Chapter 20
Nyra's POV
Despite feeling so comfortable in Damon's arms, it was just not going to happen.
I couldn't get the image of Klaus out of my head.
Everything that I had told Damon about believing in Elijah was a lie, but I didn't want him to die himself trying. I didn't know what else to do, it was all becoming so real. I knew I needed to tell everyone what happened last night and the time we had dinner before Klaus himself blurted it out.
Elena and Stefan were already in the living room, so was Elijah. and I started to telling them everything. "Sounds like my brother." Elijah commented at the end of my story.
"He has always wanted to keep one doppelganger, but of course, it was never possible."
"What does he mean, keep her?" Elena asked him.
"Klaus likes to have trophies. Human trophies."
"What does he do with these....trophies?" I asked, unsure of whether or not I actually wanted to know.
"I'm sure you can already imagine." He responded.
I sure as hell don't want to.
"And when were you planning on informing me of this?" We all turned our heads to see Damon stepping into the room, staring straight at me.
"I didn't know how you would take it." I said softly.
"What were you doing there anyway?" He pushed, ignoring the fact everyone else was still in the room.
"Can we talk about this later?"
"She's right. We have much more important things to discuss." Elijah said, changing the subject. "Tonight is a full moon. We should assume that Klaus is prepared to break the curse."
I breathed out, placing a hand on my stomach. I just didn't expect this to be happening so fast.
"Elena said that the sun and moon curse is fake." Stefan said.
"It is?" I asked. Elena nodded.
"It's actually just a curse placed on Klaus." She told me.
"Klaus is a vampire born of a werewolf bloodline." Elijah continued on from her. "The curse has kept his werewolf aspect from manifesting. But if he breaks it, he'll be a true hybrid."
"Oh...that does not sound good."
"It's not.
"Then why are we letting him break the curse?" Damon asked him. "We can kill him today. With Bonnie." Damon said as he looked at me.
"We can't, Damon." I sighed.
"And why not?" He squared up to me.
"She can't use that much power without dying." Elena told him. "This is our only option."
"I'll write her a great eulogy."
"Damon." I scowled. "We're not doing that." He frowned at me clearly not happy with my response. "We already told you, no one else is dying."
"How do we break this curse?" Stefan asked Elijah.
"The ritual itself is straightforward. The ingredients, so to speak, you already know." I felt Damon eyes on me, but I tried not to look into them. "The moonstone, which a witch will use to channel the power of the moon, to release the spell that's bound within the stone. After that, Klaus being both werewolf and vampire will sacrifice one of each. "
"And where do me and Nyra fit into it?" Elena asked him.
"The final part of the ritual. Klaus must drink the blood of the doppelganger....doppelgangers in this circumstance." Elijah said, looking between me and Elena. "To the point of your deaths."
"Both of us?"
"Technically only one, but because we are unsure of the 30%, you both have to."
"Then why is Klaus saying he wants to keep Adnyra?" Stefan asked him.
"If he takes Elena first, he will be able to determine by the time he gets to Adnyra, if he needs to drink all her blood." Elijah told us. "If she has the 30%, then 20% will be enough to keep her alive, but extremely weak."
"Well that's not going to happen. I might have a better chance since i'm a werewolf" I said sternly. "And because that's when you come in."
"This is an elixir that I acquired some 500 years ago for Katerina." Oh yes, so Elena tells me that Elijah also was one of Katherine's stupid followers. I also remember the longing look he threw at Adelaide in my vision. So that means....his type is the doppelganger type....I'm so in! I loved the way he says her name. "It possesses mystical properties of resuscitation."
"So, we'll be dead?" Elena asked.
"And then you won't."
"Sounds good to me!" I cheered.
"That's your plan?" Damon jeered. "A magical witch potion with no expiration date?" He pulled my hands against his chest, "You want to come back to life, what about John's ring?"
"Those rings only work on humans." Elijah interjected. "A doppelganger is a supernatural occurrence, odds are the ring would not work."
"I was already a supernatural occurrence?" I gawked. "Cool!"
"I'd take those odds over your elixir." He scoffed. "What if it doesn't work, Adnyra?"
I felt everyone's eyes on me, I didn't know what to tell him, if it didn't work, it didn't work., "Then, I'd be dead.....or Klaus'...trophy." I replied while looking away.
