16 | Welcome to Far Harad
16 | Welcome to Far Harad
Illyria Strange | The Eternal
Location: Harad? Far Harad? Who knows...?
Time: April 2981 T.A
Her first – and probably last – visit to the Amazon established the fact that she wasn't fit for hot humid climates.
So when she thought Maglor would be dumping them in the middle of the desert-like it was Tatooine, Illyria Strange was surprised that she was met by the influx of just stuffy water vapour onto her.
It was like going into a sauna the moment they stepped through from the outskirts of Rivendell, sucking in a breath at the heat and humidity. Or whatever humidity was, she might as well be drowning herself within such the stuffiness of water surrounding them, wondering as well if it was the water sticking to her skin or was actually her sweat.
She just had to thank Maglor that they didn't use the Silmaril instead to travel here, knowing that she would be nauseated and sweating. She was surprised that Bilbo hadn't complained much, but then again his attire looked more fitting for the weather compared to hers.
As Illyria moved her head upwards to pan around her surroundings, she was met by a vast landscape that was beyond her comprehension of what Middle Earth was.
They stood atop what seemed to be a cliff face, hidden by an area of vast trees that were different to the evergreen fir trees the valley had. They looked to be like palm trees, with others handing odd coloured fruits and berries. Rolling hills of grasslands and flora, with outcrops of yellowish and dark rocks from certain parts. The shade of green was a little brighter than most, with a collection of various colourful plants.
On the far horizon seemed to be a line of darkness, perhaps a forest or jungle somewhat stretching across after the winding river below. And before then, a large road stretched beside the large river, with settlements dotted across.
On the right side from where they stood were endless streams of hills and more jungle, with the brightened starlit skies reflecting a silver glow underneath. The clouds were wispy, swirling to almost waves as if they were painted on a canvas much like Vincent Van Gogh's. [1]
However, what seemed so distinctive was the place itself. It felt so different and yet familiar. A strong pulse of energy surrounded the area that even Illyria almost wanted to ask the elven sorcerer if he could sense it as well. Could it be the thing that she had drawn about in the maps? Or maybe something else entirely?
And as much as she couldn't help but feel so mesmerized at the place they arrived at; one thing still confused her.
Where the actual fuck were they?
Bilbo Baggins seemed to have the right mind, adjusting his pack that was on his shoulders. To be fair, she insisted on helping him carry his stuff but the hobbit was quick to snap back at her, insisting that he was perfectly fine and that if she mentioned anything about his 'supposed' age (which definitely didn't show a lot): Bilbo was going to lecture her until the quest was done.
Yeah, she might have to concede and not argue any further with her hobbit friend.
Illyria was still looking around along with Bilbo before she eyed Maglor standing a little further from them at the side.
She then asked him, "Where are we?" Illyria raised a brow as she added bluntly, "And why does it look like a rendition of the Shire but if the Shire was in a Bollywood set?" [2]
Bilbo had noticed the plants and things growing in the open area surrounding them, walking up to them to inspect. Before long, Illyria heard him comment with a tint of nerves, "Oh Yavanna...those are not flowers." The hobbit turned back to them, mostly at her and questioned, "And what is a Bollywood set?"
As much as she wanted to explain and describe to him the fundamentals of what comprised a Bollywood set was, Illyria gave Bilbo a look that pretty much said 'don't make me go there, I don't have the capacity to handle all of this right now' and the hobbit simply agreed.
Maglor noticed that Bilbo had gotten closer to the plants that eerily looked like Venus's flytraps (or maybe even more dangerous) and warned them, "Do be careful. Most of the fauna and flora here try to eat or poison anyone."
Lovely to point out.
Illyria only needed one look to know these were worse than the ones they saw in the Amazon.
"Welcome to Raj." Maglor gestured his hand towards the surrounding landscape, pointing at the horizon in the same direction as the river. He continued, "We are just beyond The Dune Sea which our people would call Far Harad." [3][4][5]
Illyria screwed her face a little, confused as to how he just described it. If she assumed that he meant beyond the dark forest strip beyond – did he mean that there was a desert there? The same desert that each and every map they had in Rivendell and anywhere else in the North had? And what was the Dune Sea? Wasn't that technically Far Harad?
