21. 𝖳𝗁𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖪𝖺𝗇𝗂𝗆𝖺𝗌
Threats and Kamina's | Act Two
BODIES CRASHED TOGETHER; red lights sourced through the air scanning the multiple bodies piled together. The air was thick and hot in the trapped building, making it hard to breathe. Men stood around watching the chaos unfold before them. Blaze was trapped in the middle of the crowd, feeling a gentle pull at his wrist as he felt his body move and the people around him become blurry streaks.
He felt like he was flying past everyone as his legs tingled making him giggle through the crowd. He had no idea where he was going and he didn't care, all he cared about was the euphoric feeling flowing through his body taking every ounce of pain that had filled his body in the last few weeks.
"Blaze" A faraway voice was heard. "Blaze"
Blaze spun around trying to locate the voice as he felt the tug on his wrist become harsher, pulling him through the crowd.
"Blaze!" Lydia's voice snapped him awake, making him groan as he fluttered his eyes open, stretching his body as he did so.
"What time is it?" Blaze mumbled closing his eyes and curling back into her blankets.
"It's 8:20. Get up," Lydia said as he continued doing her makeup at her vanity table.
"Remember how I told you about what happened at the club?" Blaze asked her, leaning on his elbow as Lydia turned around to face him with a nod.
"Oh, how you waited all this time to tell me how you overdosed at a club and almost died? Yeah, I remember that conversation." Lydia said bitterly. After Blaze had confessed to what he's been up to the last few days (leaving out the supernatural stuff) she had freaked out and slapped him about a million times before scolding him on his crazy behavior before continuing to cry with him.
"I think those memories are finally coming back. I still don't remember much but one small memory is better than nothing I suppose." Blaze told her. He felt as though he could still feel the tingles and numbness through his body but shook it off and ignored it.
"That's good. I would love to know who gave you or let you do those drugs so I can kill them myself. Perhaps I can drug them and make it look like an overdose." Lydia smirked before she gasped and spun around to face him again, "What if someone was trying to kill you by drugging you and making it look like a suicide? It would be perfect, especially with how Ryle just died and how depressed you've been."
Blaze gave Lydia a deadpan look before he chuckled, "It would have indeed been perfect. Better yet, who was trying to kill me?"
"Who wouldn't want you dead? Those poor jealous homophobes with no life have nothing better to do besides wish to be us." Lydia shrugged as Blaze couldn't help but laugh at how serious she was being.
"Oh, how I missed this," Blaze smiled at Lydia who smiled back at him, standing up as she moved to sit on the edge of her bed beside Blaze.
"Me too. Good thing our depressive states are over with-- even if one of us is diagnosed as depressed. No one needs to know how terrible our lives have become, so get dressed, pick something cute, and pretend as hard as you can that you're not feeling all dull and grey inside." Lydia winked at him as he got up with a small complaint.
"Pick something out for me. I'm too depressed to do so." Blaze joked as Lydia playfully glared at him.
"You're going to run this into the ground, aren't you?" Lydia asked.
"Oh yeah." Blaze nodded.
"Whatever then. I already picked you out something." Lydia grinned as she pointed towards the chair and handed him the pile of clothes.
When they first become friends, they ended up spending months at each other's houses, to the point they just bought extra clothes to keep at each other's houses for whenever they needed them. Whenever they saw something cute, they thought the other would like, they would buy it and put it in their closets for the other to wear when they needed the clothes.
Blaze walked to Lydia's bathroom and used the extra skincare products that he has bought just for her house before he touched up his hair, making sure he looked alright, before putting on the black jeans white tank top, and the button light grey t-shirt which he left open.
"You want to get coffee before school or just buy it at school?" Lydia asked as he walked back into her room, making her smile in approval at the outfit she chooses while she put on her pink leather jacket.
"Before school, obvi." Blaze rolled his eyes. The coffee at the school tastes like charcoal. Sort of like the toothpaste, his parents have him use to keep his teeth white. "You ready to fake it till we make it?"
