Inside the LaVeau art gallery, Rowena stands at the bar, on the phone.
"Hello boys. I'm very sure I've done nothing that you know of to make you want to call, but how lovely to hear from you." Rowena Says
Inside the bunker library, Sam, Dean, Corinna, Castiel and Katherine are on speakerphone.
"Rowena, that's not...we, um..." Sam Says
"You'll have to speak up." Rowena Says
"We need your help." Dean Says
"Really?" Rowena Says
"Yes really." Corinna Says
"We must assemble our most powerful allies to rescue our family and confront the Archangel Michael. Now, he's in an alternate universe so-" Castiel Says
"Ah, the handsome angel is there, isn't he? Hello tweety pie." Rowena Says
"Um, hello." Castiel Says
"Lads, obviously I'd love to help after what you... oh, Sam did for me but I'm in the damp Pacific Northwest right now working on my own little project." Rowena Says
"Project?" Dean Says
"What project?" Sam Asks
"Oh, nothing for you to worry about. Just checking a few items off my little to-do list." Rowena Says
"Sure, that didn't sound ominous." Katherine Says
"Rowena, are you at a... party or something?" Sam Asks
"I am, but I'm surprised you recognise the sounds of a party, seeing as how you're all work and no play." Rowena Says
"Look, we didn't call to talk. We...the world is in danger, Rowena." Dean Says
"And I'm currently surrounded by art that makes me think the world should be in danger. Best of luck to you boys, and girls, Ah my three little musketeers. Mwah." Rowena Says, then she hangs up.
"Damn it." Dean Says
"You know, she's right. You never go to parties." Castiel Says
Sam and Dean exchange looks of disbelief and Dean shakes his head.
Inside the gallery Rowena approaches one of the guests, a woman named Elizabeth.
"Good afternoon." Rowena Says
"Hello." Elizabeth Says
"You're Elizabeth Mahler, aren't you?." Rowena Says
"Yes. Do I know you?" Elizabeth Asks
"No, but I know you. I saw you in the newspaper, didn't I? In the Oregon Tribune?" Rowena Says
"There's no need to bring up any of that unpleasantness." Elizabeth Says
"Of course not, my humblest apologies." Suddenly tango music starts up "Bernard, this is my song! Be a darling, will you?" She givess Elizabeth her handbag and then says to her. "Glad you could make it too." Rowena Says
Rowena dances the tango with Bernard and at the last move he dips her in front of Elizabeth, Rowena mutters. "Mors Lumena!"
Elizabeth screams and spontaneously combusts, Rowena smiles at Bernard.
Inside the bunker kitchen, Dean makes himself a cup of coffee and talks with Castiel.
"You know what? Forget Rowena. There's gotta be some other way we can track down Gabriel and hijack his grace." Dean Says
"Even though he could be any place on earth?" Castiel Says
"Yes." Dean Says
"Or technically, anywhere in the entire universe." Castiel Says
"I didn't say it was gonna be easy, but uh... All right, come on. Ideas." He closes his eyes and rubs his hands together. "Come on, here we go." He sips his coffee and Cas sighs, neither have any ideas "Nah. I need a real drink. I'm gonna get a beer, you wanna beer?" Dean Says
"No." Castiel Says
"I'll get a beer." Dean Says
"The Angels." Castiel Says
"What?" Dean Says
"Maybe Heaven could help us." Castiel Says
"Ah, not for nothing, but don't the angels mostly want to kill you?" Dean Says
"Yes. Yeah. This would be something of a Hail Mary." Castiel Says
"Hmm." Dean Says
"It's a sports term, like slam dunk or, uh... ball handler." Castiel Says
"That's, uh... Mnh-mnh. No, I don't think it's a good idea." Dean Says
"Well, Dean, we don't have any good ideas." Castiel Says
"Okay, just...let's just not barrel through with that like, uh, you know, like the Donatello thing." Dean Says
"We had our disagreement, but we got results." Castiel Says
"That don't make it okay." Dean Says
"I hear your concerns, and yes, the angels loathe me, and there's going to be dangers, but Heaven doesn't want the world to end any more than we do." Castiel Says
Sam enters the kitchen with his tablet, as Corinna and Katherine follows behind him.
"This is-- This is something that I have to try." Castiel Says
"We got a problem." Sam Says
"Another one? Awesome." Dean Says
"There's that sarcasm I love, but it's serious..we think Rowena is behind it." Katherine Says
"Yeah all the stuff that Rowena said on the phone-- uh, Pacific Northwest, art gallery, party--I-I think I found her." Sam Says
He hands the tablet to Dean who reads the Oregon Tribune article.
"A rich lady exploded?" Dean Says, as Katherine chuckles.
"Yeah literally." Katherine Says, as they all look at her.
