ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

β€’ The Truce β€’

Teaching at UA was great, there was something about raising the next generation of Heroes that was really fulfilling to the faculty. However, if you were to ask for a downside of teaching at the prestigious school, every member of staff would say the same thing.


March was a horrible period for UA because this was the month sandwiched between the entrance exam and the beginning of the school year. It was at this time when all the teachers were tasked with sifting through the many applicants for UA, sorting them into courses then even further into classes.

This probably would've been easier if all the teachers weren't pro heros with tight schedules but alas they were just that. So, to combat this misfortune the heroes collectively decided on one day where they were all free and made the very "wise" decision to lock themselves in the teachers lounge and plow through the work in a single day. So wise and responsible!

This brings us to the present day. Friday. It was a bitter morning, winter had passed quickly leaving no remnant of snow behind, only a perilous chill that felt like thousands of needles stabbing into you at once. Around 6am was the time the faculty started rolling into the lounge, they were all positively dreading this day which could only be described as hell. However this year was different from the rest; the number one hero was here, and surely he could lighten the load?

As if. This particular year there was a Tsunami of applicants, more than usual; the teachers were questioning whether they would actually get this done in one day. The last to arrive was Aizawa who was dragging in a whining Hizashi. With that, they officially initiated the day by locking the door.

The day slowly rolled on by, the only noise in the teachers lounge was Mic's aggressive typing and Midnight's occasional complaints of how bored she was, other than that it was silent. The sun rose to its peak and began to sink again without notice. The day was coming to a satisfying end.

Over the course of the evening, the teachers appearances had taken a steady decline. Hizashi's once tall hair fell limply over his shoulders, the blonde had passed out on his keyboard at around 7pm and hadn't woken up since. A line of drool slipped down his chin as he peacefully snoozed. Even the Number One hero was slowly losing the will, he hadn't opened his eyes in a good hour, yet he was still typing? Was he on autopilot, is that a thing?

Aizawa was the only one still going strong, the man was used to staying awake as an underground hero but even he was reaching his limits. I wonder if you've asked where Nezu is? The 'beouse' had been working from home all month, it was difficult to distract him so he didn't feel the need to go to the school where he would watch as his staffs mental stability dramatically fall.

9pm. They were finished. Hizashi woke up with a start when he heard Midnight's cries of happiness, of course he soon joined her in the sob fest. The rest of the teachers sat there, waiting for their brains to catch up with the fact they were free of the shackles that were paperwork.

"We did it, no more work for a year!" Nemuri cheered, snapping the teachers out of whatever trance they were in.

"Have you forgotten we have to teach for the rest of the year?" Vlad King asked monotonously.

"Shut up, i can't bare the thought of coming back to this school ever again." Mic wailed, sluggishly walking towards Aizawa who tried to swat him away.

"I don't think i have the energy to even walk." All Might blanked, the man was seriously considering sleeping in the teachers lounge rather than going back home. The number one hero everyone!

"Lets get drunk." Midnight smirked mischievously. The teachers slowly turned their heads towards her giving a look which can only be described as a "what the fuck" look. "Don't look at me like that. Theres a good bar downtown, lets drink away our stress together!" The ravenette finished.

"That can't be healthy."

"I mean, alcohol sounds really good right now." Snipe hummed making Nemuri's Cheshire cat smile widen even more. That comment seemed to set off a few murmurs of agreement amongst the heros. "See, see. Come on, don't be a stick in the mud." Nemuri sang.

Although, not everyone was in agreement. "I literally can't even drink, there is nothing i will gain from this trip aside from a shorter lifespan." All Might deadpanned.

"Since when was the symbol of peace such a downer." Midnight groaned. "I don't care if you die sooner, we're going out for a drink." With that the girl grabbed The number one hero by the wrist and dragged him out the door, the rest of the teachers following like ducklings.


They were lost.

Not surprisingly the group of pros had taken a plethora of wrong turns, you could blame it on the exhaustion however some would argue that the teachers were a mess. The modern city buildings loomed over the group as if they were rubbing in the fact they were lost, this area of the city wasn't the safest either. They had passed at least three street fights and Hizashi almost got decked in the stomach while Aizawa laughed.