The two best friends stood in front of her mirror, carrying their bags as they touched up the last of their appearances. "No dead boyfriends." Lydia shook her head.
"No ex-boyfriends" Blaze stated.
"No formal attack."
"No depression and trauma."
"Save it for the therapist." Lydia and Blaze said in unison before they put on their best reassuring smiles.
Blaze walked out of his first-period class with Scott and Stiles who automatically started talking about the research he had done the night before.
"All right, I only found one thing online called a Kanima. It's a were-jaguar from South America that goes after murders." Stiles informed them.
"That thing was not a jaguar," Scott told him.
"Yeah, and Stiles isn't exactly a murderer. Or is he?" Blaze narrowed his eyes at Stiles, but it was obvious he was only joking but that didn't stop Stiles from giving him an offended look, "Something you want to confess, Stiles?"
"Let's see if you're alive in the next 24 hours and then we can revisit that question," Stiles smirked at Blaze and chuckled.
"But you did see it kill somebody, which is probably why it tried to kill you? And it's still trying to kill you, and it probably won't stop until you're dead." Scott exclaimed as Blaze walked beside him.
"Does that mean we just hand him over and call it a day?" Blaze asked Scott, as Stiles stopped walking and looked at the two in disbelief as they kept walking to their next class.
"You know, sometimes I begin to question this "friendship"." Stile s stated putting the word friendship in quotation marks before he followed them into their second class.
Blaze smiled at Lydia who shared the class before he followed Stiles and Scott and sat down behind Stiles and pulled out his books.
"Hey, testicle left and right and small dick." Jackson hissed at the three of them as he sat down beside Jackson. His voice and presence made them sigh in annoyance before their faces dropped at his next words, "What the hell is a Kanima?"
Before any of them could ask Jackson how he knew that Coach slammed his textbook on the desk and started to speak, "All right, listen up. A quick warning before we begin our review. Some of you, like McCall, might want to start your study groups because tomorrow's midterm is so profoundly difficult. I'm not even too sure I could pass it. Okay, I need a volunteer on the board to answer the first question."
"Paralyzed from the neck down. Do you have any idea what that feels like?" Jackson said them in a tone that already pissed Blaze off.
"I'm familiar with the sensation." Stiles nodded.
"I don't but I do know what it feels like to be bitten by a big animal. Very vicious and painful, almost died. And FYI my dick it's not small, just like Lydia." Blaze blinked at Jackson who rolled his eyes but was confused about how Lydia would now but then again, he knew how close they were, so he wasn't as surprised as he thought he'd be.
"Wait, why would Derek test you? Why would he think that it's you?" Scott asked quietly.
"Maybe it is. From what you guys have described all I picture is a snake." Blaze smirked at Jackson as Scott couldn't help but laugh.
"How should I know? And it's not me. They already tested me, you idiot. Do you ever pay attention?" Jackson snapped.
"All the time. That's how I know you've dreamt of me once or two." Blaze winked at Jackson who glared harder at him.
"Wait, do they think it's Lydia?" Stiles stated with concern as Blaze scoffed.
"I don't know, all I heard was her name and something about chemistry." Jackson shrugged.
"Lydia is not that ugly thing and I haven't even seen it yet. She may be a cunt but she's not a snake. That's Jackson." Blaze whispered to Stiles and Scott as if Jackson couldn't hear him.
"Jackson! Blaze!" Coach snapped making the jump and turning away from each other, "Do you have something you want to share with the rest of the class?"
"Um... just my undying admiration for my coach." Jackson smiled at Coach who smiled back at him.
"That's really kind of you." Coach nodded softly making Jackson look smug before it fell, "Now, shut up! Shut it! Blaze, you want to share next?"
"I was just talking to them about helping me from a new teammate since we're down one. Didn't want to do it alone." Blaze coughed, not even having to faux sadness about replacing Ryle on the team which Blaze didn't plan on doing any time soon.
Coach slowly nodded his head, "Oh okay. Let me know if you want someone else to take over that."
