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You don't want to go out with me? | Act 1
ย ย ย BLAZES' EYES FLUTTERED OPEN to the feeling of someone caressing his arm and leaving small kisses on his neck that made him turn his head, giving them more access to continuing their heavenly work.
He turned his head to see a shirtless Ryle lying beside him, a strand of hair falling over his face, "Morning." He whispered in his ear as he placed a hand on Blaze's hip, rubbing up and down softly.
"Hi." Blaze's words got caught in his throat as Ryle turned him over and crawled on top of him, "Isn't this a morning to wake up to."
Ryle chuckled as Blaze brought his face up to his so he could kiss him properly. Their lips worked against each other as Blaze's hand moved up and down his back, pulling Ryle closer to him, if possible.
Ryle pulled away to kiss down Blaze's bare chest making said man throws his head back in contentment. Loving every moment and feeling Ryle was given him.
"Want me to keep going?" Ryle muttered in a teasing voice as he played with the strings attached to Blaze's jogging pants, kissing his way back up his chest.
"Y-yes." Blaze nodded his head hoping the boy would do something soon. His cock ached and all he wanted was some sort of pleasure.
"Sorry, didn't hear that?" Ryle mocked as Blaze lifted his head to glare at him, but it didn't last long as Ryle put his hands into his pants and grabbed him roughly over his boxers making him gasp in surprise.
"Oh god." Blaze clutches the bed sheets as Ryle stroked him over the thin fabric. His hand fits him perfectly.
"Not god, Blaze. Just me." Ryle chuckled, leaning over him as he continued his hand movements so he could kiss him again. Blaze's hips bucked in the air, but Ryle stopped him from moving by pressing his hand down against his waist, "Don't move. Just relax."
"I can't relax, you're going too slow." Blaze glared at him, but his eyes were practically begging Ryle to keep going.
"You too impatient, Blaze." Ryle nipped at his neck as Blaze ran his fingers through his short soft hair.
"I'm not impatient. I'm hard as a rock and it's a bit painful." Blaze said bluntly making Ryle chuckle as he moved his head away from his neck to look him in the eye.
"Denial at its finest." Ryle smirked as Blaze scoffed not believing his words, "No I'm not. I'm a very honest person, thank you very much."
"No, you're not because you can't even admit you like me and yet here you are having wet dreams about me," Ryle muttered in his ear making Blaze freeze as he registered his words.
"What?" Blaze asked moving his head to look him in the eye.
"Wake up, Blaze." He said stroking him faster until Blaze couldn't think straight, and he gasped awake, sweat covering his body like a blanket. Sitting up, he looked around his room to see the sun shining bright and no Ryle to be found.
"Fuck." Blaze panted rubbing his hands over his face. He couldn't remember the last time he had a dream like that with anyone and here he was, panting like a bitch in heat, hard as a rock at the thought of Ryle touching and teasing him.
Getting out of bed, he went to the shower to relieve himself of his problem before changing his bed sheets and getting ready for school. The thought of school made Blaze want to crawl back into bed, the last thing he wanted to do was see Ryle after that dream.
"So, you killed her?" Blaze asked Scott as they walked into the school with Stiles. Blaze was holding an iced coffee deciding he needed one after his morning.
"I don't know. I just woke up. And I was sweating like crazy, and I couldn't breathe. I've never had a dream where I woke up like that before." Scott said as Stiles and Blaze gave him a look.
"Really? I have. Usually ends a little differently..." Stiles shrugged as Blaze nodded his head.
"That's actually crazy. I literally had one of these dreams this morning. I had to take an extra cold shower." Blaze exclaimed with wide eyes as Stiles snickered.
"A) I mean I've never had a dream that felt that real, and B) --Never give me that much detail about you in bed again. Either of you." Scott said giving them both disgusting looks.
"My dream felt just as real," Blaze muttered his mind drifting back to the feeling in Ryle's hands before he snapped out of it and took a large sip from his drink.
"Let me take a guess here--" Scott cuts Stiles off before he can continue to speak.
"No, I know-- you think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow like I'm gonna lose control and rip her throat out," Scott said as Stiles gaped at him.
