wait for two years?" I asked humbly.
"Two years" my granny almost yelled, two years ago your grand pa expired, god knows if I will live for another two years." and her breathing hitched.
Soon she was panting, taking deep breaths almost uncomfortable as if choking like she'd been drowned in water and couldn't breathe.
I couldn't breathe either.
"Shit seems like another attack. You call father, I call ambulance, shit no doctor, hospital, no they will ask for details" my mom panicked.
"Mom you call dad," I directed and I myself drove her to the nearest hospital.
Fortunately she was stabilized within 15 to 20 minutes but she was let to rest with sedatives so that she could relax.
And when she woke up I was holding her hands in mine
Guilty of what I had done.
But trust me she is a bigger melodramatic queen
First thing that she asked was
"Will you marry Pari? She is a nice girl, my only dream before I travel to heavens."
I nodded in agreement and that smile that erupted from her wrinkled face, each line a definition of years of experience, she turned sad all of a sudden and her smile replaced by frown "I miss your gran pa. I want you to be sweetest happily married couple. Promise me?" she pleaded.
I wanted to promise honestly but couldn't do that to her could I?
My inner too chose to be quiet at the moment.
Seriously where is all his advisory when I need it the most?
Well though I kind of get irritated with my inner debate and the pranks pulled by my granny but this serious one was out of my league. So to change the mood I asked 'Granny seriously are you sure heaven?" and I smiled a naughty smile.
My granny hit me on my arm that was the only part of my body that she could reach with her tiny one "I do not go to satsangs, temples and preachers for nothing. I am surely going to heaven, you worry about your mother who is all about her and her kitty friends" she made a side duh face at my mom.
My mom simply pouted angrily like a spoilt brat waiting for the right moment for a comeback.
Although both of us knew that those were their normal bitter sweet conversations, none of them wanted to offend each other in any ways.
"Switch on the conditioning, these assbeeb*** are charging for a suite room with the amenities of deluxe room. Get full advantage of it." my granny said fanning her face as if she was sweating which she wasn't.
It was her way of switching the topic or she'd cry any moment.
And I complied laughing how we Indians are so particular of getting the worth of our money spent, even if we are in hospital, irony*
"Promise me" my granny turned sentimental again "Please marry her, promise me you will."
And guess the timings the police are always late and the doctors amazing always have the right timings
As the nurse entered with a stethoscope and that rude look in her dark eyes behind the rim of her glasses "Don't stress the patient, let her relax or her pressure will shoot again. Go away everybody."
"I am okay" my granny waved her hands at her earning me, ME but why me a glare from the fat nurse.
"Time for medicines" she declared and my mom and uncle who were seated silently on a cot opposite my granny's stood abruptly and were moving out.
Well I too tried yes tried to follow them but my granny held my wrist "Don't waste time, I don't know how much time I have with me. Go to Mathura with your uncle and arrange for the wedding right away" her eyes teary again "please I am longing to see her dressed in bridals at my home."
"You should follow her wishes" the fat and rude nurse said in a soft tone.
Now did I have a choice?
"Flashback over" I said as I clicked my fingers in front of her face bringing her out of trance "And here I am asking your hand from your dad. Oops sorry it's my uncle doing that. I am asking slash convincing you"
"You know you are a bast@rd?" this wasn't a question but an accusation.
"Yeah but an adorable B@st@rd" I said smirking.
"Suit yourself" she twisted her lips.
"You were the one who claimed me to be hot and good looking." I wriggled my eyebrows flirtly winking at her.
"I never said that." She protested a little loudly.
"But you have always thought the same about me."
Now now it was a full house for me because the look on her face when she looked at her feet and her tongue twisting inside her mouth said that I caught her thoughts and she appeared as if cats caught her tongue.
Yipee!!! That gets me 1 and her 0.
My inner stood in front of me offering me a lollypop and balloon probably felicitating me for my childishness and I replied with a wriggle of my tongue.
I loved scoring from this nasty Bitch..
Now it would be rude to call her that so I quit.
But it was none other than Pari who we were dealing with and she was ready with yet another comeback
"Wow you missed the part where I added good for nothing." She tight lipped her mouth.
"You didn't. I remember the conversation." I smirked at her.
"And you also remember you took the oath of president of USA." She said sarcastically as she added, "we NEVER had any such conversation."
I was ready for another cocky comeback. I honestly was but this argument was taking us nowhere so all of a sudden I bent on my knees for a dramatic effect shocking her "Pari I know this would be a fake but still would you do me the honor" when I saw she didn't budge I thought I needed to add the emotional touch "of making my granny contented at this age, giving me the privilege of making her smile and be my wife."
Her lips twitched slightly and on cue I pouted my puppy dog face, her twitching broadened as I added "please my knees" I rubbed them slightly. She chuckled but still did not respond "PEOPLE ARE Watching" I whisper shouted
She looked around realizing suddenly that we DID have an audience; intelligent much.
"Oh" her mouth circled in O "Get up Raj" she whispered.