Blaze smiled tightly and nodded before shooting Jackson's smug look, making him scoff, "That little sob story won't always work."
"Shut up, Jackson." Scott glared at the boy for his comment before he grabbed Stiles by the sweater and yanked him closer, "How do we know it's not her?"
"Because I looked into the eyes of that thing, okay? And what I saw was pure evil. And when I look into Lydia's eyes, I only see 50 perfect evil." Stiles leaned back in his seat, "Alright, maybe 60. You know but no more than 40 on a good day."
"Stiles, that's not a very good argument." Scott frowned, as Blaze sighed.
"Scott, it's not her. It can't be, I spent the entire night at her house last night. We were crying in her car together when Stiles was on a swim date with Snake here and Derek." Blaze said nodding towards Jackson at the snake part.
Scott sighed before he nodded but looked slightly concerned about Blaze being upset in Lydia's car last night and felt bad for not checking up on him.
"Lydia's fine," Stiles added to Blaze's words as they all looked over at the strawberry blonde who was taking notes quietly before she went up to the board to answer the next question.
Blaze went back to taking notes before he heard sniffling and small gasps for air, making him look up and see Lydia at the front of the class, facing everyone with her eyes close and tears streaming down her face. She looked like she was in a nightmare in the middle of class.
"Lydia!" Coach snapped, making Lydia gasp, her eyes shooting open as she tried to calm her sobs, "Okay then, anyone else wants to try answering? This time in English?"
Everyone started laughing as Lydia spun around to face the board to look at what she wrote while Blaze grew angry, "Next person I see laughing will experience a hospital trip that I'm sure none of you can afford." He snapped at everyone, making them quiet down.
"What is that Greek?" Scott wondered as he looked at the board.
"No, actually, I think it is English," Stiles said as he showed them his phone where he took a picture of her words and flipped the picture around.
Blaze's heart dropped as he read the words that Lydia wrote on the board, "SOMEONE HELP ME"
After Economics, Stiles, Scott, and Blaze walk into chemistry talking about the Kanima and Lydia, "Derek is not going to kill her without proof." Scott stated.
"I am proof and if he even touches her, I'm going to kill him with my bare hands." Blaze gritted angrily.
"All right, so he tests her like he did with Jackson, right? But when and where?" Stiles wondered as they glanced at Lydia who was sitting at the front of the classroom alone before they turned to see Erica and Issac walk in, smirking as they saw them and Lydia.
"I think here and now," Scott says in worry before they eye the empty seat beside Lydia and they all rush towards the seat, Blaze sitting down first as Scott and Stiles pull up chairs and sit beside them, leaving Erica and Issac to sit behind them.
"I'm literally about to get violent," Blaze muttered under his breath as Allison sat down beside them, shooting them a confused look, making Scott nod his head towards Erica who was smirking at her.
"Einstein once said, "Two things are infinite: The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe but I have encountered infinite stupidity." Harris said tapping Stiles on the shoulder at his last sentence.
"So, to combat the plague of ignorance in my class, you're going to combine efforts through a round of experiments. Let's see if two heads are indeed better than one. Or in Mr. Stilinski's case, less than one." Harris said, "Erica you can take the first station. You'll start with."
Everyone boy and a few girls raised their hands, making Erica smirk smugly as Blaze rolled his eyes, "Nothing more embarrassing than getting popular because of your looks. Says something huh?" He asked Lydia who nodded her head and chuckled.
"I didn't ask for volunteers. Put your hormonal little hands down. Start with Mr. Anderson. At least I'll know, he won't try anything." Harris said as Blaze groaned loudly making sure to make his distaste clear.
Everyone moved to their stations once they were partnered. Blaze took Lydia's seat as Erica sat in his previous one and they worked in silence before Blaze glanced back at Lydia before looking at the blonde.
"Whatever you're thinking about doing, I'd think twice." Blaze glared at her hatefully.