And what is Raj? Who is Raj? (Why is Raj?)
Mind stopping, Illyria flicked her head back to him and asked incredibly confused, "Wait, so where's Umbar?"
"Northwest of us I believe."
She didn't know when a fly got sucked into her throat or she was literally cutting her breath at whatever he just said.
Yet the beach hermit still had the audacity to continue talking whilst she was hacking whatever air she had left in her lungs: "There is a road which covers the western coast, if you pass west and continue, there is a trading city called Bur Esmer. But we are about six hundred miles from Umbar if you want to do your geography," Maglor finished, muttering again that he wasn't entirely sure of the full details of the topography. [6]
Oh, because the details were supposed to be important .
Did he just say—
"Wait. Hold up."
Illyria clamped her mouth shut as she slid right in front of Maglor and held her hand back.
She echoed, "Did you just say six hundred miles?"
Maglor's stupidly glittery eyes glowed brighter as he looked at her.
His lips twitched.
Her jaw dropped. "You're shitting me." Illyria whispered as her hand slapped her forehead, "We are beyond the known map that we know as..."
She slowly turned back to the landscape, her heart beating as if she had just won a million pounds in Deal or No Deal. [7]
Illyria questioned again, pressing even further, " This is still Middle Earth?"
With a nod, she found her making another blustering sound as Maglor responded.
"Well in these parts, they call the continent Endor."
That caused her to pause and raise a brow. Endor? Huh.
Sounded like a Star Wars reference. [8]
He breathed in as he continued as if he had already known what was next. "And yes, only I know of this. Lúthien and Beren have written none of this for the sake of protecting us." [9]
She clamped her mouth shut probably to stop another fly from getting into her mouth. Because as much as she was standing here: nothing was registering in her mind. This place, the very place that so many people have wondered and speculated what was here – was real. Back when she was still Elemmírë, her adventurous streak had always been there, always wanting to know what the hell was beyond the known world they had been able to cover.
What was considered Far Harad wasn't even Far Harad at all...
' Damn, Mereneth would freak out if she came along. '
Illyria's lips quirked into a smile before she choked out another laugh, causing Bilbo and Maglor to eye her for a second. For the former, she could tell Maglor was enjoying her reaction and she had the sudden urge to wipe that smug look off his face.
As she calmed down a little, Illyria stopped and turned back to the sorcerer. "Who is us?"
"You will meet them once we arrive at the city," Maglor began to head off, walking through the rustling of trees and ferns as he noted, "But we are not here for long. We just need to get you some gear, and supplies before we head off."
As soon as he disappeared into the forest, Illyria frowned before she looked at Bilbo – who was less concerned and more in awe at where they just got dropped in.
To be fair, a hobbit this far south didn't make sense at all.
But she refrained from getting annoyed no less she wanted to try something and accidentally warp reality again.
So with their packs adjusted and prepared, they began their journey.
Maglor insisted to keep their heads down and keep their photostatic veils up. She didn't know how that could work, considering what they were wearing already somehow stood out, they might as well just use a disillusionment spell or something that could make people ignore them. But the Fëanorian simply gave her that look, the same look Maedhros and their brothers had, that clearly said, 'just don't ask' and had her sniffing as she muttered to herself.
No matter how he tried not to admit it: he was seriously still a Fëanorian.
They walked down the hill and walked over the hills and countryside, heading down towards the road that was in the distance. As soon as they did arrive, she didn't realise how busy the road was supposed to be. Lined in yellowish and reddish stone, the road had plenty of travellers. From wagons, and carts to full caravans. There were people on horses, mules and even an elephant.
(Or oliphaunt according to what the people of the North called them.) [10]
Illyria was in awe at the sight around her, just as Bilbo Baggins was as her hobbit friend always stuck close to her. They agreed to each other that they would make sure to always be in the same room until they knew they agreed it was safe enough. And as much as they were both filled with wanderlust and adventure: they weren't going to put their guard down in a new place like this.
