| 11 | Fomality
Previously On...
——— KATE ARGENT LED HER NIECE, Allison Argent down to an abandoned cellar. Kate wanted Luna to know, but Luna was injured and so she decided to wait until she saw for herself. "What is this place?" Allison asked her aunt. Kate smirked and turned to her. "Let's start with the basics should we, you know how families have secrets of their own? Ours is a bit complex and different." Kate told her. Allison turned to her aunt in confusion. Kate pulled the door open wide, walking in. Allison carefully slow followed her in. The next thing she saw shocked her to the core. Derek Hale glistened to the light, glowed his eyes cold steel blue and roared in fright. "Isn't he beautiful?" Kate asked, smirked at Allison. She stood frozen, and in utter shock. Allison shook her head thinking it's wrong to torture. Kate turned the dial on, electricity sizzled through Derek, causing him to scream in pain. Allison couldn't stand seeing her aunt violent to these creatures. For some reason, Allison was calm, felt uneasy around her aunt. "What are you doing? Stop that!" Allison screamed to her aunt in panic. Kate turned to her niece shaking her head. "Oh come on kiddo, I wanted you and Luna to see this yourselves. Don't get all ethical on me now." Kate turned on the dial again, shocking Derek. "What is he?" Allison asked, afraid of the answer. "Shape shifters, Lycans, Werewolves." Kate answer blankly, Allison stood in shock. Kate laughed. "To me, he's just a dumb animal roaming around." She turns up the dial, Kate bringing Allison closer. Kate took Derek's upper lip showing his canines. "Come here. See these right here? These are canines, also known as fangs. Made for tearing and rending of the flesh. Not something you'd find on those cute little leaf-eating herbivores isn't it." Kate told Allison. She shook her head in fear. "Is this some joke to you? A game your pulling? He's still human!" Allison asked her aunt not wanting to believe a word she said. "Sweetheart, there are werewolves running around the world." Kate told her, letting her hand drop down. "Everything's a joke to me, how else do you think I stay sane?" Kate asked. "So, it was him at the high school? The incident knocking Luna in a coma? And all the other attacks?" Allison's heart stung at the words when she mentioned Luna. She didn't wanna believe that Derek did this. She felt a calming aura around Derek, some sort of protectiveness. She didn't wanna believe her aunt at all. Kate turned off the light. And walked out into the hall. "There's actually another of them. Two are betas and one is an alpha. Derek is a beta. Alpha is the pack leader, bigger, stronger, nastier. Those are the really ugly ones." After she finished, she and Allison walked away. Allison taking off someplace.
Allison sat in her car, sobbing with questions roaming in her mind. How can her aunt do this to her? If her father knew she wasn't ready yet, then why now? Why Luna also? She mentioned Lindsay to help also. She couldn't handle any more lies. She was tired of being told too. With all secrets comes with lies. She wanted to feel powerful, better and stronger. Her aunt had told her that she was catching the second beta. And another creature that their family meant to protect. She didn't know her family protected a powerful creature. She became for curious after her aunt mentioned it. A knock on a window knocked her thoughts out. Seeing Sheriff Stilinski outside in the rain. "Allison?" He asked. She slowly nodded with tears brimming in her eyes. She asked him to write her a ticket, but he refused. He offered to take her home, but she declined. Her tears had stopped crying. She was an Argent, she was tough, beautiful and brave. She needed to be strong. So she went home, grabbing her compound bow and grabbing one she'd bought for Luna. She had called Luna to check in on how's she's doing. Allison had heard Luna gotten released, but remained bed rest until she was feeling better.
At the animal clinic, Luna was still asleep holding Scott's hand. Scott felt his hand being held and opened his eyes, he looked to his side sensing his baby sister, he smiled softly and brushed her hair softly behind her ear. "Well, welcome back to the land of the conscious Scott. Your sister wouldn't leave or let go. But she did help you heal." Deaton gestured to his side from the bullets. "You doing alright? Maybe you should lay back down, huh." Deaton informed. Scott smiles softly. Scott didn't want to wake Luna, sensing she hadn't slept in days since she'd awakened. But Scott needed too. He wanted to. So Scott gently shook her. "Lune, moon, wake up baby sis." He brushed his hand on her cheek, brushing the hair out of her face, she mumbled and twitched slightly. "Scotty?" She mumbled quietly, Scott chuckles. "Scott!?" That woken Luna up in less than millisecond. "Woah there Lune, I just woke up." Scott laughed gaining a hug and then a smack. "What the hell were you thinking walking into gun fire huh! You scared the crap out of me. I had to hold in my screams while you got shot!" Both Scott and Deaton winced at her yells, knowing Luna would get angry. "Idiot." She mumbled softly. She could feel Scott's pain through her bond with Scott. And Scott should've known better. "Sorry." Scott muttered. Luna engulfed Scott in a bear hug. "Never ever do that again, okay? You literally scared the shit out of me. And oh, Allison called me. Kate has Derek she called me freaking out. I'm gonna pretend I don't know what you are." Deaton nodded in agreement with Luna's plan, Scott sighed and nodded as well. "Good." Luna said and hit his head again. "Ow!" Scott yelled, rubbing his head making Luna giggle, causing Scott to smile.