"I heard you had been bitten but Derek says nothing happened, yet your scent says otherwise. Sorry about your boyfriend's death. I really liked Ryle." The moment his name came out of her mouth, Blaze grew angrier than before and pressed his hand into her thigh, making her tense but amused neither less.
"I never liked you. If you think because you had to be bitten to even become likable that it means you are, you are not. Everyone who just rose their hands only what's you for sex which is sort of sad because they never wanted you when you were too busy taking seizures and pissing your pants." Blaze smirked at the blonde who looked just as angry and upset.
"Isn't that what everyone wanted you for? Just sex, except for Ryle but look what happened to him." Erica chuckled the slightest as she watched Blaze try to control his anger, "You were too busy looking at other guys to even know I was friends with Ryle. The only decent person in this school. A shame he got caught up with you."
Erica chuckled and slightly winced as she looked down at her thigh and cocked her head, "So I was right."
Blaze looked confused as he looked down to see his fingernails had turned into claws and had sighed themselves into her thigh, making him pull his hand away quickly.
"Lydia was with me all night. She's not the Kanima. Leave her alone." Blaze narrowed his eyes at the blonde who just smiled at him. He wished he was the type of man to hit a woman but unfortunately, he wasn't and at that moment he hated being such an awesome person.
"Switch," Harris stated. Blaze got up and sat down in his original spot at the front of the class, turning his head only to sigh when he saw he was sitting beside Isaac who was looking at a piece of paper in his head before he glanced at Blaze with a small smirk making him look away.
He hated to admit it, but the Lahey kid wasn't too bad to look at. If he wasn't completely in love with Ryle and hated the thought of another man touching him then he could see himself in bed with the kid.
"Isaac, right?" Blaze asked as he poured some random liquid into the container. He had no idea what he was doing but the textbook mentioned doing it, so he was just going with the flow.
"I'm surprised you know that. Last time we ever talked, you called me cemetery boy." Isaac said as Blaze cracked a smile.
"Well, you do spend most of your time with the dead and you did see me having sex in your little play area. I'm sure your ghost buddies had quite the show." Blaze smirked as Isaac chuckled himself.
"Yeah, I'm sure." Isaac nodded.
"If you harm one hair on my best friend's perfect little head, I'm going to kill you with my bare hands and then you can ask them. Don't think just because you got some little wolf power than you are any different from the loser you were a few weeks ago. You and Erica waltzed around these halls as if a bite didn't make you who you are. If you wanted a friend or two, all you had to do was make some. Not act like a fucking cunt who's going to get himself killed by being Derek's little bitch." Blaze stated as he continued his work.
"I tried to make friends; they just didn't want to be friends with me." Isaac shrugged, "Expect Ryle. He was just a sweetheart to everyone."
Blaze closed his eyes for a moment, setting down the glass beaker before he turned to look at Isaac, "I remember the first time we met. On the first day of tryouts and you told me your name was Isaac, I told you mine and that's it. You never actually talked to me again after that. We could've been friends, but you never made an effort."
Isaac chuckled at his words, "You mean you were too busy trying to be better than everyone, you didn't notice me trying to talk to you?"
Blaze furrowed his eyes rows as Isaac rolled his eyes, "That's the problem with you isn't it, Blaze? You think you know everything, but the truth is you never notice anything. Maybe that's why your only real friend is Lydia. She never noticed anything around her either."
"Erica and Boyd seem like good friends to you. Why weren't you friends before?" Blaze wondered, "Or maybe you just never made an effort or notice either. Derek had to also give you that."
The teacher rang the bell before Issac could respond to him, "And switch."
"I think maybe I'll make an effort into killing her. I'm not very good at making friends." Isaac stated as he got up and moved to sit with Lydia, leaving Blaze to stare at him in disbelief before Scott sat down beside him.
Blaze stood up to try and walk over to them when Harris slapped a stick in front of him, "If you're trying to test my patience, Mr. Anderson, I guarantee it'll be a failing grade."
"Are you okay?" Scott muttered to Blaze. He had heard everything Erica and Isaac had said to him, and he felt the need to punch both of them.
