3: his first day
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FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL is always a breeze for gojō. all he had to do was introduce himself to the class and let his personality shine.
usually the first-years would ask a bunch a questions, specifically about his peculiar looks and love life from the girls, and what his class expectations were from the boys.
however, this year, gojō didn't expect there to be a minor setback. just minor.
gojō had begun his day like usual: driving to school and arriving at the staff room, sorting through all his papers, checking emails, and heading to his first class.
however, as soon as gojō slid open the door to his classroom, an eraser covered in chalk had dropped from the top and nearly dusted the male.
luckily gojō wasn't stupid enough to fall for this classic trick, which caused the class a series of disappointed sighs.
sukuna just simply frowned, as he told himself he'd get gojō tomorrow.
"pft, told you it wouldn't work", yūji quietly snickered at his twin, to which sukuna had replied with his middle finger.
"good morning class! my name's gojō satoru, and i'll be your home room and mathematics teacher this year".
upon setting his briefcase down beside the teacher's table, gojō had picked up a piece of chalk and started writing his name on the blackboard.
"now, let's do a little introduction, shall we?"
as soon as the lunch bell rang, all the students zoomed out of the room, allowing gojō to also start heading to the teacher's lounge.
gojō took out his packed lunch from the shared fridge and started heating it up while he took a swig from his water bottle.
with perfect timing, suzuki had walked in, grabbing her lunch from the fridge as well.
"oh, gojō-san, taking your lunch break too?", the dark-haired woman asked.
"oh hey suzuki-san! and yes, you? did you just finish teaching as well?"
nodding, suzuki had unwrapped her simple sandwich and pried open her little container of fresh strawberries.
the beeping immediately alerted gojō that his food was ready, and hence came the opportunity for the white-haired male to make a move.
"mind if i take a seat with you?", he charmingly smiled.
"be my guest", suzuki replied, watching the tall male take a seat beside her.
"so, how is your first day so far? any trouble students?", gojō grinned.
shaking her head, suzuki just smiled, "not really. there are some that i suspect may be a little mischievous, but not bad or anything...though this is my first time teaching, so maybe i'm not very good at reading teenagers".
gojō then watched suzuki bite into her ham, cheese, lettuce, and mayo sandwich, wondering if she liked those store bought ones.
perhaps he could introduce her to a café nearby, where they serve tea and finger sandwiches.
"how about you? any students that have created a lasting impression?", suzuki asked, as gojō swirled his noodles for a bit.
"ah...not in particular", the latter responded.
'except for that little snot, sukuna, who put that chalked-up eraser on the door'.
as the two continued discussing the first half of their day, their lunch eventually came to an end.
"and that's why i transferred to working at a school", suzuki explained, having to have given a gojō a debrief of her previous corporate job.
"i see, well i'm glad you saw a problem with your life and decided to make a change. some people never even gather up the courage to do so".
the ebony-haired woman thanked gojō for the praise, and headed towards the last half of her classes before she was late.
gojō just stood there, a goofy smile on his face.
"tHanK yoU, gOjō-SaN~ yOu're So nIce anD HandSOmE, anD—"
"ugh, shut up, suguru!"
getō just snorted, as he strolled closer to his best friend, who was just giving him a playful glare.
"oohhh, looks like somebody's got a crush~", the biology teacher teased.
"yeah right! i'm just having a civil conversation with my fellow coworker. what's so wrong about that?!"
"nothing", getō smirked, "nothing at all".
entering the teacher's lounge, getō had left gojō alone in the hallway, to which the latter had just grumbled something beneath his breath.
"nosy ass".
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