𝖛𝖎𝖎. Christine "𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵" mom ever
Christine "𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵" mom ever
What are pureblood children without them? Constantly being reminded every second of their lives.
Some have completely turned their children into pureblood devotees, but it doesn't work well enough for Viviane, Sirius, and Dromeda.
Even Narcissa doubted the things Cygnus and Druella imprinted in her brain. She had admitted just as much to their sleepovers.
In Viviane's case, it's her father, Daniel. Constantly lecturing her about who she should associate with in the duration of her studies at Hogwarts. Daniel had already listed the blood traitors to her. It includes Sirius' friend's family.
The Potters. Viviane made sure to be good friends with the boy-or not, her Father might have eyes and ears inside of Hogwarts. She doesn't want to receive a howler in her first week, but her Father isn't going to embarrass her like that.
Merlin forbid that it ends up in the Daily Prophet; at least Viviane and her Father share the same sentiment of hating the Wizarding Newspaper.
It seems that Viviane's life is their favorite headline. She was right when the Daily Prophet was published the day after her birthday.
It was her dancing her Ballet piece-she had to admit that it was a beautiful photo of her they had captured. And the headlines were exactly like she had predicted.
They treated her like a celebrity-on the contrary, the Hawthornes and Blacks are considered celebrities and royalties in the Wizarding World.
With an inner sigh, Viviane refrains from rolling her eyes at every word that her father says, instead nodding in agreement and pretending to listen intently-fake enthusiasm.
Viviane has mastered the art of pretending.
"Now, you know who are the children with pureblood families. That is who you should be friends with. Of course, they should be in Slytherin with you. Ravenclaws are alright-they are tolerable and smart, and they'll be a good influence to you, maybe Hufflepuffs, but don't let them rub off on you too much. Never Gryffindors, too stubborn and prideful, the lot of them are trouble. I shan't hear whispers of you being friends with a Gryffindor; they are a bad influence and blood traitors." Her father spat out in pure disgust as if the word that escaped his tongue was poisoned, vile beyond comparison.
"Half-bloods, acquaintances only, Viviane. We keep our social ranks high and never stoop to be friends with mudbloods. Remember Viviane, they are a disgrace. They have no right to step foot in Hogwarts." Daniel continues as Viviane nods along as she purses her lips.
"Father, what if they were my assigned partners in assignments or projects?" Viviane genuinely asks.
Daniel releases a 'humph.' Thoughtfully thinking, "Only converse with them when it is absolutely necessary, especially when it involves your academics."
Merlin, save her. She doesn't know how she can take this any longer. She just knows that Sirius is receiving the same lecture as she is, but with Walburga, and that's far worse, a lot of screeching.
Godric, she can almost hear Walburga's unpleasant voice. Viviane refuses to grimace at the thought, and suddenly she prefers being lectured by her father.
It's much more bearable.
Daniel's pacing halts as he faces a seated Viviane in front of him. "You should not disappoint me, Viviane Blair Hawthorne."
"Yes, Father." Viviane smiles politely.
"Countless sessions and tutors, you should be on top of your class with perfect Outstandings. I shall not receive anything less. Do you understand me?" Daniel stares at her intently, and Viviane refuses to be scared, but then she gulps-cowering in his gaze. Merlin, her father, is a terrifying man.
"Yes, Father. You need not worry about my grades. I will do my best."
"You will be perfect. Do you understand me?"
"I understand, Father."
Daniel hums, accepting her answer. Daniel turns around, walking towards a large mahogany cabinet. Opening the cabinet, he pulls out a broom-a well-preserved broom.
A black wood handle and seat. A neat silver tail twig and silver bipod. Daniel nods to himself as he turns back to Viviane. Stroking the broom in his grasp. Viviane can see the detailed carving on the handle.
"First years are not allowed to be part of the Quidditch team. But since your Ballet sessions will be postponed when you are at Hogwarts-but will resume during the summer. You need to maintain your physique and resume another sport in the meantime." Daniel tells her, tone strict and full-commanding. A tone that makes it hard for Viviane to say no.
"Yes, Father."
"Use my broom for your flying class and when you reach your second year. Make sure to not miss tryouts." Daniel reminds her as Daniel carefully hands Viviane his precious broom, and Viviane asks, taking the broom from him, "Any position at the team in mind, Father?"
"A chaser, maybe, but of course, I want you to be a seeker. Just like I was." Daniel grins. Dare Viviane says that his Father's tone is boastful.
Viviane could see in his eyes that he was reminiscing about his own days at Hogwarts. "Make sure to win the house cup, my darling daughter. I remember my house, Slytherin, winning the house cup when I graduated."
Viviane thinks that this was a lot to expect from a first-year.
"That is all you may be dismissed." Daniel turns around, waving his hand in dismissal. Viviane felt relief spread through her body. She stands up from her seat, smoothing out the creases in her dress. As she was about to exit her Father's study. Daniel calls out once more.
"Viviane, always remember." Daniel looks up from his table, and Viviane knows what exactly it is.
Daniel and Viviane looked at each other, chin up, poised posture as they both said in unison.
"Perfectio super omnia."
Perfection above all.
•| ⊱✿⊰ |•
"I'M VERY EXCITED FOR YOU, ANAK." Christine gushes as she points her wand up in the air. They're in Viviane's bedroom, preparing her trunk for tomorrow. Clothes and books, amongst other things, are floating around and placed neatly inside her trunk with an extension charm cast by her mother.
Weeny insisted on helping, but Christine insisted further that she wanted to be the one arranging Viviane's trunks-Christine finally understood what her mother was feeling when she was the first child of theirs to be sent to Hogwarts.