Even if this place seemed so unreal.
Beside the road was luckily enough room for people to walk, heading to what seemed to be a walled city beside the great river. Maglor called it the Rijesha , a river that cuts through the entire region: Raj, and practically created this pocket of rainforest climate. He explained that the source of it stretches from Suza Rij, in the eastern region of Raj, another place she and Bilbo barely couldn't understand where it was on the map. [11][12]
However, the city which they were heading was called Bozisha-Dar, or Harshport in Westron. A port city and one of the larger cities of Far Harad. Maglor didn't elaborate any further, telling them that there would be plenty of time to speak once they enter the city itself, which was supposed to be a hard thing to also go through. [13]
That caused her to peer back at him as they walked. What the heck were they expecting at the gates?
Though, it was quite self-explanatory the moment they got closer to the walls.
In front of them was a large gate made of bronze and gold, almost about three stories high, ornated with patterns that almost depicted the river itself. The walls were almost twice their size, stretching with the same yellowish and reddish stone with guard towers stationed equally around the perimeter.
There was what seemed to be a long queue coming in and coming out of the city, with guards stationed as they checked the people and the cargo that they carried. Maglor told her to hold Bilbo close to her and to remain quiet as he would handle the guards.
Thank her stubbornness at that time to not make a scene, because the moment she felt Bilbo's hand tighten in hers, Illyria gulped as she looked at where the guards were as soon as they got to the front.
The guards of the city weren't just tall, they were practically almost 'Maedhros' height.
They wore dark leather and metal armour, with silver swords, daggers, and bracers. Their faces were either in a state of boredom, anger or just suspicion. She could have sworn that the moment she looked up at their eyes, Illyria's heart skipped a beat and felt that they had known what was behind the veil.
However, the one thing that got her curious was the animals they had on chains. They appeared to be wolf-like, though smaller. Their fur was short, their color dark tan spotted with greys and browns. Bilbo had squeaked slightly the moment they began to bark at one of the merchants' crates, probably sniffing something which wasn't exactly allowed inside. [14]
But as Maglor thanked the guard and the man grunted them welcome, she let out the breath she held and lulled Bilbo through with her.
Just a moment then, her nervousness had almost triggered something in her, wanting nothing more but to plunge into their soul and just make the man let them through. It had itched her so much that only Maglor's gloved hand had halted her, making that feeling dissipate as they moved.
God, she thought she had controlled herself enough in the past couple of weeks. How was she going to prove to Maglor and everybody else that she could do this without accidentally killing someone?
Gratefully the moment with the guards was left behind the moment her eyes panned out into the city itself.
And she couldn't help but let her jaw drop once more.
Illyria had been in different places. She had watched plenty of different shows to know various styles and landscapes but never had she encountered a bustling version of one of her favourite Disney Films.
With another gesture, Maglor guided them down the main road of the crowded city. The streets were lined with palm trees and hedges. The buildings varied between one to three stories, square-like and painted in white, reminding her of the Greek coastal towns in one of Darcy's travel books. Coloured bunting, clothes and flags were hung across, with wooden panelled windows and silver-gold silhouettes amongst the doorframes and entrances.
The main road stretched so far, but it didn't hinder her sight of what was ahead. In the far landscape was a hill, adorned with various falls, white buildings and large ornated buildings with each having domed roofs atop them.
' That is the Katedrala, ' Maglor fell into their step as they meandered through the people. ' This road leads straight to it, that is where most of the richest residents and those who govern the city live. ' [15]
Illyria hummed. That seemed about right to have a majority of their people be crammed down here whilst the richest had the space.
Their guide remained close to them but didn't hesitate to let them know to keep their pace unless they wanted to be shouted at, which seemed quite reasonable. Because despite the starry night, time didn't seem to alter how hectic the place was.
