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Bobby is walking through the house, flashlight in hand, looking around. The wind is whistling outside. Bobby hears a sound and turns around, but there's nothing there. He looks a bit worried.
When he reaches the doors to the kitchen he slowly slides them open, and takes a few steps in. He scans the room and suddenly we hear a Woman scream and she attacks him. He falls to the floor with her on top of him and she struggles with him, pulling him back and forth, while she's still screaming. The scene is flashing confusingly for a few seconds.
The screen flashes white a few times and then...
Bobby is asleep on a bed. It's daytime. The door is being opened from the outside and a maid enters the room. After a few steps she sees Bobby on the bed, who hasn't reacted to the noises she's made.
"Oh! I'm sorry." The Maid Says As She begins to walk out again, but as she retrieves the keys from the door, and Bobby still hasn't moved, she looks a bit worried.
"Sir?" The Maid Says, Since he's still not moving, she leaves the keys in the door and walks over the his bed. She touches him on the shoulder.
"Wake up." The Maid Says As He doesn't react. We flash back to the kitchen where the woman is still screaming and Bobby is trying to survive the attack. She is slamming his head against the floor.
We flash to his bed where the MaidΒ now has grabbed his shoulders, shaking him, trying to wake him up. The previous scene and the one we're flashing to seems to be a dream.
"Wake up, do you hear me? Wake up. Sir, wake up!
She turns around to the door, panicked, Help! I need some help in here!" The Maid Says
Doobie Brothers, "Long Train Runnin'" Playing in the background, We open to the bartender turning around, with a bottle in his hand, to a man and a woman. He grabs a glass and walks down the bar.
"Cheers!" The Man Says
NearΒ the bartender, he's pouring up a drink and we notice Sam is sitting in the background nursing a drink. he's tilting his glass back and forth slowly, almost spilling out the contents. He's looking sad and all the hope we usually see in him is gone. He also appears a bit drunk. The door opens behind him and Dean walks in. When he sees Sam he walks over, brows furrowed.
"There you are. What are you doing?" Dean Asks AsΒ turns to him.
"Having a drink." Sam Says
"It's two in the afternoon. You're drinking whiskey?" Dean Asks
"I drink whiskey all the time." Sam Says
"No, you don't." Dean Says
"What's the big deal? You get sloppy in bars, you hit on chicks all the time. Why can't I?" Sam Says
As Dean looks around and we see that there's not many people in the bar, just the one woman by the bar, who's quite a bit older than Sam.
"It's kind of slim pickings around here." Dean Says
As he turns back to Sam, What's going on with you?"
Sam shakes his head, and doesn't say anything for a few moments. He looks completely lost.
"I tried, Dean." Sam Says as Dean looks a bit confused.
"To do what?" Dean Asks
"To save you." Sam Says As Dean pulls up a stool to sit down next to Sam.
"Can I get a whiskey? Double, neat." Dean Says
"I'm serious, Dean." Sam Says
"No, you're drunk." Dean Says
"I mean, where you're going... what you're gonna become, I can't stop it.I'm starting to think maybe even Ruby can't stop it. But really, the thing is, no one can save you." Sam Says
"What I've been telling you." Dean Says
"No, that's not what I mean. I mean, no one can save you, because you don't wanna be saved. ...I mean, how can you care so little about yourself?,Dean takes in all this, and scoffs, and smiles a little, What's wrong with you?" Sam Says As Dean looks over to meet Sam's eyes, but before they get a chance to say anything else, Dean's cell rings.
"Hello, Elena, Hey What's, he looks surprised
What?, he looks over at Sam, Where?" Dean Says
The Impala is going down the road, quickly.
Bobby is lying in a bed and we see Elena, Dean and Sam standing next to his bed.
"So, what's the diagnosis?" Sam Asks
"We've texted everything we can think to test. He seems perfectly healthy." Doctor Says
"Except that he's comatose." Elena Says
"Ms, Singer you're his emergency contact. Anything we should know? Any illnesses?" The Doctor Asks
"No, he-he never gets sick. I mean, he doesn't even catch cold." Elena Says
"Doctor, is there anything you can do?" Dean Asks
"Look, I'm sorry, but we don't know what's causing it... so we don't know how to treat it. He just... went to sleep, and didn't wake up." The Doctor Says
Dean, Elena and Sam share a look and then they look over at Bobby.