"I'm fine. Lydia is to be worried about." Blaze rolled his eyes as he trained his eyes on Lydia and Isaac.
"I heard what Erica said and saw what happened," Scott said glancing at his hand, as Blaze clenched his fist.
"I'm fine, Scott. But if something happens to her, I won't be. Kill them if you have to. I don't care what Lydia does, she's not being hurt by those low-life freaks." Blaze muttered, keeping his anger at bay as he spoke.
"Nothing will happen to her," Scott reassured him, as he placed a hand on his arm, glancing back at Erica and Allison who had looked over at him. Erica smirked as she saw the hand Scott put on Blaze, making Scott move it as Allison glared at the blonde.
"Time!" Harris rang the bell for the last time, "If you've catalyzed the reaction correctly, you should be looking at a crystal."
Scott and Blaze eyed their experiments, and they most definitely did not see a crystal, "Now for the part of the last experiment I'm sure you'll all enjoy, you can eat it."
"I am not touching that with a ten-foot pole." Blaze made a disturbing face as he looked at the beaker, making Scott chuckle before he looked over and saw Isaac handing Lydia the crystal with Kanima venom on it.
"Lydia!" Scott stood up and yelled, making everyone stop what they were doing and look over at Scott and Lydia.
"What?" Lydia asked in confusion as Scott turned around and looked at Erica and Allison who were watching everything go down.
"Nothing." Scott shook his head and sat back down as everyone who knew about the supernatural watched her closely as she ate the crystal, but nothing happened to her.
Scott glanced at Blaze who slammed his head on the table before looking outside and seeing Derek watching them through the window, leaning against his car.
Blaze, Stiles, Allison, and Scott walked into the coach's office so they could speak freely without anyone being near them.
"Derek's outside waiting for Lydia," Scott announced to the group.
"Waiting to kill her?" Allison asked him in worry.
"I'm going to hurt someone. Do you have a bat on you?" Blaze asked Stiles who nodded, "Always."
"If he thinks she's the Kanima, then yes. Especially what happened at the pool." Scott told Allison who threw her head back in frustration.
"It's not her." Stiles denied.
"Stiles, she didn't pass the test, man. Nothing happened." Scott said softly knowing how hard this probably was.
"Yeah, nothing happened because Lydia was with me! Unless she had a doppelgänger I was crying with and spent the entire night with, it can't be her, Scott. You can't be in two places at the same time." Blaze snapped angrily.
"It doesn't matter because Derek thinks it's her. So, either we can convince him that he's wrong, or we've got to figure out how a way to protect her." Allison exclaimed.
"Well, I don't think he's gonna do anything here, not at the school." Scott shook his head.
"Let's just kill him." Blaze raised his hand as Stiles nodded his head in agreement.
"What about after school?" Allison asked her ex-boyfriend as they ignored Blaze's suggestion, "What if we can prove that Derek's wrong?"
"He won't fucking believe me about being with Lydia all night. He'll probably make up some weird suggestion on how it could be possible. Any ideas before 3:00?" Blaze shrugged, looking around at his friends.
"There could be something in the bestiary." Allison offered.
"Oh, you mean the 900-page book written in Archaic Latin that none of us could read. Good luck with that." Stiles scoffed in annoyance.
"Actually, I think I might know someone who might be able to translate it." Allison suddenly says.
"I can talk to Derek, maybe convince him to give us a chance to prove that it's not her. But if anything happens you guys let me handle it, okay?" Scott looked at everyone.
"What does that mean?" Allison asked Scott as Blaze nodded.
"Yeah, I don't like that sentence. If anything happens, I'm not being a sitting duck while I wait for Scott McDonald to come to save my ass. Sorry but no." Blaze chuckled at his own words.
"Blaze, you can't heal like I do. Not exactly but you know what I mean. I just don't want you getting hurt." Scott told him.
Allison grabbed a crossbow out of her bag before she held it up, and held it up, "We can protect ourselves."
