๐ค๐ฉ๐ข๐ฑ๐ต๐ฆ๐ณ ๐ต๐ฉ๐ช๐ณ๐ต๐บ ๐ง๐ช๐ท๐ฆ
ย ย ย WALKING UP TO THE SHERIFF'S STATION WITH A GUN IN MY HAND WASN'T MY BRIGHTEST IDEA. Beside me, my friends and JJ were bouncing. They were to peel from the walls, overcome with excitement that for once we'd gained the upper hand. They loved that we'd been able to find the gun used to murder both Peterkin and Gavin and hand it in to the police so they could rub it in their faces. They couldn't wait to shout to the roof tops about how incompetent they were..ย
I was not feeling those emotions. I was apprehensive. I didn't understand Shoupe โ I couldn't read him well enough to be able to predict him. I had no idea which way this would swing. I was beyond desperate to prove Shoupe and the rest of the police force wrong. This was the hard evidence that Bratcher had asked for those weeks ago .. and the only reason he'd said it in the first place was because he hand on heart one hundred percent believed that we wouldn't be able to deliver what he requested.
For a few weeks I didn't think we'd ever find a way to give him the hard evidence he wanted but now it was sitting in my palm. My fingers were curled around it so tightly I'd lost the feeling in my hand โ my digits were numb. I was too afraid to loosen my grip. I didn't want it to disappear.
When the four of us barged into the station I was more than aware of the eyes on my person. They weren't looking at my friends, they were looking at me and they made it known that they were staring at me. I knew there were two reasons for it. The first was because I looked like shit and I smelt like sewerage. My clothes were ruined and dirt had dried on my bare legs and arms.
The second โ and more important โ reason was because I was still technically classed as an accomplice to murder in their eyes. It didn't matter that my account had been dismissed, they all still firmly believed that I had aided John B in murdering their beloved Sheriff.
For that reason, they looked at me in disgust. It was evident and it was intimidating.
As I walked to Shoupe's new office, which happened to be Peterkin's old one, we were intercepted by both Deputy Plumb and Deputy Thomas. The sight of them both made me want to scream, my hatred for them both was so intense. It was the fact that I knew Plumb was literally willing to shoot me with the intent of killing me a few weeks ago. I hated that she was still a police officer and still allowed to continue at work.
"What the hell do you four want?" Deputy Thomas asked us rudely. The look he was giving us was pure filth.
"We're here to speak to Shoupe." Kiara responded.
There wasn't even a second before he said, "He's busy."
"Not for this he isn't." I said to them shaking my head, "And even if you are telling the truth I'm sure he'll be keen to hear what we've got to say."
"It goes through us first." Deputy Plumb sneered, her eyes narrowed on me.
Beside me, I felt JJ tense in anger. He knew that Plumb had fired her weapon at me. He hated the woman and so did I, "Yeah, not happening." He said to her coldly.
Her eyes narrowed even further as she looked at him. They had a bad history regardless. Plumb could not abide JJ โ everyone knew it. She was constantly looking for a good enough reason to arrest him.
"Well it looks like you won't be seeing him then, doesn't it?" She said to us, "Now make a move."
"What are you his personal body guards?" I scoffed, "God, get out of my way, please."
As I moved to pass between them, Plumb took my wrist in a vice grip and held me in place. She looked about ready to push me up against the wall and slot a pair of cuffs around my wrists.ย
My friends edged forwards, voicing their thoughts simultaneously as the officer attempted to square up to me. I was three or so inches taller than her but even still, her gaze did not intimidate me. If anything, seeing her look at me in pure disgust riled me up.
"Did you forget my mom is looking at pressing charges against you, Plumb?" I reminded her. A few months ago I would never of used my mother's position within the law to threaten people but lately it seemed to be doing wonders. They had no issue threatening us and for once it was nice to be the one threatening them, "You know, for attempting to shoot me without warning or warrant? It could be seen as attempted murder."
If anything my words riled her up even more and her nostrils flared but she didn't say anything. She stared at me with pure hatred in her eyes and I pulled my wrist out of her grasp, not once breaking eye contact.
"That's what I thought." I said quietly though I knew she could hear me clearly.
I continued on my path, walking passed her and Thomas and when I reached Shoupe's door I opened it without even knocking. The man was sitting behind his desk, a pen in his hand and staring at paper on his desk and upon hearing his door open he looked up. His face quickly morphed into an expression of dismay and he groaned quietly under his breath.
I, on the other hand, chuckled to myself and shook my head, "Busy my ass." I mumbled as Pope, Kiara and JJ filed into the office behind me.
