THEY ARE BETWEEN US. Through nights and days, sidewalks and traffic, cities and countrysides. Nobody knows, nobody will know.
It could be your classmate, or a woman you saw at a grocery store line once, the gardener or the neighbour, the person that smiled to you while crossing the street because you stopped for them.
They say a stranger is a friend you've never met, I'd like to add that an enemy is a lover you haven't stopped loathing yet.
While to some people lives are sunshines and rainbows, to ohers is a permanent grey. Some don't care fror strangers, friends, or lovers. Some don't even have a life at all.
If you see her walking down the street, have pity, have fear, have respect. One bullet, and it could al be gone. If you have the opportunity to see her in the mask, as heaven for mercy, it might be the last sight you'll ever witness.
The cashier, for example, a man with three kids and a wife waiting at home to complain about the growing bills, now announced to a client, a commoner, whoever it was, someone he would never suspect tobbe an agent of the shadows.
The woman wearing a dark cap hiding her eyes wet the tip of her tongue before counting the huge load of money she had in her hands, making the man gasp at the sight. Was she a robber of some sort? How could she just walk around with that sum so carelessly, even cojnt it in front of so many customers?
When she handed it to him and the cashier counter, he trembled to ask "M-ma'am it's above what you were charged for-"
"Keep it as a tip for the service."The woman said girmly, while packing her groceries and the solemn bottle of wine while gazing at the child's portrait on the cashier, a couple holding the kid and smiling the picture.
Oh she despised couples so badly.
"T-thank you ma'am! Thank you!" The man tried to say, but her boots already stepped on the ground, leaving so fastly like smoke to fire.
With a some punk 2010 tunes in her earphones, the woman proceeded, side eyeing the exterior of Seoul around her. Same buildings, sometimes reformed, busy people, tough crowd.
Sometimes Kim Jae felt like an outsider, perphaps she was, after the blood and the gore she had witnessed over the past 3 years, no one would see things the way she did, behave the way she did, feel what she did.
When staring at a person, all she could see was blood, flesh and bones. Material to burn, to shoot. In a matter of 3 years, Jae had become a weapon.
Incredible how her family wouldn't know, or how no friend ever checked since she pushed them away. For now, she was a ghost, living a double life, none of them truly alive, only surviving, endless absence of purpose, wandering as a mere spirit through the streets while people smiled.
When was the last time she had smiled?
Touched the cold golden ring aeound her finger that had never left her hand. Right, back then, at that time all she could do was smile, smile so vividly no cloud could ever take away her sun.
But now there were only grey clouds, heavy storms she lived through, as she became the embodiment of the pouring rain.
Once she arrived at the subway station she could already listen to it. The sound of the cards on the floor, the flipping, the slaps. Rolled her eyes, it was impressive how everyone would fall so easily for that bullshit...actually, she was in that place once, not the same, but she could understand their desperation.
Fine tailored suit standing tall and imponent while slapping an already red cheek, the Salesman. His dark hair strands above his eyes as he grinned once again at his well done result.
The devil himself.
Perphaps the worst person if not him was the Frontman behind it all, but still, she couldn't think of anyone as sick as that man. From each encounter she had with him over these 3 years, she had realized madness existed within a man, and so did evil.
Sadistic and insane, he handed the prize of money and the cardt o his victim before picking up the suitcase again. Perfect job in the world, some would say, he could live a life with no regrets only playing the devil's advocate.
But his sight gained more interest at that annual encounter he looked forward over the past 3 years.
"There she is, our black widow." He teased, walking forward with that cinical smile. "How have you been, 21?"
Deep breath, patience is key, Jae, you can't just break his wrist when offering to shake your hand, or abruptely take his teeth when smiling back to you. After all, he was the yellow bunny who invited you over and over...and you kept accepting to go to wonderland.
"Where is it?" Jae simply replied, not trying to start a conversation.
The salmesan clicked his tongue. "Always so friendly." He mocked. "Is that a gun or are you just happy to see me?" He pointed to the volume on her waist, Jae didn't respond. "I'll take it as the last option."
The subway had all sorts of people, mothers, executives, artists, beggars, and then there were...them.
A guard and a recruiter.
If you passed by any of these two, or worse, them together, my suggestion would be to immediatly run away. Trouble was imminent.
"Let's play our game." The Salesman grinned, closing his two wrists in front of them. "Guess in which one is your card, and I'll give it to you."
Jae sighed, rolling her eyes. "And if I don't?"
"A slap should be enough." He tilted his eyes. "Why, afraid to lose? You did the first time." He recalled.
