The outfit they made her wear was rather stuffy, her body felt like it was on fire whenever she tried fixing the collar around her neck.
It was rather absurd and too large for her small frame, but she couldn't object. Or papa would punish her like he did any others.
She wasn't special here, no one truly was. She sighed deeply as she looked around the small closet she was told to wait in.
She was with Eleven, but the little girl seemed so nervous. Violet didn't wanna just leave the room she was told to stay in.
But she felt something was wrong making her flee the small space and run down the hallways. Leaving behind the little girl.
The room she walked in was covered in blood. Some of the children laid upon the floor, eyes missing and there bones bent at awkward angles.
"Peter?" a child rose into the air, the simple loudness of their bones breaking didn't bother Violet. The sight of Peter covered in blood did.
He let the child fall upon the floor, turning around and smiling at Violet. It wasn't a kind smile, it was more of an proud one.
He was glad she had seen him destroy a child, she was here with him watching him ruin everything in a matter of seconds.
It felt powerful watching him like that, making small children die within matter of seconds.
"Do not be afraid" he walked towards her "I'm not afraid of you Peter, I was just surprised that your powers are back... how did you?".
She looked at his neck, the wound fresh. "Eleven" he pressed his finger against the side of her neck. The device inside of it moving slightly.
"I can free you" she pinched her eyes closed at the pain in her neck, the device tearing itself out of her flesh harshly. It smashed along the floor and she gripped her neck wincing at the sting of it.
Peter smirked, "join me" he reached his hand towards her and she grabbed hold of it. He lifted her sleeve up the bold numbers smiling at him.
Violet woke up late like always, her entire body aching as she huffed at the sound of knocking on her door. She quickly grabbed her bag and ran out her room nearing her front door.
She opened it up and Steve smiled at her "come on we gotta get going, the pep rally is today". She huffed before grabbing her shoes.
"You're lucky Lucas is there, otherwise I would've slept all day".
He laughed lightly as she put her shoes on "the kids a good player, but he's always on the bench".
He walked outside and Violet followed after him waving at Robin before she turned to lock her door. Steve ran towards his car getting inside.
Violet soon jumped in the back pushing her bag next to her "hey Robin!". Robin smiled at her while Steve drove off down the road.
The drive was always calm, but today Steve was ranting about his dating life.
"And then there's Heidi tomorrow night, but the problem with Heidi is that she's going out of state for college".
Steve sighed deeply, Violet blasted music into her ears, but she could still hear Steve's loud rant.
"So it's like do I wanna start another relationship that has no point other than sex?".
Violet gasped loudly "I thought you were a virgin Steve!" he smiled as he looked at her.
She moved in between the seats looking at Robin who was putting mascara on.
"Let me guess, you're getting pretty for Vickie" Robins cheeks flushed red.
Steve smiled "you just gotta go for it Robin, I mean I used to be like you now look at me! I'm back in business!".
Robin sighed "it's not the same for you" she looked at Steve intensely. "You ask out a girl and she says no big deal! Nothing happens".
Violet laughed "I mean maybe your egos a little bruised, but I ask out the wrong girl and bam! Ima. Town pariah".
Violet pushed her headphones off listening to the duo closely. "Yeah I'd buy that, except Vickie is definitely not the wrong girl".
"We just don't know that, do we?" Robin coughed as she sprayed mouth spray into her throat.
"Give me some of that, I forgot to brush my teeth!" Robin handed Violet the bottle.
"She returned Fast Times paused at 53 minutes, 5 seconds! Do you know who pauses at 53 minutes and 5 seconds?".
Steve looked at Robin "people who like boobies Robin!" Violet burst into laughter.
"Ew gross!" Steve laughed "Boobies!".
"Don't say boobies!" Violet leaned into her seat a cold feeling entering the back of her neck.
"Not a big deal okay, I like boobies, you like boobies! Vickie likes boobies!".
"Can you please stop saying boobies Steve" Violet pushed her headphones over her ears.
Steve smiled before looking at her "it's boobies!". She rolled her eyes playfully as she hit Steve's shoulder "pay attention to the road grandpa!".
If there was one thing Violet hated deeply, it was pep rally's. The simple thought of everyone gathering together in the small gymnasium.
To cheer on a basketball team, made her wanna throw herself back into the upside down. Like always she sat alone, at the very bottom.
She'd have an easier way to escape unnoticed that way, she never stayed for these things.
But today she needed to stay long enough to find a victim for Peter. Someone who she knew wouldn't be missed, someone who she wanted to suffer.
