35 | The Acorn & The Sun
35 | The Acorn & The Sun
Illyria Strange | The Eternal
Location: Remnant of Ormal, Middle Earth, Arda
Time: May 2981 T.A
There were ways to describe the feeling of travelling the planes of existence.
But then again you weren't really able to 'feel' anything. It was more of a mental feeling than the physical senses one must have. Though even then, describing it that way still resolved complications which mainly revolved trying to find the right words that could mean she felt like everything was real...but not really?
Eh, she couldn't really explain it.
All she knew this was beyond Astral Projection. Having the physical appearance of a soul felt almost like floating, a tingling sensation at first before you get used to the painless and simple feel of your body feeling weightless and untouched. Almost like she was some amoeba (or what she would think if she was one in another alternate universe). It was only until she pushed further that it came the opposite, that she could sense more than astral projection.
Travelling through what were endless tunnels of nothingness. Hues of various light caused her vision to blur until finally grew focused on the tiny spot nudging her towards the direction.
Once she finally found a focal point was when everything broadened. Her vision expanded as the lenses widened and she was able to sense some gravity upon this plane. Illyria felt almost like landing upon solid ground, imagining her own feet wobbling but instead the surrealism was mostly still various feelings flooding her own soul.
A noisy and textured feeling erupted and Illyria had the urge to almost scrunch and pull back. There was too much going on. Sounds pulsing everywhere whilst she was feeling suffocated by everything.
This was beyond how she felt when she became Aini.
In a distance, she could sense her body tensing, perhaps her teeth would be grinding at each other as she tried to pry the forces pushing against her.
For fucks sake she had to focus! What could she focus on?
Something. Her emotions. Her love for her family. Arwen, Elrohir and Elladan...Elrond...Glorfindel...Maedhros.
Her parents and Uncle Wong.
Concentrate on the feeling of love she had for them. The memories she planted upon herself before she undertook this journey. The warmth whenever she saw their faces, imagining them as hard as she could.
Soon the opposing forces began to fade and as she mentally felt her sight open – Illyria was able to see.
And when she meant really meant pure sight.
What seemed to be someplace she projected; Illyria could only describe it as an endless space filled with water. The skies above her were dark, stars lighting up her way as she looked down at herself. Stretching what seemed to be her hands, there was no scar, bruise or cut. Not even any blemish as she tried to look at herself.
That was when she noticed her reflection in the endless water around her.
She was dressed in what seemed to be a nanotech tunic, the piece of armour Tony Stark once gave her and remained to where until her return to Middle Earth. It felt odd seeing it on her as she found out that even as an adult: she was grown taller and a little stockier than her eighteen-year-old self. And without the outer burgundy robes, it was weirder to see it as it hung upon her torso along with her loose trousers.
She was barefoot, however. And when she brought her hand across her neck, she was surprised to sense the pendant necklace around her neck. At least there was one thing she had here that had been a reminder of the physical world.
On the other hand: her hair. With no more silver upon her head, her golden hair fell across her face and shoulders in gentle waves...almost glowing like her eyes.
Illyria contemplated further, wondering how her consciousness made her seem to appear like this; as this was how she was within herself. Though then again, how it would capture the way she glowed was surprising, knowing she rarely saw herself glow unless she looked at herself at the right moment.
Instead, she was practically radiating, even the way her skin illuminated and the light refracted from the surface.
Though beside looking at herself, she then turned to look at her surroundings and just saw an endless emptiness.
Huh...when she thought the Planes of Existence was going to be like - it was not like this.
Maybe more mysterious or creepy. Like the universe of endless paint or space debris.
That was when she heard a giggle.
A giggle?
Say what.
Illyria flicked her head but frowned.
There was no one behind her...
...Until she then heard a splash followed by another giggle, a tone that sounded like a young girl.
The giggling continued as she then tried to look until she stopped.
Standing far in the distance looked to be a little girl. Illyria took a step forward slowly, peering her eyes until she notice how eerily similar she was to Arwen...
But her eyes glowed in a hue of purple.
No. Not purple. Indigo.