A door jingles open making a hell chime, the siblings freeze at a sound. "Hello?" Deaton called out. Scott sensing something is wrong, gently grabbed Luna's hand and pulled her behind him. She shivers at the bad feeling but waved it off feeling that familiar warmth of protectiveness off of Scott. "I'm sorry, but we are..." Deaton trailed off seeing Peter Hale. "Hi, there." Peter told him. Making Scott tense up and Luna looking at Scott in confusion. Scott carefully pulls Luna to a back corner, Scott pulling her down on his lap cradling her, wrapping an protective arm around her. He mouthed "stay quiet and don't let go of me." She nodded and doesn't let go of Scott's arm. Scott knew that Luna would panic if something was coming after them. Scott knew how Luna felt when she almost lost him. He promised her he'd never leave her. He tends to keep it. "I'm here to pick up." Peter recalled. "I'm not so sure I remember you dropping off." Deaton replied. Go Deaton! Luna thought in her mind. "These two wondered in, one is injured at the moment getting weak." Peter stated. Luna scrunched her nose, looking up at Scott in a panic knowing she's the weak link. Scott held her closer soothing her, telling her she's safe. "Even if they did, I'm afraid I can't help you. And I'm aware that one is weak. I'm currently tending." Deaton told Peter. "But we are closed." He added in. "Well, I think you can make an exception this one time, don't you?" Peter asked. Deaton stepped forward, knowing he wouldn't be harmed. "I'm sorry, that's not going to be possible. Maybe you should come back during regular hours." Deaton told Peter calmly. "You have somethings of mine. I'm here to collect them. I can tend to one of them on my own." Peter stated. Luna starts to shake softly as Scott rubbed her arm, soothing her calmly. Luna closed her eyes. Wishing for him to leave. "Like I said, we are closed." Deaton stated firmly, but calmly. A noise sounded like Peter trying to pry something open, but he couldn't touch it. The siblings heard a sizzle and Luna tensed up. Peter looked at Deaton with a smirk. "Mountain ash. That's an old one." He told him. Peter turned, picking up a chair and throwing it, scaring off Luna making her jump slightly. Scott notices and touches her softly, calming her down. Deaton didn't react as he stood still. "Let me be clear as possible. We.. Are.. Closed." He stated clear and firm. Peter nodded, turning around, slowly walking and shipped at the door. "There are others who could help me get what I want. More innocent, and far more vulnerable. And my lovely Dove, I'm glad your awake. I can't wait to officially see you again." Luna tensed up at the nickname that Lindsay and Talia had called her on occasion. Scott heard and tensed up, knowing exactly who Peter is after. "Lindsay." At the same time Scott muttered "Lydia." And in unison. "And Allison." They both glanced at each other in worry. With that, Peter left the animal clinic.
The next morning, Scott and Stiles were in his room digging for his phone. Luna is asleep in Lindsay's room. She had nightmares the past few nights so the elder siblings came up with a plan. Every night Lindsay and Scott take turns having Luna in their beds making sure she doesn't have nightmares from that night. It helped some, but Luna still screams at night. "Call it again Stiles, it has to be somewhere!" Scott tells him in a whisper-yell voice. The two boys were aware of Luna's presence and Stiles also knew about her nightmares. Scott suddenly hears a fast paced heartbeat. Lindsay had left already so it was Luna. Scott quietly goes to Luna's side and hums a song to calm her down, his touch always calms her apart of the bond. "Ssh lune, it's just a nightmare ssh." Scott soothes his baby sister, Stiles is in his room looking for Scott's phone. After a few minutes, Luna fallen back asleep. Both elder women, Lindsay and Melissa had thought she'd spend the rest of the week at home due to exhaustion and assuming the tiredness after being unconscious after this time. Scott reluctantly agreed but he knew that she'd be safe at home. He knows that Luna wouldn't go anywhere without telling anyone. "It's not here." Stiles mumbled to his best friend. Scott sighs and sits on his bed. "Okay, so you lost your phone, why don't you just get a new one?" Stiles suggested. Scott shook his head. "I can't afford a new one, and I have to find Derek. At least for Luna. As much as I hate to admit that not only does Luna know, but they are mates, and eventually Luna would want to be close with him. And I can't.. I want her happy Stiles, I try so hard making her smile. And Allison is a big part of that. But she also needs Derek so please just, just help me find him. For Luna." Scott pleaded. But little did Scott know, Luna was still half sleeping when she heard what Scott told Stiles. "Well, A. You're not alone, you have me and also Luna, who by the way loves you to death so don't sweat it. And B, didn't you say Derek walked into gun fire? He sounds dead." Stiles muttered, Scott glared at him. "Ssh! Luna is next door asleep!" Scott smacked him up the head. Stiles rolled his eyes and paced around Scott's room. "Argent's plan was to use Derek to get to the alpha. They wouldn't kill him." Scott stated. "And even so, I don't think Chris would let Kate kill innocent werewolves. They have a code, from what Luna mentioned." Scott added in. "Alright, so then just let them do what they're planning, you know? They use Derek to catch Peter problem solved?" Stiles muttered. Scott threw his clothes around. "Not if Peter is going after not only Allison, but one is asleep and another at work. Yes he threatened Lindsay this time too, to find Derek. And I can't protect them all on my own Stiles. Which means we either find Derek first or.. Ugh just help me!" Scott exclaimed, throwing a ball towards Stiles. "You know, you probably lost it when you were fighting. You remember that, when he was trying to kill you, after you interrupted their little plan to kill Jackson? Are you seeing a pattern of violence here?" Scott sighs and sat on his bed. "He isn't going to kill anyone. And I'm not letting him die." Scott glanced at Stiles, then the wall towards the room his sister is sleeping in.
