In the war room Cas and Jack sit at the map table and play Connect Four. He drops his black coin in and Castiel bangs his fist on the table.
"You have four of the same color connected, so... given the name of the game, I assume that means you've won." Castiel Says
The door to the Bunker opens, Cas and Jack look up.
"They're back." Jack Says
Sam walks down first, with Jody and Elena behind him.
"Jody?" Castiel Says
"Hey, Jack, Cas." Jody Says
"Nice to finally meet you in person. So, what happened?" Castiel Asks
Dean walks down the stairs, holding Dark Kaia by her shoulders.
"Long story." Dean Says
Dark Kaia and Jack look at each other, she half smiles at him.
"Hello, Jack." Dark Kaia Says
Sam, Dean, Elena, Cas, Jack and Jody all stand in circle. They face away from Dark Kaia who's standing there handcuffed.
"Jack can't help her." Castiel Says
"Yeah, we know that, Cas." Elena Says
"I already told her he's off-limits." Dean Says
"We'll find another way...we have to. I mean, Kaia
is there because of us." Sam Says
"Alright, so you, Lena and me, we'll hit the lore." Dean Says
"Yeah. Cas, why don't you and Jody dig through our stores? We might have something in the inventory we haven't thought of yet, something that can help us jump worlds." Sam Says
"I'll call Sergei, as well. He may have more archangel grace. Other than Jack, it's the only thing that's worked for us before." Castiel Says
"Yeah, good idea." Sam nods
"We're running out of time." They all turn to face her, "He's standing right there. He could bring us there now." Dark Kaia Says
"Hey, Not Kaia...not helping." Dean Says
"I can help in other ways. Research." Jack Says
"Sure." Dean Says
"Well in the meantime, what are we gonna do with her?" Elena Asks, as Jody walks towards Dark Kaia.
"Well, she killed a prized heifer just to get my attention, then she jumped me, beat me up, and threatened to kill me. Do I get a vote?" Jody Says, as
Dark Kaia glares at her.
In the kitchen Dark Kaia is chained to the table. A magazine is open in front of her. She pushes it away from her.
In the library Jack is looking through large books. He opens one and looks through it. He stands up and walks over to Sam, Elena and Dean, who sit at the table with their own research.
"Guys, what about this? La Piegatrice Mondiale. It's an old Italian spell... Stregherian magic. It means "The World Bender." Jack Says
"What're the ingredients?" Elena Asks
"Basic stuff... crystals, herbs, and the, uh... "liver of a mandragora." Sam and Dean scoffed, "What? What's that? Some kind of monster?" Jack Says
"Yeah, one that's extinct." Dean Says
"Seriously?" Elena Says
"Yeah our dad wrote about it in his journal. "A hunt in Fargo"... killed the last one." Sam Says
"Hey, why don't you go see if Cas and Jody are having any luck?" Dean Says
Jack nods and closes the book. He leaves the library room.
"We're not finding anything." Dean Says
"I know." Sam Says
"I mean, nothing that doesn't require archangel grace, which we don't have. And Michael didn't exactly leave a forwarding address." Dean Says
"Listen, I can try and jerry-rig up some magic using a substitute. But then again, the only substitute we have that would even stand a chance of working is..." Sam Says
"Nephilim grace." Dean and Elena Says
"Yeah. And I'm guessing that would be against Billie's rules. So..." Sam Says
"We're batting zero." Dean Says
Over in the storage room Jody looks through all the bottles and artefacts on the table. Castiel is on the phone.
"Sergei. Hello? It's Castiel. Call me back as soon as you can? I-I have a question for you." Castiel Says, then ends the voicemail.
"No luck with your friend?" Jody Says
"Well, Sergei is hardly a friend. But no, he's not picking up. You find anything?" Castiel Says
"Uh, well, there's a handful of unidentified objects in the inventory, but the thing about magical items is that they are not on the web. We could go analogue, check all the books, but that could take months." Jody Says
"You tell Claire?" Castiel Asks, as Jody turns around to face him.
"She's out of cell range. She's deep in Yosemite. Believe it or not, she's following up a lead on a woman in a dark cloak." Jody Says
"Apparently, a false lead." Castiel Says
"Claire has spent years looking for...revenge. She loved her...Kaia. Claire would do anything for a chance to save her, but there's just...there's no time to loop her in, and if we fail..." Jody Says
"She'd never recover." Castiel Says
"It'd kill her." Jody Says
Jody turns back to the table and starts looking through books. Castiel dials a number as Jack who's in the hall listened in on the conversation.
"Sergei, you better not be ignoring my calls. Call me back." Castiel Says
In the kitchen Dark Kaia is still chained to the table, as Jack walks in.