The girl nevertheless stood staring back, a gentle smile upon her lips as she wore what seemed to be a dark blue dress lined with embroidery and stars. She was barefoot as well, hair as dark as the sky though with a tint of blue. Stars almost reflected upon the silky strands, swaying like the skirt of her dress.
But not too long before her smile grew to a grin and she then ran away.
Illyria cursed under her breath before she decided to chase the girl. But as she sped further, assuming she would catch up to her, she noticed that she wasn't getting any closer.
And in a blink of a moment, she disappeared.
There was then a voice. Deeper and yet still the undertone of sweetness and mystery.
Turning her head to her right, she then saw a faraway figure. Much taller than the young girl, she wore almost similar clothes though longer. Her hair was longer and twinkling with glittering stars much like the starry sky above them.
But her eyes were brighter than ever.
Though what astonished her was that it was Arwen.
No. Not Arwen.
Someone she would never meet but would only come to know from her descendants and her words.
'Lúthien...?' Illyria voiced out.
The known half-maia smiled softly whilst her hand reached out to her.
Assuming what she wanted, Illyria took that moment and strode up to her. She did not run or move away, simply waiting for her to get closer.
Though as she was about to touch her hand, Lúthien's face shimmered into nothingness only leaving remnants of purple dust upon the water.
Her mouth remained open, confused more than at the beginning of this fiasco.
'Wait, come back!' She cried out to the skies as she trailed off, 'I don't understand...'
What did this all mean? Why was Lúthien Tinúviel, out of all people, in here?
This didn't make any sense. She would assume someone she knew in her (many) lives would come up here and guide her as some guardian would. Instead, she was alone in this place where all she saw were two versions of a person she barely knew. At all the times she had practised this, all she felt were endless doors of white, almost like the portals created by the Silmarils as she tried to close every moment of her emotions.
Did she need to find the door then? To find the first one without the aid of Maglor?
Okay, calm down, Strange. Think.
She had to think this through. She needed to begin down at the bottom of her chakras, and allow herself to push first from the bottom parts of this plane.
As Illyria relaxed her shoulders she took a deep breath.
It was then she heard something.
"...Doctor Strange!"
Her eyes opened, and she found herself staring at some doorway. A small vision pulled her in as she took a step forward.
Though the moment she touched the barrier between this place and the door, there was a ripple. Illyria jerked back as the air around her distorted, glitching more until she blinked.
What once was a dark empty place was constantly alternating between two locations. A vision of Kamar-Taj's courtyards...and what seemed to be where she physically was.
Her mouth remained open. Now she was just concerned at all of them as this had not happened in her times with Maglor.
Illyria then heard a cry.
Several cries to be exact as she turned to see great swirls of darkness surrounding them. But before she could decipher what it was, the scene flickered back to Kamar-Taj as she saw the younger version of herself training with her father. Back when he was still Doctor Strange for her.
Her heart skipped a beat as she saw him. Oh how much young and less weary her father had been the first time they met. How he smile awkwardly down at the younger version of herself as she tried to show him how to conjure a shield.
But as the young Illyria was about to, Illyria blinked and found herself again in the empty endless space of water.
What the fuck was going on.
She really did not need this right now.
She couldn't even do anything as the moment she even moved her hand, she was plunged back into a vision of Ormal and saw her present self – floating in a sitting position. Though she then noticed a difference. How her physical self was tensing harder, eyebrows furrowed as her hands almost clamped against her knees.
That was when she heard a scream.
Bilbo's scream.
Trying to look around, she could not find her hobbit friend at all. Nobody was here. Not even Maglor or Elurín.
But the screams continued.
Then her eyes focused ahead of her. Growing in the darkness was the same swirling pending darkness.
In an explosion, the creature jumped upon her and Illyria found her mouth letting out a scream.
Illyria gasped out loud before she fell onto the ground with a thud.
With a groan coming next out of her mouth, she winced the moment her knees scraped the hard ground, not knowing that her head was next when it came to bruising.