Scott hears a car coming from outside the house. He noticed his mom arriving home early, assuming to check on Luna. Stiles notices the sadden expression on his face. "What?" He asked him. "My mom just got home." Stiles slumps his shoulder, sitting on a chair. Melissa was sitting in her car, on the phone. "Hi, it's me. Melissa McCall. I'm giving you a call. That always sounds really weird because of my last name, McCall. So... Yeah.. You know, I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to reschedule dinner or lunch. It doesn't have to be dinner. Lunch is good, or maybe you could like to do coffee or maybe you're a tea drinker. I don't know, we could also just go out for drinks." Scott listens into the conversation, the sound of his mother's sobs breaking his heart, he looks down noticing his baby sister in the hallway yawning, rubbing her eyes. "Why is momma crying Scotty?" Luna murmured softly, startling Stiles as she giggles. "Oh god, you--" Stiles falls off the chair. Luna softly smiles, but has a fallen tear, her eyes were red and puffy. Scott opens his arms waiting to embrace Luna, she goes to Scott as he cradles her, letting Luna listen to the sound of his heartbeat. "Yeah, cause I think I need a few after this profoundly embarrassing phone call. So if this really doesn't freak you out too much after this disastrous call, feel free to.. Give me a call." Melissa closed her eyes, shaking her head in heartbreak and embarrassment. Both McCall siblings heard the conversation and glanced at each other, Scott wiping away Luna's tears. Stiles looks at them. "Is she okay?" He asked them. Luna couldn't bear to answer as she closed her eyes feeling heavier. "What is she doing?" Stiles asked again, Scott shaking his head watching his sister fallen asleep once again. "Crying." Scott sighs, hearing his mother's cries of being alone. "You can't protect anyone Scott." Stiles cuts in on Scott's trail of thought. "I have to. I have to protect my sisters, and save everyone. I just.. I have to." Scott sighs, cradling his baby sister, he gently lays her on his bed, using his covers, covering her up, kissing her temple. Stiles kisses her cheek. "Love you Lune." The boys say in unison and left.
I kept running in the woods, I knew something or someone was chasing me, but I couldn't see but two red eyes. "Who's out there?" I croaked out. Scotty? Lindsay?? Anyone????" I yelled, yelled for someone to save me. "Nobody can't save you sweetheart. Not even your favorite uncle Peter Hale." The voice startled her, glistening his red Crimson eyes. "Stop, please I'll do anything." She pleaded to the man. "Leave my siblings alone, please let them go they don't have anything to do with this. Lindsay doesn't know about us. At least let my innocent sister go!" I pleaded once more. The man chuckled, clicking his tongue. "Bravery, strength. I like that. But I'll spare your older sister. Your brother, he's a threat. I must eliminate him." The man roared loudly. "No Scotty! No wake up, I can't loose you Scotty, wake up. I love you, I'm sorry for all the wrong things, I'm sorry you hate me for dad leaving, I'm sorry for all the wrongs I've done. Don't leave me Scotty." She sobbed into her older brother's arms as he fallen down. "I'm sorry." She sobbed. "Luna, it's okay, Luna. LUNA WAKE UP!" Luna sobbed harder, eyes blinking as she heard a male voice.
Luna woken up screaming for Scott's name, she couldn't handle loosing her brother. Lindsay rushed into Scott's room, pulling her to her chest, holding her tightly. "Scotty!! Nooooo!!" She screamed loudly kicking and screaming in Lindsay's arms. Lindsay's heart broke each time she had a nightmare. Lindsay quickly dialed Scott's phone. "Linds I can't talk right now I'm--." Luna screams once again. "No Scotty!!!! Don't leave me, I'm sorry I'm sorry." Lindsay held the phone to her ear, holding Luna close to her. "Why is Luna screaming my name? Lindsay is she having a nightmare!?" Scott panicked through the phone. Scott was at Allison's house, just watching her, admiring her from the trees. The screams of his baby sister scared him to death, and her calling his name meant the nightmares were about him and his other sister. "I'm coming Linds, try singing it calms her." Scott told through Stiles' phone, since Stiles was also with him at Allison's house. He was his ride. "Hurry Scott, she won't stop kicking and fighting me. What the hell is going on Scott, she's scaring me." Lindsay's voice cracked through the phone. Scott sighed and looked over at Stiles with worry/panic eyes. "We're coming Linds, just hang on." And with that Scott hung up and gotten back into the jeep, and headed back to the McCall house.