"Jesus Christ." He said as his face twisted in disgust, "Davis you stink, get out of my office."
"Yeah, no." I said to him, walking over to his desk and sliding the gun on to the table silently. I kept it wrapped in the bandana, the last thing I needed was to get the gun out in front of the Sheriff. Knowing my luck he'd assume I was there to shoot him or something.
I invited myself to sit down in the chair opposite Shoupe and I watched as he grimaced in response. I bet he'd have to throw this chair out now, the state of me. I folded my arms over my chest and crossed my leg over the other.
"What's this?" He asked me in a bored tone, staring at the wet and dirty bandana on his desk.
I shrugged nonchalantly while arching my brow, "It's the hard evidence you require."
He held my gaze for some few seconds before his eyes flickered over his room. I could see Pope resting against a table out of the corner of my eye. Behind me, JJ had his hands resting on the chair I was sitting on. I wasn't sure where Kiara was, I couldn't see her but I knew she was in here somewhere. I could imagine what the four of us looked like, all glaring at Shoupe heatedly.
He shook his head to himself, "You kids, I swear to god." I heard him mumbling as he reached forwards and picked at the bandana with the tip of his thumb and forefinger.
I glanced up at JJ as he leaned over me โ almost protectively โ and he met my gaze fleetingly while I rolled my eyes. This man, he called himself the Sheriff and yet here he was pulling the bandana apart like a priss, too afraid to get his hands dirty.
When he unwrapped it he stared down at the firearm, a blank and unreadable expression on his face. I watched him, waiting for whatever he was about to say but I was skeptical of how long he was taking to say something.
When he sighed in exasperation and collapsed back in his chair my stomach twisted โ and it wasn't with nausea.
"What the hell is this?"
"Excuse me?" Kiara snapped.
Shoupe looked between the four of us, "You know possession of a firearm without a license is illegal, right?" He asked us before his eyes homed in on JJ specifically, "Punishable by up to five years in prison."
I felt JJ's hand curl tighter around the armchair I was leaning into. I hoped he didn't stiffen too much. That would be putting the putty right into Shoupe's hands.
I sat forwards in my chair, "A few weeks ago I asked you what I needed to do to clear John B's name." I said to him, "Bratcher told me hard evidence. This is the gun that Rafe shot Peterkin with .. and the same gun Ward shot Gavin with. It's the Cameron's gun, I know it."
Shoupe pointed his finger at me as he sat forward and leaned his elbow on the table, "You told me you were no where near the construction site last night."
I clenched my jaw, "Yeah, well I lied." I snapped, "We all tell a few white lies, don't we Shoupe?"
His jaw ticked before he glanced back down the the gun, "So y'all are telling me this is the firearm Rafe Cameron kill Peterkin with?"
"That's exactly what we're telling you." Pope said to him, "And the exact same firearm that Ward just used to kill Gavin."
"Iโ" Shoupe began before he cut himself off and instead said, "And where's that corpse again?"
"Didn't you look?" Kiara asked him.
"I checked the hospital. I went by his house. He was out." Shoupe said.
The four of us rioted.
"He was out?" Kiara parroted incredulously.
"No shit! 'Cause he's dead!" Pope snapped.
"Listen to yourself." JJ spat.
Shoupe had to raise his voice to speak over them, "Just because he's not in his damn home does not mean he was a victim of a homicide."
I couldn't suppress the bitter chuckle that escaped my lips and I shook my head, "You're fucking lazy. You know that right, Shoupe? Lazy, bone idle. The worst Sheriff I've ever come across." I said to him, uncaring of the words that fumbled passed my lips, "Are you even going to send it in for ballistics, or are you just gonna sit on your fat ass and stuff doughnuts down your throat that Ward Cameron is feeding you in a silver fucking platter?"
He pointed at me furiously, "Davis, that is enoughโ"
"He'll sit there and wax that mustache." JJ said nastily before he leaned forward over my shoulder and narrowed his eyes, "Is that even real? I'll wax hisโ"
"Shut up, JJ!" Pope snapped quietly.
I watched as Shoupe rose from his chair and walked to his door while JJ said, "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I hurt his feelings?"
Pope shouted louder this time, "Shut up!"
"Get out." Shoupe snapped firmly, "I got work to do."
"Are you serious?" Kiara asked him incredulously.
Shoupe shook his head, "Y'all are smelling up my office."
Pope dipped his head, "Shit."
Kiara was the first to leave and as she did, she stopped by Shoupe and asked, "Did Ward bribe you? This doesn't make any sense."
