Beautiful drawing of Valentine by: Kumechino
Chimera Ants were an insatiable, carnivorous insect who were currently placed under a level one quarantine. But since they had evolved beyond two meters in length, human kind no longer stood a chance against them.
The group were now sitting in a hotel room and Spin stared at the computer screen, while the rest of them stood around, watching.
'Once she's chosen a location, she produces a swarm of construction ants to build her castle with incredible speed',Kite explained,'She will remain within that fortress until her death. Should a Queen who has reached two meters in height develop a taste for human flesh, no one is safe. Entire towns and villages will go missing, victims of the queen's limitless hunger'
Standing in between Killua and Gon, Valentine looked over Spin's shoulder, peering down at the computer screen.
"But if the Queen and the nest are so big, wouldn't it be quite easy to spot them both?"
Looking back towards the three at her question, Spin shook her head and then, looked back towards the screen of the computer.
'Maybe but, I can't seem to see anything',The woman stated,'I just checked the past six months and the largest group I could find only numbered ten'
Frowning slightly, Valentine crossed her arms over her chest and a light hum left her lips as her eyes narrowed, deep in thought.
Anything this big should've easily been spotted and caused a mass panic just by size alone but yet, nothing has turned up or even mentioned a large insect.
It was very strange.
'Hey, could we try and look for missing people individually?',Gon asked.
Turning towards Gon, a shocked look formed on Spin's face and her icy blue eyes widened in shock and disbelief.
'Don't be ridiculous',The woman exclaimed,'Do you know how many hundreds of thousands of people go missing worldwide each year?'
Speaking up from beside Valentine, Killua turned towards the woman and had his hands stuffed in his pockets, furrowing his eyebrows together slightly.
'We could still see which areas have the highest concentrations though?'
Looking closer at the computer screen, Spin slowly shook her head and a light sigh left her lips.
'Mmm, well.. no good. This data is two years old'
Humming slightly, Valentine tilted her head to the side and tightened her hand on her arm as she thought, squinting her eyes only slightly.
"Even so..",Valentine spoke up and caused the team to look towards her,"If someone saw a two-meter tall insect roaming around, there would definitely be some media outbreak about it"
'Sure.. that goes without saying, Valentine, but we've already tried that',Spin had agreed with the girl and even so, there should've at least been something about the insect,'We didn't turn up anything'
Sighing slightly through her nose, Valentine slowly shook her head and heard as Zeus let out a worried coo, giving an affectionate and gentle nip to her cheek; trying to calm her nerves.
With a gentle laugh, the young blonde turned her head towards her companion the best she could and leaned her head to the side, gently resting her head against his own.
'Maybe we're getting all worked up over nothing, guys',Banana stated.
Leaning back in the chair, Spin blew a large bubble and stared at the computer screen, placing her arms behind her head.
'Maybe so'
Leaning forward, Kite placed his hand on the chair and leaned over Spin's shoulder, looking at the screen with a narrowed gaze.
'Bring up all of the tidal data from the day the arm was found',The silver-haired man requested.
The sound of typing filled the air as Spin's eyes concentrated on the screen, before she pulled up a tidal grid; which had recorded the currents over the past couple of nights.
'It was discovered right around.. here'
Looking over the screen, Kite hummed slightly and his long locks of hair slowly fell over his shoulder, before he thought it over for a moment.
'Now, try going back to ten days. Locate any ant currents that could potentially have carried the arm to that location in that period of time',Kite explained,'It's a possibility that the arm was severed after the Chimera Ant washed up somewhere else'
Humming in understanding, Valentine's eyes widened and she glanced towards Kite for a moment.
The Chimera Ant could've been somewhere else completely and if they were going to find her, then they had to look for where the current had come from in order to determine a close enough location.
As Spin typed into the computer, the current's colors changed and it finished it's cycle through the day.
'It could have come from any of the Balsa Islands..'
'And unfortunately, that includes the Mitene Union'
Turning their way, Dinner and Banana furrowed their eyebrows, frowns tugging their lips down.
'Oh! Where the NGL Autonomous Region is',Banana stated and lifted her finger.
Rising to his full height, Kite looked around and gazed at every face within the room.
'Yes, and that's not to mention East Gorteau',Kite stated,'No chance of getting information out of these two countries'
Confused as to what they were talking about, eyes of thunder looked between the group and Valentine tilted her head to the side.
"What's the NGL?"
'NGL's an acronym that stands for Neo-Green Life',Banana explained.
'It's a country founded by people who reject modern technology, choosing instead to live in nature',Dinner added in.
'Here it is'
Hearing the woman speak up, the three immediately turned back towards her and leaned forward, curious eyes gazing at the screen.
A small island was shown on the screen and different colors sectioned off each of them.