The first time, right. When she was messy, sobbing on her knees begging fot money, teats dry on her face and replaced by new ones while he stared at him, gripping onto his legs while people only stared at the public humiliation.
He really had to poke her scar right where it hurt.
"Ready to play?" The Salesman raised sn eyebrow.
"Let's just get this over with."
Jae pointed to one of his hands, the.let one. "Are you sure?" The Salesman asked, she only nodded. The Salesman opened both his hands, revealing an empty hand where she chose, and the other with the black card and a pink ribbon tied to it. "Tsk...not so lucky this time, 21."He indicated with his finger for her to look at him. "That's it, show me that pretty doll face." He smirked, flexing his hand. "1...2...3 and..."
He slapped, hard enough to echo through the station, red over her white cheek, the printing of his fingers over her. Dangerous bastard, but she did not move, not even flinch. For someone dead inside, pain wasn't a risk anymore, it was just a barely human reaction she couldn't care about it anymore.
The Salesman scoffed as she looked at him defiant, almost in mockery over his attack, that was Kim Jae, the stone he couldn't move away, the ice he couldn't melt.
"You're no fun." he sighed, adjusting the sleeve of his suit before delivering the card. "Here you go, Patrick Bateman."
Jae pratically took by force the card in his hand, taking off the ribbon and reading it fastly, where the new number appeared in dark letters over the brown recycled paper. Funny how they cared about the environment but not over the people they burned.
"Not even a thank you, or, I missed you?" The Salesman buried his hands in his pamts pockets, hidden by the suit.
"How many players this time?" She asked instead, analyzing the card.
He sighed, it was hard communicating with that woman. "456." He responded. "But there's an easter egg this time." She looked up at him, those sparkling but hurt almond eyes she barely showed to anyone. Same eyes he witnessed crying so much when they first met. "Long time no see." he smirked as he visualized her full face not hidden by the cap.
Jae gripped on the collar of his white shirt, pulling close enough to make the Salesman chuckle ina whispery tome, staring as a maniac into her eyes with thrilling excitement washing over him.
"Finish what you were saying before, or I'm finishing you." She threatned.
"You're gonna help me finish? How nice of you" He teased again, as Jae shaked him by the collar, causing more mad chuckles. "Alright, alright, here you go..." He smirked. "The boss is joining the game this time."
She instantly released her grip, mouth a mere gao, eyes widen like she had witnessed a ghost right in front of her.
"The Frontman?" She mumbled, she had saw him times before, giving orders, but never directely saw him, or worse, his face. Funnt how she worked over the past 3 years to a mere ominous stranger only to find out now he's gonna join the games.
"No, the founder." The Salesman corrected. "The Frontman will be watching. Under no hypothesis The Founder can be eliminated, understood?" This time the Salesman seemed rather serious.
"Why would the founder join the games?" She asked, but he shrugged. "How will I know who he is?"
"He'll be listed as player 001. An old, innocent and sweet old man. You can't miss it."
Jae stared back at the card in her hands, that haunting invitation ready to sail its's ship to hell. The only matter at hand was if she would accept it or not.
Omce again, a normal person wouldn't, but a dead woman inside, would, with no hesitation.
"So..may I inform them we'll be using your services this time?" The Salesman cleared his throat, alrwady a little too curious about her answer.
It's not like she had better plans for the following week anyway.
"Yeah. Yeah, you can tell them." Jae nodded, already dialing the number on the card in her phone.
"Hold on the line for a moment." The Salesman raised a finger in the air, that vexing smile that created wrinkles and dimples over his face again, so sweet yet so maniacally disturbing. "Before you head to the carnage, I was wondering..."
He sighed. "You barely let me make an invitation."
"Because it will never happen." Jae rolled her eyes.
"You could at least give me a proper reason" He shrugged, observing her serious nonchalant figure that has always made him so intrigued. "Don't tell me you're still the same sorrow widow?"
Deadly gaze, stone cold. "You shut that fucking mouth." Jae warned him, the Salesman smirked, what a ferocious woman, that's why he liked her. "For your information I have no interest in losers, dogs who wiggle their tales to the Frontman and their people like you."
"Says the mercenary who does their dirty work. I've been in your shoes before" He leaned close, eyes against hers, almost attempting to cause harm. "We're more alike than you wish for, 21." He tilted his head to the side. "Or should I call you Miss Kim...?" She almost stumbled back at the use of her real name. "Unless you still use the married one, Mrs. Nang?"
It happened fastly, the attempt, and then the strong grip, impact against her wrist, holding it before it could reach his face. The Salesman held her closed fist in his large hand just in time before it could actually cause damage.
He was trained enough for that, of course, but with Jae Kim, there was always a detail that could be unpredictable, it was better not to take any risks.