"Hello." Jack Says
"What do you want?" Dark Kaia Asks
"I'm sorry. It's just... you look just like her. And... H-How did you come..." Jack Says
"I don't know. You have anything else you want to say, "off-limits" boy?" Dark Kaia Says
"I'm sorry I can't do more." Jack Says
"I saw you. You encouraged her. She was scared, and you pushed her to cross over." Dark Kaia Says
"I...I wanted to help her. She was in so much pain." Jack Says, as he entered the kitchen.
"She's in pain now. And soon, she will die." Dark Kaia Says
"Because of me." He walks over to the table and sits down next to her, "Why? Why did you do it? Come here?" Jack Says
"I envied her. Her world looked peaceful. This place is... cold. I don't understand it. I don't know how to move through it. So, I just find empty spaces, and I hide. This world doesn't want me. And I'm done with it." Dark Kaia Says
Dark Kaia reaches over and grabs Jack's hands. He struggles against her hold.
"We can fix this. You can help us. Please? Please." Dark Kaia Says
She lets go of Jack's hands. He looks at her before he lifts his hands to her temples. His eyes start to glow. Dark Kaia's eyes also glow as Jack uses his powers on her.
Kaia sits in front of the fire inside her hut, singing a nursery rhyme.
"Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack, all dressed in black, black, black..." Kaia Says
Jack takes his hands away from Dark Kaia's forehead. They look at each other. He walks into
the library, as Sam, Elena and Dean still have research in front of them.
"I'm saving Kaia." Jack Says
"What?" Sam Says
"I owe it to her. She's running out of time... I saw it." Jack Says
"What, you... how? No, wait a second." Sam Says
"Jack did you dream walk?" Elena Asks
"Whoa, wait. What?" Dean Says
"Jack, what about Billie's plan?" Sam Says
"I know, I know, but...saving Kaia, it's the right thing to do." Jack Says
"You've got to be kidding me." Merle Says
Jack turns around to face Merle as she walks into the library, Sam, Elena and Dean stand up from the table.
"Who the hell are you?" Dean Asks
"Name's Merle." She Says
"She's a reaper... works with Billie." Jack Says
"How'd you get in here?" Dean Asks
"Piggybacked on the boy." Merle Says
"She's been watching me." Jack Says
"Yeah, I've been watching you screw up. One measly life on the line, and you're ready to risk it all? That's not just dumb. That's Winchester dumb." Merle Says
"Hey!" Dean Says
"I'm the only one who can do this." Jack Says
"Well, try, and I'll tell Death." Merle Says, as she and Jack look at each other.
"Okay." Jack Says
"Mm." Merle Says
Jack looks at Sam, Elena and Dean who look back him, confused. He turns back to Merle.
"Go. In the meantime, I'll open a rift to the Bad Place. I'm sure Billie will appreciate hearing about it after the fact when it's already too late." Jack Says
"Okay. And how about I just stop you? Right now." Merle Says
"You can try. Run to Billie. Tell her everything went sideways on your watch, and she how she reacts... what she decides to do to you. Or help us. Help us find the safest, smartest way to pull this off, and she never has to know." Jack Says
"Now... this is Winchester stupid." Merle Says
"But?" Dean Says
"But there might be a way. The, uh...cosmic warding that Amara peeled off these walls that somehow, you've all been too stupid to even try and repair.." Merle Says
"Uh, we fixed that." Dean Says
"Oh, you fixed part of it. You slapped up some anti-demonic monster warding. You didn't come close to restoring the original, cosmic-grade stuff." Merle Says
"Okay. Then how do we restore it?" Sam Asks
"Well, you can't...not permanently. But I know how to get it back up...for a while. But it won't be enough. This good-enough warding, I'm gonna have to juice it up, feed it. I'm gonna need to borrow your angel." Merle Says
"And with all that, you think that'll keep us off of Chuck's radar?" Elena Says
"Better hope so." Merle Says
Castiel walks into the library, followed by Jack. He hands Dean a bottle of an ingredient. Dean drops some of it into a bowl, Sam takes a spell book from Elena.
"Magia, quae olim inhaeserat in his symbolis, nunc depletes, reducatur, reducatur." Sam Says
The bowl starts to glow. Slowly, the invisible warding starts to illuminate around the arches, pillars and walls of the bunker.
Merle puts down a large rock with symbols on it on the table. Elena cocked her gun, putting it behind her back, Sam loads his handgun as he helps Dean with the backpack.
"How you guys feeling 'bout this?" Dean Asks
"Honestly? Feels like we're taking a big, probably stupid risk." Elena Says
"But it feels good. Disobeying cosmic entities, doing the, uh...dumb, right thing? Feels like we're back." Sam Says, as Elena nods half smiling.