"No, of course not." Scott and Blaze both gave the man a look making him sigh, "...Yeah, that's totally it."
"Hey, come on! It's gonna be fine, all right? I think you're handling this pretty freakin' amazingly. You know, it's not like there's a Lycanthropy for Beginners class you can take." Stiles said trying to cheer his friend up which clearly wasn't working.
"Yeah... not a class, but maybe a teacher," Scott muttered as Stiles and Blaze shared a look before Stiles slaps him over the head.
"Who, Derek? You're forgetting the part where we got him tossed in jail?" Blaze asked wide-eyed as he thought Scott was being an idiot for even suggesting that.
"Yeah, I know, but chasing her, dragging her to the back of the bus... it felt so real." Scott frowned.
"My dream didn't happen like that but if it did, let's just say I don't mind being manhandled every once and a while," Blaze smirked as Stiles and Scott gave him disgusted looks.
"How real? Blaze, don't answer that." Stiles warned him as he saw the boy's mouth about to open making him close it again and nod.
"Like it, actually happened." Scott said as they walked through another pair of doors to go outside when they paused in their steps seeing a taped off crime scene happening around one of the buses.
They looked at the back of the bus which is splattered with blood, and the emergency exit door has been almost completely ripped off and is hanging by a single hinge at the bottom. A crime scene investigator is snapping photos of the wreckage, including one of the back seats, which has been clawed open and is spilling its stuffing out onto the floor.
"I think it did..." Stiles said in shock as Scott looked horrified at the sight in front of him.
"I think I need a few shots of tequila and a Jack Daniels. This coffee isn't doing it for me." Blaze frowned feeling sick at the sight of the bus.
Scott, Blaze and Stiles are in chemistry class, where Stiles is seated at a two-person desk in the second row from the back, while Scott sits at the desk directly in front of him and Blaze was beside him.
"Maybe it was my blood on the door..." Scott mumbled loud enough for them to hear as they continued their conversation about the bus and the dream.
"Could have been animal blood. You know, maybe you caught a rabbit or something?" Stiles shrugged as he played with his pencil.
Scott shook him an appalled look as Blaze snickered behind his hand, "And did what?"
"Ate it." Stiles shrugged as Scott looked even more horrified at that statement.
"Raw?" Scott asked as Blaze smirked at him.
"I always loved things raw. Maybe you need a helping hand." Blaze winked at the boy who turned red and flushed.
"No, you stopped to bake it in a little Werewolf oven! I don't know, you're the one who can't remember anything." Stiles said making Scott offended and glad he changed the subject from what Blaze had just said.
"Mr. Stilinski, if that's your idea of a hushed whisper, you might want to pull the headphones out every once in a while." Mr. Harrison interrupted.
"Uh..." Stinks huffs out an embarrassed laugh.
"I think you, Mr. McCall, and Mr. Anderson would benefit from a little distance, yes?" Mr. Harrison said making Blaze groan in annoyance.
"No!" Stiles and Blaze said in unison, but Mr. Harrison just pointed toward different tables and made them move away from each other.
"Let me know if the separation anxiety gets to be too much," Harrison said as Blaze sat down beside Ryle who he was trying to ignore.
Ryle gave him a small smile which Blaze awkwardly returned. Trying not to look at him too hard, or else the memories from this morning would start coming back. It was bad enough, seeing him writing stuff down with the hand that was touching him up in the dream. His hand wrapped around the pen was driving him crazy and he tried to take small quiet breaths so it wouldn't seem like he was having a panic attack or something.
"Hey! I think they found something!" Harley suddenly said, moving to stand at the windows which made everyone follow her lead.
Blaze sighed in relief that he got to move away from the boy who was clouding his thoughts and looked outside to see an ambulance parked at a corner with its lights and sirens on, and two paramedics are quickly wheeling a stretcher with a middle-aged adult man on it towards the open doors in the back of the ambulance.
The paramedics are about to lift the stretcher into the back of the ambulance when suddenly, the man jumps into a seated position, grabs the shoulders of the paramedics on each side of him with his hands, and begins screaming in fear.