"Oops, looks like I striked a nerve." He teased, as Jae backed off, already having enough. "Such a short temper...thought we were friends by now."
"We'll be friends only in a thousand lifetimes ahead of us." Jae announced, finally ending that conversation for good. "We're not alike, we'll never be, your sadist."
"That's your loss then." He simply added, as a bitter girl in high school being rejected by their crush. Such a girly pop, one would say. "Good luck on the next game, 21. I hope it's your last."
If you don't get the girl, why not wish for her death, right, such a great and mature idea.
Blood boiling and impatient, Jae dialed the number again, it didn't take long for someone to pick over the other line and for her to give her veredictum.
"I'm in."
That house was an empty shell, worse, a coffin of memories she buried herself in. His shoes were still at the mud room, his side of the bed still the same as she left it, perfectly neat and clean, almost like he would lie on it ay any moment.
Lie and give that beautiful smile while waiting for her to wake up as he always did, not dare to remove his arms from around her or open the curtains, respecting her nred for the darkness and quietness in the morning, only giving a meaningful gaze that expressed hundres of I love you's.
The marriage portraot would remain above the fireplace, cold reminder against her burnt out soul. Every step, every corner, it all returned to him.
"Do you think we should paint the living room?" The ghost of In-su Nang would smile to her, as she observed it from her armchair, already oit of her mind, holding a warm cup of tea in her hands.
"I don't know, what if you make a mess and stain the furniture again?" She asked to the void.
The beautiful ghost with dark eyes and medium lentgh curly hair chortled. "It was just once, and it was an accident." He corrected, already planning how he would ruin the living room again. "Remind yourself I always surprise you."
"For better or for worse."
Chuckles and jokes aside, the ghost stopped, still staring at her, almost frozen in her mind, waiting for her to press play in the delusions, until the words escaped her throat.
"Why do I still do this?" Jae asked.
"Do what?"In-su's ghost asked.
"Why do I stay here, if you're..." She couldn't get heraelf to finish the sentence.
"If I'm dead?" He completed, and she nodded. "Because I'm dead, you aren't."
"It's not fair." She sighed, shaking her head. "Not fair, why...why do I get to live and you don't?"
"My choices brought me here."
"I don't care." She muttered, gripping onto the armchair with tension. "I don't care I just...I just feel so...empty." She gestured to her chest. "I was empty before you, now I am empty after you. You promised me you'd stay, that you'd make me complete."
The ghost gave a bittersweet smile. "I'm sorry."
"As if an apology could fix anything." Jae sighed, hands running down her tired face before abosrving the morbid house's energy. "Now I'm off to kill people."
"An extreme measure, I must say."
"Gets me to feel something." She shrugged. "Even as deranged and immoral as is it is."
"There are other ways to deal with grief you know...you could always read a book, join a pottery class...instead of going to some sort of South Korean Hunger Games and annihilate people." It was impressive how that imagination of hers captured perfectly In-su's sense of humor, laughing in the misery, ray of sunshine through the darkest day.
Without his jokes, there was no laugh to make, without his smile, there was no happiness to copy. It was only the dame void, dragging her further into her depression, a blackhole of sadness that consumed her inside.
"These people are searching for a way out. Just as I did." Jae spoke delicately, trying to explain. "They don't have a life anymore...when I shoot, it's like an euthanasia. I free them from the pain."
"How do you free someone from the pain when you're stuck in your own?" The ghost's eyes betrayed her thoughts, condemning her actions as a sinner presented before the sacred church.
Jae could've thought on better things to say, gentle words to mumble, attempt to justify herself, but now it was just pointless. Who was she even explaining it for, of there was only her and that empty house, dust over her shouldsrs as she became one within the walls.
"I think blue would be nice." She only whispered. "We should paint it blue."
"Hm...I might paint them yellow." He smirked, crossing his arms always stubborn, always annoyingly perfect. "There's enough blue in here, don't you think, love?"
And just as that, he was gone. The darkness of the room she didn't turn on the lights to, covered her, while a buzz echoed within the air. The phone already showed the message on the screen, date and address to take a haunted van into the workplace she had no idea where ir was.
No clothes to take, no one to say goodbye to, Kim Jaw only stood up and walked towards before giving a last gaze to her home.
Always wishing that would be the last time she'd see it.
Becoming a guard is more than putting on a mask and walking around in a bright pink uniform. It's about when you enter your small cabin after you've been in a coma at that van, that you forget about simply everything around you. Your life, your values, you put them aside and it's just you and the gun they gave you.
