𝟎𝟓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒐𝒔 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉
𝑳𝒊𝒛𝒛𝒊𝒆 𝒂𝒘𝒐𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 with numerous messages from Stiles.
Derek this. Scott that.
It was extremely wearing. As far as she could tell, Derek had been arrested and Scott had freaked out in Stiles' car and gone all wolverine on him.
She stepped out her front door and closed it behind her. The cool fall air sent a soft shiver down her spine. She was dressed in a cosy, oversized grandpa sweater and some baggy grey jeans. On her feet were her trusty grey converse. Her neck and wrists were cluttered with silver jewellery. Her face was buttered with her usual of mascara, a miniscule of eyeliner and some clear gloss.
The leaves from the trees were finally falling. The orange crunched under her feet as she lifted her earphones into her ears and blasted Lana Del Rey. There was something so romantic about listening to Lana on an autumn morning that Lizzie couldn't find a way to describe.
However, no amount of young and beautiful could distract her from the pure chaos in her life right now. She felt as if she was living in an alternate universe sometimes. She just couldn't wrap her head around the fact people were going about their business whilst the next-door neighbour was thrashing around with fangs and claws once upon a full moon.
Walking to and from school usually took Lizzie twenty minutes and today was no different. She passed the banana yellow school buses just as Kayla stepped out of one. The two girls linked arms and entered the school together. Kayla didn't need anything from her locker, so she followed Lizzie straight to hers.
"We seriously need to have a sleepover soon. It's been like... ages." Kayla requested as she tapped on her phone and Lizzie loaded her books in and out of her locker. She willingly nodded her head in agreement before turning to a presence that had just appeared next to her.
"Morning." Isaac greeted huskily, his dirty blonde curls messy as always.
"Hey," Lizzie smiled and shut her locker. "To chem?"
"To chem." Isaac agreed. She waved a quick goodbye to Kayla and left with Isaac down the hall.
"I wanted to thank you for last night." Isaac said. Lizzie turned her head a little and smiled at the boy.
"Why? We were only doing a project."
"I- I know but your dad made me dinner... so, thank you."
Lizzie blinked at him in surprise but nodded anyway. They made it to the chemistry lab seconds before the bell rung. Both teens briskly took their seats and began to unpack their stuff. That was when Lizzie realised, she still had all her gear from last night instead of her books and school supplies. Her pencils, pens, notepads, textbooks and other stationary were replaced with a dirty trowel, a torch, an empty packet of jolly ranches (which Stiles and Lizzie both scoffed on the way home) and a bottle of hot sauce.
This was going to be an extremely long day.
Lizzie took a deep breath and placed her palm over her eyes. She couldn't believe she was doing this. About five minutes ago she'd received a text from Stiles which told her to come to the boy's locker room as Scott was freaking out. So now, as she pushed open the door to the sweaty room, she cursed both boys' names.
She impelled her way through changing boys, clattering into lockers as she went. One hand was outstretched in front of her to try and prevent walking into anything else and the other was still firmly clamped over her eyes so she couldn't see a thing. Male voices left, right and centre were gasping confused remarks as to why a 5,2 girl was bumping into everything in their locker room. When her extended hand accidently landed on some random kid's chest, Lizzie had had enough.
"Scott! Stiles! Where the hell are you guys." She called out.
"Lizzie? We're over here!"
Lizzie followed the voice she recognised as Stiles' until finally her legs came into contact with something hard which she hoped beyond hoped was just a bench or something.
She slowly removed her hand from her eyes to see her two friends staring at her in confusion. The brunette took a seat next to them, making sure to keep her eyes resolutely focused in their direction.
"Scott's worried about Allison." Stiles informed Lizzie of the situation at hand. The girl nodded her head knowingly. She placed a hand on her shaggy-haired friend's shoulder, and he looked up to give her a small smile.
"Just try not to worry too much when you're out there, dude." She tried to comfort.
"Or get too angry." Stiles chipped in. Scott sighed.
"I got it."
"Yes, you do. You got this Scott." Lizzie said in her most encouraging voice.
"Don't get too stressed either." Stiles continued and Lizzie sent him an okay you can shut up now look, however Stiles didn't acknowledge it and rambled on.
"Don't think about Allison being in the stands."
"Stiles you can stop, he gets it."
"Or that her father is trying to kill you."
"Will you shut up?"
"Or that Derek's trying to kill you."
"Or the girl he killed."
"Or that you might kill someone- if a hunter doesn't kill you first."
Lizzie reached over Scott and gave Stiles a hard shove so that he toppled off the wooden surface of the bench. Then, she turned back to her worried friend and gave him a reassuring smile.
