ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

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We pan over a dark suburban neighborhood street and focus in on one nicely kept house.

A man in his thirties, with red hair and a beard, exits the house with a bag of garbage. He takes it out to the garbage cans and stuffs it in. As he walks back to the house, the garbage cans rattle. He stares, walking cautiously towards them. They continue to rattle; he looks up and sees a demonic cloud swirling over the Chicago skyline in the distance.

Panicked, he runs back towards the house, but trips before he gets there. A tendril of demon smoke pours into his mouth.

He opens his eyes; they are black. The now-possessed man stands, looking towards the rest of the demonic cloud now streaming towards Chicago, and smiles.


Sam is sitting in the Impala in the dark, reading a book with a flashlight. The header at the top of the page reads "Dr. Faustus", and there's information about Crossroads Deals. Sam looks up to see Dean inside the house across from him; he is wearing only an undershirt. Dean grins and gives Sam a double-thumbs up, at which Sam shakes his head, smiling fondly. A Hot Girl comes into frame from off right, and Dean shuts the sheer curtains; they can be seen undressing each other in silhouette. Sam smiles affectionately and is turning back to his book, when his phone rings.

"Hello." Sam Says

Elena Is seen Sitting along Side Bobby driving in a dark highway in his own beat-up car

"Hey, Sam." Elena Says

"Hey, Elena is Bobby With You?" Sam Asks

"Yea, But Whatcha doing?" Elena Asks

"Oh, same old, same old." Sam Says

"You buried in that book again, Elena pauses. Sam grimaces, Sam, you want to break Dean free of that demon deal, you ain't gonna find the answer in no book." Elena Says

"Then where, Elena?" Sam Asks

"Sammy I wish I knew. So where's your brother?" Elena Asks

He glancing up to see Dean frolicking in silhouette through the curtains, "Polling the electorate." Sam Says

"What?" Elena Says

"Never mind." Sam Says

"Well, you boys better pack it up. I think I finally found something." Bobby Says

Inside the Motel, Sam is knocking on the bedroom door, and opening it slowly.

"Dean?, he enters the room, Dean, you – you conscious? Bobby called, and he thinks that maybe weβ€”he stares in horror as feminine moans and Dean's "whoo-hoo" are heard, Oh, god." Sam Says

Later, Sam and Dean are in the Impala, Dean's driving.

"Let me see your knife." Sam Says

"What for?" Dean Asks

"So I can gouge my eyes out." Sam Says

"It was a beautiful, natural act, Sam." Dean Says

"It's a part of you I never wanted to see, Dean." Sam Says He chuckles, slaps Sam on the thigh

"Hey, I appreciate you giving me a little quality time with the Doublemint Twins." Dean Says

"Yeah, no problem." Sam Says

"Really? Well, I got to say, I was expecting a weary sigh or an eye roll, something." Dean Says

"No, not at all. You deserve to have a little fun." Sam Says

"Well, I am in violent agreement with you there. What's Bobby got?" Dean Asks

"Not much. A crop failure and a cicada swarm outside of Lincoln, Nebraska. Ahh, could be demonic omens –" Sam Says

"Or could just be a bad crop and a bug problem." Dean Says

"Yeah, but it's our only lead." Sam Says

"Any freaky deaths?" Dean Asks

"Nothing Bobby could find – not yet, anyway." Sam Says

"It's weird, man. I mean, the night the devil's gate opened, all these weirdo storm clouds were sighted over how many cities?" Dean Asks

"Seventeen." Sam Says

"Seventeen. You'd think it would be "Apocalypse Now," but it's been five days and bubkis.
Sam looks at him, confused. Dean pauses.
What are the demons waiting for?" Asks

"Beats me." Sam Says

"It's driving me crazy. I tell you, if it's gonna be war, I wish it would just start already." Dean Says

"I don't know, man. Be careful what you wish for." Sam Says


The next morning, Dean and Sam pull up outside a farmhouse. Dean gets out munching on a sandwich or burger. The air is filled with the sound of cicadas.

