Chapter 19
Nyra's POV
I HAD ARRIVED at the Lockwood mansion and I entered quietly.
"I will not make that same mistake again" Elijah said, staring straight at Elena.
"Adnyra, how nice of you to join us." Elijah states with a smile.
I felt my knees grow weak at the sight of Elijah but I tried to shake it off.
"I came to ask you about a vision I had a couple of nights ago," I started but paused when I saw Elena's confused expression.
"Elena, can you wait in the car? Adnyra and I need a moment alone," Elijah said, causing Elena to walk out the door.
Is he deliberately trying to get us alone? Finally, my chance to seducing him has come! Marry me please Elijah!
"Please sit" He purrs and I try not to react.
"So tell me, what is it that you wish to talk about"
"A couple of nights ago I had a vision that took place near the first century, and you were in it. But I think you were human" I said slowly so that I could see his reaction.
He looked at me in shock but motioned for me to continue.
"In this vision, my name was Adelaide. I was best friends with Kol and I had a twin sister named Tatia. I think I was also courted with someone. I just need some answers." I finished fiddling with my fingers.
"Adnyra, this is something not many people know. You are a Doppelgänger but you have inside of you the memories of Adelaide,"
"So I'm a reincarnation?" I asked in shock.
"Yes, a reincarnation of Adelaide, a close friend of my family. To answer your previous statement, you were courted with Klaus,"
"That explains why I felt comfortable talking to you and why Klaus has an obsession with me.'
"Adelaide was Niklaus's first love and he's been obsessed with finding her reincarnations."
"Wait, so that means Katherine had a twin sister?"
"Yes, Katherine had a sister named Natasha. Niklaus was upset that she betrayed him to help Katerina. You see, when a reincarnation goes through something that changes their life or a supernatural change then they gain the memories of the reincarnations before them and Adelaide. When Natasha turned, she gained those memories,"
"Whoa, and where is she now?"
"She disappeared, most believe she is dead. You would have to ask Katherine"
"Wow, and I thought life couldn't get even more complicated,"
After our delightful conversation, me and Elijah met up with Elena so that she could drive us to the Salvatore residence.
When we had arrived, I heard a large commotion with my supernatural hearing.
"What is going on here?" I ran into the Salvatore house pushing the Salvatore brothers away from each other.
Elijah soon enough enters with Elena. Elijah looks at me and I internally screamed.
"You invited him in?" Damon snapped at Elena and I.
"Elijah and I renewed the terms of our deal."
"The two of you will come to no harm at my hands." Elijah spoke calmly. "I only ask for one thing in return."
"An apology."
"In that case-" In French I've seen how they apologise, pucker up Elijah! I stepped forward, but Damon pulled me back.
"A what?"
Stefan and Damon both exchanged looks, but it was Stefan who stepped forward. "I'm sorry for the part I played in your death. I was protecting Elena and Adnyra. I will always protect them." See, what I loved about Stefan is that it wasn't just Elena, it was me too, he was becoming like an older brother to me.
"I understand." Elijah responded to Stefan's apology. Everyone's eyes then turned to Damon.
He stared darkly at Elijah. "It's going to happen Damon." I said to him as I pulled out of his grasp, "Whether we like it or not."
"Bonnie will kill Klaus without hurting herself and Elijah knows how to save mine and Adnyra's life." Elena told him.
"See, I told you we'd find another way." I said to him.
"Is that true?" Damon asked Elijah.
"It is."
"And you're trusting him?" Damon asked.
"I am." Elena responded.
"And you?" He looked down at me.
"What choice do we have?"
"You can all go to hell." Damon stared coldly at all of us, including me before leaving the room.
I hated the look he gave me and I didn't want it to be this way.
"It's ok, Adnyra. He's just angry with me right now."
"And me." I replied to Stefan.
"He'll come around."
"Will he? You know how stubborn he can be." I sighed and moved my hair back, "I'm going to go talk to him."
"I don't think that's a good idea." Stefan said,
"I have to." I told him sternly and moved in the direction Damon went.