"You're gonna be fine. You'll be able to control it. I know you will. Good luck."
Lizzie gave him a final pat on the shoulder, stood up, re-covered her eyes and sighed before making her treacherous journey out of the locker room. However, she didn't get very far as she soon collided into the back of someone.
She allowed herself to gain the gift of vision again and noticed exactly who's back she'd struck into. Isaac had turned round to the girl and gaped at her.
"What are you doing in the boys locker room?" He questioned. Lizzie flushed red with embarrassment and tried to think of a plausible lie.
"Oh- yaknow just hanging out. I- actually I'm glad I caught you. I just want to say good luck. You'll be great. Me, my dad and Davis will be watching out for you."
Isaac switched his confused features into a brightened one, forgetting all about her weirdness. "Thanks, Iz."
Before Lizzie could even question the new nickname, she heard the annoying voice that she unluckily had to hear every day.
"Lizzie? What the hell are you doing? Get out of here, you perv." Bobby shouted at her from the other side of a block of lockers.
"Oh, shit. Gotta go. Good luck!" She spoke. Lizzie gently squeezed Isaac's toned arm before dashing out the room as fast as she possibly could, not bothering to cover her eyes this time.
She made it outside and onto the lacrosse pitch to be met with screaming and shouting coming from the stands already. She stuffed her hands in her pockets before eyeing up the audience. Spotting where Davis and her dad were sat, she climbed up the steps of the stands and stumbled over the other spectators.
"There she is!" Davis pointed to his sister as she placed herself down next to him. He was grinning widely, and his hand was dug deep in a box of popcorn. Lizzie had no idea where on earth he'd gotten that from but happily stole a piece and tossed it in her mouth to Davis's dismay.
A whistle pierced the air, and the players ran out of the changing rooms and to the depths of the stands, playing up to the cheers. On one side, crowded a mass of blood red jerseys and on the other were a sea of white.
"Which one's Isaac?" Andy asked Lizzie and she pointed to the curly haired boy with the number 14 plastered across his back.
Just then, two figures entered their lines of view. Allison and her father took their seats in front of the Browns.The tall brunette turned round the second she was sat.
"You excited?" She asked Lizzie who nodded and gave a vague yes. Allison's father also turned round to see who his daughter was talking to.
"Lizzie, this is my dad, Chris." Allison introduced the fair-haired man.
"Nice to meet you." He said in a gruff voice. Lizzie's own father faked a cough to grab her attention, clearly wanting an introduction too.
"Sorry- Dad, this is Allison and Chris Argent. Ali and Chris, this is my dad and my little brother Davis." She pointed to everyone each in turn.
The two dad's shook hands.
"You're pretty." Davis gushed at Allison, and she gave him a sweet smile in response. Lizzie leaned down to her brother's ear once the Argent's had turned back around and whispered.
"I don't think you have much chance, bud."
Davis stuffed a handful of popcorn in his open mouth and shrugged. "I can try- but if we break up, I still have Lily from my class. She told me she loves me."
Lizzie giggled and poked his cheek. "Will you be getting married?"
Davis grabbed another handful of popcorn and chucked it at the girl. She scoffed and picked the pieces out of her hair to chuck back at him. Their mini food fight was cut short by another whistle. The players jogged onto the field and into their respective positions.
The shitshow of a match was about to begin.
The referee placed the match ball on the ground in between the two starting players who lowered themselves closer to it.
The starting whistle was blown, and the game took off. Beacon Hills gained possession first and cheers flew up from the stands. There was a moment when Lizzie thought Scott was going to get the ball, but he was pushed to the ground by a snooty looking Jackson who conveniently scored.
Lizzie heard a high-pitched squealing come from behind her and when she looked, she realised Allison had joined her strawberry blonde friend to watch. The two of them together were holding up a home-made banner with read.
We luv you Jackson.
Lizzie snorted. How extremely cringy.
As the game went on Lizzie was almost on the edge of her seat in her haze of worry for Scott. He hadn't caught a single ball the entire game and she could almost feel the anger radiating off him. She glanced down to the sub bench to see Stiles who was nervously rubbing his neck.
"I'll be back." She muttered to her father before she climbed down the stands to join Stiles. Once she was seated again, she leaned into him slightly and focused on the game.
"Do you think he'll be okay?" Lizzie asked in a hushed tone.