"Hear those cicadas?" Sam Asks

"That can't be a good sign." Dean Says

"No. No, it can't." Sam Says

"So,we're eating bacon cheeseburgers for breakfast, are we?" Bobby Says

"Well, I sold my soul. Got a year to live. I ain't sweating the cholesterol." Dean Says

"Hey Boys" Elena Says

"Hey" Dean & Sam Says

"So, Bobby, what do you think? We got a biblical plague here or what?" Sam Asks

"Well, let's find out. Looks like the swarm's ground zero." Bobby Says

Dean Pounds On The Front Door

"Candygram!" Dean Says

No answer but cicadas chirping. Dean picks the lock and opens the door; they cover their noses in disgust.

"That's awful."Sam Says

"That so can't be a good sign." Dean Says As He enters first, Sam behind him with a gun drawn. They creep through the house; stopping in the second room, they can hear what sounds like panicked screams.

"You hear that?" Sam Asks

They kick open the next door; the sounds turn out to be coming from a television set ,playing, apparently, an episode of "Dallas", a family of three is seated on the couch, several days dead. Sam and Dean recoil at the increased stench.

"Oh, my god." Sam Says As Bobby and Elena enters through the other side of the room and also recoils in horror.

"Dad, what the hell happened here?" Elena Asks

"I don't know." Bobby Says

"Check for sulfur." Dean Says

"Yeah." Elena Says As The Four of them investigate the room, Dean hears a noise out front and whistles quietly, then signals to the others that he's going to go check it out. Bobby, Elena and Sam circle around the other direction.

Out front, Dean exits cautiously, gun drawn, and looks around. As he comes around the house he is knocked to the ground by a man with a shotgun: Issac and His wife, Tamara comes up behind him.

"Isaac? Tamara?" Bobby Asks

"Bobby. What the hell are you doing here?" Tamara Asks

"I could ask the same." Bobby Says

"Heya, Bobby." Issac Says

Dean raising an arm pitifully from the ground and waving for attention

"Hello. Bleeding here." Dean Says


"Jenny! That is a beautiful name. That's my sister's name, actually." Dean Says on the phone

"Honey? Where's the Palo Santo?"Issac Asks

"Well, where'd you leave it?" Tamara Asks

"I don't know, dear. That's why I'm asking." Issac Says

"Palo Santo?" Sam Asks

"It's holy wood, from Peru. It's toxic to demons like holy water. Keeps the bastards nailed down while you're exorcising them." Issac Says As Tamara digs in a bag and pulls out a large, pointed stake. She hands it to Isaac with an affectionate smile.

"Thank you, dear." Issac Says

"You'd lose your head if it wasn't for me." Tamara Says

"So, how long you two been married?" Elena Asks Smiling

"Eight years this past June." Tamara Says

"Wow" Elena Says

"Oh don't worry hun a young thing like you should be married one day" Tamara Says

"Yeah, I hope someday" Elena Says

"The family that slays together..." Issac Says

"Right. I'm with you there. So, how'd you get started?, awkward silence as Tamara and Issac look at each other, I, uh, you know... I'm sorry. It's not – that's none of my business." Sam Says

"No, no. It's – it's all right." Tamara Says

"Well, Jenny, if you look as pretty as you sound, I'd love to have an ... "appletini'. He makes a face at the others at the word "appletini" Yeah. Call you.
he hangs up and addresses the group, That was the coroner's tech." Dean Says

"And?" Elena Asks

"Get this – that whole family, cause of death? Dehydration and starvation. There's no signs of restraint, no violence, no struggle. They just sat down and never got up." Dean Says

"But there was a fully stocked kitchen just yards away." Bobby Says

"Right. What is this, a demon attack? Sam Asks

"If it is, it's not like anything I ever saw, and I've seen plenty." Bobby Says

"Well, what now? What should we do?" Dean Asks

"Uh, "we're" not gonna do anything." Issac Says

"What do you mean?" Sam Says

"You guys seem nice enough, but, this ain't "Scooby-Doo," and we don't play well with others." Issac Says