Luna remained at home, she calmed herself in Scott's room that night after she scared both her siblings screaming. She didn't know who it was, she didn't know what was happening to her, she wanted it to stop, she wanted to be calm. She felt a presence in the house, and she immediately knew who it was. "Allison." She breathes heavily, opening her eyes, She smiles and she scoots over for her to lay down on. "How are you?" Luna shakes her head with tears falling. "I should be asking you, what happened Alli, you can tell me right?" Luna asked her best friend, sensing she's shaken up. "My aunt, she took me somewhere and.. Oh god." Allison buried her face in her hands, Luna pries them away and held her hands. "It's okay ssh, you'll be okay." Luna reassured her. "Are you still going to the formal?" Luna asked her. She nods. "I'm going with a lacrosse player, Scott couldn't go." Luna laughs and shake her head. "Boy, he does the opposite. He'll sneak in for sure." Allison laughs and making Luna smile. She nods her head and smiles. "I gotta go to school, my dads waiting outside. He sends his hello and get well." Luna smiles wide, and nodded. "Thanks Alli, I'll call if I need anything. Would you hand me Scott's lacrosse hoodie? It's right there." Luna pointed at his red hoodie, she nods and hands it to her. "Still having nightmares?" Luna nodded with tears trying to spill. "It'll get easier, I promise." Luna smiled softly and nod, Allison kisses her forehead. "Thanks Alli, for being here." She nods. "Anything for my Gracie." Luna smiled widely at the nickname. "I gotta go, your okay right?" Alli asked. "I'm okay, go I'll text Scott." She nods and left Luna to herself.
At the school, Scott and Stiles were standing at Scott's locker. Stiles' phone dings. "Sti, tell Scott that Allison came by to check, I stole your hoodie, and don't be idiots either. - Moon." Stiles showed Scott the text and he groans and smiles. "Well someone seems to go back into her habits." Stiles muttered. "I don't what to do for Allison during the dance." Scott told Stiles. "Or Lydia, or Lindsay. Peter's gonna try to come after one of them or the three of them tonight." Scott exclaimed. "I have an idea in mind, you said Jackson's taking Lindsay to the dance?" Scott nodded and groans in anger. "Well why don't Jackson take Allison, you dance with Lindsay? Problem solved. I'll take Lydia." Stiles suggested. Scott gave him a disgusted look/glare. "You want me to take my own sister to the dance?" Scott asked. Stiles stood there awkwardly. "Well how else are you supposed to protect Lindsay if Allison is with Jackson and Luna is home resting?" Stiles asked. Scott widen his eyes. "What if he goes after Luna tonight? And she's alone right now!" Scott yelled. Stiles notices Lindsay walking. "Linds!" Stiles called her. She huffs in annoyance. "Idiot 2. Baby bro, what can I do for you?" Lindsay called out, wrapping an arm around Scott's waist, giving him a side hug. Both McCall siblings turn to Stiles expectedly. "What? I need a plan to keep everyone safe just like you said Scott." Stiles muttered, where Lindsay couldn't hear. Scott turned to his sister. "I need a favor, I'll owe you if this works, I need Jackson to take Allison and you come with me?" Scott questioned more-of. Lindsay looks at her younger brother weirdly. Scott uses his puppy eyes. "Oh no, not the adorable brown eyes, please just no." Lindsay looks at Scott while he's still giving her the look. She groans and nods. "Fine. But you owe me Scottie." Lindsay told them, gives Scott a kiss on the cheek before taking off. Stiles has a goofy grin on his face feeling good about his plan, Scott notices and smacks him upside the head. "Ow!" Stiles yells. "Jackson doesn't hate Allison, he'd do it." Scott told his best friend. Stiles shook his head. "He won't, even if we tried, he's taking Lindsay, how do we convince him to change his date?" Stiles asked. "It's a good idea, Lindsay will be safe, Allison would be also, now it's just Luna we gotta figure out." Scott told. "Gotta threaten the boy if you must." Stiles muttered. Scott glows his Amber lights. "Stop that!" Stiles exclaimed, hiding Scott's face in case someone saw him. "It's gonna work Stiles, I just need to persuade Luna to come. Or tell Allison to ask Luna?" Scott looked at Stiles, he nodded. "Allison could be Luna's date?" Stiles asked. Scott nodded. "That settles it then." Scott glanced at his best friend, sighing, shaking his head.