In some sort of way that fucker Salesman was right, you'd lose a sense of self and get used to the sense of property. In the end, a guard is just a pawn in something much bigger than them.
So whenever Jae found herself in that cubicle, now for the 4th time, she knew that this wasn't her anymore. Not the eyes, not the lips, not the face, neigher her hands were her own. This was guard 21, and she followed orders, she was a number, a soldier, ready to eliminate whoever was destined to be.
A painkiller in the shape of a bullet.
It was supoosed to be an average opening work day when in the even before the game, she missed something.
Quick steps, bumps against other guards, 21 found herself at the masked manager's control room, where the dark suited guard stood, observing a pannel.
"21."The man in square mask and pink details turned around. "I knew Salesman 03 was wrong to think that you'd abandon the ship." He looked at her, expression hidden underneath the mask. "But you don't seem to be in the mood for a conversation right now, are you?"
"Your fucking staff took something from me." She hissed, voice different by the mask's filter. She stood her hand in the air. "Return it to me."
The Manager took off his own mask, the aged face expressing mockery as he scoffed sloghtly at her order. 21 Has always had a short temper, that was no lie, but still, to give him orders? Now that was just too much.
"Are you accusing my staff of stealing?" He raised an eyebrow.
"I'm not accusing, I'm affirming. Now return it to me." She insisted.
The man stared at her for a deep moment. "Take off the mask, 21."
"That's not the protocol."
"I am the protocol. Now remove the mask when I say it." The manager insisted, voice slightly raising at hers to impose his authority.
With an audible annoyed sigh, Jae removed the mask, the hair slightly messy when she lowered the hoodie and stared back with a wild angry gaze at the man.
The Manager chortled at her sight, pouring a drink to himself before lightning up a cigar as usual to him. Jae stood still, boiling inside.
"Still the same little girl who came running to us 3 years ago" He shook his head. "How ungrateful."
"I'm not being-"
"You think you're something just cause you know how to shoot?"He raised his eyebrows, kissing his teeth. "Mhm? You think you're the shit, just cause we turned you into a sniper?" He walked up to her. "Think you can give us orders now?"
"I've never said-"
The Manager gripped onto her neck, the tight hand around her throat made her gasp as she stared back at him, face turning red by the hatred. "Should I remind you of your place in here, 21?"
The air barely reached her lungs when her eyelids became more fragile, tbe sight blurred, as a cough escaped her. "N-no sir-"
"Good, because the next time you talk like a bitch to me, there won't be a second chance." Just as that, he released her from the choking, and Jae did her best to stay on her feet.
Staring at the ground, recovering from the sudden artack and the need to just kill that man in front of her, Jae reminded herself it would only be reckless. She needed to find the ring, that was all she wanted, and she would get nowhere if she stood there any longer.
"I apologize sir...I should've expressed myself better." Jae took a deep breath, humble pisture as she stared at the man smoking and drinking at his leather armchair. "I just...I think I've lost something on my way here, and I'd like to have it back."
The man hummed, now pleased with her tone. "Better. Now what have you missed?"
"...A ring. A golden one."
The Manager smiled, almost making fun of her. "Wedding one?" Jae nodded in silence. "Tsk. Still stuck on the past, aren't you? Well, let's see..."He took his phone in his hands, analyzing each number that scrolled down his screen. "Circle Guard Number 29 was the responsible for the check in. You might want to have a word with him."
"Thank you sir. I will." Jae quickly responded, turning her back at him.
"And 21..."He called as she stopped. "Remember, what you see, you didn't, what you heard, you didn't." He reminded her. "Unless you want to be a part of it."
She knew what he was referring to, the organ trafficking. She knew the existence of it as long as she remember joining the games as a soldier, she was offered at first, but refused. As much as she killed to fulfill the void in her being, there were limits she couldn't allow herself to cross.
"Understood sir." Was her answer, before putting on the mask again and disappearing through the island's hallways.
Hwang Jun-ho had made it...made it to where exactly? In the determined journey to find his missing brother, he had found an island lost in the middle of the sea, infiltrated by various pink guards wearing strange masks.
Worse, he had just thrown one of them in the sea and occupied his place.
Now, dressed as the enemy, a wolf in sheep's clothing, Jun-ho stared from the pier where the vans had parked, the dark sea stormg in that mysterious night.
"You." A voice called, instantly making him freeze. Easy, Jun-ho, just act normal, although that wouldn't help much in that situation. "Hey, you, I'm speaking to you." A hand turned him by the shoulder abruptely. Jun-ho found himseld staring at a fellow guard, a triangle mask on their face. "Where are your manners to deal with your superiors?" The guard raised their chin. He stood still.