"Your answer?' I was persistent.
"Do I have a choice?' she answered in another question.
Damn why is she lingering? Why doesn't this dumber understand that my knees are hurting? I gritted my teeth in annoyance but the artificial smile still faltered on my face.
"Pari" I begged.
"Okay get up now. I will." she agreed finally embarrassed
And I stood like a cracker rocket from the bottle as if a slight delay and she'd change her mind leaving me grounded practically.
"Well for now I do agree but I have my terms for you to agree and NOW" her lips turned into straight line "you do not have a choice." As usual her poise turned into humbleness now "I request you have a simple wedding with very few relatives."
'Agreed" I said readily smiling a broad smile. I was practically jumping up and down with happiness.
"I am not done as yet" she gave a dramatic pause.
This woman should go to Bollywood.
"What else?" I asked irritated now.
"Don't get your panties in a twist" she said sternly.
Whoa she can use PG-13 abuse.
"I want you and your family deny a single penny or any other honorarium in any kind for dowry even the cash money that they term as shagun and I don't know how you would do it." She said confidently meaning no menaces.
And my heart skipped a beat. Honestly a down town girl takes the brave front to bend to stupid traditions that includes girl being sold in form of dowry, I must say I am impressed. My inner too stood bowing at her act.
Had I not been in love earlier, I would have fallen for her.
"This isn't easy Pari," I said using a straight face.
Yes shoot me, I do like her attitude and I agree to every bit of it but I have to get back to her.
For making me stand on bended knees.
Any idea how much it hurt?
And again I wanted to have some fun.
Lets test her if she really means it.
"You have to make it easy Mr. Hotshot." She folded her hands defensively
God! Those pouted b**bs.
Yes they are less prominent under that hoodie but her stance leaves a lot for imaginations.
Blame my hormones...
"This is fake marriage and I wont let my parents waste their money on something that doesn't exist at all and more than that we two are getting married why are others showered with money at the cost of debts to my family." She said firmly
I might be looking at her in awe now, probably drooling, I like this part of her.
Fortunately she did not notice.
"Fake or real this condition stands and I am not going to abide this. The ball is on your court now. You choose." She stood erect, her back pack still clinging her back and her shoulders that were slumped earlier were erect now as she was about o walk with determination.
"I am waiting for your answer." She now clicked her fingers on my face and I smiled
"Marriage is on." I said happily.
"No marriage for convenience is on" she added with a straight face "that means we are married in front of society and family but within the four walls of a room we are strangers and I do take it that being educated from so called America you do understand that sanity is important for any girl whether Indian or American."
I nodded in acceptance and my inner applauded for her. He has my consent for the same.
"I am no longer eloping" she said angrily.
"I know" I smiled.
"Then stop following." She commanded.
I turned around to check if there was anyone else with us "Whose following?" I asked innocently.
She stopped abruptly almost hitting me on my head and not able to do so she simply closed her fists into balls "YOU, you the attention seeker, Mr Looking so good as self proclaimed by yourself, hot Richie rich are following me and people are watching" she scrunched her nose "I hate attention."
I am not following. I am walking along and if I am good-looking that isn't my fault" I combed my hair with my fingers winking at few girls who were gawking at me.
And that earned me an elbow on my ribs "This isn't your America. There is some protocol to be followed and one of them is jerks do not accompany innocent girls like me." She brisk walked ahead of me avoiding me completely.
'Ouch" I shrieked, "you sure are innocent" I said my every word dipped in sarcasm as I rubbed my stomach.
"I may not be but I do not want my family to think that something is fishing between us." She said clearly "Or your plan would be in trouble. So please take a different route to my house."
"Whoa wasn't this easy. Why wouldn't you tell me earlier?" I asked innocently.
"Because I seem to forget that you have very little brains in your head. When did you last get your IQ checked?
Rather don't it will only lead to disappointment." She waved her hand air quoting her words.
Now that was an insult
But did I get my IQ checked ever?
I my inner too was scratching his chin trying to remember as he mouthed IQ and You as he waved his hand in dismissal and disappeared
"Also you are not accustomed to people and their judgments in India." Her tone was pleading and begging now.
Oh what did I miss while talking to myself?
'I do not care about judgments" I said the fact easily.
"Neither do I but my family does and I do not want them to think otherwise and your plan will be endangered." She stated as if she was explaining a mathematics theorem.
"Eager much for the wedding" I teased.
"You think?" she made a duh face and walked away.
I let her go because I did understand what she meant.
This wedding was much important for both of us. I couldn't take chances.
A boy and girl walking together in a small town would be talk of the town and there's nothing positive in the gossip of the gossipmongers.
I DO get it
"Intelligent much" yes this was the sarcastic remark thrown by my inner self at me.
Don't worry I chose to ignore him; my ego and self-respect both are safe.
When I reached her place she was dressed in a pink and green Indian dress draped with a veil around her neck and was seeking blessings from my uncle who was gifting her with an envelope filled with cash.
How do I know?
Oh this isn't a secret for Indians.