"Jesus." Blaze stepped back in surprise not having expected that, but the gods were against him as he backed up into Ryle who placed his hands on his waist to stop him from walking back farther into him.
"You alright?" Ryle asked him quietly making Blaze tense as he backed away and turned around to face him.
"What? Yeah, I'm fine. Just didn't expect that." Blaze laughed it off.
He needed to talk to Lydia. As soon as fast.
Scott, Blaze, and Stiles have just left the lunch line and are carrying their trays of food to one of the empty tables as Stiles whispers to Scott, "But dreams aren't memories."
"I wish," Blaze grumbled as he set his tray on a table followed by the boys.
"Then it wasn't a dream..." Scott answered Stiles as they all took their bags off and sat down, "Something happened last night, and I can't remember what."
"What makes you so sure that Derek even has all the answers?" Stiles asked.
"Because--!" Scott answered loudly making the pair give him a look making him look around before finishing his sentence in a quieter tone, "During the full moon, he hasn't changed. He was in total control while I was running around in the middle of the night, attacking some totally innocent guy."
"You don't know that. Don't be jumping to conclusions McCall." Blaze rolled his eyes getting fired with this conversation already.
"I don't not know it." Scott corrected him, "I can't go out with Allison. I have to cancel."
"Good luck winning her back after that. The first date went so well." Blaze said sarcastically.
"No, you're not canceling, okay? You can't just cancel your entire life! We'll figure it out." Stiles said giving Blaze a look for being so negative.
Just then, Lydia appears behind Scott, looking at him curiously before slamming her lunch tray down on the table to Scott's left to get their attention, "Figure out what?"
Seeing Stiles and Scott were having trouble coming up with an answer, Blaze spoke up for them, "Help me figure out something. I've been meaning to talk to you about it. When are you free?"
"I'm always free to you Blaze." Lydia winked at him as she says down beside Blaze who makes room for her.
Suddenly, more people start to sit down at their tables. An unknown boy sits at the head of the table, while Danny takes a seat on Stiles' right. Scott turns to see that Allison is sitting down on his right and smiles before moving his backpack so she can sit down as Ryle sits on Blaze's other side.
"Hey, Ryle." Blaze greeted the boy who smiled softly back at him making Blaze look away which Lydia saw and rose an eyebrow at the smiling boy who avoided looking at her.
Jackson approaches the table and stands next to the unknown kid, glaring at him intensely before ordering him away. "Get up."
"How come you never ask Danny to get up?" The kid groaned in annoyance.
"Because I don't stare at his girlfriend's coin slot," Danny smirked at the kid who got up and was shoved by Jackson.
"I've seen her coin slots before any of y'all. Including her boyfriends." Blaze smirked at Jackson who glared at him and most of the table looked at him in surprise while Lydia shoved him playfully.
"So, I hear they're saying it's some type of animal attack. Probably a cougar." Danny said.
"I heard mountain lion," Jackson spoke up making Ryle and Blaze snicker at each other.
"A cougar is a mountain lion. ...Isn't it?" Lydia asked faking a confused expression as Blaze rolls his eyes. Another reason he hates Jackson, he always makes her feel like she has to pretend to be dumb to make him look better. Lydia was the smartest person he knew, and it pissed him off that she felt like she couldn't show it.
"Who cares? The guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's gonna die anyway." Jackson scoffed making Blaze roll his eyes. Again.
"Actually, I just found out who it is. Check it out." Stiles turned his phone as everyone leaned forward to watch the video on his screen.
"The Sheriff's department won't speculate on details of the incident but confirmed the victim, Garrison Myers, did survive the attack. Myers was taken to a local hospital where he remains in critical condition." The news reporter spoke into the microphone.
"Wait, I-I-I know this guy." Scott gasped as everyone turned to him.
"You do?"
"Yeah, when I used to take the bus, back when I lived with my dad. He was the driver." Scott exclaimed.
"Can we talk about something slightly more fun, please? Like..." Lydia trailed off with a gasp as she looked at Allison, "Oh, where are we going tomorrow night? You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow, right?"
