ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

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Why is All Might so cute? He's such a baby. This chapter is just me being an Erasermic hoe, so enjoy it.

After mOnThs i finally found the button that centres text. WHY IS IT FUCKING INVISIBLE???


Also known as:
β€’ Crying in a Wendys
β€’ All the ships sailed
β€’ A disaster
β€’ Breaking gender stereotypes with 3-Arson


~~A wild name guide~~

β€’ Oboro Shirakumo - Loud Cloud
β€’ Nemuri Kayama - Midnight
β€’ Tensei Iida - Ingenium
β€’ Mirai Sasaki - Sir Nighteye
β€’ Tsunagu Hakamata - Best Jeanist
β€’ Shota Aizawa - Eraserhead
β€’ Emi Fukukado - Ms Joke
β€’ Anakuro Hirooki - Thirteen
β€’ Ryuko Tatsumi - Ryukyu
β€’ Tashiro Toyomitsu - FatGum
β€’ Hizashi Yamada - Present mic
β€’ Yagi Toshinori - All might
β€’ Enji Todoroki - Endeavour
β€’ Rumi Usagiyama - Miruko
β€’ Keigo Takami - Hawks
β€’ Yu Takeyama - Mt Lady
β€’ Kan Sekijiro - Vlad King
β€’ Tomoko Shiretoko - Ragdoll
β€’ Kazumi Tsuchinoko - Uwabami
β€’ Shinya Kamihara - Edgeshot
β€’ Inko Raimura - Inko Midoriya
β€’ Rei Shirogane - Rei Todoroki
β€’ Mitsuki Kirameku - Mitsuki Bakugou

Friday 29th February 2102
Existential Crisis Squad
~[03 : 02]~

Enji Todoroki:
Whomst the fuck is banging pots together at 3 IN THE MORNING

Tsunagu Hakamata:
mE. Because everyone needs to get up~~~

Anakuro Hirooki:
What do you want best jeanbitch? I'm trying to sLeeP??

Tsunagu Hakamata:
We have prom in t-minus 18 hours, we need to prepare.

Shota Aizawa:
We don't need 18 hours to prepare for a dAncE. Go. Back. To. Bed.

Yu Takeyama:
Wow i can tell you've never been to a dance before? You need to spend the day getting ready, duh.

Hizashi Yamada:
Isn't that what you do at weddings, not prom?

Emi Fukukado:
Someones been researching weddings uwu

Rumi Usagiyama:

Hizashi Yamada:
Shhhh shhh shhh.

Kazumi Tsuchinoko:
Your not denying it dear, and Aizawa is being awfully quiet~

Tsunagu Hakamata:
Ohohoho. High school sweethearts, how cute!

Hizashi Yamada:
I didn't give promise rings for no reason :>

Oboro Shirakumo:

Anakuro Hirooki:
He died to deliver that information. Fly high angel✊

Keigo Takami:
Good to know the ShoZashi ship is sailing smoothly, but whats happening with the other ships? YuMuri, ReNji, ShinYuko and whatever the fuck is going on with Ankuro and Shirakumo.

Nemuri Kayama:
Me and Yu are still dating but we don't got time for marriage like those losers.

Yu Takeyama:
Or the money. The YuMuri ship is πŸ…±οΈroKe-

Enji Todoroki:
None of your fucking business bird.

Rei Shirogane:
He means we're sailing smoothly too.

Anakuro Hirooki:
Whatever do you mean, i don't have time for relationships :)

Ryuko Tatsuma:
Sure sure. My relationship is going great too.

Keigo Takami:
B o r i n g . Nobody broke up, why are we all so successful?

Mitsuki Kirameku:
Your forgetting about heartache of the ToshiInko ship. It sank in first year and is rusting at the bottom of the ocean.

Yagi Toshinori:

Tsunagu Hakamata:

Shota Aizawa:
If we need the whole day to prepare maybe wait until its the actual dAY?

Tsunagu Hakamata:
NO because i need to cry in a Wendys right nOW, Shota. N o w .

Kan Sekijiro:
But wHy tHo?

Tensei Iida:
Obviously because we're graduating in 3 days and none of us are prepared to become functional members of society much less actual heros. You know what, Tsunagu I'll cry in a Wendys with you :")

Rumi Usagiyama:
Well when you put it that way,, I'll drive.

Shota Aizawa:
As long as you don't cry in the kitchen again, have a field day. Im going back to sleep.

Yagi Toshinori:
Uh Hizashi where are you? I was going to get you for our crying session at Wendys but your not there.

Tashiro Toyomitsu:
Check Aizawa's room lmao.

Hizashi Yamada:

Yu Takeyama:

Hizashi Yamada:
Just go without me-

~[10 : 31]~

Kazumi Tsuchinoko:

Tsunagu Hakamata:
Enji make breakfast, we don't have time to fanny on

Shota Aizawa:
Never, ever say that again.

Enji Todoroki:
Since when do i fucking make breakfast?

Yagi Toshinori:
Since literally everyday? Where the hell have you been

Nemuri Kayama:
I just tried to make pancakes and now they're on the ceiling :/

Keigo Takami:
Enji is on his way, he literally blew my door off to get to you.

Enji Todoroki:
The hell? There aren't any pancakes on the ceiling? There isn't even a shitty Nemuri in the kitchen.

Tensei Iida:
You fool, you have fallen for a classic blunder

Enji Todoroki:

Oboro Shirakumo:
We'll let you out when you make us breakfast. Now go, food slave, cook like you've never cooked before.