"A-apologies sir-"
"You're number 29, right?" The guard asked. Jun-ho gulped unable to reply. "Answer, damnit"
The guard stood their hand in front of him. "You've got something that's mine, give it to me." They demanded.
Jun-ho was now in a tight awkward siruation, he had no idea what that soldier meant, but shouldn't be good. He needed to find a way out, and quick, because behind him was only the sea, and a quick push would end his life for once and for all.
"I'm sorry, I don't understand-"
"Don't act stupid." The triangle soldier asked. "The ring you stole today. It's mine. Return it."
Again, Jun-ho had no idea. "I...I really don't know what you're talking about."
Suddenly the soldier gripped onto his uniform, masks touching as he shook him to the core, menacing and dangerous.
"Do you think I'm fucking playing around, 29?" The soldier hissed. "You think I was born yesterday? Huh?" Another shake, strong and fearsome. "You're gonna give me that ring, or I'm gonna blow your brains out right now. Do you hear me?" Jun-ho stared speachless. "I said: Do you hear me?!"The guard yelled, and this time his voice came a little more pitched, almost feminine.
"I don't have it." Jun-ho insisted.
For an instant, he believed he had convinced the triangle. Now the authoritary enermy backed off, a few steps away, finally allowing Jun-ho to breath.
That only lasted a fee minutes before the triangle approached again, initiatibg a through inspection through his body, hands everywhere.
"Hey!" Jun-ho protested as the guard tapped his thighs, then the arms, until they reached for the pocket of his uniform. "Stop it!"
When the triangle opened the pocket, they finally spot it. The black gloved hand hand the ring in their hands, raising it to both their eyesights. Jun-ho trembled, he was fucked.
"Someone's begging to die today." The triangle hissed, already pissed enough, putting the ring on his own pocket. "Liar."
"I-I didn't know it was with me, I swear I didn't take it-" Jun-o stuttered.
"On your knees, 29." The triangle guard commanded.
With aprehension, Jun-ho did as they asked, dropping on his knees at the dark pier, hands in the air meaning no harm as he stared back at the triangle guard, begging for mercy.
"Are you new, 29? You've got a lot of nerve to steal from your superior." The triangle complained, standing still and tall in front of him.
In that moment, all he could do was lie. "Y-yes, sir."
The triangle scoffed. "As expected." Hands on his hips as he leaned to look at him. "Take it off." Behind the mask, Jun-ho's face heated up.
"The mask, you idiot." Well, maybe he had understood it in the wrong way. "Take it or I will."
Jun-o slowly temoced the mask, already sweating and nervous, blowing up the cover. If that soldier attempted more, he would never no other choice but to initate a fight and get rid of him.
For now, we would attempt to behave.
Face exposed, the triangle, or better, Kim Jae, could observe with precision the man underneath. Jet black hair down, shiny eyes and a perfect jaw. He was handsome, that was no lie, grinding his teeth with slightly anger as he looked up, already planning how to deal with that situation.
Jae's gloved hand traced his hair, almost petting it before takinga hold and pulling it so he could stare properly at her. Jun-ho groaned slightly at the pain of her grip, biting the lower lip to keep the strong posture.
"Good boy." She mocked, still disguised by the mask. "Now listen up, 29. This better be the last time I see your face. Because I swear, if I see you again, it'll only be to add a bullet hole to your forehead. Understood?" She made the threat clear. Jun-ho only stared back, a drop of sweat rolling down his face. "Answer me. It's an order."
She pulled a bit more the head, he squinted his eyes for a moment, scrunched the nose in annoyance as he stared back. "Yes, sir"
"That's what I want to hear." She replied, finally releasing her grip onto the hair strands before Jun-ho sighed.
It was quite an image to have a guard surrended all to herself, especially one so submissive as him now, charming to the bone, James Dean kind of eyes as he stared back with so much hatred it almost made her proud.
It's been a while since Jae has seen an attractive man as him, usually that sort of men used to be assholes, and she was convinced, by his gesture of stealing, he was bone of them, sonit was delightful to make that sort of jerk to fear her power.
"Now get your mask and return to your cabin." She ordered, as Jun-ho promptly put the mask back on and stood up. "And 29." She said before he could leave. "You better watch your back, this is a warning."
No answer, only hushed footsteps before he could isolate himself at that cubicle and curse at the mirror.
Who the fuck was that? He barely started and someone already knew who he was. Off to a great beginning of an investigation. They were right, he better watch his steps, or this would end in such an ugly way he could not inagine.
When Jun-ho washed his sweaty face in the mirror, waterdrops rolling down his face, he knew for certain:
He would get his revenge.
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