Scott texted Lindsay. "Never mind, let Jackson take you, Allison can take Luna. Love you - Scottie." And walks off the class. Lindsay smiled at sees Jackson by his locker. "Hey Jackson, are we still on for the dance?" She asked him. He nodded. "Of course, I'll pick you up at 7?" He asked her. She nodded. "Thanks, for taking me. Even if it pisses off my baby bro, but honey, I can't let you bruise him tonight." Lindsay pointed a finger towards Scott's direction. She noticed Scott is off for some reason and can't explain why. She caught him staring narrow at Jackson, but shook it off. "I'll pick you up later?" Jackson asked. "Yeah, I'll see you until then love." Lindsay smiled. Jackson kisses her cheek and she takes off. "Better be a good excuse Scott." She muttered to herself. Unbeknownst to her, Scott heard what she said. "Oh.." Scott muttered to himself questioning why her attitude suddenly changed. I can't let her find out about me. And he walks away leaving himself in thought.
Lindsay pulls Scott by his left ear. "Ow, Lindsay, you know you're hurting me!" Scott exclaimed. She then pulls Stiles right ear and drags them both to a quiet place. "Ow!" Stiles yelled. "Now you two dumb idiots better tell me what the hell is going on, because one, Scott you've acted weird ever since the whole first day of school deal, Stiles hangs around you a lot more, Luna is having nightmares that I can't even explain. What's going on with you Scott, your scaring me and I'm freaking out." Lindsay said all under one breath. Scott looks down, shifting under her gaze, Stiles notices her having tears. "I'm sorry Linds, this whole puberty thing gotten to me." Scott pulls his older sister into his arms, hugging her tightly, she cries on his shoulder. "I worry about you too Scottie, not just Luna." She mumbled into Scott's chest. Scott soothes his older sister, tears falling down himself, he shook his head towards Stiles, worried for his sister's. "Linds, I promise everything is okay, you gotta trust me, Luna will be fine. I'll watch her tonight since she's in my bed. I love you, let me walk you to class." Scott grab's Lindsay's hand, and she nods letting her brother take her to class. "I love you Scottie." She mumbled, kissing his cheek. He smiles. "I love you too Linds. It'll be okay, I promise." Scott reassured her, hugging her one last time. He stops by Lindsay's locker, helping her. "What class you have next?" Scott asked. Lindsay wiped her eyes. "English." He nodded and pulled her English stuff out, then walks her to class. "It'll be okay, promise me you'll be okay." Scott asked her, she nodded and kisses his cheek one last time before walking in. Scott sighs in relief before walking to his. "I don't know how long I can keep this up." Scott looks down, walking to his seat.
After school, Lydia thought it was a good idea to invite Allison and Lindsay dress shopping. Lydia also invited Luna, but Lindsay had told her she wasn't going and remained on bed rest. Allison agreed with her. "You're actually going to the formal?" Lydia asked the two girls. Lindsay shrugged. "It's not my first time, but I didn't really enjoy it either." And Allison shrugged her shoulders. Lydia walks ahead of the two, leaving them in thought. Both Allison and Lindsay planned getting Stiles to ask Lydia to the dance, it was originally Lindsay's idea, because one he hung out with Scott way too much. "So your gonna go with Jackson?" Allison asked, Lindsay nodded. "I can tell Scott isn't happy, but he's acting strange and Allison, don't tell my siblings any of this okay? It's a secret between us." Allison nodded, pulling her to the side. "I feel like I failed them, I wasn't supposed to be here, but I came back for them and I failed them, they don't seem to notice whenever I'm home or I'm at school they rather be themselves, all I'm trying to do is protect them, I think they hate me for what my dad done." Lindsay mumbled to Allison. She shook her head. "Lindsay, your the best sister they could ever have, okay? Don't drown yourself, to be quite honest, I see you and Luna both as my sisters, is that weird? I don't know what it is but I have this tingling feeling for Luna, like I'm meant to take care of her too. You know?" Allison told her. Lindsay nodded. "Scott loves you, be a bigger sister Linds, show them you care for them." Allison added in. Unaware to the two girls, Scott heard the whole conversation, what Lindsay mentioned broke his heart, he didn't mean to cause her pain. He took mental note to tell Lindsay how he felt towards her. After a bit of talking, they came up with a plan to enact with Lydia. "Hey Lyds, can I ask you a question?" Lindsay asked innocently. Allison giggled. Lydia stared at the two confusingly. "Sure?" She answered. The two older girls glanced at each other. "But not as I'm going to ask..." Allison trailed off. "What? What's that supposed to mean?" Lydia asked. "It means you're going to cancel on whatever dumb, dumber jock you said yes to and you're going with someone else." Lindsay smirked and winked at Lydia. "Who?" Lydia asked. Allison and Lindsay glanced over their shoulders at Stiles. He stood by the perfumes and waving to the girls, accidentally spraying the bottle in his face. The girls laughed, Lindsay laughed genuinely for he first time in awhile. Idiotic Stiles. She thought. "Him." Both girls stated in unison. "Oh don't frown Lydia, someone could easily fall in love with your smile." Lindsay smiled wide. Lydia gave the girls a are you serious look. They laughed at Stiles and then glanced towards Lydia, giving her a gentle push. Both Lydia and Stiles trailed off finding dresses, leaving Lindsay and Allison helping each other picking out dresses. "So.. You and Jackson?" Allison asked, Lindsay raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Oh no no no, Jackson suggested we go, I mean I couldn't say no.." Lindsay trailed off, her cheeks blushing. Allison noticed. "Oh my god, you like him!" Allison squealed. "Ew no, one I'm a junior, he's a sophomore, and plus, I've been hurt once before and I don't think I can handle another loss of a broken heart." Lindsay looked down. Scott out in the distance heard his sister crack. Scott knew about her first boyfriend, he broke her heart saying she wasn't good enough. Scott gotten upset and almost torn him apart, but Lindsay told her she'd be fine. Scott didn't believe it for a second. Allison felt bad for the teen. "I promised myself no guys until college, but then Scott came, it felt good, I woke up the next morning feeling epic, it was real, and every time I see him I melt. He seemed different, which is good." Allison told Lindsay. She smiled. "He's happy with you, he likes that your around for him. Your his first girlfriend, that means a lot." Allison smiled at the words. They both nodded before getting more dresses.