She watched the cheerleaders closely, each of them standing out in there own way. But one of them stood out more than the others.
Chrissy, the one girl who was perfect. Violet knew she needed to pounce when the time was right. Chrissy was always with other people, cheerleaders and her idiot boyfriend.
But the one time she was alone during school, was the bathroom. Violet hummed lightly as she walked into the bathroom. Max smiled at her weakly when she waved at her.
She walked down the stalls pounding harshly on Chrissy's stall making the girl jump slightly.
"Are you deaf? I said go away" Violet giggled loudly as Peter appeared his loud voice disguised as Chrissy's mother.
The poor girl didn't stand a chance, she screamed loudly when the duo slammed on the door. The lights flickered loudly as Chrissy begged for them to go away.
Her entire body shock with fear as she held herself tightly, her finger nails digging into her flesh harshly. When the lights turned normal and the loud pounding and voices disappeared.
Chrissy let out a sniffle before standing up and pushing the stall door open. The bathroom was empty, she let out a breath of relief.
But she screamed when her mother appeared in front of her, her flesh a mess and melting as she laughed at her.
Her fingers reached towards her face making Chrissy grab her bag and run out of the bathroom.
When the door slammed shut her mothers flesh melted away completely, revealing Violet.
She always liked messing with people, getting into there minds and scaring them. She wished Peter could truly be here with her.
In a sense he was here, both of them laughing as Violet walked out of the bathroom, feeling way better then she did at the pep rally.
"Next time let me scare her more" she walked down the hallway, Peters loud clock dinging in her ears as she left the school in a fast manner.
Violet normally didn't leave her home at nighttime, but tonight was special. The loud ding of the clock hit her eardrums making her smirk.
It was time for Chrissy to die, and that meant Violet got to have fun with her before Peter killed her.
She couldn't help but laugh as she entered Chrissy's mind the girl shouting for Eddie.
"Eddie?" she walked into his room the loudness of a sewing machine going off making her frown.
"Mom?" her mother laughed "just loosening this up for you sweetheart, you're going to look absolutely... beautiful".
She turned her flesh melting Chrissy screamed loudly as she ran into the hallway. "Chrissy! Don't run away from me!".
Violet stood up from the chair running after Chrissy her fingers wrapping around her ankle making her slip on the stairs.
The girl yelled out as she hit the floor harshly, she managed to stand up and run off.
"Dad?" she noticed him sitting down on a small couch, she ran towards him touching his shoulder.
She screamed at the sight of his eyes and mouth sewed shut. Violet moved forward "Chrissy, you know I don't like when you run away from me!".
The girl cried out as Violet slammed her into a wall, the lights flashing harshly. She smirked as her flesh turned normal "he doesn't like waiting".
Chrissy cried out "no! Please!" Peter walked down the stairs laughing as Violet wiped Chrissy's tears away her fingers growing long.
"Don't cry sweetie" she moved to the side letting Peter walk forward "it's time for your suffering to end". His long fingers reached towards Chrissy making the girl cry out.
Violet smirked as his claws slammed into her flesh killing her instantly.
She felt the rush of the power entering her veins as Chrissy fell towards the floor. She looked at Peter smiling proudly at him.
She touched his cheek "just tell me what I need to do, and I'll do it". He placed his hand over hers making the flesh melt away.
She gripped his other hand tightly her flesh slowly melting away as he entered her mind, she closed her eyes allowing him to show her the next victim he's chosen.
She opened her eyes after seeing the boy, her flesh completely gone and covered with the same material that formed Peter.
She let out a heavy breath as she watched Peter disappear. Everything around her disappeared and she found herself back outside Eddie's trailer.
Her flesh whole again as she stared blankly at the numbers on her wrist. She couldn't take it anymore, she wanted to go home and be with Peter.
She didn't want the agony she suffered through everyday with the constant use of her powers. One sudden mistake and others would see her true form.
A monster forged by the upside down, she was always letting her guard down when she was alone.
The exhaustion of it all faded away the second her flesh melted away and her mind tricks disappeared from peoples sights.
It was less painful now that she gained the power of Chrissy, it'd get better with the more victims she gifted Peter. He'd kill them and allow her just enough power to keep her strength.
The rest she let him keep, claiming she didn't need all that power when all she was doing was appearing normal.
She always let him have the power even when she too was in the upside down. Once he sent her to the normal world that's when the power became hers as well, she always made sure to use it to help.
Every year she helped him send out monsters, but in the end Eleven always stopped them. She just wasn't strong enough back then.
But now with Eleven gone and her powers gone.
Maybe they could finally win for once.
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