"I sometimes wish pussy didn't scare me." Blaze whistled ad he winked at Allison who grinned at him and set the weapon down on the table.
"Scott, we can take care of ourselves. Maybe not Stiles but not the point. You don't have to worry about us. I'm coming with you anyways. I need to talk to Derek." Blaze assured Scott who didn't look convinced but nodded anyways, feeling slightly better knowing he could be there with Blaze in case anything goes wrong.
Blaze and Scott start walking towards the door when they heard a swizzling sound behind them, making Blaze's arm snap out and catch the arrow before it impaled Scott's face.
"Ay sorry." Stiles grumbled as he handed Allison back the weapon, "Sorry. It's a sensitive trigger on that."
"Maybe he indeed can protect himself," Blaze mocked as he set the arrow down. Scott chuckled before he followed him out the door and towards the field where they met with Boyd.
"We want to talk to Derek," Scott said as they walked over to the boy who was standing alone.
"Talk to me," Boyd said walking closer to them.
"You're not that interesting to talk to." Blaze rolled his eyes.
"We don't want to fight," Scott told him.
"Good. Because I'm twice the size of you." Boyd said cockily as they stood in front of each other.
"I'm pretty confident with my fighting skills, I could take you. If I'm lucky." Blaze shrugged as Scott frowned.
"True. True. But you want to know what I think? I'm twice as fast." Scott stated before he tackled Boyd to the ground, making Blaze roll his eyes.
Boyd wiped his hands as he stood up just before Derek arrived, "She failed the test."
"Lydia was with me all night. We were in her car together when you were trapped in the pool." Blaze glared at the older man.
"Actually, from what I've gathered, Lydia was alone before you even got to her car. The Kanima was gone for a bit before we saw it again in the pool." Derek shrugged.
"And when you did see it again? Was that this morning after I finally left her or what?" Blaze scoffed.
"Lydia's different," Scott stated.
"I know, at night she turns into a homicide-walking snake," Derek said as Blaze stepped closer to her.
"The only snake here is you. We never should've helped you, like ever. Kate did us all a favor trying to get rid of you. I'm not going to let you kill her." Blaze glared at him.
Derek smirked as he shared a look with Boyd, "Who said I was gonna do it?"
Scott looked confused for a moment before realization hit him, but Blaze's expression didn't change from the hateful one he was given Derek, "You know before your little alpha powers, you weren't as cocky and strong. You had to manipulate teenagers into becoming your little bitches huh? Seems a bit pathetic to you. Especially when not even a few weeks ago, you were practically begging for our help."
"It seems now, you're the one here looking for my help." Derek smiled at Blaze who stared at him with a raised eyebrow, "If you want to know why you're not fully turning, how about you find your birth parents."
Scott looked at Blaze in surprise as Blaze gave Derek a confused look, "Why would that matter?"
"Because you're more like me than you think Blaze. You're a born werewolf, I knew since the moment I met you." Derek informed Blaze who looked surprised at his words before he looked at Scott who was knocked to the ground by Boyd who stopped him from trying to save Lydia.
"I don't know why you think you have to protect everyone now, Scott, but even so, Lydia has killed people and she's gonna do it again, and next time, it's gonna be one of us," Derek told him.
"The only person going to kill you will be me and I don't need to be a werewolf to hunt your ass down. I know a few agents who would love to kill you." Blaze scoffed.
"What if you are wrong?" Scott leaned up to look at him from his spot on the ground.
"She was bitten by an Alpha. It's her."
"You saw that thing up close. You know it's not like us." Scott stated.
"But it is! We're all shapeshifters. You don't know what you're dealing with. It happens rarely and it happens for a reason." Derek said to the pair who looked confused.
"What reason?" Blaze asked him.
"Sometimes the shape you take reflects the person that you are," Derek stated as Blaze grabbed him by the jacket and yanked him closer to him.
