RiverClan Allegiances
❛ MINNOWSTAR ❜ ━━━ sleek gray
tom-cat with amber eyes,
━ brother to troutspark,
━ male (he/him),
━ formerly named minnowcherry,
━ seventy-five moons old,
━ one life remaining,
❛ SALMONGLARE ❜ ━━━ large,
long-furred cream-and-ginger tabby
she-cat with green eyes,
━ sister to shellscar and
━ female (she/her),
━ fifty-five moons old,
❛ ADDERSHINE ❜ ━━━ large white
tom-cat with yellow eyes,
━ brother to galestorm,
━ male (he/him),
━ thirty-nine moons old,
❛ TROUTSPARK ❜ ━━━ muscular
silver tom-cat with bright golden eyes,
━ brother to minnowstar,
━ seventy-five moons old,
━ mentoring owlpaw,
❛ SHELLSCAR ❜ ━━━ gray-and-white
tabby tom-cat with pale green eyes,
━ brother to salmonglare and
━ mates with otterspring,
━ male (he/him),
━ fifty-five moons old,
━ mentoring koipaw,
❛ SPLASHEMBER ❜ ━━━ large white
she-cat with amber eyes,
━ sister to splashember and
━ female (she/her),
━ fifty-five moons old,
━ mentoring beepaw,
❛ OTTERSPRING ❜ ━━━ sleek gray
tabby she-cat with amber eyes,
━ sister to beavertumble and
━ mates with shellscar,
━ female (she/her),
━ forty-three moons old,
❛ BEAVERTUMBLE ❜ ━━━ thick-
furred brown tabby tom-cat with
amber eyes,
━ brother to otterspring and
━ mates with grayash,
━ father of owlpaw, koipaw, and
━ male (he/him),
━ forty-three moons old,
❛ GRAYASH ❜ ━━━ dark gray tabby
she-cat with green eyes,
━ sister to ripplespot,
━ mates with beavertumble,
━ mother of owlpaw, koipaw, and
━ female (she/her),
━ forty moons old,
❛ RIPPLESPOT ❜ ━━━ silver spotted
tom-cat with green eyes,
━ brother to grayash,
━ mates with turtleclaw,
━ father of spiderwebkit,
driftwoodkit, and hummingbirdkit,
━ male (he/him),
━ forty moons old,
❛ BOUNCEPOLLEN ❜ ━━━ small
gray she-cat with bright golden eyes,
━ sister to bumblewhisker,
━ female (she/her),
━ thirty-two moons old,
❛ BUMBLEWHISKER ❜ ━━━ gray
tabby she-cat with golden eyes and a
fluffy tail,
━ sister to bouncepollen,
━ female (she/her),
━ thirty-two moons old,
❛ REEDWATER ❜ ━━━ large dark
brown tabby tom-cat with amber
━ former loner,
━ mates with galestorm,
━ father of codkit and weedkit,
━ male (he/him),
━ twenty-seven moons old,
❛ BUTTERFLYDRIFT ❜ ━━━ long-
furred white tom-cat with one green
eye and one yellow eye,
━ brother to willowcry,
━ male (he/him),
━ nineteen moons old,
❛ WILLOWCRY ❜ ━━━ white she-cat
with tufted ears and green eyes,
━ sister to butterflydrift,
━ female (she/her),
━ nineteen moons old,
❛ OWLPAW ❜ ━━━ dark ginger
she-cat with yellow eyes,
━ sister to koipaw and beepaw,
━ female (she/her),
━ eleven moons old,
❛ KOIPAW ❜ ━━━ small tortoiseshell
she-cat with a stubbed tail and yellow
━ sister to owlpaw and beepaw,
━ female (she/her),
━ eleven moons old,
❛ BEEPAW ❜ ━━━ dark ginger
striped tabby tom-cat with yellow
━ brother to owlpaw and koipaw,
━ male (he/him),
━ eleven moons old,
❛ TURTLECLAW ❜ ━━━ marbled
silver queen with green eyes,
━ sister to otterspring and
━ mates with ripplespot,
━ mother of spiderwebkit, a marbled
silver tabby she-kit, driftwoodkit, a
brown tabby tom-kit, and
hummingbirdkit, a mottled brown
tabby she-kit,
━ female (she/her),
━ forty-three moons old,
❛ GALESTORM ❜ ━━━ gray-and-
white tabby with yellow eyes,
━ sister to addershine,
━ mates with reedwater,
━ mother of codkit, a silver tabby
tom-kit, and weedkit, a gray-and-
white tabby tom-kit,
━ female (she/her),
━ thirty-nine moons old,
❛ BURNETHEART ❜ ━━━ small fluffy
ginger queen with yellow eyes,
━ sister to goldenthorn,
━ mates with troutspark,
━ female (she/her),
━ eighty-four moons old,
❛ GOLDENTHORN ❜ ━━━ spotted
golden tabby tom-cat with yellow
━ brother to burnetheart,
━ male (he/him),
━ eighty-four moons old,
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