"I can't tell." Stiles replied. He too had his eyes and focus trained on his best friend. The score was 3-5 to the opposition (one of the goals had indeed been scored by Isaac). The crowd had turned silent with anticipation. The only noise that could be heard was a few shouts from Lydia and Allison who were holding yet another of those god damn signs for Jackson.
The ball was suddenly flung high in the air and was in fact caught by Scott. Stiles' mouth dropped open and Lizzie gripped onto his shoulder. Scott sprinted down the side of the field. He skilfully dodged every player coming his way and got closer to the goal. He withdrew his stick back and took a shot. The buzzer that signalled a goal sounded and everyone erupted.
Lizzie and Stiles jumped up, clutching each other and screaming.
"Holy shit!" Lizzie yelled, and Stiles picked her up and spun her around. The girl squealed in surprise and delight. Once he set her down, Stiles ran to try and get Scott's attention from behind the coach who was instructing his players to pass to their most recent goal-scorer. Stiles failed, however and gave up.
He sat back down, and the next set was played. The ball was won by a scrawny guy from the other team but after taking one look at Scott, he passed it straight to him.
"Did the opposing team just deliberately pass us the ball?" Coach appeared behind the duo on the bench and asked. Stiles, who was chewing anxiously on his glove, nodded his head.
"Brown, what are you doing on my bench?" Coach turned to Lizzie. Her eyes widened and she looked between Stiles and Coach.
"Well- I'm here as...Stiles' moral support." She offered and the coach seemed to take it. Scott was running up the pitch like a flipping cheetah. The next goal he scored tore a literal hole through the goalie's net. Lizzie and Stiles imploded again. This time, they gave each other a hard high fives and yelled for Scott.
When Scott gained the ball the next time, the brunette duo stood up from the bench. They noticed a change in his demeanour.
He was losing control.
"No, Scott, no, no." Stiles mumbled to himself. Lizzie clasped her hands together under her chin. She silently begged him not to shift. The last seconds were ticking down and a player was fast approaching Scott for a tackle. Yet, Scott stood still and took a shot from where he was stood, which was a good twenty-five feet from the goal. The ball soared through the air and flew into the back of the net.
The timer flicked to zero and everyone went crazy. Stiles raised his hands in the air.
"Yes, yes...oh my god." He said with relief, but Lizzie wasn't ready to relax yet. Beacon Hills may have won the match but for Scott, the game was far from over. The brunette girl watched as Scott briskly fled the pitch and pointed it out to Stiles.
"Stiles- Stiles where is he going?" Lizzie asked frantically.
"Oh, fucking hell, go, go. Go." He pushed Lizzie's back and the two sprinted off in the direction Scott had gone. They bounded through the double doors and down the dark corridors of the school building.
"Where would he have gone?" Stiles asked breathlessly. The two turned a corner.
"I don't know. Where would a werewolf go to calm down?"
Stiles skidded to a halt in front of the door to the boy's locker room and Lizzie ran straight into his back. He motioned for her to open it. "In here maybe?"
Lizzie moved from behind Stiles and twisted the door allowing them access to the silent room. They tentatively trooped through it, looking round every bend for their friend. When they got nearer to the back, Stiles who was the first to notice.
"Oh god." He groaned and backed away.
"What?" Lizzie moved to peek her head round a locker. She grinned as she saw Scott and Allison stood in near the showers. Making out. Her heart almost burst. She squealed excitedly and was then dragged back by Stiles who had a very annoyed look on his face.
"They're so cute." Lizzie whispered. Stiles only rolled his eyes.
Once the pair had finished their lip-locking session, Allison placed another peck on Scott's lip and walked away. She spotted Lizzie and Stiles lurking in the corner and waved.
"Hi guys."
"Hey, yeah."
"Oh, hey, Allison, didn't see you there."
The second she'd left Lizzie squealed again and skipped up to Scott. She threw her arms round his neck and hugged him tight. Scott hugged back, surprisingly just as hard.
"I kissed her." He mumbled proudly into the girl's hair. Lizzie pulled away to see the shit-eating grin on his face.
"I know, I saw. Was it amazing?"
Scott nodded and Stiles cleared his throat to let them know he was still there. "I also saw."
Scott leaned to the side. "She kissed me back."
Lizzie clapped her hands with glee. "The Scallison ship has set sailed. I'm Lizzie Brown and i will be your captain."
She raised two dainty fingers to the side of her forehead and gave a salute motion.
Stiles, in true Stiles fashion, completely ruined the mood by dropping the huge bomb that the girl they had dug up was Derek's sister.
How bloody lovely.
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edited ✓
Sorry it's a short one, the next few chapters are longer to make up for it. Thank you for reading. xoxo
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