"Wha-?" His hands dropped mine and without further words, he exited the room. I sighed and debated with myself whether to go after him or not. I don't know how I'd be if the situation is reversed. it's hard.
"Do we know if Klaus has everything he needs to do this?" Elena asked Elijah. "Does he have a werewolf?"
"Klaus has been waiting to break this curse for over 1000 years. If he doesn't already have a werewolf, my guess is by tonight, he will."
"I'll go see Damon." Stefan said as he stood up.
"Does he often do this? Your boyfriend?" Elijah asked me.
"He's not my boyfriend." I told him.
"Does he know this?"
I am going to take these questions as an act of jealousy on Elijah's part! "He only does it because he cares about me."
"You don't believe the elixir will work, do you?" He asked.
"I hope it will." I told him, "But I'd be lying if I say I'm totally convinced."
"So why did you lie to Damon?"
"Because I agree with my twin on one thing. He is here because of us and for that reason, I can't let people I care about get hurt." I sighed softly. "What chance is there that I am the 30% and end up Klaus' know what? I can't even say it."
"If I'm honest, Adnyra, I would say the chances are high."
"Why would you say that?"
"Because you're the youngest out of the two of you. I assume that Elena got the 70% and then you got the rest."
I nodded, "Get out!" I heard Jenna shout.
"Right, that's it." I put my fists up, whoever this mother fucker was who was scaring my aunt was going down!
"Jenna, Jenna!" I then heard....Alaric? I ran out to see her holding a crossbow up at Alaric, it was actually quite a funny sight. "Jenna, put the crossbow down, ok? It's me!"
"Stay away!"
Damon and Stefan came in to see what was going on. "What's going on?" Elena asked them.
"It's me, Elena. I swear." Alaric said.
"It's him." I told them all.
"How can you be so sure?" Damon asked me.
"You're all forgetting. I met the real Klaus last night which meant he is back in his true form."
"He could have switched back." Damon shot back.
"Why? There would be no point in it." I retorted.
"He let me go. Klaus let me go."
"Prove it." Damon retorted.
"Ok....uh...." He scanned around thinking of something to say to get us to believe him, although, I already did, but the others needed to be convinced. "Ok I got it-" He said with his eyes landing on Jenna.
"Ooo.... Give us the dish on you and Jenna." I wiggled my brows.
"The first night you and I spent together-"
"This is getting good!" I whispered to Elena.
"Adnyra and Jeremy walked in-"
My eyes widened, "Ok, it's him!" Both me and Aunt Jenna called out at the same time.
Everyone turned to us, "Ok, look, I see all the judgement in your eyes, let me just explain-" I told them all.
"Can't wait to hear this." Damon smirked.
I closed my eyes thinking about to that scarring day.... "Well...."
This was going to be embarrassing.
Couple of months ago
"You know Pollux, I think it is good of you to treat me! Especially as I have been wanting to see this film for ages!" I went on and on, thanking Pollux for taking me to see 'The Maze Runner' It just seemed a good film that I would have loved! Damon definitely wouldn't come see this with me and Elena is too busy with Stefan, so it was nice when Pollux had offered to take me.
So far, so good, we were in our seats and waiting for the movie to begin. "I didn't realise this movie was so popular." I said looking around. "And that there are no guys." I looked at the audience suspiciously. I looked around and the audience was filled with mostly women, but there were a few guys present, but they looked miserable. Why would they? This sounds like an epic film!
"Err..." Pollux said just as it was about to show the certificate bit. "Look! There is Jeremy!" He went without even looking into the crowd to see if he was there.
That was weird. I stared at Pollux suspiciously, but looked over anyway. He was right! There was Jeremy! "OH yeah! But where is Bonnie?" I saw a guy who looked just like Jeremy wearing a cap trying to hide his face a row behind us.
"Wait what?" Pollux turned around. "That does look like him..." He said to me.
"You just said it was...."
"I made it up! Are you sure that's him?"
"It is him, look!" I grabbed my popcorn and threw it at the potential Jeremy. I nudged Pollux hard. The potential Jeremy looked up and we saw that it was in fact Jeremy! He was looking excited to see the film until he saw us, his smile dropped.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Pollux asked him in shock. "Where is Bonnie?"
"She err, cancelled."
"So why are you seeing this movie then?" Pollux asked, eying him suspiciously.