By the time they appeared to be halfway down the main street, it appeared to cross into other smaller streets, with people talking and bustling and various languages that she and Bilbo didn't understand. The hobbit with them asked more questions, with Maglor answering him as simply as possible through their minds.
But it was then she just couldn't help but gush out loud at where they were.
"Wow...this is like stepping into Aladdi n," Illyria grinned, eyeing a building entrance that looked to be some tavern, with people already getting drunk in (technically) the middle of the day. She quipped, "Or if I'm Qarth." [16][17]
As she was about to ask what the drinks they were handing out and what sorts of food they had around here, she felt Maglor's presence loom around her.
He murmured down to her and Bilbo with a warning look, "I suggest keeping quiet. The Apysani do not like foreigners; especially humans of the northern lands." He eyed over his shoulder, highlighting two or three people that were dressed like the guards by the gates. As they passed them, Maglor slightly rose his voice as he spoke, "Elves are no matter, however, but they still question us once in a while." [18]
Illyria narrowed her gaze at him. She was seriously getting more pressed on why he kept hinting about a plural way.
"What do you mean elves?" She asked him before an idea struck as she breathed: "You mean some of the Avari moved here? If so that is really cool and pretty mean of Tolkien to not mention."
That might be a little bit of an exaggeration.
Not that she would scold a reincarnated Beren and Lúthien for hiding something so incredible, even if it might not be as important to the story or not. Either way, mentioning something like this might have changed so many things about what people thought of Middle Earth. Or Endor according to Maglor. The possibilities of expanding their world, learning new places and integrating so many cultures.
Maglor breathed in as he lured them away, keeping them to move forward down the road.
"We had a reason to hide certain things, Illyria." He hushed, looking further down at Bilbo standing beside her. "Now keep quiet, mellon. You as well Master Bilbo, they do not speak Westron nor Sindarin here."
The closer they got to The Katedrala, she noticed that the road was more crowded again, with people shouting and what sounded to be the chimes of bells echoing around them. People gathered in what seemed to be very heavily decorated buildings with spiral towers and domes. The smell of incense and smoke lingered.
Once Illyria slowed down, she then noticed what had been carved on the top of the large door atop the decorative buildings around them.
It was the shape of an eye.
The Eye of Sauron more specifically.
Her heart skipped as she muttered in disbelief at what she was witnessing, "This place..." She spotted a group of people dressed in red and black robes, metal torches in their hands as they chanted out from the temple.
Where the hell did Maglor take them?
Illyria sent a directed look as she asked, ' Is this where Sauron fled to after the Second Age? '
"Sauron has had his influence since his return. Especially The Council of Dar," Maglor explained, keeping his voice low but enough for both her and Bilbo to hear. "The Council of Dar controls the majority of this region, ran by multiple councilmen who I know must have gotten a new round of new people since my last visit." [19]
There was then a moment of cheers as some sort of statue literally lit up in front of the temple. As she peered her gaze, she finally noticed the familiar form of the statue. Annatar.
It was Sauron's former elven body, made of bronze that was lit up around his feet, with his eyes practically on fire.
Hadn't Bilbo grasped for her hand; Illyria had almost felt her mind become tossed back into her memories. She breathed out loud, glancing down at her friend before she thanked him and told both him and Maglor that they should get going.
But it didn't stop the haunting figure of Annatar's statue embedded in her mind throughout the rest of their walk.
Not every street was filled with people, only certain hotspots that either included food, alcohol or the odd temple about Sauron that had people singing along as if it was some One Direction concert.
Yeah, she had been trying all she could to ignore the motifs of that certain dark Maia, and unfortunately, it was getting harder than she thought.
The street that Maglor took them around was a mix of residents and shops, with a few going about buying a variety of different things, such as fruit, vegetables, cloth, and bread. The aroma was slightly stuffy and pungent, now hinted by the smell of the open gutters running on the sides of the street. She was glad that she repaired her boots before they left, but that was not to say with her cloak that have now been soaked with possibly medieval sewage.