Gods her head felt like it had been hit by the Hulk as she held it with a singular hand. Once she adjusted her eyesight and tried to sense her physical senses upon her body, Illyria propped herself up to her feet. Legs wobbling slightly, she felt like some newborn trying to walk again. But thankfully she had managed the moment she realised where she was.
She had moved. Somewhere that seemed to be some chamber. Though as she allowed her magic to flow through, there was an immediate response around her. Ormal responded to her.
This must be some chamber which Maglor moved her. How he did so must have been some feat of power and control and Illyria, despite still feeling hesitant about him, was a little impressed at that. Though speaking about the certain sorcerer: where was he? More importantly, she had to find where her friend was.
As Illyria found the only exit, she halted once a figure appeared in the dimly lit chamber.
Standing in front of her was Elurín, whose eyes widened as he then asked her.
"Did you do it?"
Wait what?
Did he not know what was happening out there?
Never mind about that, all she wanted to do was find Bilbo and maybe Maglor.
Though if Maglor knew what she had done: perhaps she might consider the former first.
"Where...where's Bilbo?"
Wow, she was still out of breath after all of them. Illyria trailed off as she directed towards the half-elf in front.
She glanced at him with a plea, "Elurín...where is Bilbo?"
As Elurín said nothing, though she didn't give any time as she brushed passed him and exited the chamber.
The cavernous path out of the chamber was not as long as she expected, arriving at what was where she last remembered being. But instead of the gentle chatter of the other elves and variants, there was silence.
Illyria stared ahead, wondering where the heck everyone was. And come to think of it, how was it so ridiculously cold all of a sudden? Her arms quickly wrapped around herself, rubbing quicker as briskly strode around the stone platform as she tried to search the landscape.
However: there was no sign of Maglor, Bilbo or anyone else.
What the heck happened?
"Illyria, wait!"
Elurín's voice called out behind her as he arrived outside.
He cried out to her, "Please just let me explain!"
She could not help but finally let out her frantic exclamation, "Bilbo's in danger!" Illyria turned to the half-elf, loudly telling him with worry. "I saw him!"
At first, she expected him to react. Perhaps with an assurance that Bilbo was fine and that he was with the rest. Or maybe worry or even dismay.
But not emptiness.
Illyria's heart stopped as she carefully noticed the way his lips creaked. The deadliness in his gaze as they did not do one thing.
They did not glow as brightly as before.
"...You're not Elurín."
Before long, not-Elurín began to morph until she was staring at some great wisp of darkness itself – the light diminishing around her.
What the actual fuck.
Illyria yelped before her hands stretched out.
A blast of light caused the demon to screech before flying straight into the walls of Ormal. Illyria quickly conjured her staff, holding it in one hand and using the other to hold back the other with the gesture of her palm.
Compared to the demon, it writhed and screamed as her white glowing light held it against Ormal, trying to reach her body.
But as she then gritted her teeth, she took one final push before grasping both her hands upon her staff and sending a wave of light towards the creature.
They exploded in a cacophony of ash, disintegrating into the air as the screams quietened into the sound of their own pants.
As Illyria placed her staff down, her shoulders relaxed as she stared at what was once...whatever that was.
She could only guess these were the things Maglor warned them about.
Speaking of Maglor...
Just as she was asking herself a billion questions about what the heck was going on, both the cryptid hermit sorcerer arrived alongside a much alive hobbit in tow. They had clambered up to the platform, breath slightly uneven as she presumed they had run away from something again.
But forget that. All she could care about was racing towards her friend and grasping him into a tight hug.
"Bilbo!" She cried as her words were muffled by his shoulder. "You're alive!"
Her heart felt so relieved seeing him again. Gods she thought he got hurt, no less because of those stupid things. And she knew how Bilbo Baggins' fëa felt as well as Maglor's, hence why she could simply hug the hobbit and not worry about getting stabbed.
Awkwardly patting her shoulder, Bilbo then responded in a questionable tone.
"Uh...of course, I am?" As Illyria pulled away, she spotted the confusion littered upon his face. "What is wrong, Illyria?"
As she stood up to her feet, she remained silent as felt Maglor's eyes bore into hers.