"The tickets were non-refundable." He stuttered, Pollux grabbed his tickets to see that the tickets were only brought ten minutes ago.
"You wanted to see this movie!" Pollux said grinning at him.
"No, I ..." He stuttered again and looked around, I looked confused. "Nyra is here too!"
"Yeah dude, you know I've been wanting to see this movie for ages!" I said excitedly, Jeremy gave me a weird look.
"You hate this movie..." Jeremy pointed out.
"No I don't..."
"Yeah you do... You complain about it all the time!"
"What are you..." The audience then started clapping, we looked to the screen to see the movie was starting.
Imagine my disbelief when Bella and Edward appeared on the screen....
Fricken Twilight.
My jaw dropped. "You bastard!" I hissed to Pollux. "This isn't The Maze Runner! This is Breaking Dawn!"
"Well what do you know." He smirked.
"You tricked me! You said we were going to see The Maze Runner! This movie doesn't contain Dylan O'brien! That is a low blow Pollux! Low blow! I want an apology! Right now, right here, apologise! I think-" All the girls turned to me and went SHHHH.
"When we are alone, I am going to do very illegal things to you" I whispered to Pollux.
"I love it when you talk dirty to me." He replied. "Now sit back and enjoy the movie."
"How can I?" I moaned.
Then I realised.....Jeremy had come on his disguise to see Twilight! I will never look at my cousin the same, ever again!
I sulked through the first part of the movie. Things changed towards the end, I shamefully begun to get really into it. At the end, I gasped, "No!" Pollux gave me an odd look. " What about Jacob!"
"What about him?" Jeremy interrupted. "Edward is the one for her!"
"Na-uh! He left her in the second movie or did you not see that Gilbert?" I argued back, everyone was starting to leave the cinema.
"He did it to protect her! Unlike Jacob, controlling werewolf!"
"He is not controlling! He was there when Edward was not! She wouldn't have survived if it wasn't for Jacob." I said shoving Jeremy.
"I cannot believe you guys are arguing over who is best for Bella, Edward or Jacob. A few hours ago I thought you both hated this film!" Pollux pointed out.
We ignored him.
"Without Edward she wouldn't have a life in Forks! And did you see the way he purposed!"
"Yes I did and it was disgusting, she is far too young to get married!" I stressed. Jeremy shoved me back.
"They are in love! It does not matter!"
"He just wants to marry her so he can get laid! 108 year old virgin!" I hissed.
"There is nothing wrong with waiting for the right person! And how do you know he is a virgin? Where does it say that Nyra? C'mon tell me where it says it." Jeremy yelled pointing at the screen.
"Look at him! Of course he is a virgin!" I scoffed.
"If he is so ugly then why are so many people on Team Edward!"
"They feel sorry for him! Robert Patterson is just a bad influence on kids!" I angrily said to Jeremy. Jeremy gritted his teeth and got all up in my face.
"How did you work that one out genius?" He said in a threatening tone.
"He is making kids think its ok not to wash!"
"Say one bad word against him again, I dare you."
"He needs to stop being over protective of her!" I yelled.
"Jacob isn't her type!" Jeremy argued back.
"Dude, look at it this way, how old is Edward? How old is Bella, Edward is beyond a paedophile, that's super creepy." Oh I went there.
"That may be, but Edward is seventeen, its just he has been seventeen for a long time, he's a vampire so he can't age and Bella and Edward have a daughter Renesmee and Jacob imprints her while she is still in Bella's womb, that would make him a paedophile too." Jeremy had a point. "And furthermore, what about you and Damon? Huh? He is like ten times your age!"
"Don't bring Damon into this, It's not even like that!!!"
"I just did, bitch! What is so wrong with Edward? He is a good looking lad, nice, sweet and he will protect her!"
"If you think that Edward is good looking, you must have been dropped on your head when you were born."
"If you are on Team Jacob then you have issues, the books would have been so much better if he wasn't in it!"
"Technically, if Jacob didn't exist, there would be no main problem for the main character to face, therefore making an even MORE plot less, pointless series." I growled back. "He treats Bella better than Edward ever did!" Pollux just stood there with his popcorn in shock.
"Jacob treats Bella better? Edward was going to KILL himself if Bella died. and at least he didn't force her to kiss him! Jacobs an idiot. Go Team Edward!" Jeremy raised his arm in the air.