"Well, I think we'd cover a lot more ground if we all worked together." Sam Says

"No offense, but we're not teaming with the damn fools who let the Devil's Gate get opened in the first place." Issac Says

"No offense?" Dean Says

"Isaac. Like you've never made a mistake." Tamara Says

"Oh yeah, yeah. Locked my keys in the car, turned my laundry pink. Never brought on the end of the world, though." Issac Says

He Chuckles, "All right. That's enough." Dean Says

"Guys, this isn't helping. Deanβ€”" Elena Says

"Look, there are couple hundred more demons out there now. We don't know where they are, when they'll strike. There ain't enough hunters in the world to handle something like this. You brought war down on us – on all of us." Issac Says

"Okay. that's quite enough testosterone for now." Tamara Says As Her and Issac leave the room.

Later, at nighttime, Bobby looks out the window, then shuts the curtains. Out of the darkness beyond the house, a mysterious young woman, with long blonde hair, steps out into the light. She stares at the house, calculatingly.


The Redheaded Man from the Teaser walks into a clothing shop. He approaches a blonde woman.

"Excuse me." Redheaded Man Says

"Yes?" Blonde Woman Says As he places a hand on her shoulder and nods towards a shoe display across the room

"Those are... nice shoes." Blonde Woman Says

"Oh, yeah. They are nice." Blonde Woman Says
As She approaches the display, where a brunette woman is looking at a pair of green pumps. She stares at them covetously.

"Those are nice shoes." Blonde Woman Says

"Aren't they?" Brunette Woman Says

"I want them." Blonde Woman Says

"Sorry. Last pair." Brunette Woman Says As She takes them and goes to the register; Blonde Woman stares after her intensely

Outside The Store
The Blonde Woman follows the Brunette Woman, who is now carrying a shopping bag, out to her car.

"Excuse me. I want those shoes." Blonde Woman Says

"What, are you crazy? No." Brunette Woman Says
Then The Blonde Woman attacks, and grabs the Brunette Woman

"What – what the – ?" Brunette Woman Says
As The Blonde Woman viciously slams the Brunettes head into the windshield of her car. She cracks open her head and blood gushes out of her eye socket, staining the window. The Blonde Woman takes the shopping bag and walks off, unconcerned.

Policemen are taking forensic evidence at the
murder scene as Sam and Elena watches. They goes into the store.

Dean is chatting up a witness, a young blonde woman; he rests a hand on her shoulder..

"What happened outside makes you realize how fragile life really is. You got to make every second count." Dean Says As She nods.

Sam and Elena approaches, Sam clearing his throat.

"Excuse me a minute, would you?" Dean Says

"Sure." The Woman Says

"Dean, what are you doing?" Elena Asks

"I'm comforting the bereaved. What are you two doing?" Dean Asks

"Workin'. Dead body, possible demon attack – that kind of stuff." Sam Says

"Sam, Elena I'm sorry. It's just, I don't have much time left, and, uh ... more theatrical coughing, got to make every second count." Dean Says as Elena Rolls her eyes

"Yeah, right. Sorry." Sam Says

"Apology accepted." Dean Says

"You know you can't play the I'm gonna die soon card forever right." Elena Says

"Oh I know making every second count" Dean Says And Winks at her Then enters - in a suit. His hair is slicked back. Dean and Sam and Elena look at him, impressed.