"Seriously." Corinna Says
"Sorry, dark humor.." Katherine Says
"Uh, local cops are--are calling it spontaneous combustion. Pretty much." Sam Says
"Well, that does sound like Rowena." Castiel Says
"I knew it. I freaking knew it, man. You gave her that page. What'd you think was gonna happen, huh?" Dean Says
"She wanted to protect herself." Sam Says
"Yeah, by barbecuing someone?" Corinna Says
"We don't know what this is yet. Maybe she had a reason to--" Sam Says
"Doesn't matter what the reason is, that's not okay!" Dean Says
"Okay, I said if Rowena goes bad again I'd deal with it, so I'll deal with it." Sam Says
"You better. Cas, you wanna try this angel thing, then go for it. Just don't get dead again." Dean Says
At the playground where Cas hopes to access Heaven.
"Hello!" Castiel Says
From up inside the jungle gym, a man shushes Cas, and then emerges from the playhouse with a bottle of alcohol.
"Indra?" Castiel Says
"Castiel, nice blade. Uh, are we going to fight?" Indra Says
"No, no I don'tβI don't want to. I... I just need to get into Heaven." Castiel Says
"Ok, who's stopping you?" Indra Says
"This isn't exactly the welcome I was expecting." Castiel Says
"Yeah, well, we're all learning how to deal with disappointment lately. Look I could, uh...get it together to, uh...battle if you want. I mean, none
of the angels are exactly thrilled with your, uh, "ongoing adventures." But personally? Meh." Indra Says, as he drinks sadly from the bottle in his hand.
"Is that a... are you drunk?" Castiel Asks
"Well, not yet, but if I keep drinking at a pace, it starts to at least take the edge off." Indra Says
"Indra, this is an important responsibility. You're guarding the gates of Heaven." Castiel Says
"Oh, you think it's an important responsibility? You?" Indra Says, he laughs and drinks some more.
"Indra!" Castiel Says
"Hey, hey, between us, if you wanna just... say we fought and angel blade me right now, that'd be ok." Indra Says
"Is that a joke?" Castiel Asks, confused.
"Is it?" Indra Says
"Indra, what's wrong?" Castiel Asks
"See for yourself. And for what it's worth, good luck." Indra Says
Indra walks back over to the playground, he sits down on one of the spring riders. While Castiel teps in to the sandpit and disappears in a swirl of dust.
Inside Heaven's corridor leading to the throne room, he walks inside.
"Hello! Hello...hello..." Dumah and two other angels soon approach him. "Dumah, I need to talk to you. I... I know you want to murder me, and I know that you have good reason to want to murder me. But there are events unfolding on Earth and, um...well.. the archangel Gabriel, he's alive. And I need to find him before Michael, who's... It's not our Michael. It's another much, much worse Michael. I need to find him before that Michael invades this world to... to either subjugate or destroy it. Or both, probably in that order. And there's also the problem of... of a missing nephilim and Lucifer. He's back too. It's... it's been an eventful few weeks. I realize that this may be a long shot but..." The lights dim several times before coming back on. "What is that?" Castiel Says
"Castiel, I think, I think that maybe we could help each other." Dumah Says
At night, driving down the highway, crossing into Idaho. Sam and Dean try to get in touch with Rowena, Sam looks at this phone and sighs.
"Damn it." Sam Says
"Still no answer?" Corinna Asks
"Yep, still no answer." Sam Says
"You know I don't wanna be right about this but..I mean, look, I want the fun flirty Rowena that mostly helps us, but you gotta be ready for, uh...not that." Dean Says
Suddenly a woman appears in the back seat of the car with Corinna and Katherine.
"Or maybe she just has bad cell reception." Jessica Says
"Ah!" Corinna Says
"What the hell!" Katherine Says
Dean slams on the brakes and pulls the Impala over, the boys, Corinna and Katherine get's out of the car and confront Jessica.
"What the?" Dean Says
"Who are you?" Sam Asks, pointing his gun at her.
"Hi, Dean." Jessica Says
"Wait... Jessica?" Dean Says
"So you know her?" Katherine Says
"Yeah, she's a reaper. She tried to take me into the light. Didn't work out." Dean Says
"It really didn't. And honestly it's been a little sad watching you go this long without telling Sam about me." Jessica Says
"Hold on a second. What do you mean "watching?" Sam Says
"Well, after Dean's little trip to the Veil, Death asked me to keep an eye on you two, in case." Jessica Says
"In case of what?" Dean Asks
"This, I guess. I don't ask Death questions. Never goes well." Jessica Says
"So what, you--you've just been... hovering around us, invisible, like a--like a baby sitter?" Sam Says
"No, no more like a baby monitor." Jessica Says, smiling.
"And--and you've seen, um..." Corinna Says
"Oh, everything." Jessica Says
"You mean, like, everything everything?" Dean Says
"I'm especially fond of Sam's impressive...extensive array of hair products. Oh and that very interesting conversation Corinna and Katherine had in the kitchen a while ago." Jessica Says, as Sam looks at Corinna.