Sam, Dean and Elena enters the room, which is the one we Bobby was in before.
"So, what was Bobby doing in Pittsburgh?" Sam Asks
"Unless he's taking an extremely lame vacation...
He closes the door as they walk into the center of the room." Dean Says
"he must have been working a job" Elena Says As They continue to walk around the room.
"Well, you think there'd be some sort of sign of something, you know?" Dean Asks As Sam opens a drawer, but it's empty. Dean does the same, and that too is empty. The room looks completely clean.
Research, news clippings.., Sam turns to the closet.
"Or a frigging pizza box or a beer can." Dean Says
As he walks away from the dresser he was looking in, and Sam walks over to the closet. We see that Bobby's clothes are hanging there. He turns on the light and Dean and Elena turns around to him.
"How 'bout this?" Sam Says As He moves the clothes out of the way and on the wall behind them hangs all of the news clippings, maps and pictures they were looking for. there's pictures of roots, mushrooms, seeds and a map where Bobby has written "Pittsburgh" in big letters and underlined it. There's post-its with addresses and numbers. There's a piece of paper about a plant.
"Good old Bobby, always covering up his tracks." Dean Says
"You make heads or tails of any of this?" Sam Says
takes one of the papers about a plant and reads the title of it.
"Silene capensis", which of course means absolutely nothing to me." Dean Says
"Here. Obit, She takes a newspaper clipping and reads from it as he skims it." Dr. Walter Gregg, 64, university neurologist." Elena Says
"How'd he bite it?" Dean Asks
"Um.. actually, they don't know. They say he just went to sleep and didn't wake up." Elena Says As Dean takes the clipping from her, reading it himself.
"That sound familiar to you?" Dean Asks
"All right, um... So let's say Bobby was looking into the doc's death. You know, hunting after something-"Sam Says As Dean and Elena looks up at him.
"βthat started hunting him." Dean Says
"Yeah." Sam Says
All right, you two stay here. See if you can make heads or tails of this." Dean Says As He points to the closet.
"What are you gonna do?" Elena Asks
"I'm gonna look into the good doctor myself." Dean Says as he walks to the door
Books and boxes are cluttered over the office, ready to be packed up and removed. Dean and Dr. Gregg's assistant comes in.
"So you're Dr. Gregg's lab assistant?" Dean Asks
"That's right." Sanders Says
"Well, his death must have come as a shock to you." Dean Says
"Yeah, it did." Sanders Says As Dean looks around the office, while Sander's stands behind him, But, still, go in your sleep, peaceful... That's what you wish for, right?"
"Yeah. Right. Dean looks at a book on the doctor's desk, Dr. Gregg uh.. studied sleeping disorders? Dreams?" Dean Asks
"I don't understand. I went over all of this with the other detective." Sanders Says As He puts down the book and looks at her, curious.
"You already spoke to another detective?" Dean Asks
"Yes. A very nice older man with a beard." Sanders Says
"Well, I'd love to hear it again if you don't mind." Dean Says
"Thing is, I'm sort of busy. Maybe we could do this later?" Sanders Says
"Sure. Yeah. Just bring you down to the station later this afternoon, and get your statement on tape, do it all official-like." Dean Says
"Look, okay, I didn't know about Dr. Gregg's experiments. Not until I was cleaning out his files." Sanders Says
"His experiments, uh...? The ones he was conducting on ... sleeping?" Dean Says
"No one knew, okay? Not the university, not anybody. I already spoke with a lawyer and he told me I can't be held liable for anything." Sanders Says
"Maybe you couldn't, but that was before the new evidence came to light." Dean Says
"New evidence?" Sanders Says
"Mm-hm." Dean says
"What new evidence?" Sanders Asks
"I'm not at liberty to say." Dean Says
"Look, I'm just a grad student. This was a gig to cover tuition." Sanders Says
"Maybe so. But, uh, still, this- this... this could go on your permanent record. Unless you hand over the doctor's research to me. All of it." Dean Says
Dean holds up his badge, that states he's a detective for Pittsburgh police department. J moves away from the door so Dean can come in.
"Look, I don't know what the RA said, but, ah, I was growing ferns." Jeremy Says As Dean walks in.