"Listen here asshole, I know an alpha has to kill someone and yet somehow this little power is passed down from your family. You're sister, your uncle, your mother. You're all werewolves and cold-blooded killers, so tell me. When Kate murdered your family, did she say the same? No real proof that they killed someone but being an alpha was enough for them to be murdered huh? Tell me how you're any different from Kate?" Blaze glared at him angrily.
Derek didn't say anything as the pair just stared at each other, making Scott cut in, "What if she's immune? What if she got something inside of her that makes her immune to the bite, which is why she didn't get paralyzed?"
"No one's immune! Not even Blaze is immune because he had a reason. I've never seen or heard of it. It's never happened." Derek said in frustration.
"What about Jackson?" Scott asked him, leaving Derek with no words which made Scott realize something, "That's why you tested him, isn't it? Because you have him what he wanted, didn't you?"
"Scott..." Derek tried to say when Scott cut him off.
"Peter said the bite either kills you or turns you. You were probably hoping that he would die. But nothing happened, right? And you have no idea why, do you?" Scott realized.
"No," Derek confessed.
"Well, I have a theory," Scott told him.
"I still think the snake is Jackson. Somehow, I don't know but he fits the description perfectly. Looks and personality." Blaze smiled brightly.
"Lydia's immune, and somehow she passed it onto Jackson. You know, I'm right." Scott told Derek who was getting annoyed, "No!"
"You cannot do this!" Scott yelled at him angrily.
"Look, I can't let her live! You should've known that!" Derek snapped back at him.
"I was hoping I would convince you, but then again, I wasn't counting on it," Scott mentioned as Blaze smirked seeing the confused expression on Derek's face.
Blaze rushed down the street in his car as he drove to Scott's house as fast as he could. He had no idea where Scott even went as they went their separate ways, but he didn't bother to wait, knowing it wouldn't be long until Isaac and Erica got to Lydia.
Seeing SStiles'scar parked, he quickly parked behind him and jumped out of the car and ran up the steps towards the front door. He tried to open it, but it was locked, and he could hear small gasps come from behind the door.
"Stiles. Allison! It's me." Blaze called out before he heard the door chain come off and some commotion before the door opened and he was shoved inside.
"Thank god you are here. Where's Scott?" Allison asked as Stiles locked the door and placed the chair back underneath the doorknob.
"I figured he might already be here. We went our separate ways. I came here as fast as I could. Where's Lydia?" Blaze asked as he felt his heart racing knowing there was a chance his best friend might die tonight. He felt physically sick just thinking about losing her.
"Upstairs with Jackson," Allison told him, making him nod before they all stood around the door waiting for any sign of the werewolves they knew.
"Why'd you need to talk to Derek?" Stiles asked, trying to distract themselves from anything other than Lydia trying to be killed.
"I'm a born werewolf which means Peter biting me just triggered it, I guess. I don't know, I haven't fully turned, and I don't know why. Just a few traits here and then. Mostly losing control when I don't mean to." Blaze confessed to them.
"You've always been a werewolf?" Allison repeated in surprise.
"Well, Blaze, if you could tap into that power like right about now, that would be terrific," Stiles said as he looked out the window and saw Derek and his pack standing on the lawn, waiting around.
"I would if I knew how. I would love to tear their heads off. What are you doing?" Blaze asked, seeing Allison typing on her phone.
"I think... I think I have to call my dad." Allison cursed under her breath. She didn't want to call him but knew she might have to.
"Do it. They're not here to kill us, they're here to kill Lydia. I don't care if you're dad has to kill any of them or if he finds out about me." Blaze told Allison, who took a harsh breath, not knowing what to do. She didn't want to put Blaze's life in danger but the thought of what might happen to Lydia was scaring her even more at the moment.
"I got an idea. Just shoot one of 'em." Stiles whispered to Allison who was holding her weapon.
"Are you serious?" Allison asked in disbelief.
"We told Scott we could protect ourselves, let's do it. Or at least give it a shot, right?" Stiles said, gaining some sort of confidence.
