[𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝: 𝟕/𝟑𝟏/𝟐𝟒]
Well, the deal was complete.
That was the only thought running through M/n head as he stared straight ahead towards the burning building. He held the two gnosis in his gloved hands, looking in between the two sights.
The Dendro Archon certainly didn't make his objective easy for him, but all of his clones were worth taking one step closer towards The Tsaritsa's goal. M/n sighed and blocked out the screams of his segments, pretending not to be aware of their existence.
They meant nothing to him now. They served their purpose.
He felt a hand on his shoulder.
"Regrator." He addressed the man behind him, paying his sponsor a single glance. The other just smiled and stood next to him, expression never faltering at the burning building.
"So, I'm assuming your vacation to Sumeru was...?"
"Successful. I managed to obtain the Dendro gnosis as well as the Electro."
"And The Balladeer?"
"Hm. A little disappointed to hear my money was put to waste."
M/n slid off his mask and glanced over at Pantalone, a somewhat annoyed look crossing his face. The man just walked to the fire, and stood close to it. He almost embraced the flames. Well, the heat it gave off.
"Funny how a fire of this magnitude doesn't come close to warming Snezhnaya. Though, I suppose the nearby residents will be concerned. Half of them haven't even seen fire in the Tsaritsa's land before."
A burning clone crawled towards the brunette, reaching out for some sort of comfort. Pantalone obliged and cupped the young clones cheek with his hand. His smile was fake, but it brought enough comfort to sooth the segment in his last moments.
M/n just looked at the two with disgust. That particular clone caused a lot of problems in Mondstadt all those years ago. Let his Elezar patient go. That was his karma he supposed.
"You always treated them with fake kindness."
"My kindness was warranted. After all, they lived with you."
"I know you jest, but you are truly treading on thin ice right now."
"Awe, is Lord second going to have one of his temper tantrums again?"
Pantalone said, smirking and kicking away the now dead clone. The fire began to die down, leaving piles of ash. M/n looked like he was about to strangle the man in front of him. However, he refrained. No sponsor, no money.
"What did you come here for?"
"To inform you about the sudden harbinger meeting. Jester told me to meet you at the docks to tell you. Imagine my surprise when I found you not there, but commiting arson in a small town. A town rather close to how Childe described to be his home."
"He knows not to mess with superiors."
"Oh but does he?"
"You wouldn't."
"Wouldn't I?" M/n was going to act on his violent urges. Anymore pressing would leave the 9th spot vacant.
"I don't have time for this. Let's go."
Pantalone obliged, following behind M/n, his amused expression never wavering. The never ending snowstorm surrounded the both of them. M/n had no problem with the wind as he had grown accustomed to the cold air around the country as well as his own laboratory. Pantalone, being dressed properly, was still decently cold, but he made it a point not to show his slight discomfort.
The sound of horses galloping started to replace the sounds of the swirling snow. It was getting to be a lot for M/n's ears. His head started to pound, but he ignored it. The sound was becoming unbearable, and that spoke volumes. The man was used to a bunch, but this was enough to make him stop in his tracks. It was a black carriage standing proud before him. The horses neighed, and the door opened, beckoning him inside.
It was like an out of body experience. There was no way this was happening. He could vaguely hear his colleague shouting for him, but M/n couldn't control anything. Just watch as he collapsed.onto the plush velvet seat covers. The door closed, not allowing any others inside. The last thing he heard before everything went dark was the pounding of the doors, and begging for him to wake up.
───※ ·❆· ※───
The only thing M/n felt now was nothing. No sounds, no headaches. No nothing. It was all so dark, and he was so disoriented. He attempted to sit up, but was blocked by something. M/n's eyes widened as he back to feel around his new confined space. It was made of wood. If only he had a pyro vision.
Suddenly, there was an unlocking sound, and now all he could see was green light. It wasn't bright, but it was enough to make him squint a little. A hand grabbed his, and he was helped out of his prison. Almost immediately after he felt his food hit the ground, M/n snapped out of his confused state and summoned his claymore. Frost was emanating off of the weapon, causing the whole room to become as cold as the country he was previously in.
The person who had helped him out, was laying on the floor, grimacing at how close he was from getting hurt. The other 3 behind him had their own weapons out, ready to defend the man on the floor.
M/n's eyes narrowed in defence. He was never normally on guard like this, but this was different. He didn't recognize this place, and he was ready to murder his captors if need be.
"S-Sir, if you would just please..." The man on the floor spoke with a slight tremor in his voice. "Calm down. We are certainly not here to hurt you."
M/n would've taken the time to relish in the superiority he had over all of them. He slowly began to back away with his claymore, holding it to his side, his stance unwavering. The stranger got up, his yellow....orbs..., stared at him, with a small, nervous smile.
"I see why you were scared, and because my graciousness knows no bounds, I will forgive you this time." He picked up his cane and held it with one hand, his jeweled fingers wrapping around the crow ornament that topped the piece of dark wood.
"Where am I?" M/n finally breathed out.
"You, sir, are at Night Raven College. You have been chosen by the dark mirror to help teach the youth of this generation!"
"I apologize, I truly do, but I don't teach."
"Well, that is a shame, I guess you'll have to learn. I am Dire Crowley. Headmage of this incredible institution.
M/n's grip tightened on his weapon. However, he had no plans on attacking just yet.
"I gave you my answer. Send me back to Snezhnaya while you still have your limbs."
"I'm afraid you don't have the upperhand here."
"Sir. I implore you-"
"I see I'm not getting through to you."
The harbinger didn't get to one before he charged. Before he could land a single hit, his body suddenly stopped all coordination and collapsed to the floor. His claymore disappeared before it hit the tile.
"Maybe a good nights sleep will calm you down. Think rationally."
He attempted to move, but to no avail. He felt himself get picked up before everything went dark for the second time.
───※ ·❆· ※───
"I see you're finally awake." A different voice greeted him. M/n rubbed his eyes and sat up. One of the men he saw before, the one with the split colored hair, didn't pay a glance from his book.
"Ah, Dire told me to make you aware of your new position. You'll be assisting me in alchemy, as well as filling the vacant position as the school nurse."
He wasn't shocked. That bird man seemed VERY persistent.
"I don't have a choice in this, do I?"
"You don't seem like the type to give up so easily."
"Just...answer the question."
"No, as you can tell."
"You seemed very unbothered by the fact I almost killed your boss."
"Well, he doesn't pay me enough to care. So I don't." He got up from the chair and closed his book. "We have orientation tomorrow. Get some sleep. With the bags under your eyes, you look like you need it."
"........." That one statement reminded him of two things. The fact the he didn't have his mask, and he left Pantalone in the dust. Well, he'd get over it, and it wasn't like him to worry about the banker. He wasn't going to start now, that was certain.
"I made your clothes while you were out. Wear them tomorrow and not look like a trainwreck."
The man opened the door, looked back and sighed.
"I'm Divus Crewel. You can call me whatever you want."
Crewel got the last word in before M/n could even speak for himself. As oddly enough, sleeping sounded nice.
So that's exactly what he did.
───※ ·❆· ※───
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