As she left, JJ took his hands off the back of the chair I was still planted firmly on. I heard the echo of his heavy boots as he stormed out of Shoupe's office, "You ain't gonna do shit."
"Out!" Shoupe yelled.
Pope followed him slowly, "We brought you the murder weapon. There's no logical reason for you not to send it in." He said to him.
Shoupe held a stoic expression, "Go with your friends."
"This is bullshit." I heard Pope say before his footsteps echoed until they disappeared.
Silence seeped through Shoupe's office and I pressed my lips together before standing up. Shoupe remained in the doorway, leaning against the door and I walked over towards him slowly.
My soggy trainers echoed as I walked across the wooden floor and I stopped in front of him, crossing my arms over my chest. He held my gaze but he never said anything.
"Might have to throw that chair out." I said to him quietly, "Nearly drowned in the sewers so I'm afraid I smell a bit ... because that's what I'm willing to do to save my friend. I'll go fishing through a sewer for a gun to prove his innocence to a station of ignorant and self-entitled officers. Our justice system is broken and it is all your fault." I nodded, holding his gaze to ensure he understood exactly what I was saying. I wanted him to feel my every emotion, my pain, my anger..
"Run a background check on the gun, Shoupe." I said, "I'm not lying to you ... but keep in mind, I'm not the only one who's got tricks up my sleeve."
Shoupe clenched his jaw tightly, anger blazing in his eyes. I could one-up this man in seconds ... because, hey, everyone's got to dip their beaks, right? I could be rash and I could be impulsive but I knew which cards to keep tight to my chest. Shoupe knew that and I knew his anger was fear driven.
It led me to think ... what else did our very own Sheriff Shoupe have hiding up his sleeve?
His back straightened, "Don't make me call your mom."
I nodded once, a cold smile on my face, "Oh ... I'm so scared." I responded quietly before I stepped away and out into the hallway of the station. I knew every officer's eyes were on me, I didn't have to look around. My friends were already outside, I could see them through the glass doors.
I straightened my back like my mom had taught me and I lifted my chin, striding out of that station with confidence and power .. and on my way out, I shouted back to Shoupe,
"Have fun bumming Ward Cameron tonight, Shoupe. I hope the orgasm is worth the lies and deceit."
โข โข โข
"Mally? You wanna tell me why my house stinks of sewers?"
A soft groan escaped my lips as my dad's voice echoed through our house.
"Oh, good Lord, Gary. Don't you have plug-in air freshener around here?" My mom's voice followed closely.
I rose my hand to my forehead and sobbed tearlessly, "Oh, god."
"This is the Cut, Natalie. Half the time there's never any electricity to plug an air freshener in to." My dad responded.
I released a heavy sigh and opened my eyes to see JJ already staring at me, a soft grin curving his lips. He was looking at me with those mischievous eyes, his blue irises shimmering. I wondered after the shit day we'd had how he'd managed to turn his mood around so fast.
I turned over and reached down to my floor to retrieve his shirt and threw it behind me blindly, "Get dressed."
I climbed out of my bed, putting my hair up in a claw clip before sliding some cotton pyjama shorts on and walking to my door. I could only hope JJ was doing as I asked. I headed down the short corridor to the open plan kitchen-come-living room-come-dining room and saw my parents behind the kitchen island, a large bag of food sitting there.
I could hear them bickering softly though it wasn't of a malicious nature. It was weird to hear them talking still, I hadn't quite gotten over it. They'd gone years with minimal contact, living on the same island with only their daughter and a divorce in common and now they spent every Thursday night together here, with me.
I was glad something came from me being hunted like an animal for two days by the police.
I tucked myself to the doorframe, crossing my arms over my chest lightly as my dad reached over my mom to grab four plates, saying something as he did. She looked at him, her red painted lips stretched into a bright grin as laughter spilled from her.
"What's in the bag?" I asked them and as their heads turned to me as their conversation ceased. To my dismay, my mom stepped away from my dad and he cleared his throat.
"Chinese." My dad responded after a minute of composure, "Neither of us could be bothered to cook. I tried to tell your mother not to, butโ"
"But, nothing." My mom rolled her eyes, "I'm hungry, you're hungry, we're all hungry. Let's just eat."
I rose my brow as I met my dad's gaze and he said, "She spent sixty dollars on food."
My eyes nearly fell out of my sockets, "Sixty dollars on Chinese food?" I exclaimed, walking forwards, "Christ, mom did you buy the whole shop?"
"No." She shook her head before she grinned, "Only half."