I went to his room to find him unbuttoning his shirt with the scowl still on his face. "I thought I told you to leave." I thought he had heard me for a minute, but then I heard Andie.
"You didn't compel me." She answered; Damon rolled his eyes at her. "I want to be here." I watched from the door way. "Just let me be here."
Just when even I thought he was going to give into her, he grasped her by her throat, "I'm upset." He spat, "You know what happens when I'm upset." His voice was shaky and he seemed like he was just going to break down. "You have to leave."
"No." She told him, "You need to know that somebody cares about you. Adnyra doesn't care about you but I do!"
Whoa there, what does that mean?
His mouth twitched in anger and I saw a flash on his fangs before they were hidden in Andie's throat. I gasped and clutched onto the wall. She screamed out in agony as he continued to drain her. He shoved her to the ground, by the fireplace where she began to sob.
"Look at me." He bent down to the ground and grabbed her face, forcing her to look at him. "Get out of here, before I kill you." She didn't move. "Go." She still didn't budge. "NOW!" He screamed at her causing her to flee from the room.
His head turned and he finally saw me there. Blood was dripping from his mouth but it was his eyes that made me forgive him. He was so torn up and I could see it clear. His eyes were watering and his breathing was staggered. "Do not make the same mistake Andie just did."
I stopped where I was. He stared dangerously at me, even though I knew he wouldn't hurt me, I slowly backed out of the room and closed the door behind me. Within seconds I heard smashes within the room, knowing he was taking out his anger.
I just didn't want to be here anymore.
So I left.
I left without anyone hearing me, I left without a word.
I know they'd want to keep me with them, but right now I just felt suffocated by them all.
I walked all the way to grill. Normally I hated walking, but I really needed to clear my mind. I sat at the bar and hoped Pollux was around to give me a drink. "Oh for god sake." I looked up to see James, the bartender that I always annoy to pass me some alcohol. "What? What else you possibly say?" For once I wasn't in the mood to annoy James.
Man. I must be depressed.
"Nothing." I mumbled.
"Nothing?" I didn't reply. "Hey asshole, I'm talking to you." Still depressed. "I said, hey asshole." He repeated. That urge to annoy did not kick in. "Did you not hear? I just insulted you?" I sighed. "I called you an asshole're going to do nothing?" I didn't even look at him. "Don't ignore me! Insult me! Anything!" He left me be for a moment before returning.
Without a word, he placed alcohol in front of me and walked away.
Wow. Looks like James missed the happy me!
I so knew I was growing on him.
I sighed before remembering what happened the last time I was here.
I grabbed the glass of alcohol and gulped it down.
I stuffed $20 bill in the cup before leaving the grill.
I ran home and as I was walking on the lawn, a voice stops me.
"Hello, Adnyra."
"I err....."
I looked both ways and then tried to run, but within seconds he gripped me by my shoulders and pulled me towards him. One second, we were standing on the lawn, the next; I was on the porch, trapped between the wall and Klaus. He had my arms in a tight hold over my head, his fingers wrapped around my wrist. My struggle was pointless; he was stronger and would easily dominant.
The kind nature of Nick's face had disappeared and a nasty smirk was put in its place.
Why was I so attracted to the originals? I didn't think they could come any hotter than Elijah and then BAM, Klaus.
Finally, after a long struggle, I gave up and slumped back, I lazily looked at him, "Alright, you got me." I said. "So, is this you or just another innocent person you've taken over?"
I tried to act cool, calm; I didn't want to give him the vibe that I was afraid; I didn't want him to have the power.
"This is my true form, love." He answered and unfortunately what a hot form it was. I attempted another struggle, he sighed, "Humans can be so melodramatic. You should make yourself comfortable, you're not going anywhere anytime soon."
I looked at him, "What do you want?" His smile was infuriating., infuriatingly hot. Why do I feel an attraction to all vampires? I felt like I was in movie, I felt bad ass! "Is it my blood? Are you here to feed from me?"
