6 | A Balrog in Oxford
6 | A Balrog in Oxford
Illyria Strange | Elemmírë Oialëa
Location: School of Engineering, Oxford, UK, Earth
Time: May 2027
She couldn't concentrate at all today.
All she could think about was Middle Earth and how she might have just fucked up the timelines. Heck, she didn't even know how it was possible. Did the Valar find out she was back and decide to immediately press the red button to end it all?
Okay, maybe that was too much but still.
Dagor Dagorath.
The Lord of the Rings hadn't even started let alone this. The end of Arda was supposed to begin many ages later. It wasn't entirely exact considering the lack of notes written by Tolkien, but it should be enough to know that it was supposed to happen later on. When the Valar couldn't even predict the exact time it would start and the earth was practically decimated by human destruction.
Not now, not when Sauron hasn't even popped back up and that Saruman betrayed the Istari and the free peoples of Middle Earth.
And now the Noldor were leaving. Where will they go? Surely not Middle Earth...Could they even go back to Middle Earth after Eru turned the world into a spherical shape?
Well, there could be two ways that can be possible. One of them would be some sort of Einstein Rosen Bridge, very much like the Bifrost that connected the two together. [1]
Or there was some weird space-matter bending to make a straight road from a spherical planet. And how could a boat even get to Aman? Did the boats have magical properties that transported them to Aman? Is that why only Círdan knew how to build them?
Damn. The number of questions she's going to spitfire at the ancient Teleri elf was going to cost him an entire tuition fee's worth of lectures. Because she was downright confused and curious as fuck.
Or just very annoyed theoretical physics wasn't allowing her to comprehend it all.
But back to the Noldor at hand. They were at risk of being dusted just like half of this universe. Eru wouldn't allow that, especially to those who were considered the Children of Ilúvatar. They were the firstborn, the ones who responded to the Valar's call after Cuiviénen.
Okay yes: they rebelled...and maybe killed some other elves...but it made them no different to the rest of the elves or even the men themselves. Not all evil came from the Noldor. There were others from other groups of the elves, like Eöl for example and like Maeglin. Then there were the dwarves and the Sindar who were killed just for that blasted jewel. And the men of Númenor who rebelled against the Valar.
Not to mention some of the characters that were highlighted in the books and movies. Like the Master of Laketown, Grima Wormtongue and Denethor the Second.
Don't get her started with humans and other species on this earth. Things that were considered 'evil' were in all shapes and sizes - in everything when you think about it. And it made Illyria even more frustrated that some of the Valar couldn't understand that not everything can be perfect.
She was so invested in her thoughts that she had forgotten where she was, and who she was with.
"Miss Strange."
Gazing up from her computer screen, she found a pair of striking blue eyes back at her.
Finneas Cuthbert had been standing by her workstation, his eye trained at her with such intense and mere judgement that Illyria should have just gotten used to it after a couple of years. But then again, he was rather tall, even probably around Maedhros' height, and always looked down upon her. He never leaned forward, almost wanting to be the tallest in the room – or just to show off that he was the smartest as well.
Well, she wasn't wrong. The man was scarily intelligent and if he wasn't so hot, the Board of Physics would have kicked him out for being arrogant and stubborn for their liking. But as a professor to the department and someone who taught the master students of the course, he was surprisingly good as a teacher.
Scary, but could clearly have your ears and mind at the knowledge he spoke with just his voice.
Darcy once said – before her father proposed to her – that his voice was the perfect tone to listen to on Audible. Illyria had blushed so much when Finneas walked into the room just as her mother said it, and Darcy did not even bow down at the man face before he went to work on the model they were building.
"I've been speaking to you for five minutes, Strange." Finneas plainly said.
She apologized quickly, shaking her head. "Sorry, Finneas." Illyria smiled wryly up to him, waving her hand. "I'm just very tired. Family stuff."
Whilst he had gone up to the blackboard of calculations, Finneas asked her as he picked up the chalk. "Is Dr Lewis alright?"
