royce, miguel, aisha and demetri were sitting on a bench, while hawk and bert were practicing behind them.
"i still think you're overreacting." demetri sighed while looking a miguel.
"i'm not overreacting, dude. i know what i saw."
"so does royce, but she didn't say anything." demetri says, pointing at royce. she stuck her tongue out at him. he did it back.
hawk scoffed, "you guys are fucking losers." he said towards demetri and royce.
royce made a 'wtf face' then stuck the middle finger up.
"all right , so you saw her eating dinner with some chode". hawk said from behind the bench, kicking bert in the face.
making bert yelp and fall to the floor, royce jumped up and helped bert up, "are you okay? do you need bandaid ?"
"the little pussy is fine", hawk grinned.
"hawk, he's younger then you. still."
hawk rolled his eyes, "whatever you say ma."
"you good bert?"
"i'm good," bert says.
"told you."
royce rolled her eyes.
"it's probably her brother or something," hawk suggests.
"not her brother," royce mumbled. hawk turned to her.
"what you say?"
"nada bitch" , hawk rolled his eyes and kissed her as the others in the group grimaced.
"no dude, brothers don't look at their sisters like that."
"alright, so go beat up this kid to show him he doesn't have a chance," hawk suggests.
royce shot up, "uh, no. don't do that."
" 'cause there is no point in that shit". royce grumbled.
"don't listen to eli," demetri says while slouching onto the bench.
hawk sent demetri a glare, "it's hawk".
"yeah, whatever", demetri says.
"oh! that little bitch!", aisha growls out.
"what now?", royce says, who is now laying down on the grass, looking at the clouds.
"you know that video i posted of me breaking that board?" aisha asks.
"yeah", miguel grumbled.
"look what yasmine commented," aisha shows miguel and the rest her ohone.
"hey! i wanna see!", royce says, still on the ground. hawk takes the phone out of aishas hand, showing it to royce. "oh damn what the fuck."
hawk laughed and gave the phone back to aisha.
"oh shit", miguel said.
"i gotta do something."
"how about we kidnap her and have my boy rico tattoo "bitch" on her face?", hawk says.
demetri gave hawk a deadpanned look. "calm down, hawk".
"all right, i hear how you're saying it, and i don't like it", hawk says, while clenching his jaw.
"wait, wait. look " aisha shows the group that yasmine is having a birthday party at the canyon later.
"we should strike first", royce says while pulling grass and throwing it around.
aisha nodded.
"hell yeah". everybody smirked.
royce filled a big slushee cup with blueberry flavor. she walked over to the candy and grabbed reese's.
"all right, be sure to stock up good", aisha announces, grabbing some off brand pringles. "i'm inviting everyone. "vip only", my ass."
"i still don't understand how we're gonna buy alcohol", demetri says while leaning over the shelf's.
"true", royce shrugs.
hawk walked by and scoffed, "please. never underestimate the power of the hawk". he said while opening a beer fridge and grabbing a pack of 'carson street' beers.
he walked over to the counter and put the beers on top, "sup".
royce walked over and stood by his side.
"bitches will be bitches".
royce hit his arm, "i mean, expect her. so, how much it gonna cost?"
"gotta check your ID first."
hawk chuckles, "i'm flattered."
the guy said nothing and kept staring at hawk. "do you really think i'm underage? that's my fucking kid right there!" hawk said while pointing the bert. "and that's my wife!", hawk pointed to royce. she gave him a wink.
"yeah, i still need to see it. required by law". the cashier sighed.
"okay," hawk said, pulling out his fake ID. the man looked at it, giving hawk side eyes.
"whatever", the cashier said. giving the ID back to hawk. when the cashier turned away, hawk turned to the group, sticking his tongue out as royce cheered silently.
"and uh.. how about those 8 bottles of vodka right there?"
"yeah, sure".
the teens, and bert walked out the store. "nice job", royce kissed hawk on the cheek, which he returned back.
"told ya so."
the car they were going in was too small, so bert had to sit on royces lap.
the group headed off to the canyon.
when they got to the canyon, there was already a lot of people. definitely not friends of yasmine's .
hawk brought the cooler infront of royce, "what would you like to drink this fine evening?"
royce put her fingers on her chin, pretending to think, "hmm, i'll take vodka and cranberry mixed together please".
"you got it ma," hawk said while fixing up her drink. he handed to her and watched as she took a sip.
hawk smiled and walked closer to her. "you're yummy", he kissed her on the lips, tasting the flavor of the drink.
"i'll be right back." hawk said while walking away. royce nodded.
"you think it's funny crashing my party?" yasmine yelled, catching royce's attention. yasmine stomped towards aisha, making royce walk towards them.
"it's not really your party 'cause we were here first." aisha snarled.
"yeah, well. i know you and your little karate gang think you're cool, but we all know who you really are. you're just a fugly bitch and your friends are freaks". yasmine said.
making royce angry by the second. she went foward but was pulled back by aisha.
yasmine turned to moon, "come on, moon. let's go."
moon shook her head, " no i'm staying, i apologize to aisha for what we did. and you should too".
moon was staring foward, royce turned and she noticed she was staring at hawk. which he was doing the same. royce shook it off and didn't think much of it.
"whatever moon. you deserve them." yasmine said as she walked past aisha, brushing her shoulders hard.
"hey yasmine!"
yasmine turned to aisha, "let me help you to your car." aisha said in a happy fake tone before reaching towards yasmines pants, grabbing the front of her underwear and pulled them up, making royce 'ooooh'. "no mercy bitch!".
yasmine looked at everyone that was staring at her before stumbling foward to her car. royce noticed to people walking down the hill. robby and sam.
royce shot up, grabbing another beer. noticing moon and hawk making out. she paused not to closely to the pair. she gulped down the beer and grabbed another one, repeating it over and over again.
demetri came foward, "i think that's enough royce."
"n-no, stop it. i need it." royce slurred her words. demetri backed up. he watched as royce walked towards hawk.
"h-hey hawk!" she yelled, making him turn to her.
"fuck you.", she slurred while walking away. hawk scurried up to get towards her but demetri blocked his way to her.
"hey, man. you've done enough".
hawk just scoffed, "whatever".
she stumbled to where her brother and sam were, miguel already there. "h-hey roobot "
"royce? are you okay?" robby asked, grabbing his sisters shoulders.
royce nodded, "i'm fine." she slurred, "what's going onnn".
"oh he works with your dad? ok that makes a lot of sense", miguel slurred. angry.
"miguel?" royce said confused, losing her balance as robby caught her by the shoulders again.
"you know him?", robby asked his intoxicated sister.
she nodded. "you know her?" sam asked robby.
"yeah, she's my twin sister".
"why don't you answer my calls or texts all day?" miguel butted in, walking closer towards the trio. robby pushed his sister behind.
"no i literally couldn't. my mom took my phone," sam defended herself, making miguel scoff.
"oh that's so convenient", miguel says.
"hey, you better watch it." robby warns. miguel didn't listen and hit robby. making him stumble back. also making royce stumble as well. she fell on her back as the air got sucked out of her.
she wheezed as sam crouched down beside her. "are you okay? royce??".
royces vision went black.
my baby royce:(
anyways yes, i'm still gonna have moon and hawk together. hahaa ONE MORE EPISODE
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