1.1 In My Time of Dying
1.1 In My Time of Dying
The demon possessed truck driver stepped out of his truck and walked over the wrecked Impala. He looked at John, Carmen, and Dean, the three unconscious, then to Sam, who swallowed barely awake.
The demon pulled the driver's side door off the hinges. It revealed Sam, pointing the Colt at him, "Back. Or I'll kill you, I swear to god," Sam said, coldly.
"You won't. You're saving that bullet for someone else," The demon said.
"You wanna bet?" Sam said cocking the gun. The demon smiled and then the black demon-ichor poured out of the man, who collapsed.
Sam uncocked the gun, dropping his head back in relief. The man looked at the car, "Oh my god,"
"Dad?" Sam called out but John didn't answered. "Did I do this?" The man asked but Sam ignored him. "Dad! Dean! Carmen!" Sam called. No one answered.
A rescue helicopter descended to the site, and all four were being loaded onto stretchers. John, Dean, and Carmen were still unconscious. While Sam was awake, "Tell me if they're okay!" Sam asked.
"You have to stay still!" The Paramedic woman told him. "Are they even alive?" Sam asked.
My eyes shot open as I started looking around. I frowned my brows before getting up. I looked down to see I was wearing a pair of blue hospital pants, white shirt, and white socks to match.
I was in a hospital, how'd I get in a hospital?
I started walking out of the room and into the hallway. "Dean? Sam? Salem? Dad? Anyone?" I called not getting answered.
"Great, just great," I mumbled walking off. I walked down, more liked runned down, towards the front of the hospital and found a nurse's station.
"Hi, excuse me," I said walking over to a nurse. "Hello? I, um, I think I was in a car accident or something like that. Bu-but I was with my dad and my brothers, an-and my cat? I have to find them."
The nurse didn't look at me let alone answered me. "Hello?" I asked, started to get worried.
She still didn't look at me and I even snapped in her face, but even that didn't work and she just walked away.
"What the-" I started to panic running back upstairs.
I ran down a hallway looking in each room. None of the nurse even batted an eyelash at me. But one room made my stop. My whole body froze as shivers ran up and down.
I saw my own body, on a bed, intubated, and-and dying. I walked in and grabbed the foot of the bed, staring at me, but not me? "What type of Twilight Zone episode am I in?" I mumbled to myself. While staring at my body, that was dying.
I looked over at the door seeing Sam and Dean walk into the room. I smiled and sighed seeing that they were okay.
"Sammy. Dean. Your both okay," I said. They didn't hear me, all they did was started at my body. "Oh, no," Sam said walking over to the bed.
Then a doctor walked in, "Your father's awake." Both of them looked towards him. "You both can go see him if you like."
"That's- thank god," I said smiling. Dean looked at my body and then back at the doctor, "Doc, what about our sister?"
Sam held my hand. "Well, she sustained serious injury: blood, contusions to her liver and kidney. But it's the head trauma I'm worried about. There's early signs of cerebral edema," The doctor explained.
Sam and Dean both looked at him, "Well, what can we do?" Sam asked.
"Well, we won't know her full condition until she wakes up," The doctor explained. Dean and Sam nodded their heads as they looked back at my body, "If she wakes up," the doctor added softly.
We looked back at him, "If?" Dean asked. "I have to be honest. Most people with this degree of injury wouldn't have survived this long. She's fighting very hard. But you need to have realistic expectations," The doctor explained.
Dean and Sam were in John's room. John was lying in the hospital bed, his arm was in a sling. He awkwardly one-handed, pulled something out of his wallet.
"Here. Give them my insurance," John said to Sam. He took the card John gave him, smiling as he read, "Elroy McGillicutty?"
Dean smirked while John smiled, "And his three loving kids," Sam and Dean chuckled and slowly John's smile fell. "So, what else did the doctor say about Carmen?" John asked as Sam shook his head.
"Nothing. Look, the doctors won't do anything, then we'll have to, that's all," He said. "We'll find some hoodoo priest and lay some mojo on her," Dean said.