"Um, we were thinking of what we were gonna do..." Allison said not knowing what to say, which makes Lydia speak up.
"Well, I am not sitting home again, watching lacrosse videos, so if the four of us are hanging out, we are doing something fun. Blaze and Ryle, can join." Lydia shrugged as the two boys looked at each other awkwardly.
"What happening to help me out later?" Blaze asked as Allison and Scott hoped he'd get Lydia out of their plans.
"I still can and if I don't, I'm sure Ryle can help," Lydia smirked at him but what she didn't know was that was the last thing he needed.
"I mean-" Ryle went to agree when Blaze cut him off.
"Actually, not the be a complete cunt but I asked you for a reason." Blaze gave Ryle a slightly apologetic look which he waved off as Blaze gave Lydia a look.
"And I will, I promise but I still want to go out." Lydia gave him a reassuring smile making him nod as he shrugged at Allison and Scott. He tried to help.
"Do you wanna hang out? Like, us... and them?" Scott asked as the both of them didn't look too excited at the thought of their date being ruined.
"Not me and Ryle. The last thing we want to do is go on a date with you guys and besides you're both couples, we're not." Blaze rolled his eyes as he drank his water.
"Who said I don't?" Ryle spoke up making Blaze choke on his water and everyone watched the pair in interest.
"W-what?" Blaze stuttered as he looked at Ryle with wide eyes.
"Who said I didn't want to go on a date?" Ryle asked with a raised eyebrow as everyone watched them. Lydia and Allison grinned at each other as Scott and Stiles rolled their eyes.
"W-what, I mean-" Blaze didn't know what to say to that so Lydia jumped in for him.
"How 'bout bowling? You love to bowl." The redhead said looking at Jackson as Blaze wiped his mouth with a napkin as he thought about what Ryle had just said.
Surely, he was only joking. Right?
"Is it-is it "sort of," or "yes?" Jackson asked in a mocking tone making ablaze snap out of his head to see he had missed some of their conversations.
"Yes. In fact, I'm a great bowler."
"You're a terrible bowler!" Stiles exclaimed as they walked down the hall. Completely appalled by what just happened.
"I know! I'm such an idiot." Scott groaned in frustration.
"God, it was like watching a car wreck. I mean, first, it turned into the whole group-date thing, and then out of nowhere comes that phrase--" Stiles ranted.
"Hang out." Scott and Blaze said in unison.
"You don't "hang out" with hot girls, okay? It's like death. Once it's "hanging out," you might as well be her gay best friend. You and Danny can start hanging out. Oh wait, you already do with Blaze, and he is Lydia's gay best friend." Stiles waved his arms around as Blaze smirked.
"Proudly." He nodded.
"How is this happening? I either killed a guy, or I didn't." Scott groans again.
"I don't think Danny likes me very much..." Stiles frowned as Blaze watched both boys go off about their problems.
"I ask Allison on a date, and now we're "hanging out..."
"Am I not attractive to gay guys?" Stiles asked as Blaze raised an amused eyebrow.
"I make first line, and the team captain wants to destroy me, and now..." Scott said before looking at his phone, "Now I'm gonna be late for work."
" Wait, Scott, you didn't-- am I attractive to gay guys--" Stiles called before he turned to Blaze who smirked at him, "Blaze, am I attractive to you?"
"You're very pretty, Stiles. No one quite like you." Blaze winked at him as he pointed both of his pointer fingers at Stiles before turning around and walking away.
Blaze lay on Allison's bed with his hands over his stomach as he listened to Lydia help Allison find an outfit for their date-which consisted of criticizing everything the brunette owned before finding something herself.
"God, Allison, respect for your taste is, uh... Dwindling by the second..." Lydia sighed as she lets out a breath between her teeth.
"I doubt Scott cares about what you're wearing. Just wear anything." Blaze said staring up at the ceiling as the girls shared a look. He'd been quiet most of the night, seemingly lost in his head.
Lydia turns back to rummage through her closet before grabbing a black shirt or dress-depending how on it was worn and smiled in satisfaction. She walked over to the mirror he had Allison hold it up to her body to see how it looked.