How are these people teachers?

"I didn't even know this part of the city existed?" Snipe sighed, inspecting all the buildings and back alleys. He definitely didn't want Mic to get almost punched again.

"Look Sho, Karaoke! We should go there sometime."


"Oh my God, a bar." Nemuri shouted, thrusting her finger towards a rundown building that only just resembled a bar. The others whipped their heads around, their eyes following the direction of Midnight's finger. What they saw thoroughly disappointed them, they were here for a good quality bar not borderline drug house.

"I get some bad vibes from there." Thirteen said, concern lacing their voice. The other teachers nodded vigorously behind them but Midnight just sighed disapprovingly, heading towards the entrance without a words in reply.

The door the the establishment was nothing special, below average even, the wooden frame was rotten and chunks were practically falling off. It honestly felt like it would crumble to dust if you breathed on it too aggressively. Gently, Midnight used the knuckle of her pointer finger to lightly knock, making sure she blew off the residue of wood chips afterwards.

It took a second before any shuffling was heard, it was obvious that the person who owened this place was apprehensive to open the door but he was coming, clear through the sound of heavy footsteps. The door opened a slither with a loud creak to reveal him.

The villian boss, Tomura Shigaraki. However the teachers didn't know that yet, infact to them this was just a man with some type of hand aesthetic. It wasn't abnormal, Best Jeanist wore nothing but denim but nobody questioned that?

Shigaraki's point of view differed dramatically from the pro's. To him a bunch of ragtag homeless hobgoblins had just shown up at his supposed secret hideout. What the hell master? Though, it didn't take long for him to realize who the hobgoblins actually were.

Heros or more specifically the heros he was literally just plotting to kill. Also there was this freakishly skinny man who creeped out the handy man, like 'go eat food.'

This realisation hit the villian like a whole truck of bricks, he froze with his mouth hanging wide open. Why the fUck were they here, was he about to get arrested? Had master screwed him over? Should he just kill them now? What-

"Hellooo, earth to hand fetish guy, no offense though don't kick me oout." Midnight sang in a very playful tone before Aizawa jabbed her in the stomach to shut her up. "Are you open or not?" The man deadpanned.

'Open? Like open for a fight?' Shigaraki thoughts were spiraling, his brain kicking into overdrive as he strained to figure out what the fuck was going on.

"....yes?" The bluenette said devilishly, he was trying to be threatening but he just sounded like an idiot. He was expecting the heros to rush him at once, activating their quirks to put him out of action. What he was not expecting was for Midnight to sashay past him, seductively patting him on the back.

He was so confused he wanted to cry.

The rest of the teachers followed close behind, all taking a seat at one of the few tables in the bar. The place was nothing fancy but it had a humbling feeling to it that made the heros feel quite comfortable.

Shigaraki on the other hand was severely uncomfortable. "What do you want?" He asked, genuinely baffled. This question caused yet another misunderstanding between the villian and heros.

"I want some whiskey with ice."

"What why"

"Because i want to get blackout drunk, why else?"

Shigaraki slowly did a 180 and walked over to Kurogiri who was manning the bar. He needed fatherly advice, a band of strange heros had walked in and started demanding alcohol, he was on the verge of screaming and handing himself in to the police.

The mist man listened intently to Tomura's concerns, taking in every word and slowly trying to calculate a plan.

"It would definitely be a mistake to kill them right now, especially since All Might isn't here. We wouldn't want to jump the gun." He started. "I think your best option would be to bare it for tonight, form a truce of sorts?"

"A truce? Fine but only for tonight." The villian growled taking the tray of alchohol to the hero hobgoblins who had made themselves at home in his evil, secret base.

Unbeknownst to them this one in a million chance encounter had changed the course of fate dramatically, this truce had initiated the butterfly effect and it was going to be spectacular....


I finally finished this oml. It took so long to find a writing style i was comfortable with; I've landed on an extremely chatty one, i hope you don't mind. Thanks for reading the beginning of this shitshow!


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