Concern was only in Maglor's face and mind as he asked sternly, "Illyria, why are you here?"
How was she to justify this? Because as the seconds passed for her, she realised what she had done. She had ruined the chance again in passing through the Planes because she had been distracted. And she knew she shouldn't have; she trusted Bilbo enough that he was safe with the Arfanyarossë. And even with the demon, her body would have been protected by Ormal despite it getting so close to her.
Guilt began to crawl up her as she tried to come up with an answer.
Maglor thinned his lips and his jaw clenched.
"You were supposed to be inside Ormal. To be safe!" He scolded.
"Nobody was there," She tried to explain, but there was nothing she could do. "I...I thought I saw Bilbo in danger. I..."
It was great timing as she looked upon the landscape, seeing the shield surrounding them continuing to get closer and close.
With a knowing look, Maglor spoke: "We need to move."
The three of them hurried inside the chamber with barely any time for her to ask what had happened since she was gone.
Where were the others?
Had they all been killed? Did they escape?
Maglor, being himself as always, remained silent as he tried to conjure as many shields around them as possible. He ordered her to help him and despite sending the Fëanorian another glare, he simply mentally repeated his instructions which left her huffing and stalking towards the other side of the chamber.
The chamber – or more like a cave – sort of reminded her of some chapel. The lights reflected back and forth as various vines and gemstones stuck out from the rocks and metal. Illyria from time to time allowed herself to sense Ormal, a sort of ease to her own growing frustration as she continued to build up the shield.
As they were completed, it was the same moment a figure ran into the chamber in puffs of breaths. Once she saw him in the periphery, her hand conjure a ball of light until she realised it was truly him.
Elurín Limroval's fëa was just as she felt before, unlike the demonic black Slenderman slash Dementor wanting to suck her soul out. Wow, for being created Morgoth: he was not creative at all. And considering it hated her light, she wondered if [redacted] knew what they were doing when creating the Harry Potter series.
The Arfanyaras was welcomed through the shields, heading towards Maglor first with what seemed to be a determined expression.
"Elurín!" Maglor asked, "Did they make it?"
Illyria arrived beside them as she turned to the former. She asked, "Make it where?"
"They did." The peredhel nodded, exhaustion clear in how he stood.
Maglor then glanced back at her and answered, "I sent them back." He breathed in as he added, "I know it is dangerous but the Orocarni would be far enough for the spirits to stop following them."
All alright, once again Illyria conceded in agreeing with his statement.
From the look at all three of their faces, she easily figured that whatever those demons were: they were not as easy to destroy compared to what she had done. The only way they could be destroyed somehow was their light, and without her self-growing shield imbued with Maglor's: they wouldn't be alive right now.
Her eyes glanced over to Elurín's whose own mind was racing with panic and fear hidden with a grim expression as he prepared to defend them. Why he stayed behind baffled her but with how close Maglor seemed to be with the supposed son of Dior, it must have been simply to do with how much they cared for one another. Elurín refused to abandon Maglor.
Which then resulted in her rushing to exchange exasperated looks between Maglor and Bilbo.
"Why are they attacking now?" She questioned loudly before pointing directly to the hobbit in a manic tone, "And why didn't you come back with them—"
"Because I made a promise, Illyria Strange. That I would be by your side no matter what," Bilbo Baggins' words rang into her ears, determination and stubbornness all rolled into one.
And yet she could not help but let out a noise of frustration as she stepped towards him and argued back. "Your safety matters, Bilbo! I swore to Thorin—"
Suddenly there was a rumbling noise. The ground shook beneath their feet.
In a burst of screams and howls, a burst of chaos erupted from the exit.
Illyria flung Bilbo behind her arms as she brought her hands out, followed by both Maglor and Elurín who drew their own Eldritch weapons from the air.
"Get to the centre now!" The Wanderer barked to them and she didn't need to be told twice as she tugged Bilbo in tow.
The shield surrounding them began to pulse and crack, seeing the mandala patterns and runes beginning to disappear as they raced towards the centre. Though as they were about to head there, she skidded to a halt to what appeared at the far end of the chamber.