"Now, you Blaze. You wanted to talk. Now spill. Your mood is damping mine and I don't like it." Lydia said crossing her arms as she turned to face the boy who sighed.
"I had a sex dream about Ryle this morning and now I can't get it out of my head. Like everything about him, in general and I don't like it nor how to make it stop." Blaze rambled as he sat up looking at the girls.
"OH, MY GOD! YOU HAVE A CRUSH!" Lydia suddenly screeched so loud Allison and Blaze had to cover their ears and winced, "Oh my god. I've been waiting so long for this moment."
"I don't have a crush; I don't do dating and all that sentimental bullshit." Blaze scoffed as he wrapped his arms around his bent knees.
"Why are you having sex dreams about him then?" Lydia asked with a pointed look.
"Because he's hot as fuck. I mean have you seen him? His body is everything, and he has the most gorgeous green eyes. And have you seen his Prince Charming hair? It sits perfectly. Who wouldn't have dreams of him?" Blaze exclaimed with a shrug.
Lydia and Allison shared a look being given Blaze a raised eyebrow, "How do you feel around him?"
"Horny." Blaze blurted out making them snicker before giving him deadpan looks, "I don't know. I only really noticed him when school started. He's nice, easy to talk to."
"You don't have butterflies? A happy feeling whenever he's around?" Allison trailed off.
"A disappointed feeling when he leaves?" Lydia asked with a small smile. She's always wanted Blaze to like someone like this and she was more than sure that it was finally happening.
"I don't have a crush on him," Blaze repeated sternly.
"Then why are you asking for my help?" Lydia asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Because-because I don't know. I can't stop thinking about him, and I want it to go away." Blaze said in frustration.
"Remember the last time you fought with your parents and right after, you went to some club and slept with some random guy who was way too old for you because you wanted to forget it?" Lydia asked him.
"Of course, I remember." Blaze rolled his eyes.
"Why don't you do that now? Go to some club to forget about him? Go find some guy to give you a blow job and forgot all about him." Lydia shrugged hiding her smirk as Blaze frowned and fiddled with his fingers.
"I don't know. I didn't even think about it." Blaze said before scoffing, "Jesus. I used to sleep with like 5 guys a week, I haven't slept with anyone since school started."
"You like him, Blaze. And I'm pretty sure he likes you." Allison smiled as she sat on her bed with him.
"Right. Have you seen the way he looks at you? Or the fact that he straight up said he wanted to go on a date with you at lunch today. This man is so into you." Lydia laughed making Blaze's lips lift a bit.
"I don't like dating. I'm not good at it or anything of the shit that comes with it. I don't believe in love and besides high school relationships never last. I'm saving myself the trouble." Blaze rolled his eyes as he curled up into Allison's blankets.
"Some of them do. That's what high school sweethearts are." Lydia gave him a look.
"Yes, and besides isn't that the fun part of it? You have no idea how it will end, and you won't unless you go for it. Heartbreak and all that relationship troubles are a part of being human. If you don't experience it now, you'll probably experience it in the future. Either way, it's going to happen whether you like it or not." Allison exclaimed.
Blaze didn't say anything for a moment as he played with the strings on the brunette's blanket making Lydia speak, "Wethers you don't want to admit it or not. You feel something for Ryle, might as well go explore it to figure it out."
"He probably doesn't even feel anything for me. That whole date comment could've been about anything." Blaze said in denial as the girls scoffed.
"Okay. Now you're just finding my excuse to deny your feelings. You're an amazing guy and he'd be more than lucky to have you." Allison gave him a look.
"Yes, couldn't agree more and besides you guys would look so good together plus being in a real relationship with a boy would so piss your parents off." Lydia laughed which made Blaze smile.
Argent, walks in the door, looking at a green jacket in his hands. Allison smiles tightly at him and pointedly greets him in an effort to indicate to him that he kind of just barged into her room, "Dad! Hello..."
Argent smiles at Allison, oblivious at first to her implied hint as he puts on his jacket. After a moment, he looks up to see her pointed expression and realizes that he forgot something, giving Allison and Lydia a sheepish and apologetic look before seeing Blaze which made him narrow his eyes at the boy curled up to his daughters' blankets.