"Uh.." Corinna Says
"What conversation?, What's she talking about?" Sam Asks
"Oh it's nothing." Corinna Says
"Just girl talk." Katherine Says, she winks at Corinna who shakes her head.
"Oh and not to mention, the three day old bacon cheeseburger in your room Dean, or the VHS tape hidden under your bed labeled "Sweet Princess Asuka Meets the Tentacles of Ple--" Jessica Says
"Okay, all right, all right, that's not cool, okay? That's-- First of all, that's a classic. Secondly, the burger's for emergency cases only." Dean Says, as they all grimace at him.
"Okay, that's just gross." Corinna Says
"The porn I get because you know he's him, but a three day old burger..dude." Katherine Says
"Shut up, now back to you why are you just manifesting now?" Dean Asks
"People in Portland have been dying outside of their assigned times, because apparently someone has become powerful enough to do that." Jessica Says
"Rowena?" Sam Says
"So I've been instructed to offer my assistance as a resource." Jessica Says
"Wait, you said people are dying, as in more than one." Corinna Says
"Four. So far." Jessica Says
"Yeah, okay, well, uh, we're handling it." Sam Says
"But if you need anything-" Jessica Says
"We don't, and we won't." Sam Says
"Cool. Well, I'm around. Always." Jessica Says
She gives Sam and Dean a knowing look and then disappears.
"Okay. Well you know, we could've actually used her help." Dean Says
"We could... Seriously? You trust her?" Sam Asks
"No I don't trust her. But between the--the reapers and Death, the hell's this witch got us into, huh?" Dean Says
"Whatever it is, I don't like it already." Corinna Says
Inside Rowena's hotel room, she's sitting at a desk, looking at a photograph of young Crowley in a frame.
"I've become too sentimental. That's the problem. Whoever would've expected." Her phone rings, it's Sam calling, she doesn't answer "Oh, this won't be fun, Bernard. The Winchesters keep calling and they won't just give up. They'll come here. But we won't let anyone stop me from fixing things. I'm capable of anything now. Anything." Rowena Says, as her eyes glow purple.
Sam, Corinna, Dean and Katherine arrive dressed as FBI agents and go inside to examine the scene of Elizabeth Mahler's death.
"Uh, the victim's name was Elizabeth Mahler. I'm in her e-mails right now." Sam Says
Katherine is fiddling with her suit, Corinna looks at her.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Corinna Asks
"It's just-" She sighs. "This suit I hate it." Katherine Says
"That's my suit." Corinna Says
"Yeah and it sucks, why couldn't I wear my regular clothes." Katherine Says
"Because part of being a hunter you have to play the role of an FBI agent, FBI agents don't wear lace shirts with revealing cleavage, and four inch heels." Corinna Says
"Hey, it's okay to be jealous because I have a better since of style." Katherine Says, as Corinna half smiles.
"You quit complaining." Katherine smirks at him, and holds her hands up. "Now anything look like Rowena bait?" Dean Asks
"Hard to say. Um...so Mahler was the CFO of a local pharmaceutical company. Getting a lot of traction on the lo--Oh, wow." Sam Says
"What?" Dean and Corinna Says
"Look at this..." He shows Dean, Katherine and Corinna the article on his tablet. "Pirodine pharmaceuticals. According to this article, they
sold thousands of improperly labelled drugs." Sam Says
"So, what, people got sick?" Corinna Says
"People died. Uh, wow. Mahler's lawyer got her off on a technicality." Sam Says
"Sneaky bitch." Katherine Says, shaking her head.
"Okay. So, what? You think she deserved it?" Dean Says
"No, I'm done defending Rowena, okay? I'm-I'm just reading what's there." Sam Says
"Okay, I have a question. If that's Elizabeth Mahler," She points to a second, faint burn marn on the floor beside Elizabeth's ashes. "Then who the hell is that?" Corinna Says
"I don't know. Article only mentioned one person. Wait a second. I've seen something like that before." He searches on his tablet. "No way. That is what's left of a reaper." Sam Says, as he shows Dean and Corinna an image on the internet.
"I have an idea...come on." Dean Says
Sam, Katherine and Corinna exchange looks then follows behind Dean, who leads them outside.
"What?" Sam Says
"Yo! Jessica!" Dean Says
"Hi." Jessica Says
"Hi." Corinna Says
"Hey, Reaper." Katherine Says, lamely.
"Hi. So, uh, that dead reaper in there, is that why you're all of a sudden so interested in helping?" Sam Says
"I'm glad you're ready to chat now. This will be a positive experience." Jessica Says
"Okay, you can drop the whole warm and fuzzy thing." Dean Says
"That's just a useful affect. I'm still an instrument of death." Jessica Says
"You don't say." Katherine Says
"You know, you could have told us Rowena was killing reapers." Corinna Says
"And I would have, but you were "handling it." Jessica Says, looking at Sam.