A great mass burst through the walls of Ormal, far larger than the rest as they spread out and began barging through the translucent barrier. Tendrils of dark magic curled around them, and she could sense the pain and fear erupting from the remnant own sentience.
Though as she was about to mend the cracks that were breaking...she heard a crackling sound.
Soon there was a blast, her ears ringing as the mix of the demons' howls mixed with the shield shattering in sparks and blue dust. Illyria covered them immediately at the fall, reaching her hand out as she covered herself, Bilbo and Elurín from the residual magic.
Yet there wasn't any time between protecting them from the breaking to the moment she felt the demon charge towards them. The largest one raced towards them, floating through the air as she then held her hand and conjured the light she could muster.
Her eyes widened in surprise as the light shoved the demon back, hurling them back to the other end as it pushed the other back into a cowering position. Though what horrified her more was that second later, they seemed unfazed and continued onward.
With her jaw dropping, she had to blink next as another group of dark creatures tried to attack them at the sides. Elurín was several feet away, forming several eldritch shields to push them back. But to avail they kept going, only pushing them further inwards and closer to no end. They were outmatched, and the only way they could escape was Maglor's sling ring.
And speaking of Maglor, Illyria searched for him until she stopped panning and found him fighting across towards them. own blue eldritch magic created some disco party in the darkness, but she could not deny that he was fierce and steadfast. He continued to fight them on his own, his eyes hardened as he blasted two more demons out from the exit.
Illyria continued to push them back, using her light to blind them as she rose her hand out and grunted. Her chest was burning once more, more painful than she could comprehend as she allowed the light to engulf one of the creatures in it. Though as the screeching dimmed, she closed her eyes as the ball of light burst open, and she found herself seeing more ash fall.
Eyes gazing down at what she had just done, Illyria's breaths quietened when she heard a cry.
Her head turned immediately when she knew who it was, panic arising as she saw Bilbo surrounded by one of the floating creatures.
She didn't care that everything about her was hurting. Illyria ran as fast as she could towards him, sending a wave of light to push the demons between her and Bilbo.
Though she barely saw amidst the battle, there was a small glimpse of his hand reaching towards her.
Illyria did not stop though, prying every one of them out of the way in a forceful and careless matter, using every bit of her magic she could conjure.
And as she was about to almost reach him, a demon collided against her and she felt the coldness sweep through.
It crawled against her body, causing her to cry out in pain. But as the pain subsided and the mental voice of Bilbo screamed: Illyria gritted her teeth and let her magic implode.
In a sudden flash, the demon atop her exploded into black ash. She coughed as her breath returned, though not long as she rolled over and frantically searched for him again.
He looked out to her – pure fear on his face – as a tendril was grasped against his arm.
That was when the demon plunged an arm straight into Bilbo's chest.
Illyria's eyes bulged out.
Everything froze before her, slowing to a halt.
Every noise and sensation muffled as she then bolted towards the hobbit.
She didn't care what was happening around her. The only person she was looking at was Bilbo and Bilbo only. As she was heading towards him, he collapsed down to his knees.
Illyria didn't even think of what happened next – only to find the demon beside Bilbo turning into ash as she finally arrived at his side and caught the hobbit in her arms.
She fell upon the floor, cradling Bilbo's head as she tried to bring her hands atop his chest.
When her eyes met his body, horror filled her the moment she saw the burnt hole in his clothes.
Ash and char around his chest as she pried it away and began to see his skin.
Though the moment she finally removed the buttons her breath hitched.
Dark and black tendrils spread over his chest, as well as the scent of burnt flesh, filled her nostrils.
Right before his heart.
No, no, no.
Illyria had to find a way.
She refused for this to happen.
As she rose her gaze back to his face, her heart skipped as she found his eyes beginning to flutter close.
"Bilbo!" She shook his shoulders in an aggressive motion, her voice growing louder as she begged, "Come on, Bilbo! Stay awake for me..."
Illyria began to act fast; she remembered the training her dad once taught her as well as the ones Elrond had spoken to her about. And knowing that her own magic could heal most injuries, she would not hesitate to try.