I slotted my face into the palm of my hand, "Oh, my, god."
"It's nice food!" She defended.
"Okay, Nat." My dad chuckled, "We believe you."
They got to work on getting all the food out and I watched in silence, shocked at the cartons and bags they were pulling out while talking amongst themselves. After a moment or so, light footsteps echoed and they grew louder and louder.
"What is that smell?" JJ's delighted voice echoed, "My, god. Is this what heaven smells like?"
"It's Chinese food." My mom called out to him and I turned to look over my shoulder to see him emerge from the hall.
"Chinese food, huh?" He said, "I don't actually think I've ever had Chinese food."
"Well you're in for a treat, son." My dad said to him, "Natalie bought half the shop."
The four of us laughed and JJ joined me, slipping on the the chair next to me at the island while we watched my parents plate up the food. We worked to set the table and whatnot and after a few more minutes the four of us sat to dig in.
Like JJ, I took a moment to stare at my food and the vast majority of it on my plate. It smelt heavenly, JJ was right and I knew we would have it devoured in ten minutes, easy.
I forked my food aggressively before shoving it into my mouth. I released a delighted groan that was parroted by JJ and I dropped my fork on to my plate.
"Oh, my, god." I spoke through a mouthful. This was honestly the best food I'd tasted in all my life.
"Right?" My mom said to us both with a knowing smile on her face, "It's amazing."
"Mrs. Thornton, did I ever tell you how much I love you?" JJ said to her after swallowing. He pointed to the food with his fork, "This..." He didn't finish his sentence, instead, he gathered more food on his fork and shovelled it into his watering mouth, "Oh, thank you."
My mom chuckled in amusement, "It's no problem, JJ." She said to him.
After a few moments of silent eating, my dad swallowed his mouthful and looked at me, "So, any explanation for why my house smells so bad?"
I pursed my lips and shook my head, "Long story."
He nodded, "I'm assuming it has something to do with your white converse tied up on my porch hanging to dry."
I nodded, "Yep." I responded briskly before forcing a chuckle, "Jumped into the marsh."
"Right." He nodded, "Though I know the marsh doesn't smell like actual sewerage."
Out of the corner of my eyes I saw JJ swallow thickly before he set his fork down.
My mom sighed heavily, "What have you two been up to?"
"Nothing illegal." I mumbled.
"Like that makes it any better." Was her response.
Was I really about to tell them that I'd crawled through a drainage pipe to look for a gun Ward had dropped down there last night? If I was, I was mad ... but then again, it could be argued that I already was. It was such a long story though... one that began with John B being alive and ended in Gavin being dead.
It was long... hard... and complicated.
"Uh." JJ stuttered.
No, I couldn't do this. I couldn't tell them. It was too complicated. I knew my mom would riot as soon as I told her. Not only had we broke a few laws, we knew Ward had murdered Gavin. It was just too big of a story to cram into a Thursday night dinner.
"Kiara dropped her phone down the drain." I lied, "We had to go looking through the storm drain to find it."
My mom's face twisted with disgust, most likely at the thought of climbing through the storm drains while my dad rose his brows, "You went through the storm drain to find Kiara's phone?"
"No." I shook my head, trying to play off a smile, "Kie and I went in."
"Well, that's disgusting." My mom remarked.
I nodded in agreement, "I think the smell is cemented up my nose." I tried to lie.
"Where did you put your clothes?" My dad asked me.
"Oh, I binned them." I responded lightly with a smile. I had binned the clothes I had been wearing today but there was no way I was binning my converse. They were my pride and joy, my friends and I had spent months drawing little doodles on them in black sharpie pen โ they were my favourite pair of shoes I had. I'd cry if I had to bin them.
Our conversation moved on swiftly from that. I had told a believable enough lie for my mom and dad to move on with the conversation. It left me conscious that I had lied to them in the first place however and there were a dozen or so police officers sitting in the station right now knowing I'd charged in there full of hell earlier.
I hoped none of them talked. I needed some time to gather my thoughts. I doubted Shoupe had told any of them that we'd fished a gun out of the storm drains and brought it to him ... I could only hope.
The four of us talked for a while, our empty plates sitting at the table for well over an hour until we shifted to clear them up. Since my mom had paid, JJ and I offered to wash, dry and put the plates away and we hung about in the living room for another half hour before my mom had to get going.
It was after half ten when my dad decided to head off to bed. He locked up before he went and JJ and I followed him shortly after.
When I'd closed my bedroom door behind me, he'd already peeled his shirt off and had tossed it on to the floor. With the only light emitting from a dying bulb in my bedside lamp, I watched him as half of his body submerged in shadows.