Illyria hid the shocked reaction in her face. Finneas was awfully being nice, and that was a rare occasion. "Oh yeah, she's fine," She responded, not sure how to really continue. They never had a conversation at all like this. "Just struggling with some things. With the baby on the way and this dissertation..."
"Go then."
Now that's the Finneas she knew.
"Well, don't make it blunt Finneas," Illyria said sarcastically.
Hearing him take a sharp breath, Finneas turned around to face her. He coolly spoke, "I may not be kind as other advisors, Illyria. But I do consider your health." He then returned to his usual face, the one that clearly meant 'you're all beneath me' sort of thing. "Have the early finish and we'll go over the calculation tomorrow. Go and socialize. God knows this university hardly ever gives you freedom."
Well, at least he acknowledged the life of a university student. Illyria bit her lip to laugh before closing her laptop and began clearing her work. Once her papers were collected and in her rucksack, she faced her advisor again – who was still invested in the calculations on the blackboard.
Illyria spoke kindly up to him, "Thanks." She added, "I promise I'll get this done by tomorrow." Earning a simple hum from him, she left the laboratory and headed out of the faculty.
When the portal shut behind her, she stepped into the living room to find it empty.
Illyria creased her eyebrows. Where the heck were the two? She could've sworn she left Glorfindel in here to go through some books after she had them translated. When her eyes wandered over to the television, she found it open to the news.
'Well at least Maedhros is in,' She thought before she mentally paused.
Oh god, she hoped the two didn't go and fight outside in the garden. They had just trimmed the bushes two weeks ago (courtesy of Illyria's poor swordsmanship); they didn't need any more trimming to this day.
Illyria placed her bag down on the couch before striding down the corridor. The kitchen was at its usual state, half-used and half cleaned depending on the time of day, and the dining room was spotless.
Where the fuck did they go? She really hoped Philippa and Kathryn didn't steal the two elves.
Right on time, there was a crash from the other room she hadn't check yet.
When she entered the small pocket dimension that was Maedhros' workshop, she found the two clearly unharmed and alive.
Illyria huffed in relief, "Oh, thank gods you're here and not half dead." She shot an analyzing gaze at each of them and said, "I hope you two are behaving."
Maedhros was standing at his usual spot, where he was polishing another set of daggers. Her brother, on the other hand, was wondering about the workshop - idly inspecting the glass cases and object hanging on the walls. All weapons and artwork were made by Maedhros.
He gave himself time to stop, sighing heavily. It would seem it only took a day for Maedhros to finally be fed up with her brother. He asked, "Why did you insist on making me babysit, Illyria?"
Illyria entered the room, plopping down in one of the stools lying about before taking the scrunchie out of her hair. She began to re-braid her hair, remembering how different her hair was since she returned to Earth.
(You would not believe how much Glorfindel cried in sadness when he saw her with silver hair. He complained for hours, telling her that their golden hair was the most unique out of the Noldor and that she shouldn't have gone all Teleri. And to her surprise and annoyance, even Maedhros agreed with him and that shocked them all.)
As she continued her usual tight braid, Illyria told them, "Well: Wong and Dad were busy, and Mom is visiting Jane after persuading Dad she wasn't going to get hurt." She gestured her head at Glorfindel, "And I can't just drag a tall blonde hunk out with me to the university. All the women are going to hog my brother if he just starts sauntering around campus!"
He glanced over his shoulder and piped, "Or the men." Glorfindel let out a gasp afterwards, walking over with a circlet in hands hand. "Maedhros, your work is outstanding-ai!"
At that moment, Maedhros Fëanorion slapped Glorfindel's hand before snatching the circlet off his hand. "Hands off, Balrog Slayer." The red-haired elf glared at him before standing up to return the circlet back to its case.
Illyria stifled a laugh. She had never seen Maedhros so pissed and never had she seen her brother looked so scolded that he pouted at her.
Plainly putting, Glorfindel stated: "Well, I am not the one with one hand...or not." He gave a double-take at Maedhros and questioned, "Since when did you gain another hand?"