Both girls were over by a rack of dresses, Allison held a dark colored dress whilst Lindsay held a lighter color. They both glanced in a mirror, Lindsay saw the man that stood up to her mother, she turned around smiling, whilst Allison glanced up. Peter walked closer to them, tilting his head as he looked at them then the dresses they held. "They're not your colors, sorry if I'm being intrusive, but considering your skin tones, I'd go lighter, and you go a shade darker." He pointed at Lindsay's dress, Peter glanced at the rack of dresses. He grabs a lighter one for Allison, he gently grabs her wrist and matches. "You're a fair color, I mean you can't call skin like yours pale. Not skin that perfect. Same goes for you as well." He pointed at Lindsay's direction, she tilts her head and glanced at the new dress Peter suggested. "I'm not light if that's what your implying." Lindsay added. "Trust me, I have some unique perspective on the subject." Peter told the two girls. "Do you mind?" He glanced at Lindsay, Allison turned to her shrugging. Lindsay slowly nodded. Peter took her hand picking a darker colored dress and comparing the colors. "See? Much better." He does the same thing for Allison as Lindsay smiled loving the one Peter picked out. Allison nodded smiling. "You're not here alone are you? Shopping for dresses with friends?" The two girls nod. "High school dance?" Allison shook her head at the same time Lindsay muttered "formal dance." Peter nodded in understanding. "Attention shoppers. To the owner of a blue Mazda, license plate--." The two girls glanced at each other. "Isn't that your car Allison?" Lindsay asked, Allison nodded her head. "5768. Your car is being towed." The PA system added in. Lindsay grabbed Allison's hand running to find Lydia. Peter stood, with a smirk. "I have to say Scott, I continue to be impressed by your individual ingenuity. Just remember. You can't be everywhere all the time." Scott smirked, thankful that his sister and friend was safe.. For now.
Underground in the tunnels, Derek Hale was held captive by the one and only, Kate Argent. Derek was worried for Luna, he didn't know if she could feel his pain, or she was even awake. Derek sensed the white wolf was near by, waiting until someone arrived. The white wolf wanted to go after Scott, but Derek wouldn't allow it. He himself had a plan in mind. "Unfortunately Derek, if your not gonna talk, I'm just gonna have to kill you." Kate mentioned to Derek. Kate didn't know about Luna being mated to Derek. But she's bound to find out sometime. "So, tell your sisters hi for me." Kate turned to face him. "Derek, you did tell them about me didn't you? The truth about the fire and the hideout. Did you?" Kate told him. Derek froze at the words that came out. Derek didn't know she burnt the hideout. He originally thought it was torn down. He growled at Kate. Kate noticed him tense. "Oh, you didn't know I almost burnt her alive did you. That's new for you. Did you tell anyone? Oh sweetie, that's a lot of burden to carry around. You got tricked by a pretty face, it happens! Handsome young werewolf falls in love with a hot huntress that kills werewolves. Isn't that ironic?" Derek glared at her but soften as soon she figured it out. "It is ironic..." Kate stepped closer to Derek. "Including the one person you've had eyes on Derek, she is in fact awake, does she know who you are? My family has a code about protecting her blah blah, but I don't care. What do you feel hm? Why didn't you fall for the other girl?" Kate taunts him, smirking. "Doesn't it sound like history repeating itself?" Kate freezes, smirking once again. "It's not Jackson isn't it. He got a scratch." She stepped closer again. "No no no, he isn't in love with Allison. Not like Scott McCall." Kate smirked, smiling turning the dial. Derek growls in pain hoping Luna blocked out the pain. Derek hoped that Luna is alright. Sure Derek is slowly falling in love, but Luna is his soulmate. He'd do anything for Luna. Kate left the room leaving Derek panting for breaths.