"We'll look for someone," John said. Dean and Sam nodded their heads. "But boys, I don't know if we're gonna find anyone."
Sam frowned, "Why not? Carm and I found that faith healer before for Dean," He pointed out. "Alright, that was, that was on in a million," John said.
"So what? Do we just sit here with our thumbs up out ass?" Dean asked. "No, I said we'd look. I'll check under every stone," John said. He waited for a few seconds before he spoke again, "Where's the Colt?"
"Your daughter is dying, and you're worried about the Colt?" Sam asked in disbelief. "We're hunting this demon, and maybe it's hunting us too. That gun may be our only card," John said.
"It's in the trunk. They dragged the car to a yard off of I-83," Dean replied, looking away. "All right. You and Sam gotta clean out that trunk before some junk man sees what's inside," John said.
"I called Bobby. He's an hour out, he's gonna tow the Impala back to his place," Dean replied.
"All right. You, you two go meet up with Bobby. You get that Colt, and you bring it back to me. And watch out for hospital security," John said.
Sam and Dean nodded their heads and they got up to leave. "Hey," John said and they stopped, turning back around. John picked up a sheet of paper, "I made a list of things I need, have Bobby pick them up for me."
Dean took the paper and read it, "Acacia? Oil of Abramelin? What's this stuff for?" He asked, frowning. "Protection," John said.
Dean nodded and walked to the door, where Sam was, "Hey, Dad? You know, the demon, he said he had plans for me and children like me. Do you have any idea what he meant by that?" Sam asked.
John shook his head, "No, I don't," He said. Sam gave a small nod before he and Dean left.
Carmen was there leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. She watched her brothers leave before looking back at John raising her eyebrows, "What aren't you telling them?"
The boys were at Bobby's place. Dean looked at his mangled car shocked and angry. Bobby and Sam stood next to him. "Oh man," Sam mumbled.
Dean put his hands on his head, "Son of a bitch!" He yelled. Bobby sighed, "Look, Dean. I'm sorry. But this...this just ain't worth a tow. I say we empty the trunk, sell the rest for scrap,"
Dean gave him a death glance, making Bobby held up his hands up as a surrender. "I can fix this," Dean insisted.
"But there's nothing to fix. The frame's a pretzel, and the engine's ruined. There's barely any parts worth salvaging," Bobby said.
"Bobby…" Sam said softly.
Dean stared at his car as Bobby nodded slowly. "Okay. You got it, we'll help," He said quietly. "Here, uh, Dad asked for you to get this stuff for him," Dean said as he gave him the list.
Bobby read it and frowned, "What's John want with this?"
"Protection from the demon?" Sam asked. Bobby gave the boys a look. "What?" Dean questioned, "Oh, nothing, it's just, uh…" Bobby said. "Bobby?" Sam said as Bobby looked at him. "What's going on?"
Dad came into my room and sat by my bed. "Dad, come on. You have to help, you have to do something. I mean, you haven't even called a soul for help. Are you going to do anything? Aren't you even going to say anything?" I asked as I felt tears rolling down my cheek.
Dad was staring at my body on the bed, "What? You're just gonna sit and watch me die? I thought I was your princess? Your suppose to protect me, that's the promise you made my mother. And what you aren't even gunna try and keep it!?" I snapped.
Something caught my attention, "What the hell now?" I walked down the hallway as something whooshed past me.
This made me jump back, it had to be a spirit. I looked back towards Dad, "I'll take it you didn't see that?" I said before leaving.
I tracked the spirit down the hallways. It went back into a back hallway. I ran to the back hallway and saw a woman lying on the floor, choking.
I looked at a doctor and a nurse, "Help! Help!" The woman choked out. "Hello! I need some help here!" I called out but no-one answered.
"I can't...breathe!" The woman said.
I ran over to her and knelt down beside her. She panted loudly, trying desperately to breathe, then she went silent. She was dead, I closed my eyes starting to lose hope.
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