Sam takes out a shotgun and cocks it, Jack opens the chains around Dark Kaia's hands and legs. Jody walks into the library with her duffle bag and places it on one of the tables, Castiel walks up to her.
"Hey, thanks for staying, keep an eye on the reaper." Jody Says
"Yeah. Um...Jody, I-I'd... I'd like to ask you to stay, as well." Castiel Says
"What is that? Some kind of B.S. male chivalry thing?" Jody Says
"No. No, it's not. Jody, it's, um...well, you know... I was never able to make things right with Claire, what I took from her. I mean...I'm never gonna be able to make that right. and Claire found each other, and she has you now. If something goes wrong with this rescue, and...and Kaia isn't saved...Claire will be devastated, but she'll survive. She already has. But if she loses you both..." Castiel Says
"That'd kill her." Jody Says
"Yeah." Castiel Says
"Castiel? Ready when you are." Merle Says
Castiel looks at Merle and he looks back Jody, she sighs and nods.
"Thanks." Castiel Says
Cas walks over to the table and stands next to Merle. They place their hands on the rock, over the symbols. It starts to glow, just as the warding
begins to glow as well.
"Alright, Jack. You're up." Dean Says
Jack lifts his arm and his eyes start to glow. A glowing rift appears in the middle of the empty
space in the room.
Dark Kaia walks around them and looks at it. She passes through the rift. Sam looks at Dean and Elena who nods at him. Sam passes through the rift, followed by Elena and Dean.
Dark Kaia stands and watches her world, as Sam, Elena and Dean pass through the rift behind her.
"How's it feel to be back?" Dean Asks
Dark Kaia says nothing as she continues to look around, he nods.
"Good talk." Dean Says
"Okay. Where is she?" Sam Asks
Dark Kaia starts to walk through the forest as Elena and the boys follow her. Dark Kaia suddenly stops, and holds her hand up for them to stop.
"What?" Sam Says
They hear rustling in the trees, Sam, Elena and Dean raise their guns as they are surrounded by Canids.
"The hell.." Elena Says
"Aw, crap." Dean Says
Dark Kaia, Sam, Elena and Dean are surrounded by Canids as they hold up their guns.
"Do we fight 'em?" Elena Asks
"No. This many? You'd lose." Dark Kaia Says
"Well, they seem hungry." Dean Says
"They're not hungry. They're scared." Dark Kaia Says
"Scared of what? You?" Dean Says
"No. This." Dark Kaia Says
She points up at the sky as thunder cracks and lightning flashes, as the wind picks up speed. The Canids run away.
"Let's go." Dark Kaia Says, as she walks ahead of them.
Over by Kaia's hut, she hides as the weather of the Bad Place worsens. Dark Kaia sees the hut and stops.
"What is that?" Dean Asks
"My home." Dark Kaia Says
"Kaia!" Elena Says
"Kaia!" Sam Says
"Kaia!" Dean Says, as they start to walk closer.
Kaia hears their voices. She picks up her knife and leaves the hut. Sam, Elena and Dean continue to look around. Kaia walks out of the hut and sees the boys, Dean walks up to her.
"Hey, kid." Dean Says
Kaia and Dean hug, she sees Dark Kaia over Dean's shoulder and pulls away from him.
"No, Kaia, it's okay. She helped us find you." Sam Says
"We should go." Elena Says
Dean and Kaia start to leave, as Sam and Elena follows behind them. Dark Kaia stands back and watches them leave. They all stop and turn back.
"Come on!" Dean Says
"No, I'm staying!" Dark Kaia Says
"What?" Sam Says
"This is my home. I never should've left it." Dark Kaia Says
"You know if you stay, you'll die." Elena Says
"I don't belong in your world. You do. Go." Kaia looks over at her, "GO!" Dark Kaia Says
"Come on!" Dean Says
Dean takes Kaia's shoulder and leads her back to the rift. Sam and Elena runs behind them as the skies darken as the thunder and lightning continue harshly.
Large clouds fall over the forest, as the skies become black. Dark Kaia closes her eyes as her world is enveloped by darkness.
Jody sits next to the rift, waiting. Sam passes through first, Elena passes trough as Sam catches her. Followed by Dean who holds Kaia as the rift closes, Kaia looks at Jody.
"Kaia." Jody Says
"Jody." Kaia Says, Jody walks over to her and they hug.
Later Jack paces around the room. He stops and
sees Kaia walk in, cleaned up and dressed in his clothes.