For several days, Luna kept feeling a joint of pain, she couldn't handle the pain any longer, she called Scott for help to find out what's going on. Her first instinct was Scott, but he isn't injured. Then she thought of Allison, she wasn't injured either. Then it hit her. Derek. Her mate bond with Derek causes the pain in her side. She knew something was happening, but Scott had told Luna he had a plan and told to stay home tonight. So she agreed to let Scott handle it. She noticed her older sister walking into her room wearing a long pinkish dress. "Lune, are you sure you don't wanna go? I still have my dress from last year." Lindsay asked her baby sister, Luna remained in bed leaning against the wall. "No Linds, I'm sore and I'm tired still, being in a coma can wear you out still." Lindsay nodded in understanding. "But I'll help you finish getting ready? Scotty! I wanna see you in your suit." Luna called out. Scott came to her room, she smiled softly, taking her Polaroid camera. "Come on, lemme have a picture of you two for my wall." She pleaded her siblings. Scott wrapped a arm around Lindsay's waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Scott pressing a kiss to her cheek and smiling. Luna snaps the shot twice, just in case one of the siblings want a copy. "Okay, btw you two are cute. Beautiful Lindsay and Scott, you're handsome. Be safe tonight please?" She told her siblings, they both came and kissed her cheek, she done the same to both. She smiled and laid back in her bed, gazing out the bay window praying Derek was safe. "Lune, are you okay?" Scott came in after he had to fix his pants, so their mom fixed him up. "I keep feeling this jolt of pain Scotty, it hurts. I think Derek's in trouble. Save him." Luna told him, he nodded, kissing her temple. "I will Lune, be careful okay?" She nodded, grabbing her sketchbook back out. She hadn't drawn in long while, since she didn't have school and not going to the formal, and also she was told for bed rest, she had spare time to draw her feelings out. So she does what she normally does, grabbing her sketchbook and turning on music and drawing, while the two elder McCall's were at the high school formal.
Jackson had came and picked up Lindsay from her house. Lindsay felt comfortable knowing she was going to a dance, she felt bad that Luna couldn't enjoy her first formal either. "How's Luna?" Jackson asked from the front seat of his Porsche. "She's stuck at home, mom put her on house arrest practically. I'm worried about her, she has nightmares at night." Lindsay was being honest, she didn't know what to say. She felt like she needed to pour her emotions out. Jackson felt sad too, but also because she's his best friend, someone he actually loved in his life. "She's tough Linds, she'll be fine. Come on I'll walk you in." Jackson said. He gotten out and came to open his car door, holding a hand out for Lindsay to take. She gracefully took it, and smiled. "Such a gentleman." Lindsay kissed his cheek, smiling. And they walked inside.
Allison Argent pulled up at Luna's house with Danny, Allison figured with Danny Luna would join the two. Allison told Scott her plan for Luna and he agreed. Lindsay had bought Luna a dress and everything to surprise Luna with. "Luna Grace McCall! I know you're home and I got Danny!" Allison called while walking into Luna's room, seeing her fall off the bay window still. "Jesus, you both scared me." They laugh. "Up, up, up. Your going with us." Allison muttered, Danny pulling Luna up from the ground. Luna smiles shaking her head. I can't believe my siblings put me up for this. "Did Scott and Lindsay tell you?" Luna asked. Danny shrugged whilst Allison nodded. "Linds and I planned this whole thing out. Scott agreed to dance with you later on. Now get ready missy." Luna giggled taking the dress Allison gotten her. "I can't believe I'm doing this." Luna muttered to herself while changing. "Hurry up Lu! We're gonna be late. And pack for the sleepover tonight! My dad said you can come over." Allison yelled over the door. Luna rolls her eyes and does her makeup. "I need someone to zip me up and curl my hair." Luna yells. Danny comes in and zips up my dress while Allison quickly does my hair. "Damn, your beautiful, both of you." Danny told us. Luna blushes and playfully pinches Danny's cheeks. "Thanks handsome." Luna and Allison chorused together. "Lu, all the guys will be drooling on you, I'm jealous. Scott is gonna freak his mind off." Luna laughs. "Scott's that protective brother, I don't mind it. Ever since my father left, he seems to be more of, so I can't get hurt again you know?" Luna faces Allison. "Alli, when we're alone, I need another heart-to-heart." Allison nodded. Luna wants to tell Allison her deepest secrets, but how would she react. She's afraid she'd hate her. She's afraid she run off getting someone else. Luna trusts Allison with her life, praying she accepts who she is. "Come on ladies, let's go show off to the boys." Danny yells. Allison and Luna rolled their eyes and Luna grabbed a bag full of clean clothes and her leather jacket along with Scott's lacrosse hoodie. "Coming!" Luna yells and runs out the door in her dress.