Bilbo enjoyed looking at the stall that was selling scrolls and maps and even she was tempted and wanted to ask Maglor if they could at least look around.
Okay, they're technically not tourists but how could someone not buy something rememberable here? Every stall looked so unique and different. With various fauna and flora even she hadn't seen on Earth.
And just like a whiny child, Illyria practically begged Maglor to stop so she and Bilbo could get something to eat (even if she had brought a lot of food for the sake of Elrond and Miriel's insistence).
After five minutes of tugging his robes, the elven sorcerer finally conceded to her and Bilbo's pleas and asked them which stall they wanted to get something from. There was a lovely bakery just around the corner of the street they had turned to, with the smell of what seemed to be like pistachios, butter and sugar.
At the window, there were rows of small decorative pastries, almost resembling a Baklava. There was also loaves of bread that looked too round to look realistic. Once she and Bilbo (rather excitingly and childishly) chose which one, Maglor sighed and shook his head at them before speaking in Apysaic to the baker. [20][21]
The result of that: absolutely no regrets.
It was like eating heaven in a piece of carbohydrates and if she actually had the nerve, she would have moaned in ecstasy at how delicious they were. Especially the purple filling inside that tasted like the yams she used to have back in Kamar-Taj. [22]
"So you've been on Middle Earth for how long?" Illyria asked him midbite as they were walking.
Maglor, who had finally been tempted with the pastry that he had bought with the silver coins, had fallen into their antics and ate one.
He answered, "More than what I expected. It is too much of a risk for me to stay up north for too long so I stumbled upon this place in the late Second Age, just as the Númenóreans decided to land here."
Maglor continued, finishing his small pastry, tone a little less tense as before: "I have been exploring the archipelago for many years. But I do enjoy Bozishanarod culture most than others. They worship different gods here, different names related to the Ainur." [23]
He explained that even before the Númenóreans, they worshipped the goddess of the moon who was said that had brought the waters and rains with the aid of her father: the god of the winds. She had then blessed the region with fertile soil, thus creating the hilly country called Raj. When the Númenóreans arrived, and to her surprise had been under Tar-Ciryatan, they had spread their influence as well as their religion to the people of Far Harad. [24]
She had vaguely remembered him. Illyria had never met him in her lifetime as Elemmírë but faintly recalled him to be ambitious and headstrong. He wanted to expand the explorations of the Númenóreans as much as possible, creating the places such as Umbar and the beginnings of Gondor. Others once called him almost cruel and tight, having tasted the power of finding land and establishing a rule for it.
That had been the beginning of Númenor's downfall, and as to why she began to lessen her travels to the island up until Ar-Pharazôn came and she and Elrond had no choice but to intervene before the douche decided to make the worst mistake of his life.
Unfortunately, he still did it, and now she was not anticipating their reunion once they land in Aman.
Anyways, Maglor further explained to them that Númenor's influence is only left with the buildings around the area, with places such as Ciryatandor (vain much, mate?) now just a small town compared to its once large fortress. But others such as The Dar, Bur Esmer, Tresti and the cities of Sîrayn were still thriving in their own way, with more Apysaic influences than Númenórean. It was only the third age, when Sauron returned, that things immediately turned to another page. [25][26][27]
Hence why there were temples dedicated to them, stories and tales of Sauron's gift of salvation and power gave them hope. The Bozishanarod thought of him as the sun god, and that he and the goddess of the moon now guide their world into a better state.
Which was kind of ironic considering Morgoth and Sauron just decided to destroy the sun six months ago. Did they believe that Sauron was their hero and that they would provide whatever they thought would be good for them?
There was another name that Illyria heard when they were at the temple. "Vatra?" She looked up to him and questioned, "That's Sauron, isn't it?" [28]
"It is."
That caused her to snort.
"I wonder what Varda thinks about these people almost calling her like him. Must be really hurting her ego." Whilst she was finishing her purple-filled bun, she looked in Maglor's direction, finding him smiling slightly but trying his best to hide it.