'They primarily communicate by mail and primary travel is horseback',Spin explained,'Anyone who brings technology into the country could be executed. Like back in '87, there was a three-man television crew that was caught trying to enter the country in order to get a story; one was executed and two are still jailed. Ninety-nine percent of its 2.17 million population belong to the NGL Party, the rest are volunteers'
'Let's assume for now that the Chimera Ant washed ashore there, how would the NGL citizenry react?',Kite asked.
Confused by the same thing, eyes of thunder turned the man's way and Valentine rose an eyebrow in question.
'I doubt they'd do anything',Kite stated,'When a deadly epidemic spread through the area, they refused international medical aid, because they preferred to let nature run it's grisly course instead. Even if they tried to contact the outside world, it would be too late by the time word arrived. So if the arm that was discovered did belong to the Chimera Ant Queen, then it's entirely possible that she's already begun constructing her nest'
Placing her hand on her hip, Valentine tilted her head to the side as a determined look filled her eyes and a gentle smile formed on her face.
Her beautiful, newly-grown out locks of gold framed her face and reached just barely below her shoulders, her bumblebee golden eyes glistening under the lights.
"Well, what're we waiting for then?",The young girl questioned,"Let's go and check it out, shall we?"
Looking between one another, Killua and Gon were the first one's to agree with their friend, the two nodding in agreement; determined gleams in their eyes as they smiled at the young Nitsune.
And little did Kite know, just how right he was.
Sitting at the computer, Spin was typing away before her eyes widened in happiness and she turned towards Kite, a small smile on her face.
'Okay, I just bought us tickets to the Mitene Union'
'But in order for us to reach the NGL, it looks like we'll have to take an airship to the neighboring Rokario Republic',Banana spoke up,'And then, we can travel by land the rest of the way'
'Well, those nasty rumors "ants" gonna help'
Hearing the attempt at a pun, Valentine's mouth pulled back into a grimace and she slowly shook her head.
At least he tried.
'Just kidding'
The three children looked towards one another and then, looked towards Dinner with questioning expressions.
'Nasty rumors?'
"Rumors? What kind?"
'Like what?'
As the three spoke up in unison, their eyebrows furrowed and glanced towards one another once more.
Turning his gaze away from the trio, Kite looked out the window with a far-away gaze and Zeus tilted his head with a confused chirp.
'Have you heard of DD?',The long silver haired man questioned the trio.
Looking towards one another, the three slowly shook their heads and frowns painted their faces.
None of them knew what it was.
'Uh, no'
'It's a drug propagating rapidly in urban areas worldwide',Kite explained,'It's derived from the Bira Tree, which is native to the Mitene Union. And not only are they native to the region, but they claim over 80% of the world's Bira Trees are located in the NGL'
'Okay, so the nasty rumors are that the NGL is manufacturing it?',Killua spoke up.
Turning towards the children, Kite tilted his head to the side only slightly and placed his hand on his hip.
'They're still only rumors. No one has been able to prove it publicly yet'
"Yeah, but in order for rumors to start there has to be at least some truth to them and even if it hasn't been proven yet, doesn't mean that it won't be in due time"
With her arms cross over her chest, Valentine put all of her weight on one leg and tilted her head to the side, locks of honey moving behind her like a curtain.
'That's true but, the country's locked down pretty tight',Dinner added in.
Leaning back in her chair, Spin placed her arms behind her head and slowly rocked back and forth.
'But if anybody tries to get in and investigate, they're instantly executed',Spin stated.
Eyes widening in shock, Valentine and Gon glanced towards one another, chocolate and goddess gold connecting for a moment.
'They are?',The green-haired boy questioned and looked back towards Spin.
Waiting in the airport, Valentine sat in between Gon and Killua, while Zeus was perched on the silverette's shoulder, beady black eyes staring into the crowd.
Hearing footsteps coming their way, the trio turned their heads and looked up at Kite.
'It may be too late to ask this but, are you sure you want to come along?'
'Of course!'
Smiles slowly spread across their faces and the three children nodded, before the blonde felt a small weight drop upon her shoulder. A light, confused hum left Valentine's lips and she looked up, goddess gold and oceanic blue connecting as one.
A gentle smile twitched up at the silverette's lips and widened eyes of thunder looked between his icy eyes, seeing the way they softened the longer he looked at her.
Feeling her lips slowly pull up into a smile, Valentine's eyes almost seemed to glisten and heat began to rise up her body, coating her cheeks in a rosy tint.
'You weren't kidding about the "late" part, huh?',Killua inquired and lightly tilted his head to the side.
'As you know, we have no idea what the situation is inside the NGL',The man explained,'There may well be a swarm of giant Chimera Ants already hunting humans down. And if that does indeed turn out to be the case, so my priority will be saving them. So, be aware that I may not be able to help you. If you're going to join us, you must be able to protect yourselves'
'Okay, I got it',Gon spoke up.
