Rough and Rowdy
November 21st, and once again, like always Gotham was filled with police sirens an fleeing criminals in a chase causing much destruction and fear. The GCPD had managed to narrow down the list of potential suspects in the bombing of the Dent Home. Mickey Chen, part of a relatively smaller crew that Falcone most likely out sourced. While there wasn't much evidence supporting and linking Chen to the crime, he was wanted for questioning. And it was Chen in the van speeding through Gotham evading the police trying to get away, but he wouldn't get far.
The Batcycle launched through the garbage filled alleyways, Batman riding the cycle with his thumbs hovering over the weapon systems. Much of the GCPD didn't care about Dent, they were in the gangs pockets, but Batman the rest, Dent was one of the only good men in the whole city. A rare sight for Gotham.
Batman zoomed through the streets, towards the source of the sirens, gaining many chants from civilians seeing their hero in action. Three GCPD cruisers in pursuit parted, one breaking off and the others pulling back to safe distance but to maintain eyes on Chen. Batman narrowed his eyes, pulling up behind Chen and the panels of the bike unfolding. But seeing the proximity of Batman, Chen floored it, pushing his old van to its limits.
Try as he might, Chen had no hope to outrun the Batcycle. Top of the range, 786cc liquid cooled v-4 engine. Not to mention the weapon and computer systems Bruce made sure to include. While maintaining decent speed and making sure to stay far enough back no Chen couldn't slam his breaks, Batman moved his right hand to the miniature monitor on the centre of the bike.
Batman swiped along the monitor, making sure one of the bikes twin guns targeted the rear right tire of the van. A quick blast from the canon instantly disabling the tire, the rubber coming flimsy and flying off to the side. Sparks flew off from the rim, with the speed of the van dropping dramatically. But Batman knew Chen would keep going, so he activated a secondary weapon on the Batcycle, and a grapple from underneath the motorcycle fired off, attaching itself to the van.
Instantly Batman hit the breaks, the Batcycle coming to a stop and the grapple tensing. The van was forced to come to a stop, Chen almost flying out through the window screen, thankfully he was wearing his seatbelt. The old van would never be able to match the horsepower of the Batcycle, and Chen realised this and exited the van and ran for it. He looked back, fired off two shots from his revolver and ran deeper into Gotham. Running into Gotham's Chinatown district, his home turf.
Batman grappled upwards, watching from the rooftops but making sure his shadow cast out from the many lights attached to the buildings. Chen fired off several shots upwards, scaring people around him and trying desperately to escape the Bat. Chen ran down an empty alleyway, and Batman knew this would be his chance to strike. Batman spread out his escape, and proceeded to glide down ready to bash Chen.
The criminal fired another three shots, two missing and one being deflected off by the Bat armour. The vigilante threw a Beatarang which stabbed into Chen's hand forcing him to drop the gun and massive amount of blood to leak from the newly created wound. Batman then landed, kicking Chen away as he did so with the gangster knelling on the floor gripping his damaged and slit open hand. Batman then calmly walked over to Chen, gripping him by the back of the head and slamming it into a nearby dumpster disorientating him and creating a head wound causing Chen to yell out in pain.
Batman then picked Chen up by his white collar, looking into his fear filed eyes.
"You-you never like this before" Chen got out, Batman's eyes unwavering and cold.
Batman used his free hand to pull the Batarang out of Chen's hand causing even more pain and more blood to leak out. "I had a change of heart" Batman replied coldly putting his projectile weapon back as he did so. Batman then punched Chen in the ribs with his free hand, a loud crack being heard and Chen yelling out even more. Everyone on this block probably heard him. "You and your San Ho Hui buddies were seen outside Harvey Dent's house on Halloween".
"We were trick or treating" Chen replied with a smirk. Another punch, and another cracked rib and Chen coughing up with some salvia getting on Batman.
"By my count you have twenty two more I can break" Batman said, drawing Chen closer in an attempt to scare him into submission.
Chen didn't say a word, but his eyes darted off to the side seemingly looking at something. A small smirk grazed Chens lips, telling Batman that this was most likely back up. Quickly throwing Chen away and backing up, Batman narrowly avoided two shurikens which were thrown in his direction.