Well, perhaps Maglor did have some sort of happiness left in him, though sadly something which she still felt unbeknownst of. Because in truth, she still didn't know who he was now. Illyria had sensed something, a familiar sadness and regret but was now encased in something greater. Like that grief had been shielded in multiple layers that she wasn't sure it was real or not.
How much had he seen, and how much had turned him into...this?
After thousands of years travelling the multiverse, at least she saw her dad still intact. But for Maglor: it was seeing someone shifting between different personas.
' Just like me... ' She thought, a feeling of realization crawling up her.
Hadn't Bilbo had interrupted her thoughts on their elven sorcerer, she would have fallen again to truly trust the dude. Though there was still that uncertainty and distrust that Illyria was begging not to let go of in case her hopes of seeing the good side would fall apart unexpectedly.
"I must say this is incredible to see! All of this and yet I am the first hobbit to come here. The furthest hobbit to have travelled in these lands," Bilbo excitedly stated, his genuine voice making her want to soften her smile. "They are going to be fascinated once I put this in my book!"
She really couldn't help but smile. At least one of them was enjoying this and not worrying entirely.
As well as that, she had never seen Bilbo Baggins filled with adrenaline and happiness since Thorin Oakenshield professed his love for him. Yeah, she knew he had been happy when his nephew and friends were back in Imladris, but there was an underlining shadow and fear in him. He knew what he had done the moment Frodo picked up the Ring, and never would he forgive himself despite Frodo and Thorin's disagreement.
But the unknown world and the sense of adventure were where Bilbo Baggins' passion was. Just like his mother Belladonna and in some ways her younger self.
Maglor must have known what her hobbit friend was like, smiling amusedly down at Bilbo. "They will." He continued, "And we will be seeing more. Beyond these lands are more realms and cultures you have yet to encounter. I never expected it, though perhaps even the Eldar are not as knowledgeable as we are deemed to be."
They were coming around a crossroad when a man with a cart filled with cabbages passed them. As Maglor told them to continue down straight, she had heard a voice weakly coming from nearby.
Illyria stopped and paused, spotting the beggar child sitting on the corner of the street. It appeared to be a girl, their black hair matted and dark-skinned slightly dirty. Her heart ached when she realised how skinny she was, especially by how the child's clothes (or whatever it was) loosely hung on them.
As another passerby walked passed her, the girl lifted her hands and spoke something. Though all she received was nothing, ignoring the girl as they continued.
She couldn't help but whisper sadly, "All these people—" Illyria glanced up to him, "Maglor."
Illyria could already tell that Maglor wanted to ignore the child but couldn't. How his fists curled up at his sides as the girl tried to ask another pedestrian for some food or anything.
"Sometimes I had hoped our influences made changes for the better, but sometimes it was not enough." He closed his eyes as he breathed in, "We cannot force something into something that they are not ready to become, but we can only do what we can. Even if it means the littlest things."
Holding out a hand, Illyria looked down to notice him holding out one of the purple-filled buns. Taking it from him, she walked across to the girl – catching their slightly scared eyes.
Cautiously, Illyria then held out the bun and waited for her. The girl looked at her for a moment, perhaps unsure of the fake appearance.
With an inhaled breath, Illyria let her veil fall slightly – finding the girl's eyes widen in awe at her. She felt the young soul, so weak and yet so innocent, and Illyria just couldn't help but want to hug the child and tell her she wanted to take her in.
Finally, the girl's lips twitched slightly before taking the load. She answered her with a small voice, "Asante, Bibi wa jua." [29]
Illyria smiled, wanting nothing more but to reply. Though in the corner of her eye, she spotted Maglor sending her a look, causing her smile to falter. She knew she could risk the girl's safety and theirs if she showed magic.
Instead, she nodded before placing her veil back. As she felt Maglor's hand pulling her away down the street: Illyria glanced over her shoulder and smiled back.
The girl's face never left her mind the entire time.