"Told you they'd fit. They do, uh...kind of." Jack smiled
"They're clean." Kaia Says
"How'd you survive alone... all that time?" Jack Asks
"Miss Mary Mack." Jack looks confused, "The nursery rhyme. My mom used, doesn't matter." Kaia Says
Jody walks into the war room. She smiles at Jack and stands in front of Kaia.
"So... what do I do now?" Kaia Asks
"Well, uh, if you want, come back to Sioux Falls, my home." Jody Says
"Will Claire be there?" Kaia Asks
"She will be. Soon." Jody Says
Kaia smiles, tearfully as she looks over at Sam, Elena and Dean.
"Thank you." Kaia Says
Elena and the boys smile and nod. Kaia walks towards the stairs, as Jody follows. She turns and smiles at them, before she walks up the stairs behind Kaia, she waves at them as she leaves.
Sam, Elena and Dean walk into the room, followed by Cas and Jack. Merle stands in the middle of the room.
"If I cared for a second about saving that girl, I guess I'd say that was a victory." Merle Says
"So, you think the warding worked? Kept us off Chuck's radar?" Sam Asks
"If it hadn't, we would all be dead, so I'd say, yeah, it worked." Merle Says
A Scythe pierces through MERLE's neck. She crumbles to ash. They all look shocked as Billie appears.
"Hello, boys." Billie Says
Dean looks at Billie, shocked, "What the hell?"
Billie looks at him before she looks over at Jack. She moves through Sam, Elena and Dean then walks toward him.
"Bending the rules already, Jack?" Billie Says
"Billie... I tried to call you." Jack Says
"I know. I was busy. Can't say I'm not disappointed, though." Billie Says
"Disappointed? You just iced one of your reapers." Dean Says
"Merle had one job...keep you in line. She failed. We're playing a big game here, and we're only as strong as our weakest players. She had to go. That's the difference between you and me. I see the big picture. I understand that one life means nothing in the grand scheme. That girl you saved from a dying world; you think hers was the only one? They're all dying. All the worlds...each and every world...but this one." Billie Says
"It's Chuck." Castiel Says
"Mm-hmm. He's been a busy boy...extinguishing galaxies. Wiping the slate clean...for the end." Billie Says
"Yeah, and what's your endgame, Billie? I mean, you lecture us about how important all this is, but we don't even know what you're doing." Elena Says
"And Jack's gonna kill God, right? Yeah? Great. Okay. How? What's your plan?" Sam Asks
"When I was a reaper, I believed in the rules. But then you killed me." She looks at Cas, "And when I became Death, I inherited Death's knowledge...and Death's library. And in Death's library, everyone has a book. Even God." Billie Says
"So God can die." Dean Says
"Everything dies." Billie Says
Flashback to 5.21 Two Minutes to Midnight. Death sits with Dean in the diner.
"In the end, I'll reap him, too." Death Says
"God? You'll reap God?" Dean Says
"Oh, yes." Death Says
"I don't understand. Why would God write the blueprint to his own death?" Castiel Asks
"He didn't. The books write themselves." She turns back to Sam, Elena and Dean, "After God made the world, he couldn't stop. He wanted more. But he needed to create a perfect harmony...a Swiss watch, so this world could keep tick, tick, ticking in his absence. He had no choice but to build himself into the framework. It's his only weakness." Billie Says
"So, Chuck doesn't know what's inside the book?" Dean Says
"No one can read their books..unless I let them." Billie Says
"What about Jack? He's in God's book?" Sam Asks
"And so are you." She looks at Dean, "I told you, Dean. You, your brother and Elena have work to do. This is your destiny. You are the messengers of God's destruction." Billie Says, as Sam, Elena and Dean look at her and each other.
The TVs are on, showing all the other worlds being destroyed. Chuck watches from a chair, as he eats fries. He picks up his drink and stands up, stretching. He starts to walk away.
As The Radio She'd Clerk is sleeping on the floor in a pile of food wrappers. He wakes up, looking unclean.
"Are you finished, sir? Is that all of them?" He Asks
"Nah. Not yet. You know, unwinding whole worlds, some take a snap, but others are more complex. They'll need more time. Attention." Chuck Says,
he starts to leave but stops.
"But you'll spare us, though...right? I mean, I've served you for weeks. I'll be okay, right?" He Says
Chuck smiles and walks up to him. He places his hand on The Clerk's cheek.
"You'll be fine. Everything's just fine." Chuck Says
The Clerk smiles as he places his hand on his cheek where Chuck touched it. As Chuck walks out of the store with a smirk on his face. He slurps the last of his drink, shakes it and tosses it over his shoulder. As he walks away, meteors fly through the sky, landing on the Radio Shed building.
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