the pay wasn't that well, but honestly, mikoto couldn't exactly complain, as she needed a horse for future traveling.
the woman wondered how a normal human was able to capture all these demons that were shoved in those rusting cages — barely able to move their limbs.
"and these are the demons with the higher level quirks. we made them quirk restraints so that they can't use it to harm us", the owner — who's name is hakama — explained.
"quirks? what's that?", mikoto questioned, skimming around the musty room.
"huh? it's the power that those monsters are born with. it's a supposed blessing", the man bitterly stated.
'I suppose they call them quirks now...', mikoto mentally noted.
"only those that are born with quirks can become heavenly people. and those that are dumb enough to ruin their chances by committing crimes are stuck being a demon", hakama informed, as if mikoto herself didn't already know.
"however, this one...", hakama pointed, guiding mikoto's sight towards a young girl with grayish-whitish hair and sorrowful red eyes.
"this one was born a demon. unfortunate, isn't it? too bad demons can't be tennins", the old man laughed, walking off, as mikoto made eye contact with the child once more before leaving.
"do you believe that humans could become heavenly people?", mikoto asked, as hakama just gave the woman a list of things to complete by the end of the day.
the man only scoffed.
"impossible! no human will ever be capable enough to compete against those that are born gifted. you might as well wait until your next life and manifest a quirk", hakama snorted.
"anyways, make sure you clean this place up. I have guests coming over to check out these things in a few hours", the man waved, as he swiftly left.
mikoto just sighed, rolling up her sleeves as she kept them tied up, meanwhile she had gotten her hair out of the way as well.
the dark-haired woman then covered the lower half of her face with a thin fabric, as she started scrubbing the floors, earning many haughty snickers and taunting from the demons that were currently caged.
"pathetic human! LET US OUT AND FIGHT US!!", one yelled, as another had hollered in agreement.
"YEAH!! LET US OUT!! WE DESERVE RIGHTS AS WELL!", another chimed in.
now, the majority of the demons were banging against their cages, protesting, as mikoto was just minding her own business — dusting off a nearby table.
mikoto then revisited the given tasks.
'feed the demons with the food kept in the cabinets'.
the dark-haired woman leisurely trotted towards the wooden cabinet. though as soon as she opened it, a pungent smell had filled the air, causing her to nearly puke.
upon a closer inspection, mikoto noticed the many shelves of rotten meat that were coated in a thin layer of mildew.
"this isn't edible", the woman muttered, shutting the door, as she neared a demon who had two horns protruding out from the top of his forehead.
they were as deeply colored as his bloody maroon eyes; eyes that held such hatred and disdain for humanity and those who thought that they were above him.
it was a clear contrast against his lakeshore blue locks that were covering the majority of his dry face and dehydrated lips.
no, he wouldn't ingest the shit that the man had "oh so kindly" offered him.
he was not to be pitied, and he was not to give in to the offerings that hakama was giving him, because he knew full well that the man had no well intentions.
"is this what you all eat everyday?", mikoto softly asked, noticing the quirk restraints on the demon's wrists and legs, as it barred its teeth at her.
"fuck off!", he spat, though mikoto didn't exactly blame him.
being engaged wasn't necessarily a good experience.
it was lonely and mentally draining; chipping at your will to fight and live every second of the day.
"are those scars from when you were captured?", mikoto asked, causing the demon to lowly growl.
"what's it to you?! get out of my face before I make you!", he threatened.
mikoto's eyelids ever so slightly dropped, seemingly to ponder her options.
"YEAH, YEAH!! WE WON'T EVER FORGIVE YOU IF WE GET OUT!!", another chimed in.
though this time, it was a female demon, with half her body shaped like a snake's.
golden eyes like the sun itself, her huge smile sent alarming warnings down the spine of those who dared think that she was just another easy target.
mikoto deeply sighed, making her way towards the center of the room, as she loudly whistled.
not only did she gather all the demons' attention, but the crows had flew in through the windows, landing on the table behind mikoto.
"change of plans", mikoto whispered to the shie hassaikai.
"if I let you all go this instant, you must all promise me something!", the dark-haired woman announced.
whispers and gasps were heard, as all demons honed in on the woman's voice.
"if I let you all go, you must promise me to never hurt anyone unless you feel yourself be in danger. also, try to reside at the kinshi forest for the majority of your time.
there will be greenery, crops, and fresh water provided. and one wouldn't need to worry about humans or angels trespassing", mikoto informed.
the woman then asked for most of the shie hassaikai to start letting the demons out, as she grabbed a medical kit that seemed a bit dusty, probably from the small amount of times that it's been used.
"I'd also appreciate if you'd let me treat your wounds and scars. if not, that's understandable too", the woman stated, taking a seat by the table, as one demon hesitantly stepped forward first.
"no need to worry. I don't have any powers...or quirks, as you all call it", mikoto assured, gently applying ointment to the demon's scaly hands, as she neatly bandaged it.
within an hour or so, every demon had managed to receive some sort of treatment, and had been freed from the quirk restraints.
"exit through the back door; that way, the humans won't notice", mikoto directed.
"oh, rappa and tengai, you two will be accompanying them back to the forest. the tennins are having their exam this year, so it'll be a little more challenging to stay on the down-low with them running around", mikoto explained.
"huh? how would you know?", one of the demons asked.
"it doesn't matter. just do as I say", mikoto calmly commanded, watching the demons filter out of the moldy building, as rappa and tengai begrudgingly agreed — bidding chisaki and the rest goodbye beforehand.
with only a few left, the front doors suddenly bursted open, revealing hakama and some guests, who were happily chatting until they realized that no demons were present.
a sharp gasp filled the air as the crooked-teethed man nearly died from a heart attack.
"W-WHERE ARE THE DEMONS?! YOU! WHAT DID YOU DO?!", hakama accused — though it wasn't like the man was wrong or anything.
"kai, lead the rest of them out. quickly!", mikoto demanded, ushering for the rest to escape, as the old man and the buyers tried circling around them.
one particular demon stood frozen in fear, her eyes wide, as she nervously fiddled with her fingers.
"ERI! GET BACK IN YOUR CAGE, YOU LITTLE SHIT!", hakama shouted, causing the little girl to shiver even more.
stumbling a few steps backwards, the young demon bit the bottom of her lip as she bumped into one of her cell mates.
the blue-haired demon clicked his tongue in annoyance as he was about to grab the little child with four fingers, until mikoto had swiftly swooped eri off her feet.
without any exchange of words, the woman had snatched the older demon's wrist, dragging him outside along with those that followed.
with chisaki overhauling the entire building, it was to no one's surprise that the humans inside were now deceased.
and for the first time in days, months, or perhaps even years, the entrapped demons could see the sun that didn't just shine through the thick bars of their cage.
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