Allison, Danny and Luna showed up at the dance. Little did Luna know, the whole school planned a get well dance for her. Luna is one of those kids everyone wanted to be friends with, for example, Erica Reyes had epilepsy and Luna rushed to save her from an attack, and Luna always been there for her. And Isaac Lahey, a guy who's a year above her, she always helps him with his homework whenever she could. Luna was the type of girl everyone wanted to see her smile for. So therefore, Luna is the golden queen of her freshman class. "You ready ladies?" Danny asked the two girls. Allison and Luna both linked their arms in Danny's, trailing towards the doors. "Better be good." Luna muttered. Luna was still in pain from feeling Derek getting electrified for some reason and it scared her and Scott both. She'd seen a figure running across the roof and She had gotten Allison's attention. Luna giggled to myself. Someone likes to make an entrance. She rolled her eyes at Scott's way of sneaking. She told Danny and Allison she needed to use the restroom and to go on ahead. They nodded and left. She went and used the restroom before walking into the gym.
Scott was finally dancing with Allison, but Allison wanted to find Luna. After Luna finished her business, she'd walked into the dance floor with every eyes on her, she gulped nervously as she seen both of her siblings come to her. Scott stared her in shock and admiration, while Lindsay smile wide and in awe. "Lune, your so beautiful!" Lindsay cheered. "Why are there eyes on us?" Luna asked in a whisper, Scott looked towards her and held his arm out. "Luna, may I have a sister dance?" Scott asked his beautiful baby sister. She nodded slowly as she glanced to Lindsay. "Don't look at me, I've had mine before yours. Scott's rule." Scott nodded and smiled. In the distance, Allison and Danny watched in awe as Stiles walked to them. Scott smiled softly as he took Luna and spin her around, making her smile wide. Luna loving this moment, she'd say this is the best night of her life. Everyone else turned to dance while Jackson took Lindsay and danced. Allison made her way towards Scott and Luna, making both siblings smile and pulling her in enjoying the company. "Are you two enjoying the night?" Scott asked the girls as he spins them around, himself holding each girl's hand. "Yes." They said in unison. "How'd you pull this off Scotty? This is the best night you've given me. I love you." Luna smiles wide as Scott pulls her in for a hug, Allison watching in awe. "Let's go some place else yeah?" Allison asked the two siblings, they both nod. "Come on." Scott grabbed both Allison and Luna by their wrists towards the buses. "Where are we going Scott?" Luna asked, while Scott smiles and hopped on the buses. "Okay, I gotta tell you guys something. But I'm nervous to say it." Scott muttered, the girls give Scott a confused glance. "What?" The girls say in unison, Scott smiled at the two comparing how they're both alike. "Luna, your my sister and I love you, I'm so glad your feeling better and not in a coma." Scott chuckles causing Allison to squeeze Luna's hand, smiling. "And Allison, I wanted to tell you something, because I love you. Yes you, I think your the most beautiful girl I've seen. You are bright and strong. I love you and everything I do is to protect you, you both." Scott glancing between the two. "Everything I've done is to protect you and keep you safe. But there's something I need to show you and--." He's cut off with headlights blaring through the bus windows.
The three teens turn to the shining lights, Scott gave Luna the 'follow along with Allison' look, and she nodded, she panics and held Allison's hand tight. "What's happening Scott?" Luna asked. Scott faces his baby sister with an unreadable expression. "S..Scott? What's going on?" Luna starts to shake, Allison comes to her, hugging her, herself being confused. Scott doesn't answer Luna, but looks at Allison suspicious that she set him up. Both SUV's smash against each other as Scott jumps out the bus, leaving the two girls jump slightly in shock. Luna has tears pouring down worried for Scott's safety. Allison notices and pulls Luna and buries her face in her shoulder as a protective stance. Scott freezes as he lands on top of the SUV's, instinctively shifts in front of the hunters facing away from the two frightened girls. Scott stood frozen, slowly turning around, his eyes glowing Amber color and shifted in his form. Luna shrieks and jumps in fright. This was Luna's first time shifting that she'd actually seen. Allison held her close, she gasps and hurts into tears, walking while pulling Luna towards her. Allison was in fear, shock and denial, meanwhile Luna was surprised, afraid, shock and denial. Scott jumped up, one leg on each hood of a SUV. The two girls covered their mouths with tears still trailing down. Scott slowly turned around, seeing the two important girls scared and afraid of him at the same time. Scott truly had scared Luna to the core, this wasn't something Scott didn't want for his baby sister, although Luna is one herself, she never fully shifted on a full moon. She remained in control the entire time. Scott still staring at the girls, before he takes off into the distance...
• Another chapter down! One more before season 2.
• So Luna finally went to the formal with Allison and Scott.
• Any suggestions or ideas?
• Lindsay is getting suspicious of Scott's activity! When do you think she'll find out?
• I know I changed some scenes around, but like I said it's gonna be a slight difference, not fully following the complete plot line.
• There is a reason Scott is overprotective of his sister's, if I decided to make season 3. It'll be explained in 3b.
• Next chapter, Luna will test her abilities with Scott, and also what do you think will happen for season 2?
• Don't worry loves, more of Luna's abilities will come in season 2. It's gonna be epic!
• Stay tuned for Code Breaker!
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