{3.9} πΌππππππ πΌππππππππππ πΏπππ 2
Dean picks the lock and enters Amanda's house, followed closely by Sam, with their guns drawn. They enter the room and find Amanda lifeless on the table covered in blood and switch on the light. The flames are still burning, so this is very shortly after she died.
"That's a curveball." Dean Says As He Stares at the body
"Yeah." Sam Says As They approach Amanda's body, and Dean lifts her right arm with the barrel of his gun then looks at the other as well.
"Three per wrist, vertical. She wasn't foolin' around." Dean Says As He puts his gun in the back of his jeans and bends down to look at the scattered remnant of the altar holding his nose to the smell of the burnt rotten food.
"Yeah, looks like she was working some heavyweight evil here." Elena Says
"Yep." Dean Says As he turns around, then jumps back, startled β he nearly walked into a rabbit, hanging from the ceiling, dead, Oh god! Freakin' witches! Seriously man, come on!"
"Guess we know where she got the rabbit's teeth from." Sam Says
"Well, Paul sure knows how to pick 'em huh? It's like Fatal Attraction all over again." Dean Says
"Yeah." Sam Says
"And why does the rabbit always get screwed in the deal?! The poor little guy." Dean says
"You know what I don't get, If she was so bent on revenge, why do this?" Elena Asks
"Well, she got Janet Dutton, thought she finished off Paul, decided to cap herself and make it a spurned lover's hat-trick." Dean Says
"Maybe." Elena Says As Sam starts to look under the glass table that Amanda is on.
"I mean, this doesn't exactly look like the TV room of a bright and stable person, you know?" Dean Says
"No, but then..." Sam Says As He reaches around and pulls out another hex bag that is tucked under the table and stands up tossing it to Dean.
"There's this." Sam Says
"Great" Elena Says
"Another hex bag? Come on!" Dean Says As He opens the bag to find similar contents of the bag they found in Janet's bathroom and he tosses it on the table reaching for his phone.
"Looks like we got a hit, huh? A little witch-on-witch violence?" Dean Says
"I guess." Sam Says As Dean dials the phone and hold it up to his ear.
"I'd like to report a dead body, 309 Mayfair Circle. My name? Yeah, sure my name isβ" Dean Says As Hs clicks the phone shut, cutting himself off. Why are witches ganking each other?"
"I don't know, but I think maybe we got a coven on our hands boys" Elena Says
There are to two women sitting on a sofa Renee and Tammi
Ron is standing in the doorway to the room that the women are in.
"All right, all right. I'm going. I'm not fooled by your little book club by the way. I know what you ladies get up to when I'm gone. It's all dish and gossip." Ron Says As The women laugh as Elizabeth walks in and joins Ron in the doorway.
"Hi Ron." Elizabeth Says
"Oh, hello Elizabeth. I mean, when's the last time anyone actually brought a book?" Ron Asks
"Goodnight Ron." Tammi & Renee Says
"All right." Ron Says As he leaves and as soon as the door closes behind him Elizabeth goes into the room seemingly upset.
"He doesn't know? You didn't tell him?" Elizabeth Says
"About Amanda? Oh, I think that's book club business, don't you?" Renee Says As Tammi gets a candle holder with three tapers in it and sets it on the coffee table in front of the sofa.
"Thank you Tammi." Renee Says
"The police just took away her body, and what? We're just gonna pretend it didn't happen?" Elizabeth Says
"We loved Amanda." Renee Says
"It's true." Tammi Says
"We know that she was a little... unstable." Renee Says
"Also true." Tammi Says
"And we have to face it, she probably killed Janet Dutton." Renee Says
"People just don't spit out their teeth all of a sudden." Tammi Says As Renee shakes her head in agreement with Tammi
"We have to stop. We have to stop Book Club. This has all gone too far." Elizabeth Says As Renee gets up from the sofa.
"Elizabeth, just take a deep breath. Calm down." Renee Says
"We can't... stop." Tammi Says
"But people are dying!" Elizabeth Says As Renee scoffs.
"Amanda killed herself yes. And yes, she killed Janet. (tsk-tsk clicks her teeth) Awful, awful business of course, but that's all over now. And think about what Book Club has gotten us hmm? Your husband's promotion, that little trip to Hawaii that you won. And what about me? My home pottery business is finally taking off and you wanna just stop? Do you wanna stop?" Renee Says As Elizabeth shakes her head 'no' and Renee claps her hands together,kay, now come on, we don't have much time, Ron gets back from his Fantasy Football in an hour."
The three of them start getting ready for 'Book Club' which is their witches coven meeting by putting a cloth with a demonic symbol on it down on the table, putting the 'Book of Shadows' in the middle of it, and lighting the candles in the candle holder.
"Book of Shadows we kneel before you, let us serve your master as you serve us. Book of Shadows we kneel before you, let us serve your masterβ" They All Say
Elizabeth is turning the soil of her garden with a small trowel when Dean, Elena and Sam walk up her driveway to question her.
"You must have a green thumb." Sam Says
"Excuse me?" Elizabeth Says
"Getting these herbs to grow out of season like this, quite impressive. I'm sorry; I should have introduced myself first. He reaches on the pocket of his suit jacket and takes out a badge. I'm uh, Detective Bachman, this is Detective Turner and Detective Davis" Sam Says As Dean and Elena takes their own badge out of their jacket pocket and flashes it at Elizabeth.