We all know what is filled in that but the mystery is how much.
She gave me a sideways stare.
She knew I was here
How did she reach before me and changed too?
Very quick. I should compliment. How unlike girly
Brownie points to her!
She coughed loudly deriving my attention.
I looked at her face and she widened her eyes for a fraction before smiling shyly at my uncle tapping her fingers on the envelope hinting me something.
But what?
Either I am too dumb or she is poor in gesticular conversations.
Yeah yeah the word gesticular doesn't even exist
But what the f**k is she trying to convey?
"Raj" her father called and I immediately responded seeking his blessings.
"Here's for you." He handed me another envelope but this was a thicker one probably filled with lot more money.
"I can't take it." I denied immediately remembering and finally understanding what Pari was trying to gesticulate.
My inner stood holding a card of A+ grade for me.
Pressing her lips to a straight line, Pari too patted on her forehead lip-syncing me a dumb remark and then managed to be discreet with her expressions.
Smooth huh!
I pulled another cover from her dad's hand that was probably for my uncle "We are strictly not going to accept any monetary gifts from you sir." I said politely.
"These are blessings" her father tried to talk me into it but I cut him instantaneously "For ages we are being substituting blessings with money. Not any more."
"You are a kid child. You don't know." Her father insisted as he tried to push the cover in my back pocket.
"If kids can take this step I am glad that I am still a kid. I am sorry if I am breaking the code of respect but I am strictly against exchange of relationships with money as medium."
Before her dad could argue I picked the cover from Pari and returned it to my uncle "No monetary exchanges please." I requested my uncle.
He stared at me for a long time and I thought that he is disappointed with my decision and not agreeing to it.
His facial expressions were stable for a long time till a smile erupted his straight demeanor as he finally said after a long silence "I am proud of you son. I agree to this decision of yours."
"Mr. Suryavansh. We are already accepting the most exclusive and expensive possession or you may say asset of yours, your lovely daughter Parijat" he placed his hand lovingly on her head and I did feel her stiffen besides him but she kept quiet "I agree to my son we are not accepting anything as dowry, not even a box of sweets, so no cash or kind, not even in form of blessings.'" He finished hugging us both.
"True studies in America has brought a personality in you." He complimented "You too are a good influence Parijat."
And she was scrunching her forehead in confusion "I saw you two together" he whispered in our ears winking playfully at us as if we were being naughty.
Hell! Only if he knew what conversation we were having.
"The wedding would be simple too with our close friends and relatives, not an elaborate one." I suggested immediately.
"Mom wouldn't approve of it ever." My uncle said doubtful.
"Of course she would, she has to. If she wants a quick wedding she has to abide that too elaborated a wedding would not be good for her health" I stated looking at Pari who gave me a thumbs up for my performance.
Wait wait , what did I see Pari was actually approving something about me?
And my heart skipped another beat.
Why? ......
A/N: sorry for the late update @SGurl and lack of reply. I did not have internet and then went unwell.
Between a BIG thank you to all those who are reading my book, voting and following. Love you all a ton.
For all those sweetest readers who express their prestigious views and comments about the story, you truly inspire me.
I am sorry if I fail to reply, I honestly have a very very very hectic schedule, yet I DO read and love to read all your comments and try my level best to reply.
Just a quick word to say how much your comments mean to me thanks:)
Back to Raj and Pari or Pariraj as nicknamed by SGurl
Did you notice or it's only me that they are inching closer?
They are trying to see positives of each other and their kitten fights are still on..
How many of you support the brave front picked by Pari?
Will Sam be okay with the wedding even though it is for mere convenience?
Do share your views and also remember the drill
Please please please vote if you really like the story:)Why? ......
A/N: sorry for the late update @SGurl and lack of reply. I did not have internet and then went unwell.
Between a BIG thank you to all those who are reading my book, voting and fanning. Love you all a ton.
For all those sweetest readers who express their prestigious views and comments about the story, you truly inspire me.
I am sorry if I fail to reply, I honestly have a very very very hectic schedule, yet I DO read and love to read all your comments and try my level best to reply.
Just a quick word to say how much your comments mean to me thanks:)
Back to Raj and Pari or Pariraj as nicknamed by SGurl
Did you notice or it's only me that they are inching closer?
They are trying to see positives of each other and their kitten fights are still on..
How many of you support the brave front picked by Pari?
Will Sam be okay with the wedding even though it is for mere convenience?
I am sorry the story abruptly ENDS here
this is only the draft of a complete book.
I apologise for the inconvenience
However if you are really keen on reading the whole book,
you can read it on DReame app.
Currently it is for free there
So catch it up soon
All you have to do is download the dream app and look for book name "Marriage For Convenience"
or my userid "shachiseth"
Direct link of the book.
Be careful though it has a different book cover
Direct link of the book.
Once again a huge thank you to all the readers and supporters of Waatpad and to WATTPAD itself for giving me an opportunity to publish this book.
your views and comments and votes have been preserved both in my gallery and in my heart
thank you once again:)
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