"Right. I'm sorry. I completely forgot to knock. Why is there a random boy on your bed?" Chris asked with a deadly stare that made Blaze lean on his elbow.
"Don't worry, Mr. Argent. Imma homosexual. Men only." Blaze smirked at him as he slowly looked him up and down which they all saw. Lydia hid a giggle as Allison grimaced wishing she never saw that but also found it amusing and Chris coughed awkwardly.
"Right well, I wanted to tell you that you'll be staying in tonight," Chris told Allison making the girl gap at him.
"What? I'm going out with my friends tonight." Allison protested.
"Not when some animal out there is attacking people." Chris shook his head as Blaze sat up, gulping suddenly remembering the fact that this man was a hunter, and his friend was a werewolf who has been shot by him.
"Dad. Dad, I'm, uh--" Allison went to beg when her father cut her off.
"Hey, hey, hey! It's out of my hands. There's a curfew. No one's allowed out past 9:30 PM." He said in a defensive tone making Allison scoff as she throws her dress on the bed, "Hey, no more arguing."
Allison sighs and crosses her arms over her chest, and Argent smiles weakly at the girls before turning and walking out the door, closing it on his way out, "Nice you meet you, Mr. Argent." Blaze called out before he shut the door.
"Someone's Daddy's little girl..." Lydia teased as Allison nervously bites her fingernail before she gets an idea.
"Sometimes... But not tonight." Allison said making Blaze look at her in confusion.
Allison walks over to her vanity and puts on her purple knit cap before heading to the window, parting the curtains when she gets there. She looks back at Lydia to make sure she's understanding the plan, then turns to open the window before slinking out of it and onto the roof. Lydia and Blaze rush over to the window to watch Allison walk to the edge of the roof, right in front of the small porch.
"What are you doing???" Lydia asked as Blaze watched in amusement.
Instead of responding, Allison simply leaps off of the roof, doing a front flip and landing lightly on her feet in the grass next to the garage. She looks up at Lydia, who is gaping at her as though she's lost her mind, before shrugging nonchalantly, as though what she did is no big deal, and whispering, "Eight years gymnastics. Are you coming?"
"We'll take the stairs." Blaze said to Allison a fake smile and went to leave when Lydia grabs his elbow making him pause, "What?"
"I know you may not believe in love and happy endings but at least give it a shot. You never know. It might surprise you." Lydia told him softly before she left leaving Blaze alone to think about her words.
He was scared. He didn't know how to love someone or even allow someone to love him. And he feared if he let Ryle in like that, then he'd leave and be disappointed just like everyone else had done.
But a part of him wanted to try. Wanted to know to want it was like to be cared about. If he couldn't find parental love, then perhaps he could try to find another.
Fuck, he was going to regret this.
Blaze sat in his car, tapping his finger against the steering wheel as he looked around waiting for Ryle to show up. He took Lydia and Allison's words and decided to go with the flow. He knew this might end up either good or bad and well he always loved a good mystery. He had been waiting for almost 10 minted for Ryle to arrive at the cliff they once met on the night he found out he was adopted. 10 minutes of what felt like hell. 10 minutes to prepare himself for what he's going to say.
Hearing a car pull up, Blaze shut his eyes as his heart started to race so fast, he could hear it in his ears. He hoped he would've taken longer but nothing seemed to be on his side today. He got out of the car just as Ryle did and they met in front of their cars.
"Hey. You wanted to talk." Ryle gave him a soft smile seeing the nervous expression on his face and wondered what he could want to talk about at 8 p.m.
"Yeah, I did. Didn't I?" Blaze muttered as he nodded awkwardly, clearing his throat as he did so. Coursing his arms, Blaze leaned against his car as Ryle moved to stand beside him.
Blaze went to open his mouth to say something when all of the words and the speech he had prepared got stuck in his throat-everything he wanted to say just vanished from his head leaving him feeling frustrated. Talking about feelings should not be this hard.
"Is everything okay?" Ryle glanced at him as Blaze let out a chuckle and nodded his head.