"Hi-ya." Dean Says
"Hello" Elena Says
"We're following up on Amanda Burns' death, going around the neighborhood and talking to neighbors and stuff like that." Sam Says
"But didn't sheβ I mean she killed herself right?" Elizabeth Says
"Maybe, maybe." Sam Says
"We heard you were friends with the deceased right?" Dean Asks
"Yeah, I guess so." Elizabeth Says
"Did you have any idea about her practices?" Dean Asks
"I'm sorry, what kind of practices?" Elizabeth Asks
"Well see, her house was littered with Satanic paraphernalia." Elena Says
"A regular Black Sabbath." Dean Says
"No, theβ but she was an Episcopalian." Elizabeth Says
"Well, then we're pretty sure she was using the wrong Bible." Dean Says As Renee and Tammi walk up unseen, and Renee speaks causing the brothers and Elena to turn and take notice of their arrival.
"Elizabeth, you all right?" Renee Asks
"I'm fine uh Renee, these are detectives. They say Amanda wasβ she was practicingβ" Elizabeth Says
"I'm sorry detectives; you can tell that Elizabeth is a little bit upset." Renee Says
"Of course, Miss ... ?" Dean Asks
"Missus. Renee. Van Allen. She says it slowly and emphatically,Would you like me to spell it for you?" Renee Says As Elena Furrows Her Brows at them
"I'll get by, thanks." Dean Says
"This Amanda business has been hard for Liz. For all of us." Renee Says
"Yeah. I mean, you think you know a person." Tammi Says
"Well, I guess we all have secrets don't we?" Dean Says
"Well, thanks, um, we'll be in touch." Elena Says
"Have a nice day." Dean Says
"Bye." Tammi Says As We See Tammi, Liz, and Renee's faces.
The Impala is driving down a country road through fog.
Dean is driving and Sam is in the passenger's seat and Elena is in the back.
"Well, I'm already sold on that Elizabeth chick. Did you see that victory garden of hers? Belladonna, wolfsbane, mandrake, not to mention that little flinch she threw when we mentioned the occult." Dean Says
"Well, she's definitely had a good run lately, gone up a few tax brackets; won almost too many raffles. Kinda thing a little black magic always helps with." Sam Says
"Yeah." Elena Says
"I don't think she's alone either. Looks like 'Mrs. Renee Van Allen' has won almost every craft contest she has entered in the past three months." Sam Says
"I Don't know what it is about that lady when she said her name slowly I really wanted to punch her in the mouth" Elena Says
"Yeah, a regular Martha Stewart, huh? Except for the devil worship, I'm thinking that was the coven we met back there, minus one member." Dean Says
"Amanda was clearly going off the reservation. What do you think, they killed her to keep up appearances?" Sam Says
"Seems like an appearance kind of crowd, don't you think?" Dean Says
"Yeah." Sam Says
"If they killed the nut-job, should we uh, thank them or what?" Dean Asks
"They're working black magic too, Dean. They need to be stopped." Elena Says
"'Stopped' like stopped?" Dean Asks As Elena and Sam gives him a look that says 'of course'.
"They're human, Guys." Dean Says
"They're murderers." Sam Says As Dean looks at Him for a second with surprise and then shrugs in agreement.
"Burn witch, burn." Dean Says As He continues to drive when the Impala stutters and starts to choke up, What the hell?
The head lights of the Impala flicker on and then back on again as it slowly comes to a stop in front of a figure sanding in the middle of the road. The view from the inside of the Impala shows that it is Ruby. Sam gets out of the car first and Dean and Elena follows.
"Ruby." Sam Says
"Sam, listen to me, there's no time." Ruby Says
"For what? What are you talking about?" Sam Asks
"You have to get out of town." Ruby Says
"Ruby Why?" Elena Asks
"So this is Ruby, huh?" Dean Says As He raises the Colt and aims it at her, cocking it, Never had the pleasure."
"Dean!" Sam Says
"I was hoping you'd show up again." Dean Says
"Point that thing somewhere else." Ruby Says
"Hahahaha! Right." Dean Says
"Sam, please. Go. Get in the car and don't look back." Ruby Says
"Why? I don't understand." Sam Says
"Hey, hot stuff, we can take care of a few kitchen witches, thanks." Dean Says
"I'm not talking about witches, you jackass. Witches are whores. I'm talking about who they serve." Ruby Says As Dean, Elena and Sam both look confused for a second, but then it dawns on Sam.
"Demons. They get their power from demons." Sam Says
"Yeah. And there's one here, now." Ruby Says
"Oh, what, you mean besides you?" Elena Says
"Sam, it knows you're in town and it's gonna come after you and its way more than you can handle." Ruby Says
"Oh come on, what is this, huh? Please tell me you're not listening to this crap!" Dean Says
"Put a leash on your brother, Sam, if you wanna keep him." Ruby Says
"Dean, look, just chill out." Sam Says
"No! No! She's messing with your head, God knows why, that's who they are!" Dean Says
"I'm telling you the truth." Ruby Says
"And I'm telling you to shut up, bitch." Dean Says
"I'm sorry, why are you even a part of this conversation?!" Ruby Says
"Oh, I don't know maybe because he's my brother, you black-eyed skank!" Dean Says
"Oh, right, right. You care about your brother so much. That's why you're checking out in a few months, leaving him all alone?" Ruby Says
"Shut up." Dean Says
"At least let me try and save him, since you won't be here to do it any more." Ruby Says
"I said shut up!" Dean Says As He moves to fire the Colt at Ruby
"Dean no!" Sam Says as he pushes Dean's arm away from Ruby as he fires the Colt, and Dean tries to fight against Sam's hold and they lock arms and both look to where Ruby was standing to see that she has vanished.
Dean and Elena gives Sam a look of disappointment and goes back to get in the Impala, as Sam looks around in vain for Ruby
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