"Take it easy, Phish, that's not why I'm here." Dean Says
"Really?" Jeremy Says As Dean turns around to him. He's got a file in his hands,Oh, thank God. Okay."
"I wanna talk to you about Dr. Gregg's sleep study." Dean Says
"Yeah. Dr. Gregg just died, right?" Jermey Asks
"You were one of his test subjects, right?" Dean Asks
"Yeah." Jeremy Says As He opens his fridge and takes out two beers. He holds them up a bit, motioning as a question. He then holds one out to Dean.Unless you're on ... duty or, whatever?
Dean looks to the door for a second, and then decides to go for the beer."
"I guess I can make an exception." Dean Says As he takes the bottle and Jermey grabs the bottle opener. He opens his bottle as Dean opens his. They lift their beers to each other and then both take a swig. Dean closes his eyes as he takes in the beer, enjoying the taste. He gives a small smile before continuing with the interview.Now, Dr. Gregg was testing treatments for a, uh, "Charcot-Wilbrand syndrome"? Which means...?"
"Um.. I, uh.. I can't dream." Jeremy Says as Dean looks at him, I had this bike accident when I was a kid and banged my head pretty good and I haven't had a dream since. Till the study. You know. Sort of.
"What'd the doc give you?" Dean Asks
"It's this yellow tea. It.. it smelled awful, tasted worse." Jeremy Says
"What did it do?" Dean Asks
"Just passed right out. And uh, I had the most vivid, super-intense dream. Like a bad acid trip, you know?" Jeremy Says
"Totally,I mean, no." Dean Says
"That was it. I dropped out of the study right after that. I didn't... like it. To tell you the truth... it kind of scared me." Jeremy Says As Dean looks at him, thoughtful.
Elena is sitting by Bobby's bed, looking at him, thoughtful. Sam and Dean enters after a few seconds. Dean becomes aware of something, and he looks at Sam and Elena . They all share a look before
"How is he?" Sam Asks as Elena rubs her hand over her chin as she looks at Bobby. Sam and Dean walks to stand by the foot of the bed. Dean's got files in his hand.
"No change. What you got?" Elena Asks As She gets up and walks over to Sam and Dean, to see what he brought with him.
"Well, considering what you told me about the doc's experiments..He sighs, Bobby's wall is starting to make a hell of a lot more sense." Sam Says
"How so?" Dean Says as Sam holds up a picture of a plant from the folder.
"This plant, Silene capensis, is also known as African Dream Root? It's been used by shaman and medicine men for centuries." Sam Says
"Let me guess. They dose up, bust out the didgeridoos, start kicking around the hackey." Dean Says
"Not quite. If you believe the legends, it's used for dreamwalking. I mean, entering another person's dreams, poking around in their heads." Sam Says
"I take it we believe the legends" Elena Says As They share a look.
"When don't we? But dreamwalking is just the tip of the iceberg." Sam Says As They pick up a paper from the folder that contains info on the root and a drawing of it.
"What do you mean?" Elena Asks
"I mean, this Dream Root is some serious mojo. You take enough of it, with practice, you can become a regular Freddy Krueger. You can control anything. You could turn bad dreams good, you could turn good dreams bad." Sam Says
"And killing people in their sleep?" Dean Asks as Sam nods.
"For example. Dean sighs, So let's say uh, let's say this doc was testing this stuff on his patients, Tim Leary-style." Sam Says
"Somebody gets pissed at him, decides to give him a little dream visit, he goes nighty-night." Dean Says
"But what about Bobby?" Sam Asks As He looks over at him
"I mean, if the killer came after him, how come he's still alive?" Elena Asks
"I don't know." Dean Says as they all look over at Bobby Sleeping
We're back in the house Bobby was dreaming about in the beginning. He's holding a door closed as the woman is banging on it, making it rattle. She continues to scream and Bobby panting, scared. He looks around for something to hold the door, and grabs an old suitcase. He desperately grabs around the space, which now reveals itself to be a closet, for anything to hold the door. He grabs a broom and holds his back to the door, trying to keep it closed.
"Help me! Somebody help me!" Bobby Screams
The camera was on his face as he screamed and it now zooms out and reveals that the closet is gone and it's just a very long hallway. The camera zooms out faster and faster. HEEEELP MEEEEE!
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