"Let's walk around," Blaze said, already moving towards the woods so they could walk around. It probably wasn't a good idea to roam the woods at night with werewolves running around but he couldn't focus on that right now. His only worry is Ryle and this dreadful conversation.
Ryle glanced at Blaze in slight worry. He's never seen the boy so nervous and quiet before, "You're not leading me out here to kill me, are you??"
"No of course not. You'd never get to tell me what kind of date you wanted." Blaze spoke as Ryle nodded his head, "Yeah that would be a shame, wouldn't it?"
"I've never been on a date, so I was not about to have my first one with someone I'm not even dating and defiantly not with Lydia and Jackson, or Allison and Scott." Blaze chuckled as he shook his head.
"So, you're saying, if we were dating, you'd go on a date with me." Ryle paused in his steps to look at Blaze in amusement, making Blaze nod his head.
"Maybe. Why? You don't want to go out with me?" Blaze asked, playfully as Ryle looked away and grinned.
"Of course, I do.", Lyle said bluntly with a small shrug. He liked Blaze, and he knew Blaze felt something for him, so he saw no point in beating around the bush.
"I'll have to keep that in mind." Blaze nodded as the boys chuckled as he continued to walk through the edge of the woods, "I don't date people at all, let alone someone I barely know."
"I don't really know you either, so ask me anything. We didn't get very far, the last time." Ryle gave him a smirk as Blaze thought for a moment.
"What's your favorite color?" Blaze asked as Ryle chuckled, "Really? Out of all questions, you could ask me, you chose that."
"Lydia says it's important to know, so...." Blaze trailed off.
"Green. Sage Green to be exact, or emerald, green. I like both." Ryle shrugged as Blaze smirked at him.
"So, I've heard." He said in a small teasing tone that made them both laugh.
"Okay. Now, what's your favorite color?" Ryle asked him.
"Blue. Midnight blue. I only like one." Blaze smirked at him again making Ryle shake his head, "When's your birthday?"
"May 30th," Ryle said.
"The emerald color makes sense I guess." Blaze chuckled, "And before you ask mine's September 12th."
"Okay we'll then since you answered that without me asking, it's my turn again, do you like me?" Ryle asked hiding his smirk as Blaze stopped to look at him.
"What?" Blaze asked with a small chuckle.
"I said, do you like me? You asked me to meet you here and still have yet to give me a reason why, but then you asked me about the dating, and you've been a nervous wreck since I showed up here." Ryle exclaimed in amusement.
Blaze sighed and tapped his foot on the ground, as he looked around the woods. Seeing his hesitation, Ryle spoke up, "I think you do. But I just want a real answer instead of playing 20 questions. But if it helps. I like you as well."
Blaze but his lips as he silently chuckled, looking back at Ryle who was watching him, "I don't know. I think so." He muttered quietly.
"You think so?" Ryle asked raising an eyebrow at him making him huff.
"I don't fucking know Ryle. I've never liked anyone, like ever. So, I don't know what these fucking feelings are-" Blaze rambled as Ryle walked up to him, cupping his cheek, making Blaze look back at him when their lips meet in the middle.
Ryle's lips were softer than he expected, like snow falling into your lipsโmelting the longer it took its place there. Blaze leaned into Ryle's hand as he deepened the kiss, wanting to feel every inch of his mouth. At that moment, Blaze forgot about everything that has happened in the last few weeks. The werewolves, the hunters, his parentsโall of it drifted away from his mind as he focused on the way Ryle moved his lips against his own.
Panting, the two boys pulled away and his eyes fluttered open to meet Ryle's eyes which were looking at him so intensely he felt his stomach do summersaults.
"I guess, we'll have to figure that out together huh?" Ryle muttered, indicating Blaze's last comment which he forgot he even said.
Blaze huffed out a laugh, his lips lifting into a small smile as he pulled Ryle back to him and kissed him once again. Nothing felt as amazing as it did at the moment. Feeling like a normal teenage kid.
He just hoped it would last.
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That dream really be messing with Blaze. Sorry to the babes who wanted that to be real (yes I'm apologizing to myself)
Thanks for reading and I love you all!!
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