"Jacob understands Bella for who she really is...not some good smelling meal!" I tugged Jeremy's arm back down. We were the only ones left in the cinema. "What girl in their right mind wants to snuggle up against a cold, hard statue?"
"Listen bitch, Edward is the fairy tale ending, Jacob is just the consolation prize, Bella even admits that she could only be happy with Jacob, just happy. Edward is more than that, he is the perfect one for her, her soul mate, she should be with him!" Jeremy replied crossing his arms and waiting for me to reply.
"Edward forfeited his hand in the second book. it's Jacob's turn now. Edward treats her like a daughter, like a porcelain doll, while Jacob treats her like an equal." I responded, Jeremy remained quiet for a moment, whilst I adjusted my invisible tie.
"Jacob didn't imprint on Bella, therefore she isn't his true soul mate, Bella made her decision, Jacob just needs to get over it."
"FUCK YOU! I'm right! You're wrong! I.." I yelled.
"GUYS!" Pollux shouted interrupting us, we both looked at him. "You're not seriously fighting over this are you?" We exchanged looks.
"Err no." Jeremy scoffed.
"Yeah we were just kidding around! Right Jer?"
"Right Nyra."
An hour later
"Edward is a coward! He left her, Jer!" I yelled at him. "Did you not hear me? He LEFT her! Yes, he thought it was best for her, but HELLO, who the hell decides what's best for her?" Jeremy shook his head in disagreement.
"Look-" Jeremy said sternly. "Edward cares more deeply for Bella, as he's demonstrated time and again in his efforts to maintain a distance from her, knowing that his presence puts Bella in danger."
"Thank god Jacob came and cheered her up or else she would have died of depression! Even though Bella made it clear that she belongs to Edward, Jacob never gives up, he still fights even though he's fighting a losing battle!"
Yep, an hour had passed and me and Jeremy were still fighting over Edward and Jacob. A debate I never thought we would have!
"Stalker." Jeremy coughed.
"Some call it stalking, I call it caring!"
"Edward is more suitable husband material and Edward's forced abstinence policy is more in line with the nation's religious and moral values."
"What the fu-"
"Right, that's it." Jeremy put his foot down. "We need to settle this now."
"How do you suppose we do that?"
"Let's go ask Jenna!"
We both stormed up the stairs and without thinking, stormed into Jenna's room. "Jenna! Tell Nyra that Edward is-" We both froze on the spot.
"Ah...ah.....AHHHHHH!" I yelled, covering my eyes. "OH MY GOD!"
"OH MY GOD!" Both Jenna and Alaric tried to cover up.
"I think....I think I've just lost all will to live." Jeremy spluttered. "RUN AWAY!" He grabbed me and we ran from the room.
"I CAN EXPLAIN!" Jenna yelled after us.
Took us a while to face them again, but that disturbing sight never left me.
Back to present time
I shuddered as the memory came flooding back to me, a memory that I had tried hard to forget. "And that's what happened."
"Wow." Jenna said. "That's what you wanted me for?"
"Jeremy likes twilight?" Elena questioned.
"I don't think that's the most important thing right now." Damon pointed out.
"Right, yeah. Continue!"
"Why did he let you go?" Stefan asked Alaric.
"He wanted me to deliver a message. Sacrifice happens tonight." Our worst fears were confirmed, I looked up to see Damon's eyes close. "I need to sit down." Alaric mumbled and we followed him into the main room.
"What happened, Ric?"
"I don't remember anything." He replied. "It's like I blacked out and woke up three days later." His eyes flickered onto Jenna for a moment. "Katherine was there."
"She's under compulsion. Damon snuck her some vervain. She can't leave until Klaus tells her she can."
"Where is Damon?" I asked, looking around, he hadn't come into the main room with us.
"I saw him go upstairs." Elena told me.
"So, what did I do?" Everyone looked at me so I take it they were going to tell him about the dance incident.
"I'm going to go see Damon." I told them and quickly scuttled out of the room. That would be incredibly awkward.
Damon was pacing when I found him. "You left." I said as I walked into the room.
"Didn't want to hear anymore." He stated. "Why didn't you tell me about your interactions with Klaus?"
"I didn't want to wake you up." I shrugged. "I wasn't even sure he was Klaus and-"
"Why were you even with him?"