Batman dodged several other shurikens sent his way, deflecting two off his gauntlets. He was too slow however, and one managed to hit Batman in-between the gaps in his armour. Three gangster then revealed themselves, one with nunchucks, one with bladed like knuckledusters, and the third more muscular gentleman with a heavy lance like weapon.
'You're out matched' the voice whispered to Y/N. 'You should've gotten Chen when you had the chance'
The nunchuck man was first to attack, swinging them wildly and leaping into the air, raising the weapons high and preparing to bring them down. Batman threw out a Batarang, lodging itself into one of the chains of the nunchuck causing it to fall apart. One end of the nunchuck's detached, falling down and whacking the criminal in the face forcing him to the floor holding his face in pain.
The bladed knuckle-duster was next, swinging his blades preciously with targeted strikes forcing Batman on the defensive. The vigilante used his gauntlets and speed to hold off the thug, getting in several jabs and punches to try and bring his adversary down. The two were separated as the larger thug brought his lance down, cracking the concrete pavement beneath them. Batman then spun kicked the knuckleduster thug away, and briefly turned his attention to the lance wielding thug.
The thug was big, and he was lacking any speed with his swings showing a major weakness to Batman. Quickly reaching into his utility belt, Batman punched the large thug underneath his left arm with a high powered taser at the ready. The thug was brought to a standstill as 50,000 volts flooded his systems and the grip on the weapon was fading fast. But Batman was tackled away by the knuckle duster, ramming him into a nearby wall and proceeding to hack and slash at Batman. The vigilante raised his gauntlets to absorb the stabs, but knew he had to turn this around.
Reeling his fist Batman punched the thug in his face, spraying blood everywhere as he broke his nose. Batman could see the shadow of the lance behind him, and he was too slow to react. Just as he thought the weapon was slam down and slice him in two, the signature whip sound of one feline burglar could be heard.
The whip of Catwoman hit the lancing wielding thugs hand hard, causing a gash and causing him to drop his weapon. Catwoman then leaped downwards. Landing perfectly so her feet were on his shoulders then unleashing her claws and swiped across his face hard causing the thug to fall to the ground. With the loud crack of a head butt Batman brought the knuckleduster thug.
Both Bat and Cat looked each other, the former nodding while the latter held a seductive smirk. Batman turned his attention to Chen, who had escaped through a nearby manhole.
"Go" Catwoman said. "I'll keep an eye on your looking friends" she added, giving one of them a good kick. Batman then took off, running into the manhole chasing after Chen. "A thank you would be nice" Catwoman called out, clearly a little angered at him simply running off. "It's almost Thanksgiving" she said to herself.
Y/N always hated the sewers, in his line of work he had to venture there more than a few times. Killer Croc, hostages, a few bombs, the usual stuff in Gotham. But the stench, takes him ages to get it out of the costume.
Following Mickey Chen's trail was easy enough, simply follow the drops of blood and loud grunts. There was a danger in the sewers around this time, a danger Mickey Chen had failed to factor in. Taking cover behind a corner, Batman knew Mickey was on the other side, and he needed to end this.
"We can make this easy Mickey" Batman called out, Mickey aiming his gun in the direction of the Bats voice. "Just tell me who hired you to kill Dent".
"Go to hell Bat-freak" Mickey answered back, firing off several shots.
"There's a difference between you and me" Batman said out loud, confusing Mickey somewhat. "I know never to venture down here, not while he's awake" he added. The only response he got off Mickey were more bullets, as he traveled deeper into the sewer. As Batman caught up with Mickey, it seems he encountered the one who stalks this part of the sewers. Mickey was lifted up in the air, by a hulking man wearing rags, pale grey skin and a face resembling a zombie. Mickey Chen had met Solomon Grundy.
Portrayed by Fred Tatasciore
Grundy seemed unhappy that Mikey had entered his territory. Anymore force and he would be suffocating the gangster.