Enji Todoroki:

Yagi Toshinori removed Enji Todoroki from the chat

Yagi Toshinori:
Thats so he doesn't distract himself sending us death threats when he should be making eggs. :))

Tsunagu Hakamata:
Great! Now everyone sit down so i can do your hair.

Emi Fukukado:
Wuut you can do hair? I mean it makes sense but wuuut

Tsunagu Hakamata:
My mom works in a hair salon, im trained in the art of hair styling and successfully murdering someone with a hairdryer.

Anakuro Hirooki:
Oh shit. Teach me too, sensei.

Hizashi Yamada:
I can do peoples makeup :]

Yu Takeyama:

Rumi Usagiyama:
Whats everyone wearing? Me, Enji, Keigo and Tsunagu are wearing matching suits because we're the best group obviously.

Nemuri Kayama:
Ill challenge that right now, me and the other five are wearing heels because i want to see the boys face plant.

Hizashi Yamada:
Bold of you to assume i don't wear heels on a daily basis

Tensei Iida:
I also put fairy lights on my suit so i can shine like a motherfuckin Christmas Tree! Haw Yee brotheRs.

Anakuro Hirooki:
Im going in suspenders

Mirai Sasaki:
Breaking gender stereotypes with class 3-Arson.

Saturday 1st March 2102
Prom Cam with Oboro
~[00 : 21]~

Oboro Shirakumo:
Ok so, someone spiked the drinks. Probably Anakuro but whatever. I was the only smart one who brought my own water and kept my phone in my shoe.

Oboro Shirakumo:
So that means, my dear classmates, your all probably reading this hungover since i know 90% don't know what your doing. Which is why im hiding in the corner as i out your drunken doings.

Oboro Shirakumo:
So, Torino and the other teachers ditched like an hour ago. Im sure we shouldn't be left unsupervised but who am i to question the authority.

Oboro Shirakumo:
So as soon as we arrived at gym gamma Tensei rolled his ankle walking in the heels. What a loser. So him being on level with Einstein asked Rei to just freeze his whole leg? Now he's running around with the bubble machine trying to throw it at Nemuri

Oboro Shirakumo:
Rumi literally tried to strip down naked which would've been scaring for my poor baby eyes but Enji stopped her by suplexing her out a window?? I think she's unconscious for now but hoo boy.

Oboro Shirakumo:
Hizashi and Shota went missing like 2 hours ago, and i don't want to assume anything but they're definitely going at eachother in a bathroom. Or they left to go on a date which is also reasonable. Either way they're looong gone.

Oboro Shirakumo:
Yu just stopped Nemuri from assaulting and now they're both joining Enji and Yagi on the dance floor. Did i not mention the fact Enji and Toshi are acting like best bros now? Its very weird. Almost stranger than Keigo crying on the ceiling while Tsunagu shouts profanities at him. Or almost stranger than Mirai just falling unconscious in the middle of the room. Almost.

Oboro Shirakumo:
Ryuko and Shinya are slow dancing and its really cute, honestly couple goals. Enji and Rei were like that at first but then the alcohol came and everything went to sHiT. Rei and Mitsuki just started doing DDR without the mat, while Inko cheered them on.

Oboro Shirakumo:
Ive seen like 10 different phones lying on the floor and smashed to pieces. So if your not reading this, sucks to be you. Anyway so far prom has beem 10/10 successful no doubt half of you will wake up on a beach.

Anakuro Hirooki:
Oboro stop being a little bitch and come here. This is our song hoe.

Oboro Shirakumo:

Saturday 1st March 2102
Oopsie daisy~
~[12 : 46]~

Yu Takeyama:
Wow i see why alcohol is bad now..

Keigo Takami:
I don't think i was even drunk? Just sad.

Enji Todoroki:
Fuck off Toshinori

Yagi Toshinori:
I refuse to believe i was dAncInG with that rabid dog.

Oboro Shirakumo:
I have a video sooo =~=

<Oboro Shirakumo sent a video>
A lovely video of Enji and Toshinori having a dance battle with Nemuri and Yu. They're failing at the Macarena.

Nemuri Kayama:
Look at us go. A couple of quirky, drunk teens :')

Hizashi Yamada:
I'm lost. I woke up somewhere that is definitely not the dorms or UA?

Tsunagu Hakamata:
πŸ‘€ πŸ‘€ πŸ‘€

Shota Aizawa:
I booked us a hotel room because our class was being annoying, i just went to call room service for breakfast.

Hizashi Yamada:
I love you πŸ₯Ί

Tashiro Toyomitsu:
Get married like right now. You're too cute

Tomoko Shiretoko:
Calling me single in 10 different languages. Smh.

Yu Takeyama:
That called me single and im not even single. Nem, wheres my breakfast?

Nemuri Kayama:
Im at starbucks. Thats the best you'll get with me.

Rumi Usagiyama:
Ill take a Caramel Frappuccino. Thanks my love xx

Emi Fukukado:
I woke up early this morning to see Shinya cooking with Ryuko. Itt gave me my serotonin for the day.

Oboro Shirakumo:
To the person who sToLe my heels? Fuck you, those were expensive.

Mitsuki Kirameku:
You can pry them from my cold dead hands : )

Inko Raimura:
Hisashi didn't show up but thats okay i still had fun :>

Kan Sekijiro:
Girl just bin him. He doesn't deserve you

Yagi Toshinori:

Kazumi Tsuchinoko:
And now we're graduating on Monday. Im not ready.

Tsunagu Hakamata:
Wendys tomorrow at 3am again? Anyone is welcome.

Rei Shirogane:
Ill be there .


Oh shit, we're already at Graduation? My children are growing :")

So sTaY tuNeD foR tHaT!

D a d - M i g h t

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