'We're okay',Killua stated.
Slowly leaning forward, Valentine's arm just barely brushed against Killua's and she looked up at Kite, a gentle smile on her face.
"You know, we're stronger than we look"
A loud screech left Zeus's lips and his beak was tilted up slightly, before he looked into Kite's eyes, a low churr leaving him.
Staring at the three children and the blue hawk, a smile had almost spread across his lips but he stopped it and instead, stared at them with a hard expression.
'And if it happens to be me who finds himself in danger, then leave me there',The man ordered.
With small frowns pulling at their lips, Gon, Killua and Valentine all looked towards one another, hesitant looks in their eyes.
Seeing that they hadn't answered him, Kite looked towards the four out of the corner of his eye and looked them up and down for a moment.
'Do you got it?'
The light roar of the airships engine echoed throughout the air as Gon and Killua stared out the window, while Valentine was preoccupied with helping Zeus clean his feathers.
'Well, what did you decide?',Killua asked Gon and glanced at him from the corner of his eye.
'Do you guys remember what Kite said before we left?'
Pausing in her cleaning, Valentine looked up at her friends and looked between them.
"That if he were in danger, then to leave without him",The young blonde spoke up.
'Yeah, he didn't make it sound like it was a choice',Killua stated and a bitter tone resided in his voice.
'Right',Gon said,'And that's why none of us felt comfortable saying anything. But there's something that I've been thinking about'
With a confused and curious hum leaving her lips, eyes of thunder turned Gon's way as Valentine's eyebrows furrowed in curiosity.
'Do you really think Kite; a guy Ging respects, can ever actually be in that much danger?',Gon asked curiously.
The three looked at each other and a frown tugged at Gon's lips as his eyes glistened with inquisitiveness.
'You said that there was a reason Ging brought Kite and I together',The green-haired boy spoke up and looked between his friends,'Do either of you still think that?'
Looking between her friends eyes, Valentine slowly nodded and a soft smile spread across her lips.
"I do still believe that",The young blonde stated,"I feel that.. he wouldn't have sent you to see Kite for no reason"
With a soft look in his eyes, Gon gently smiled at his sisterly friend and slowly nodded.
'Lately, I've started to think that you're right, Valentine',Gon said and looked out the window once more, the soft light of the setting sun shown on their faces with a gentle glow,'I don't know the reason and maybe I never will, but I can't give up. And it doesn't matter what's going on here, I just don't want to disappoint Ging, you know? Or me.. I couldn't forgive myself either'
Glancing towards Gon, a forlorn look filled Valentine's eyes as she stared at the boy and her eyes glistened like the sun that was fading away.
The boy in front of her, one of her best friends, was trying to prove himself again and again for a man that had abandoned him when he was just a baby.
She understood that he only wanted to prove himself worthy to Ging, but in her eyes, she thought her friend already was and it was saddening how he was trying so hard to do something that he shouldn't need to earn.
But, she understood.
She understood the need of seeing what was lost.
'I won't run away',Gon spoke up and his eyes gleamed with determination,'That's what I've decided'
Staring at their friend for a moment, a sigh left Killua's lips and he closed his eyes, facing the sun that was setting in the horizon.
'Damn it, you had a serious expression on your face so I was expecting something big',Killua said and turned to smile at Gon,'But it's the same stuff as usual'
'Huh? I thought about it a lot. I even ran a bunch of simulations in my head'
A gentle chuckle filled the air, causing the boys to turn their gazes towards their blonde friend who stood in between them, a soft smile on her face as the fading rays of light glistened beautifully on her skin.
"That's so like you",Valentine said in between her laugh.
With a soft smile on his face, eyes of ice softened with emotion and Killua placed his hands on the ledge, turning to look at the horizon.
'Think all you want, you're still Gon',Killua added in,'If someone said you should abandon them, there's no way you'd ever do it'
'You make it sound like I wasted my time considering it',Gon said and then, turned to look towards their silver haired friend,'Okay, then, so what about you?'
Crossing his arms over his chest, Killua looked between his friends and shrugged slightly.
'Don't know, I guess I'd just think about it when the time comes',The silverette figured.
Raising his eyebrows in shock, Gon's eyes widened and his lips parted.
'Hold on, you mean that you might run away?'
Looking between her friends, Valentine placed her chin in the palm of her hand and furrowed her eyebrows slightly.
'Depends on what happens',Killua explained,'Look, I don't really do these hypotheticals'
'Okay fine, but what—'
'Look I already told you, I don't know what I'd do, okay? I never decide until it's time'
As they continued their way to the Mitene Union, the group and all of the passengers aboard the air ship, were completely unaware of the cruel fate that lies in store for them.
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