"I agree. We are not sitting ducks remember. Fuck Scott McDonald, we do not need him. We're like Harry, Hermione, and Ronald. Better than Draco, who in this case is Scott." Blaze shrugged as Allison and Stiles stared at him for a moment before shaking their heads.
"Look, they don't think we're gonna fight so if one of them gets hit, I guarantee they'll take off. So just shoot one of 'em." Stiles whispered to the brunette.
Allison moved the curtain to look out the window, "Which one?"
"Uh. Derek." Stiles told her, making Blaze nod in agreement.
"Yeah, shoot him, preferably in the head." Blaze encouraged her.
"If Scott was able to catch an arrow, Derek definitely can," Allison told them as Stiles and Blaze shared a look knowing she was right.
"Okay, uh. Just shoot one of the other three then." Blaze shrugged, "Preferably, Erica. Also, in the head."
"You mean two," Allison stated.
"No, I mean three." Blaze shakes his head before Stiles rips the curtain back to look outside, only to see three werewolves standing outside. Two betas and an alpha.
"Where the hell is Isaac?" Stiles asked in alarm. The three of them, stepped back not hearing Isaac coming up behind them until he threw Blaze to the side before grabbing Allison, knocking the weapon out of her hand, and tossing her to the side as well before he threw Stiles, the opposite way.
Isaac stalked towards Stiles, eyes glowing yellow as he went to attack him when Blaze grabbed him by the shoulder and punched him as hard as he could. He knew he couldn't beat a werewolf, especially as one who has never actually shifted but he most definitely could keep his attention of Stiles and Allison.
Isaac slammed Blaze into the wall roughly before he tried to punch Blaze, but he moved to the side in time, making Blaze use his foot to kick Isaac back away from him when he stumbled a bit.
Stiles tried to go down the hall but was stopped by Isaac, who had once again grabbed him when he was in arms reach thanks to Blaze's kick.
"Back to the grave," Blaze grumbled as pushed Isaac away from Stiles, grabbing him by his ugly leather jacket and through his against the wall, his anger getting the best of him.
"I think you're getting somewhere," Isaac smirked talking about Blaze's glowing eyes but his smirk just seemed to piss Blaze off as he sent a few punches towards his unfortunately pretty face.
Issac used his strength to throw Blaze away from him, to which he knocked over the side table in the process, breaking the lamp on the ground and cracking his head open against the coffee table.
"Fuck." Blaze groaned, turning his head towards Isaac who was walking towards him but was stopped by Scott who appeared and shoved Isaac away from Blaze and fought him while Stiles ran over to Blaze.
"Are you okay? Can you stand?" Stiles asked quickly as he helped Blaze up, seeing the small amount of blood running down his temple.
"I'm okay." Blaze nodded as he heard the door open and saw Scott throwing Isaac and Erica's body onto the front lawn making them follow him outside.
"I think I'm finally getting why you keep refusing me, Scott. You're not an omega, you're already an alpha of your pack. But you know you can't beat me. Blaze maybe, if he learns to accept who he is." Derek smirked at Scott before looking at Blaze who looked confused but stayed quiet.
"I can hold you off until the cops get here," Scott said just as they heard police sirens nearby. Derek's face fell as he looked to the side before, they heard a hissing sound and turned around to look at the roof.
Stiles, Allison, Scott, and Blaze looked up at the roof, hearing the same noise which made them step onto the lawn to see what Derek was looking at.
Blaze's mouth dropped when he saw the Kanima on top of the roof, hissing at them loudly before he ran away, "That is one ugly motherfucker." He couldn't help but laugh.
"Get them out of here," Derek told Boyd as he nodded at Isaac and Erica.
Everyone looked towards the door to see Lydia running out, looking freaked out and annoyed, "Would someone please tell me what the hell is going on?"
"I told you." Blaze gave Scott a smug look as realization hit him.
"It's Jackson," Scott muttered with wide eyes.
"I could've figured out all of this a while ago if I had seen it. Looks exactly like him." Blaze joked as Scott gave him a look, making him shrug.
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