"Let him go" Batman yelled to Grundy who turned briefly to look at the vigilante. "Grundy, he's mine, let him go". In response, Grundy exhaled heavy through his nose.
'You can't beat him, Bruce could only temporarily stop him and you're not Bruce. You better run, let him have Mickey. You can't beat Grundy'.
"I don't have to beat him" Y/N whispered to himself.
"This is your place, give him to me and I'll make sure he never sets foot down here again. You can be alone" Batman promised, nodding his head.
There was a standoff, Grundy looked like he was ready to kill Mickey then Batman. But as Grundy sniffed, his face seemed to soften somewhat, his eyes becoming akin to a puppy, an undead puppy but still a puppy.
"Bird?" Grundy asked, his grip on Mickey failing. Even after all his deaths, and nearly a decade of not seeing him, Grundy still recognised Y/N as Robin. One of the only people in all of Gotham who showed Cyrus Gold some level of compassion. Solomon Grundy then dropped Mickey, walking deeper into the sewers muttering to himself. "Born on a Monday".
Two Days Later, Thanksgiving Day
Gilda Dent sat by her husband who was recovering in the hospital. While she managed to escape with a few minor burns, Harvey had fallen into a coma and had not woken up yet. He suffered no burns at all, only a few minor ones on his arms he used to shield her. It seemed like a miracle. She was worried, but knew her husband would pull through. He had to, they were gonna be a family after all.
"Another one for you" a nurse said bringing in flowers sent to the Dents.
"My goodness" Gilda replied trying to put on a happy face. "People have been so kind to Harvey" she added.
"Yes ma'm" the nurse said. "This one was dropped off by one of those expensive stores, you know the one where Wayne Enterprises gets all their flowers from" she said putting game down. She then looked surprised, looking at the card attached to the flowers. "This one's from, him" she said with wide eyes showing the card to Gilda.
'Get Well Soon From- The Roman'
Hearing that name seemed to awaken Harvey from his slumber.
Meanwhile at the GCPD
Both Jim Gordon and Batman were currently interrogating Mickey Chen, with less than successful results. They had Mickey sat on a old wooden chair in Gordons office, the chair having a few nails loose which stabbed into Mickey. The gangster wasn't budging, keeping his mouth shut and no ethical or unethical methods were working.
"I don't wanna be here Mick" Gordon began. "My woof's cooking turkey, with all the trimmings. I lobe turkey with all the trimmings" he said while closing the blinds to his door. "So, just tell us what you know about the bomb in the district attorney's house, then we can all go eat" Gordon tried to reason.
"I don't even know Carmine Falcone" Mickey responded, his face was clearly beat up. Gordon then stepped away, revealing the Bat behind him.
"The Roman contracted your triad to take out Harvey Dent!" Batman roared stepping closer. "Your signature's all over it" he added, getting directly in Mickey's face.
"Mickey you gotta help me keep my friend here calm" Gordon tried to reason as Batman stepped back. "Just give us something, anything"
Mickey looked to the side, then back at the pair. "Someone's trying to frame me. I told you, I'm innocent", a smirk plastered on his bruised lips.
Batman didn't answer, simply kicking the chair Mickey was sitting on. He was getting fed up, this interrogation was taking too long and his patience had run thin. Batman grabbed Mickey's hand which had a hole in it and simply held it up, causing the gangster to yell in pain as the wounds and stitches were reopened.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa" Gordon said worried pulling Batman back. "Hey, I thought we were just doing a thing" he tried to reason referring to the small good cop, bad cop routine. "This little act doesn't get us anywhere if this guy gets hurt".
"Maybe you should admit you have nothing on the San Ho Hui" Mickey called out holding his hand. "If you had you would've booked me already. This caused Batman to twitch ever so slightly and step towards Mickey with Gordon getting in-between the two.
"All right, that's it, Montoya" he called out to the other side of the door with his most trusted detective stepping through.
"Please, show our friend out" he urged as the detective escorted the gangster out.
Mickey chuckled as he was escorted out, Montoya having to shut him up with a few whacks to the head.
