Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Sixteen:
Rage, Rage, Fucking Rage
Felicity was pissed. No, no.. Beyond pissed. All she saw was red. Anger boiled in her veins as she slammed the front door behind her. The door seemed to shake the house as she stomped upstairs, ignoring her Grandmother's scoldings.
Felicity had never felt this angry before. She wasn't an angry person. No, it took a lot to make her mad. But now.. Now she was livid. She was raging. The girl was so angry she felt like she could kill.
She jumped on her bed, shoving her face into the pillow. Letting out a loud scream, she tried her best to relieve the rage she felt.
It didn't work.
In fact, the anger seemed to increase as she turned her head and her blue eyes fell upon the nearly finished picture of Stan and all the pictures of them together.
A picture of her laughing after he shoved a cupcake in her face, icing dripping down her nose. A picture of Stan kissing her on the cheek, his face bright red while a bright smile adorning her face.
A picture of her standing on the cliff, her head turned to towards the sky so that she didn't look below. Her arms were out and her hair blew behind her.
A picture of her falling off of the bench as Richie tried his best to catch her before she hit the ground. The picture right next to it shows that he didn't exactly succeed, but got pulled down with her.
Both pictures were blurry as Mike, who had taken the picture, tried to contain his laughter.
Another picture showed Stan, he didn't know Felicity had stolen his camera, looking out of her window. The sun shined against him, casting a golden glow on his curls and skin.
Felicity let out a loud groan as she rolled over. She kicked her feet, causing her once neatly made ben to wrinkle under here.
"Why'd he have to be such a fucking dick!" Felicity groaned loudly.
"Felicity Lucy Warrens! Watch your mouth." Felicity's grandma shook her head from the doorway. "You're far too young to be using that devil language. Wait a year or two."
"Sorry, Granny." Felicity muttered, pulling the pillow off of her face. "I just have an ass-"
At the look her granmda gave her she cleared her throat, "Sorry, but it's true."
"Oh, honey. Men? Men suck. They're shit. They're stupid." Her grandma explained, slowly walking over and sitting on her bed. "They don't know what they do wrong and they certainly never apologize."
"Bu-But.. what about Grandpa-"
"No exceptions. I loved that man more than anything, besides you and the good Lord above, but he was clueless." Her grandma shook her head, "Bless his little heart."
"But Stan was.. supposed to be different!" Felicity wailed. "But he called me a whore! And-And told me to sleep with another boy!"
Her grandma sighed, pulling the distraught girl into her arms. "If only your grandpa was still here."
Felicity didn't feel any better when night fell. In fact, she felt worse. The darker the sky got, the darker she felt.
She couldn't sleep, either. With each passing minute she tossed and turned continuously. Her heart ached as her eyes focused on the pictures featuring him on the wall.
If she could, she'd burn each and every one of them. But she couldn't. Her grade relied on those.
A knocking on her window caused her to turn over. When she saw who was crouched on her roof, the anger returned.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes as she tossed the covers over her body. Goosebumps covered her body as her bare feet
"What do you want?" Felicity asked opening the window.
"I-" Stan started before glancing down at his legs. "Are you wearing pants?"
"No." She crossed her arms. "It was hot. Now, what do you want?"
"To say sorry." Stan explained briefly.
"Hm. Why don't you apologize tomorrow? I've got to sleep with someone else tonight." Felicity jabbed, uncrossing her arms. "Probably Bill. Or hell, since I'm such a whore, maybe I'll just sleep with all of them."
"I-I.. I'm sorry, Fel." Stan apologized, pain clear in his eyes. "I-I didn't mean it."
"Is that it, Stanley?" Felicity glared down at the boy.
"I-I don't know what to say."
"Hm.." Felicity put her finger to her chin in a sarcastic way. "Maybe that.. Oh, I don't know.. You're a dick?"
"I'm a dick." Stan nodded, both his hands resting against her window sill.
"An asshole."
"I'm an asshole."
Felicity nodded her head, "A bitch."
"A bitch."
"And a-"
"How many more times are you gonna insult me?" Stan asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Until I get a better apology." Felicity said reaching forward and putting both her hands on the window, "Watch your fingers, dear."
"Wait!" He whispered harshly, putting his palm against hers, "Do-Don't."
"Got a better apology already?" Felicity rose an eyebrow, moving her hands onto her hips.
Guilt tried to flood into her heart, trying to make her feel bad and tell her that she was overreacting. But the anger and the hurt she felt from him over powered that.
"I'm so sorry, Felicity. I-I didn't mean any of what I said. I was just angry and insecure and I know that's not an excuse but it's true. And I know you wouldn't sleep with Bill or anyone else, and I'm sorry." Stan began to ramble, his eyes beginning to water. "I love you."
"Love me? No, you don't." Felicity shook her head, "You can't love me-"
"But I do-"
"It's only been a month.." Felicity cut him off, stumbling back.
"That doesn't matter! I love you.." Stan shook his head, crawling through the window and into her room.
"Love me.." Felicity mumbled, shaking her head. "You're lying to me."
Unlovable. Her old friends had called her. Unlovable.
She believed Stan could like her, sure. But only temporarily. She wasn't lovable, after all.
"I'm not!" Stan defended, taking her hands into his. "I love you, and you can't change that."
{ Word Count: 1032 }
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{ Edited: No }
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