The slabs of muscle in his arms and his back tensed as he lowered himself to the bed. He laid face down and he reached out and grabbed one of my pillows, pulling it to him and sliding his arms underneath it.
I often overlooked JJ's muscle. It was easy to do in the shirts he wore, unless I was really paying attention it was easy to forget how well built he was for his age.
"What are you doing?" He mumbled as he squeezed the pillow again, his muscles tensing with the action.
I shook my head to myself. I was still lingering in the doorway, staring.
"Nothing." I said to him before I dragged myself to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I stared at myself in the mirror the entire time, waging an internal war while reflecting on what a clusterfuck of a day we'd had. I had been so very close to dying โ again. Yet, this was the first time I had registered it enough to realise how different today could've ended. It unnerved me.
Had JJ and Pope failed in getting the drain loose ... I just didn't want to think about it.
I washed my face and finished up in the bathroom, turning the light off before crossing the room to my bed. I pulled the thin sheet back and climbed in, setting an alarm on my phone for in the morning and setting it down before I turned the light off โ thrusting JJ and I into darkness.
I laid facing him, my eyes studying his face and how peaceful it appeared. His round lips were parted ever so slightly and his eyes were closed though they didn't remain that way for long. When he met my gaze he said, "I can feel you staring at me, you know?"
"Hmm?" I responded, "How do you know?"
He shrugged and turned on to his side to face me and even in the dark, the enticing swirl of blue in his irises managed to captive me, "It's a feeling that's hard to explain."
I nodded quietly, bringing my bottom lip in between my teeth. He reached out and placed his large hand on my hip, his fingers brushing under my tank top while his thumb rubbed back and forth over my bone. The action alone made me shiver and while it brought a grin to his lips I hurried to evert my eyes.
"Thanks." I managed to say finally.
It was like I could hear his grin as he said, "For?"
"For saving my life today." I all but whispered, "If it wasn't for youโif you hadn't gotten me out in time I would've..."
JJ slid his other hand under my body and he pulled me to him as he rolled on to his back. He held me to his side and immediately I wrapped my leg over his, "Mal, sometimes I don't think you quite realise what I'd be willing to do to protect you."
"Yeah?" I whispered, "Like what?"
I didn't know whether to be frightened or grateful when he said that. Knowing how impulsive JJ was I knew when he said anything he really meant it. In a sense, he was like Rafe in that aspect. He was willing to do anything to protect his dad ... JJ would do the same for me. It made my mind run wild. I thought JJ was hard to control sometimes, his anger could be unparalleled โ so much so, there'd been occasions I just had to let him do what he needed to do. I realised Rafe was like that, too. The only difference between them was that JJ had us to lean on for support and he wasn't addicted to drugs.
How had I only just noticed this?
I shifted my head to rest my chin on his bare chest. He smiled down at me, capturing my cheek in his hold while he ran his fingers into my hair, his thumb brushing over my cheekbone. We'd laid in this position many a time before and the way I looked up to him through my lashes, the smirk he gave me ... it almost always led to one thing.
"Anything?" I parroted, my voice so small.
He nodded firmly before confessing, "Anything... you fuck with me so much, Mally. You're like my own personal drug and you have no idea."
His confession knocked the air out of me. It made me dizzy. I couldn't figure out whether to be intimidated or captivated by him. He was crazy... in more ways than one but then again, so was I.
His eyes darkened and in the moment where I probably should've ran, I stayed. The repercussions of my actions were nothing to me. I'd made my decision ... even if one day it would come back to bite me.
So when I shifted on to my hands and knees and crawled up to him, hooking my leg over his torso, I accepted my fate by wrapping my hands around his neck and pressing my lips against his firmly.
โข โข โข
A/N; it's been a hot minute, you guys. I don't even know if any of you guys are even reading this book anymore๐ซ I'm gonna be completely honest, I have no idea where I'm taking this but one thing I have realised is that JJ is eerily similar to Rafe. Yeah, JJ hasn't killed anyone but he did rob a drug dealer of 30 thousand dollars.
Like, they're both rash and impulsive, both willing to do anything for the ones they love. They are the same person!!
So, I'm gonna let you in on a secret, JJ and Mally's relationship is toxic. There is no denying it, this is only the start of it. Personally, I think a lot of the relationships in OBX are toxic and I've never really written anything of a toxic nature before so I'm really excited to explore this.
Also, I know there's a typo in this chapter somewhere but I can't find it and it's very annoying.
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