"I just needed a break from all this. Don't be like this, Damon. You all of people should understand why I'm like this."
"Why? It clearly doesn't matter what I think."
"It'll be fine! I'll drink the elixir and it will bring me back to life."
"You're forgetting what good hearing I have." He told me, I titled my head in confusion, "I heard your conversation with Elijah. You don't believe the elixir will work as much as I do."
"It will work."
"You hope it will work, but you don't believe it." He frowned. "There has to be another way."
"There isn't. There is no easy solution for this, Damon. Nothing we do is going to make this go away and if we keep on trying, we're only going to anger Klaus and someone will get hurt."
"So you're just ok with being Klaus's trophy, are you?" He snapped at me.
"Of course I'm not ok with it, I just don't know what to do about it!"
"Do you know what vampires do with their trophies? They're basically like pets, Adnyra" His eyes poured into mine, "You see what happens with Andie? With Klaus it will be ten times worse. He will work you until there's nothing left of you."
"Elijah will kill him. I won't be his pet."
"That is not a risk I'm willing to take." He said to me sternly, his hand reached out to me. "I'm not putting your life in his hands."
"I don't want to die, Damon. I don't want to be his trophy, you act like I want this, I am terrified, more than you know. I am so scared, but I know this is what needs to happen."
"What if your not the 30%? Then you'll die."
"Then I die. I'd rather be dead then be Klaus's pet."
"How can you give up so easy?"
"I'm not giving up, I just don't know what else to do. There is no easy solution."
His eyes flickered back to mine, he pulled on my hands so I was closer to him. "I can't lose you, Adnyra."
I squeezed his hand. His eyes searched mine, trying to find the confidence behind my statement. I pulled him in for a much needed hug. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and everything inside of me was screaming. I pulled away and flashed a smile at him before moving towards the door. I was near it when Damon appeared in front of me. "What are you doing?" I asked him suspiciously.
"There is another way." He told me.
"We've been through this, there's no-"
The veins started to appear under his eyes, "Damon, no." I said sternly. He bit into his wrist. "NOT TODAY!" I legged it for the door, he swiped me under his arm and carried me to the bed. "DAMON NO!" I kicked my legs out. "YOU ARE MESSING WITH THE WRONG TWIN!" He laid me down gently and held my arms down with ease. "This isn't the way, Damon! Don't!"
"I'm not going to lose you." He said sternly. "I'm sorry.
He forced his wrist into my mouth. I tried to push him off me, but he put his other hand round the back of my head, forcing me to take the blood. I tried not to swallow it, but it started to consume my mouth and I had to. I felt it trickle down my throat. I could finally breathe when Damon was thrown off me. I rolled and fell off the bed. "Ow." I rubbed my butt.
I couldn't taste the left over of his blood. Oh god.
"What did you do?" Stefan yelled at him. "What did you do to her?"
"Nyra!" Elena ran to my side.
I gagged, "That stuff is vile." I choked.
"I saved her life."
Stefan went down to my side too, "Did you swallow it?"
I nodded at him and wiped my mouth. "You're so bent on dying, this was I know you'll come back to me." I stared up at him, but not with anger, unlike everyone else.
"As a vampire." Stefan snapped. "She'll come back a vampire. You don't even know if she'll be able to"
Elena rubbed my back and kept asking me I was ok, I was fine! I think everyone was over reacting, that or I'm under reacting.
"How could you of all people take that choice away from her?" Damon looked down at me, sadness was painted on his face. "And you claim to have feelings for her?" Stefan scoffed. My stomach and mouth dropped at that statement in shock. I— I'm just not able to form a single thought at the moment.
"You can say what you want about me, but don't you ever question how I feel about her." Damon hissed. He then turned to me, "Go ahead, wish me an eternity of misery. Believe me, you'll get over it." Stefan upon hearing this, shoved him and Damon's body hit the wall.
"Both of you, stop it!" I yelled out. Damon retaliated and shoved Stefan up against the wall using the broken lamp. "Damon!"
"Admit it. You just wish you had the balls to do it yourself to Elena." Damon spat at him.
Stefan growled and kept punching Damon. "Get off him!" I tried to tell him, but he kept going until Damon was knocked to the ground. As he went to go for him again, Damon stuck the broken lamp into Stefan's mid drift.
All I could hear was yelling, gasping, I just closed my eyes done with this whole fiasco.
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