Even when she tried to cheer herself up, reassuring herself that the child might have some family left or was part of some homeless shelter in a part of the city, Illyria was still feeling that guilt in her stomach. If Maglor said he tried to change things here, why hadn't things truly improved?
But then again she remembered again that in a way, he was kind of like Gandalf and the Istari. They influenced people's choices – not rule them instead. If the Valar genuinely made them do that instead, Middle Earth would have been an entirely different place and might even make Sauron's plans quite a novice level move.
So maybe she did understand why Maglor and the people he befriended didn't entirely rule the south. The world deserved to evolve and change however they pleased, let society shape their history itself and not something. It was one of the things that even she had to remind herself. One of the key lessons which the Ancient One and the masters of the Mystic Arts told her when it came to using the knowledge of magic and the cosmos.
Power came with a responsibility, and it was their duty to use it wisely in the life they lived.
Even if the power she now possessed was a little unhinged.
But that was the reason why they were here, or wherever Maglor Fëanorian decided to lead them to. It was a larger building, a little fancier than the small homes they had passed but still passing the white-painted facades. Illyria noticed that they were now close to the wall and supposedly the river, sensing the rush of the water closer than before. The large dome hill faced the west of them, the stars shining brightly between the wispy clouds above. The great mansions and domes looked as if they were glowing at this angle, with the stars reflecting against the metal décor.
As Maglor led them through double doors, they entered what seemed to be a rotunda, with hallways leading to what seemed to be endless aisles of shelves of what seemed to be books and scrolls. The shelves were oddly built, with diagonal shelving to allow scrolls to be taken out easily. She spotted Bilbo's eyes already taking too much interest in everything, and she had to tug the hobbit so they couldn't lose Maglor.
One thing was for sure: she was not going to lose that sorcerer again.
Thankfully he wasn't far as he was about to exit the large library and headed up a staircase. Illyria realised then that the buildings around here were connected, with open-air walkways between the two-story buildings with only a wooden railing protecting them. As they crossed the building into the next, they now found themselves again in a small library, with similar light wooden shelves and tables.
As they rounded the corner, Illyria finally asked what was both in her and Bilbo's minds.
"Why are we at a library?"
Maglor slowed down as he answered, "We will be meeting with someone I know." It was there he stopped for some reason and spoke with a curt nod, "Ah, salamu." [30]
Coming around the corner was a man. He wore what seemed to be a linen toga-styled shirt with a dark navy robe over it. His dark brown hair was tied back in a simple ponytail, though that wasn't to say about the shock and paling expression he formed the moment he locked eyes with Maglor.
He clamped his mouth before he inhaled sharply.
Afterwards, to Illyria's amusement, the man pointed a finger at Maglor as he hissed: "You...you should not be here." Looking around the room, he then glared back at the elven sorcerer, "The risk you have bringing your face back to The Dar. You are a madman."
She raised a brow in surprise. How did the man know Sindarin this far south?
Remaining slightly behind Maglor, she and Bilbo watched them interact. In the corner of her eye, she spotted Maglor's lips twitch as he answered: "And we are not men are we, Dalolthar?" He cleared her throat before he held out a hand, gesturing to them, "However, I must introduce you to my companions."
The man – now named Dalolthar – surprisingly shared a mixed appearance. Whilst she had seen almost everyone around here with dark skin, the man before them was much lighter and his height slightly taller than Maglor's.
With Maglor's assurance, she removed the photostatic veil followed by Bilbo.
With slightly widening eyes, the man breathed in, "Ah, the renowned Oialëa."
She was shocked that his pronunciation of her name was accurate. Right, who the heck was this guy and how did he know her?
The man's eyes glowed slightly underneath the warm light, but perhaps nothing was more warming and genuine that his voice: "The elf who can hold the sun."
She remained silent, trying to study the man's face. From what she could sense, he didn't seem like a threat and it seemed that Maglor trusted him enough considering this exchange.
Maglor continued, "Illyria, Bilbo: this is Dalolthar Qhaamo." He sent a slight smile to them, "He assists with the news between Northern Harad and Bozisha-Dar."