She needed to.
Though as she was about to emit a gentle light upon his chest, a small hand grasped her wrist.
Illyria stopped and paused.
With a weak and tired voice, Bilbo trailed off, "...No..." He almost choked out the next words, "Do not..."
Tears began to threaten her eyes as she blinked rapidly, waving his wrist away as she said quickly. "Bilbo it's going to be fine! I can heal you..."
But instead, he grabbed her wrist again. She turned to stare down at him pleadingly, but all she saw were his sage eyes filled with determination.
He coughed several times before he stammered out, "You need...to continue..." Bilbo choked out, "You have...to find a...way."
"I can find a way right after I heal you!"
She cried out to him, her body shaking more and more. Begging him to let her do this. To save him.
And yet he merely brought her hand down to his own.
He looked up at her as he continued to speak.
"It's...It is alright...Illyria...I knew the...consequences." Bilbo's words echoed within her ears as she hid back a sob. "And you gave me...the greatest adventure I could ever ask for..."
A cry left her mouth as she tried to suppress the growing ache in her heart.
She couldn't...she could do this.
"N-no. D-Don't say that! Please!" Illyria stumbled through her words as her vision grew blurry. After wiping her eyes with her sleeve, she then cupped Bilbo's face and whispered to him hopefully. "You can tell Thorin this. Just not now. No!"
She wanted to tell him so much more. Everything that she regretted. All the guilt that was eating her right now for what she had done.
Because in the end: this had been her plan. Her choice. She took Bilbo here. And Thorin trusted her.
Now she broke that promise.
And yet the hobbit in her arms simply smiled, his face growing more tired as his voice turned into a breathless tone.
"...D-did you know...I kept that a-acorn that I found...I wanted to plant it...in the Shire. But after you left, y-your brother...I had it planted on the m-mountain." Bilbo murmured to her. "Reminded us...t-that you were the o-one who united u-us. That you—"
His voice trailed off, mouth slacking as he then stared up at her.
It was then she realised he had not blinked nor breathed.
"Please." She whispered, her heart stopping at the very second.
Though as she pressed her hand atop his chest...she sensed it.
"Bilbo?" She questioned, trying to move his body gently. Illyria frantically pleaded, "Bilbo, please!"
However: he did not react.
Finally daring to push through her senses, her heart shattered.
His fëa was gone.
She could not breathe.
She could feel anything other than nothingness itself the moment her eyes stared back at the blankness of his sage eyes. Those same eyes had always been filled with adventure and warmth.
Now it was all but darkness.
It was as if someone had punctured through her heart as her hands grew numb, and as she brought her fingers to brush the strands of his hair away – all Illyria could do was nothing.
Until something grew inside of her. Like a flame relit upon the centre of her body, growing hotter by the moment. And at that moment: Illyria could already sense the fire burning within her mind. More than determination and recklessness.
No. It was everything.
As her hands grew warmer, she placed Bilbo down carefully and shuffled herself slightly away from him. Illyria didn't care for what was happening around her. She did not care anymore. Only for one thing. To make certain she would keep her promise to his last words.
When she brought herself to the right sitting position, she took a deep controlled breath and leapt.
At that moment: Illyria Strange pressed her hand upon the ground and allowed Ormal to connect with her: sending her consciousness towards the place she should have gone moments before.
To the place between the known and unknown.
- End of Part Three -
A/N: And so part three is complete. God it took so long to get to this and only because so much shit has happened. Mainly a lot of financial issues and hence why I'm working tenfold more than I usually do during uni.
Please don't hate me! I know, I know. And I am sorry that Bilbo had to go but I have my reasons! You will find out in the next part. Just bear with me.
I genuinely cried writing the scene with Bilbo and Illyria and it just parallels with what could have happened - aka the canon scene with Bilbo and Thorin. I tried to mirror it to show the consequences of Illyria's choice of saving Thorin in The Hobbit and how it would eventually come back to her.
So yeah, part three is finally done. BUT not without our lovely epilogue. :)
Edited: 21/10/2023
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