"I'm not hungry, sweet heart, but thanks for the offer."
"Believe me, that was no offer." I retorted.
"Don't you like to be fed from?"
"You haven't experienced the Salvatore brothers feeding from you?"
"That's none of your business." I replied. I noticed how close we were, I could feel the outline of his muscular form as his mid drift was pressed against mine.
"They must not have been doing it right. I'm sure you'd find it more pleasurable with me." He smiled.
"You don't know anything about my relationship with them."
"Sounds like there isn't much to know." His eyes left me and roamed over my house. "Now, why don't you be a dear and invite me in."
"Ha, no." I scoffed.
"Now, now, you've been so welcoming so far."
I glared at him, "You can't bully your way into my home, Klaus."
"Your hospitality is heart-warming." He replied.
"You don't have a heart."
"It's an unnecessary organ."
"Look enough with this back and fourth, just tell me what it is you want?" I rested my head back, trying to keep up with the harsh eye contact we were making.
"You are quite intriguing, Ms. Gilbert," Klaus began. Wait, he doesn't know that I was raised by the Argents? Thank god. "I confess that thoughts of you have consumed me, as of late." His face leaned even closer, too close for my liking. Barely inches away from my face. I felt every inch of him pressing against me. His gaze followed the movement of his hand. Starting from my left cheek where his index finger traced. He stroked my lips, caressed his way down my neck and then my chest until pausing just above my exposed cleavage.
"Please. You don't know anything about me."
"I beg to differ."
He released his grip on my arms, I pushed him away. "Answer the question, what do you want?"
Klaus leaned back against the porch railing, and hooked his fingers into his pockets. He gave me a calculated smile. "I'm here to remind you."
"Oh you want to remind me that you're going to kill my sister in a couple of days? Well thanks, I'll mark it down on my calendar, it's appreciated."
"Now love, it doesn't have to be like that."
"And what does that mean?"
"It turns out that I may able to keep you after all."
"Excuse me, what?" He raised his brows with a smile on his face. "Keep me? What the heck does that mean?" I raised a brow this time.
"As a trophy."
I scoffed, "Are you serious? I would rather die."
"I'm afraid that's not up to you love."
"Fuck you."
Yeah, I swore.
The asshole needed to hear it. He couldn't kill me, not yet anyway.
He chuckled lowly, "Well aren't you sweet?" He stated, I watched him run his tongue over his fully extracted fangs. "Interesting," He muttered as he did nothing, but stare at me
"What?" I breathed out not realising how long I had been keeping that breath in.
"I realised what a good diversion you would be," His eyes ran carelessly down me, taking in what he could, not caring how uncomfortable and naked he was making me feel.
"Spirited ones, like you, are always the most fun to break." His eyes met mine and smirked as he wished to get a reaction out of me. Well, he wasn't going to get one.
"It's been so long since I've had a trophy, I normally bore of them after the first week, but something about you makes me think differently." He pressed me once more against the wall, trapping me.
From what seemed like forever, he broke away from me.
"I'll be seeing you soon, love."
And he was gone.
I was still backed up against my house. For a few moments, I could move. After knowing about this for so long and finally meeting the man, it didn't feel real. I cant believe he looks the exact same but with short hair.
"What the hell just happened here?" I said out loud.
I looked at my house, I just didn't want to be there, now that Klaus was around, now that I actually had seen him, I couldn't.
Guess it's more walking for me.
It was really late by this time I got to the boarding house and when I got there, everyone was asleep. I crept into Damon's room to let him know what had happened only to find he was too. I guess this could wait until the morning.
I hovered beside Damon's bed and tried to decide whether to stay or leave. I decided it was best to leave but before I could move, Damon grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him on the bed. For a moment, I thought he was going to kick me out, but instead, he put his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. I cuddled into him and tried to forget all about what had just happened, despite knowing that would be impossible.
Hey wonderful humans! I appreciate all the support I have gotten from all of my readers!!Thank you all again!
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