His face turned into curiosity. That same look Illyria had seen from not only Thranduil back in Dale but the Fëanorians as well when they met Bilbo in Lothlorien. But unlike uncertainty, she noticed the man's mind was aware of what Bilbo was. "Indeed. Though, ever have I seen a...Hobbit before," Dalolthar then formed a small smile, nodding his head before he added, "I am merely a messenger. Though recently I have been more of a spy than some messenger."
When he tilted his head back, she couldn't help herself and reached out – trying to figure out what comprised of his fëa. It was there she felt it, though before she could cut through the barriers, she tugged herself away as she blinked away the dryness of her eyes.
It was then she realised why. "You're peredhel," Illyria blurted out before she realised what she just said.
Embarrassingly, she apologized quickly, "Sorry, I can sense it."
Dalolthar's eyebrows shot up, but he composed himself and quietly noted, "You are correct. I am. My mother was Nandorin." After that his body seemed to relax, making Illyria's shoulders relax as well. [31]
Huh, so peredhel were common as well down south then? It wasn't just the odd Silvan or Sinda elves that lived remotely on the south-western coasts of Gondor. Or the coastal woods of Southern Eriador.
Maglor diverted the conversation back again, urging the librarian/messenger about, well... "And what do you have, Dolalthar? What news?" The sorcerer asked; tone back to business.
Eyeing about, he exhaled. "Not good," Dalolthar lowered his voice as he continued, "Wachawi Wa Bluu, they have moved north to try and sway the desert kingdoms to the enemy along those of Rhûn and Khand." [32]
She raised a brow. ' Wachama call who now? '
Illyria questioned herself, eyeing down at Bilbo who merely shrugged. Something about Rhûn and Khand and about some people moving north. What kind of people? How did they know about them but not the other way around? Heck? What if this was how Sauron was taking advantage of the entirety of the East?
The longer they were here, the more she was starting to notice the itchy things now. Even how beautiful and exotic the place was, Illyria could feel something deeper and darker around here. As if she was going to find something out and it was going to scare her for shit all.
Meanwhile, once Dalolthar had finished conversing with their resident hermit, she could only hear the last part of Maglor's mutterings. "Which means the realms here and Greater Harad are exposed." He questioned back the half-elf, "Has one of them come to you?"
From where she stood, her impatience wanting to either explore the place or just want to sit down or at least snoop, Dalolthar replied: "Ever since the fall of the sun, The Council of Dar have quarrelled for months. People of power are at war with one another since you left and she has yet to try and maintain peace. I've heard that most of their concentration is maintaining some order in Sîrayn but it's been two months since the last message."
"We both know they won't eagerly fight for one side." The sorcerer's tone changed, making her peer back at him. Maglor continued, "She only brings her troops if civilians and children and women are harmed. Not to recall that she never wanted the contingency for Sîrayn at all until 'Threllas out-balanced the vote."
It was then that she furrowed her eyebrows.
The more she was hearing whoever these people Maglor associated with: the more Illyria Strange was beginning to withdraw her trust back from him.
Even with the more innocent and good-willed peredhel, whom she could tell only wanted what was best for the place. Even if it meant having to sacrifice whatever weird cultist religion Bozisha-Dar was doing.
"You must return soon. They need you there to lead them," Dalolthar eyed not only Maglor but her and Bilbo as well before he gravely spoke, "Because the Raj and the entirety of Bozisha-Miraz are not ready for such machafuko." [33]
Okay so there are about 33 citations in this chapter, so I decided to just give a link to my Tumblr which should go to the post regarding this.
A/N: This is the bit where I go outside the canon box and venture to a lot of fanmade-thing such as the Roleplay games based on Lord of The Rings. It's surprising how much you can find and it's amazing at the stuff they've officially made.
But again, all made up and some inspired by a lot of actual real-life things. But it's just amazing how much Tolkien's works inspired things and we end up with a lot more than we expect.
But that's all I can do today. Hope you guys enjoyed this. :)
Edited: 02/01/2023
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