||Tuesday, oct 29th
8:54 am
Bleh fuckin awake >:(
8:41 am
We're here at the dentist, I kinda made us a bit late oops 🤭 anyway I was pondering this in the car, If zombies are undead do they have blood? Because I think their usually portrayed with blood when they get injured? Idk I don't like stuff with zombies. But anyway, you'd think that the blood would dry up when they die, and assuming their bodies stay mostly the same when the erm resurrect-idk the word- But their bodies stay decayed, so idk why they would suddenly have flowing blood.
Guys unfortunately I just lost 14 brain cells because the tv at the dentist waiting room just started playing a fucking baby shark Halloween song 😭😭 I'm dying omg
12 something
Back from the dentist 👺 WHY DOES MY MOM YAP WITH THE DENTIST SO MUCH HER APPOINTMENT TOOK LIKE TWO HOURS 😭 anyway i have no cavities >:) cause im very cool 😱😱
1:27 pm
Omg- it's so windy out. I just checked the weather app and it says 24 mph winds with 38 mph gusts
2:46 pm
Going mini golfinngggg at a pirate themed place it's kinda cool
Me...doing really badly on one particular hole: LET ME COOK‼️👺
Noah: (name) I don't think you've even turned on the stove..
My phone wondering my I keep opening it but not unlocking it-
Me staring at my Circe saga lockscreen :33
8:37 pm
Yippee had cakeeee and now I'm watching a show with my dad :p
12:40 am
Oopsie I forgot to update and post this. Anyway happy birthGAY to my brother, he's 18 now chat when's he gonna move out?? (The answer is not anytime soon 😔)
Nighty night!~Glow
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