"Whoa,whistles, Looking spiffy, Bobby. What were you, a G-man?" Dean Says

"Attorney for the D.A.'s office. I just spoke to the suspect." Bobby Says

"Yeah? So, what do you think? Is she possessed or what?" Elena Asks

"Don't think so. There's none of the usual signs – no blackouts, no loss of control. Totally lucid. Just, she really wanted those shoes. Spilled a glass of holy water on her just to be sure; nothing." Bobby Says

"Maybe she's just some random whack job." Dean Says

"If it had been an isolated incident, maybe, but first the family, now this? I believe in a lot of things. Coincidence ain't one of them. Did you guys find anything around here?" Bobby Says

"No sulfur, nothing." Sam Says

"Well, maybe something. he nods to a security camera in the ceiling, See? I'm working." Dean Says


Sam is seated, watching the security footage, as Bobby, Elena and Dean hover.

"Anything interesting?" Dean Asks

"I don't know yet. Might just be a guy...
they watch the Redheaded Mam approach the Blonde Woman, Or it might be our guy." Sam Says


Sam leaves and walks up the street, hands in his pockets. the mysterious young woman who had earlier watched the house, slips onto the street several paces behind him and follows. Sam senses that he's being followed, stops, and turns. But she's gone, and he sees nothing out of the ordinary.


Dean and Bobby are staking out a bar, sitting in Bobby's car.

"What time is it?" Bobby Asks

"Seven past midnight." Dean Says

"You sure this is the right place? Bobby Asks

"No. But I spent all day canvassing this stupid town with this guy's stupid mug, and, supposedly, he drinks at this ... stupid bar." Dean Says

There is a loud pounding on the window; Bobby and Dean both jump. It is Sam and Elena who grins at their discomfort and they both slips into the back seat.

"That's not funny!" Dean Says

"Kinda Funny" Elena Says Then She laughs

"Yeah. Uh, all right, so – so, John Doe's name is Walter Rosen. He's from Oak Park, just west of Chicago. Went missing about a week ago." Sam Says

"The night the Devil's Gate opened? Dean Asks

"Yeah." Sam Says

"So you think he's possessed?" Dean Asks

"Well, it's a good bet. So, what, he just walks up to someone,touches them, and they go stark raving psycho?" Elena Says

"Those demons that got out at the gate – they're gonna do all kinds of things we haven't seen." Bobby Says

"You mean the demons we let out." Sam Says

"Guys." Dean Says A He See's The Redheaded Man gets out of his car and walks towards the bar.

"All right. Showtime." Dean Says

"Wait a minute." Bobby Says

"What?" Dean Says

"What'd I just say? We don't know what to expect out of this guy. We should tail him till we know for sure." Bobby Says

"Oh, so he kills someone and we just sit here with our junk in our hands?" Dean Says

"We're no good dead! And we're not gonna make a move until we know what the score is." Bobby Says

"Hey, Dad? I don't think that's an option." Elena Says

"Why not?" Bobby Asks, Elena nods, indicating another car that has just entered the lot: Issac and Tamara are heading towards the bar.

"Damn it!" Bobby Says


A woman puts a song on the jukebox; the bartender slides a beer towards Redhead Man, who is sitting at the bar. At a table, a waitress sets down drinks for Issac and Tamara.

"Thanks a lot." Issac Says

"You're welcome." Waitress Says As Issac pulls out a flask of holy water; Tamara eyes him. Redheaded Man walks past them towards the bathroom.

"Pull the car in back. We'll be right out." Issac Says

"I love you." Tamara Says

"I know." Issac Says , As he heads towards the bathroom, the Bartender grabs his arm and stops him. Tamra stands up alertly.

"What do you think you're doing?" Bartender Asks

"I'm just hitting the head." Issac Says

"No. He grabs the flask of holy water and tosses it aside, I mean, what do you think you're doing here?
His eyes flash black, Tamara stands behind Issac and they both recoil in fear, I don't like hunters in my bar." The Bartender Says

The hunters turn to see the Waitress stalking towards them, and see that the rest of the employees and patrons have turned towards them. Redhead Man walks back out of the bathroom. He and everyone else in the bar close in around them; all have black demon-eyes.

There is a loud pounding on the door and everyone turns towards it.

Bobby and Dean slam themselves against the door, trying to force it open.

"Man, you really walked into the wrong place." Redheaded Man Says

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