"You maybe okay in a fistfight, you may wear that suit. But you've got a lot to learn about what it means to be Batman, and that starts with being a detective" Gordon said leaning on his desk.
This took Y/N by surprise with his eyes widening in shock and even taking a step back as Gordon knew, probably from the very beginning that he wasn't Bruce, he wasn't the true Batman.
"How did you-"
"I worked with the man for most of my career, I was there when he first fought the Joker. You think I wouldn't recognise Batman when I saw him" Gordon said, explaining his reasons. "I never cared for who was behind that mask, but when I first saw you, I knew you weren't him. So if you're gonna be the new sheriff in town, you need to know what it means to be the World's Greatest Detective" Gordon said turning to face Batman. "Mickey Chen is a small fish, protected by the Roman. He killed Viti then ordered the hit on Dent, it all fits" Gordon summarised reaching for his coat.
'The simplest explanation isn't always the right one' Y/N thought to himself. He wasn't there for some of Bruce's more difficult cases, but he knew things were never this straight forward.
"If I leave now, I might make dinner" Gordon said checking his watch. "You should be with your people-" Gordon turned to see that Batman was gone and he sighed. "At least he's got that down" but as he went to leave his phone rang, sighing once again Gordon went to pick it up. "What?" he exclaimed. "Dent's Missing?"
Where was Harvey Dent? Outside the Falcone's Tower, looking up at the Thanksgiving party the whole Falcone family was throwing. Dent's face twitched, he was still dressed in hospital robes. Bandages covering part of his body. Gordon's police car pulled up and the Commissioner ran to Harvey's side.
"I got a call you were missing from the hospital, and for some reason I knew I'd find you here" Gordon gestured to the building.
"Couldn't stand being cooped up anymore, and when I heard his name. It just, triggered something" Harvey said, looking back up at the party.
"Listen, why don't you hop in? I'll take you back" Jim tried to reason.
"No, no, no, no" Harvey said taking a step towards the building, his voice filled with rage and sounded raspy. "I like it out here".
"I'm on my way home for Thanksgiving Dinner, you should come along"
"I'm not hungry" Dent responded.
"Harvey, what are doing here?" Jim reasoned, trying to appeal to the district attorney and ground him.
Harvey's face faltered, the rage in his eyes fading and his face softening. Harvey looked down at at his hands and feet, "I don't know. Maybe I wasn't ready for this yet" he turned to face Jim. "I think I'm gonna go back now, don't you worry about Harvey".
Jim looked stunned with wide eyes, but he then looked around to see if anyone was looking them and then reached into his inner coat pocket. "All right Counsellor" he said pulling out a standard GCPD side arm and handing it to Dent. "As far as I'm concerned you don't have this" Jim urged as Harvey looked at the gun and then back to him. "The Falcones are dangerous people , and to them you're the bad guy. Protect your family".
At that same time, Y/N was one again in the accursed sewers. He still hasn't got gunk out the cape from last time. But he needed to do one tradition, something he hadn't done for a while but knew an old friend would appreciate it. In the same place he had encountered Solomon Grundy, Y/N had left part of a Thanksgiving Dinner. It was a cheap one, nothing high class, Y/N wasn't much of a cook and he didn't feel like going out to eat.
Grundy looked at the plate of food, then looked around trying to spot whoever left him this food. "Bird" was all he said with a soft voice and a slight smile, before he picked up the food journeyed back into the sewers. Y/N watched from the dark corners, knowing he had made some difference.
But that night, the killer soon to be nicknamed Holiday had stuck again. Mickey Chen and the whole San Ho Hui triad had been wiped out around their own celebration around Mickey getting released. All killed with the same type of gun used to kill Johnny Vitti.
Thank You All For Reading
I know this might seemed a little messy chapter, parts of this were written when I couldn't get to sleep at 5AM so excuse some errors. I'm hoping to get to the New Years part soon, some of you who've read the comic or watched the movie knows a lot happens then. Hopefully get there in a few more parts. Expect some cameos coming soon in this story as well.
Please vote and comment as it does do a lot for my motivation knowing people are reading.
Hope You Enjoyed
See You Next Time
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