"Okay!" Christine exclaims as all of the trunks shut close simultaneously.
Christine points her wand at the large trunk, "First trunk is your clothes, all ready for each season, fall, winter, and spring. Swimwear and even a spare Halloween costume if they still have those traditions of dressing up. Oh! And your robes, of course."
Christine gushes as she points to the small trunk beside the first trunk, "This is where I placed your delicates-your bras and knickers." Christine clears out Viviane's face heated up,
"And feminine products, now darling, you're eleven years old. You might get your menstruation, and I'm sad that it might happen when I'm not there, but you do remember what we talked about, yeah?" Christine asks, and Viviane nods in response.
Merlin, how could she forget that conversation?
She was so stunned and embarrassed at the same time that she had let her mother babble her ear off. But it was helpful and informative. Viviane appreciates everything her mother is doing for her.
"And in this are potions for you to help with the cramps and the aches." Christine shows her a small chest where the potions reside labeled "For cramps," "Headaches and Migraines." and many more.
Merlin, bless her mother. "I know you can always go to Madam Pomfrey, Merlin. Thank you for that woman." Christine exaggerates a bit with the mention of the Healer at Hogwarts, "Miracle worker she is. But the dungeons are a long walk to the Hospital Wing. The potions are for emergencies." Christine then places it back inside the second trunk.
Then proceeds to the third trunk, a medium-sized one compared to the first trunk, "Your books, parchments, extra quill and ink, equipment-cauldron, telescope, brass scales, crystal phials, and such, the quidditch broom." Christine lists out as if checking the mental list in her brain, nodding at every word.
The fourth trunk is similar in size to the second trunk, "This is for Hades and Hermes. Dog Food, Owl food, Hades's collar, dog bed, dog bowls, dog shampoo, comb, towel, leash, potty wipers, Hermes's letter holder, collar, and wood spot," Christine puckers her lips to the side.
"I already sent a letter to Professor McGonagall. Hades and Hermes are on the approved pet list. Just make sure to watch over Hades. He is still a puppy and very energetic. I assured Professor McGonagall that Hades is well-behaved and potty trained. And tomorrow, they'll travel separately and will be in your dorm when you get to Hogwarts." Christine informs her, and Viviane nods, and Christine proceeds to the last trunk, the fifth trunk.
Christine takes a deep breath and says, "This is where your new beddings and pillowcases are. It'll last until you come back home for the holidays. You can decorate your side of the dorm, so I packed up your violin, astrology posters, and some charmed potted plants-Merlin, it is surely needed in the Slytherin dorm. Even your ballet shoes are here, and some framed photos." Christine finishes off with a satisfied smile while Viviane looks at her mother in awe.
Her Mama is truly the best mom a girl could ask for. Without a word, Viviane leaps into her mother's arms, with Christine easily catching her daughter. Christine laughs fondly.
"Thank you, Mama. For packing my things. Thank you for everything." Viviane mumbles from Christine's chest. Christine combes her daughter's hair, rocking them both.
"Oh, my heart, I'll definitely miss this. Four months without you. How could I ever last?" Christine asks Viviane as Viviane looks at her, saying. "I'll write to you every week!" Viviane assures.
"Thrice a week?" Christine bargains with squinted eyes, and Viviane nods, a giggle escaping her lips. "Thrice a week," Viviane repeats with a nod of her head.
Christine places both of her hands on her daughter's face, thumb brushing Viviane's cheek. "You'll do well, my heart. Don't worry."
Viviane frowns, lips pouting, "What if I'm not sorted into Slytherin?" Viviane's worst worry out of all.
She doesn't want to be another disappointing scandal in the Hawthorne generation to be added to the scandal of her birth.
The Daily Prophet is going to have a field day. Being in the spotlight is too much work for her.
Viviane needs to be sorted into Slytherin-Merlin, if not...She can only think of the worst of many.
Christine smiles at her assuringly, "No matter the house, Vivi. Mama will always, always love you."
And that's all the assurance that Viviane needs.
Author's Note:
━━I'm going to continue my last author's note from the previous chapter here. I thought I would have face-to-face classes, but then our professors started sending online Google links-then it turned online, ngl, not mad-kind of. I woke up at like 4 AM to attend a 7 AM class😭 So that's my first day.
━━ Yes, you have read an indication that not all Blacks are pureblood supremacists. We all have our own depictions of the Blacks. Like Narcissa, who I have read in fics, either she's not a blood supremacist, or she's trying to change her old beliefs but has difficulty. But Narcissa is a soft character in this fic, well, not for long anyway😭 but the Black cousins will not have that kind of blood purity ideals like their parents.
━━ While those fics don't have Viviane, so I'm going to be changing their beliefs, you might find it a bit OOC? But I wrote them with solely changing their pureblood ideals because I believe Viviane's presence in their lives can change that, especially when she, Sirius, and Andromeda share the same beliefs. It's easier to sway Regulus and Narcissa.
━━Why am I changing Regulus' perspective this early? Because OMG, spoilers, he has a love interest who is a half-wizard-I don't want them having problems solely because of blood status because if I were my OC, I would hate Regulus, and our Enemies to Lovers arc will remain Enemies, lol. I don't let my OCs endure such discrimination. They will hate each other but in a different way, not the racist hate shit😭
━━Sometimes, I forget that I'm writing a fic and that I can do whatever I want, but I know how toxic the HP fanfic fandom can be, so I have to do some explanations even though I am writing this in the story, but I know some readers don't have reading comprehension so I have to do this for my mental health and that people won't spam me with hate comments-bcs I will be spamming back, so, respectfully leave if you don't want what's happening in this fic.
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