"Okay, all right. Talk." Dean Says
"Rowena's changing people's fates. She's killing them before their time and when a reaper shows..." Jessica Says
"She torches them, too." Sam Says
"Yes." Jessica Says
"But, Why?" Corinna Asks
"You'll have to ask her when you stop her. Because if she keeps this up, she's going to throw off fate. The whole greater machinery of death." Jessica Says
"So That means..." Sam Says
"Have you ever heard of the butterfly effect?" Jessica Asks
"Ashton's second best movie." Dean Says
Sam and Corinna looks at Dean, incredulous.
"Yes, of course. Uh, uh, one small mistake can--can cause all kinds of bad. What about it?" Sam Says
"If just one person dies before their time, a lot of things that were supposed to happen, don't. The ripple effect from just one early death can affect hundreds of lives. And changing their fates changes even more fates until things just become sincerely unfortunate, and we have to hit the reset button." Jessica Says
"What does that mean?" Corinna Asks
"Usually? A mass kill off. Like the Black Plague or a mid-sized war. Something to wipe the board clean. So... your help in avoiding that would be greatly appreciated, by everyone.
"If it's so bad, why don't you stop her?" Dean Asks
"You've met Billie, right? She's got rules. Clean hands. No interference. Well, no direct interference, anyway. We can't stop her, but you can." Jessica Says, as she looks directly at Sam.
"What, me?" Sam Says
"Death keeps notebooks with all the ways a person might die, depending on their choices. Dean's seen his." Jessica Says
"I gotta whole shelf." Dean Says
"Wait really?" Corinna Says
"Mhm, yours is there and yours to Katherine." Jessica Says
"Do I have a whole shelf as well, not that I care." Katherine Asks, smirking.
"Oh yeah, and it ends with a certain someone here killing you.." Jessica Says
Jessica briefly looks over at Dean, then back over Sam, Katherine follows her gaze and nods.
"But in Rowena MacLeod's notebook, her death is always the same she's killed, Sam Winchester, by you." Jessica Says
Inside Heaven's throne room, Castiel is bored waiting and the lights repeatedly dim and brighten. Eventually, Dumah enters.
"Sorry to keep you waiting." Dumah Says
"It's fine. Actually, it's--it's not fine, because all of creation is at stake, but here we are." Castiel Says
"Yes, well...there's a lot going on." Dumah Says
"Yeah, I noticed. Dumah, what did you mean that we could help each other?" Castiel Asks
"Find Gabriel and bring him back to us, back home, and we can help you with everything else--battling Michael, defending Earth." Dumah Says
"I can't find him...That's why I need your help." Castiel Says
"Right. Well, then, that's a problem." Dumah Says
"I don't understand. Can't you find a few angels to-" Castiel Says, then suddenly Naomi enters.
"That's enough, Castiel." Naomi Says
"Naomi." Castiel Says
"It's not that we won't help you. It's that we can't." Naomi Says
It's Night, Dean is driving while Sam sits in the passenger seat. Corinna and Katherine sits in the back, while they discuss the case.
"Okay, it definitely looks like she's working her way through these Pirodine pharmaceutical people." Sam Says
"Have any idea who's next?" Corinna Asks
"No, I mean everyone mentioned in the articles is already dead. Wait a second. Except for James Melford, the, uh, CEO." Sam Says
"Alright, what do we know about him?" Dean Asks
Jessica appears in the back seat again "He's dying."
Everyone in the car jumps at the sight of Jessica, Katherine and Corinna glares at her.
"Geez." Corinna Says, sighing.
"Stop doing that!" Dean Says
"Seriously, can we put a bell on her." Katherine Says
"What do you mean he--he's--" Sam Says
"James Melford's already bound for hell, but his time of death just shifted." Jessica Says
"To when?" Sam Asks
"Now." Jessica Says
At James Melford house, he is currently bleeding to death on the ground outside his home. Writhing in agony, as Rowena stands over him.
"This is a lovely backyard, but you really shouldn't have tried to run, James." Rowena Says
"Please..." James Says
Rowena bending down near him "After what you've done to so many sick people all over this country, letting them suffer and taking their money? You should consider this death a blessing, because you're finally helping someone else."
"Who?" James Asks
"Shh. Wait for it." Her eyes glow purple as she looks around "Ah, there he is." Rowena Says, a reaper appears.
"You can see me?" He Says
"Aye. Do you have a message for me from your boss? One quick chat, and all of this will end." Rowena Says
"Death doesn't negotiate with witches." He Says
"We'll see. Mors lumena!" Rowena Says, as James and the reaper both scream as they combust.
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