Oh god, not again. Illyria quickly averted them to having another verbal spar by answering him, "Since my friend Harley gave him one." She stared up to her brother and softly pleaded, "Brother. Please be kind. You two are both my brothers, okay. And can you just get along? Are you even listening to me...?"
Her brother hadn't answered.
His body had stiffened, his eyes trained behind her where the door was as he immediately stood up. Even Maedhros, who she knew was too invested at his: had paused out of nowhere. His metal hand tightening on the edge of the table – eyes now trained at the door.
Glorfindel whispered, "Illyria, do you hear that?"
"No, because I don't have elf ears...But I can sense something," Illyria slowly replied.
However, she never got an answer as Maedhros rushed out of the room – now sword at hand. Her brother had followed, striding out of the workshop and heading down to the front of the house. Illyria was confused; what did they sense and or hear that she couldn't understand.
However, as they headed outside – it was then she felt a surge of energy radiate nearby. The three of them stood at the empty road, cars parked on either side as they stared at one direction of the road. And it was there she now realised what both heard.
Far in the distance was a large devilish creature on fire.
A Balrog.
And if she had to guess, it was not friendly.
"Fuck me," Illyria said aloud.
Maedhros, standing at her right, bluntly answered: "Lovely words to describe this, nethig."
Her voice grew shallow, her heart racing as she brought a sword from thin air.
Passing it to Glorfindel, she said. "Brother use this. Sorry, it's not much but—"
"Enough for a Balrog."
From the corner of her eye, Glorfindel's own face had morphed into hardness. The very same one she had seen when she had last seen him fight the very same demon thousands of years ago.
Elliot Madden | Elros Tar-Minyatur
Location: Oxford, UK, Earth
When Elliot Madden woke up, he thought everything that happened yesterday was a dream.
...Until he walked downstairs and saw his twin brother already having a conversation with his wife that he immediately got hit by a train of realization that it was real. Everything was real. From the moment he saw the portal from when he was driving past Hyde Park, to seeing his brother alive.
However, before he had bumped into him: he didn't know it was his brother the moment he saw the jewel in the box. At that fraction of time, his whole mind just went haywire. A dozen memories leaked into his head like a burst pipe and brought him blinking away at the moment he saw his twin.
He remembered then who he once was. How he had been once the king of Númenor, the first king and the Peredhel who chose mortality.
That very night, curled up against Adelina: he dreamt of the very memories once more. Of his time in the war, with Elemmírë and the Sons of Fëanor and then with the men of Hador. Then his time in Númenor, living a long life even for the race of men before passing his crown to his son. He remembered his children. Vardamir, Manwendil and Atanalcar and Tindómiel. He wondered where they were now, did they exist here on Earth? If so, did they remember as well? [2]
For him, he never lied to his wife. Not ever and especially after the Blip.
He had lost five years of Maristela's life. Before then, Adelina only found out she was pregnant before he was gone. Then five years later, he found himself with a five-year-old daughter. Now she was nine years old, four years he had only gotten to know her, and he would protect her with his life no matter what.
Elliot or Elros...didn't care for titles or power anymore. He just wanted to be with his family, protect them from a world that was still trying to heal from the Blip. There were aliens and other universes and enemies that none could think of in Middle Earth.
And his brother...it just ached him to realise how much he had to get through so much shit. Six thousand years...that was a long time even for an elf. Especially for someone in Middle Earth. He knew about The Lord of the Rings, about The Hobbit and Tolkien. Not as much as a fanatic but enough to know there were some differences.
And Elrond was here with a Silmaril, and he remembered the moment he punched his biological father in the face because of it.
At least that was one thing he remembered well and quite proud of it too. The only father he would claim would either be the one living here or Maglor Fëanorion...and that was a tricky topic he and Elrond silently agreed never to talk about.
It took Adelina the following morning to become comfortable with Elrond's presence, her face softening before lighting up with a laugh. When he stood at the door of the kitchen, Elliot knew that they were talking about him. His brother only gave his typical innocent look before he went over to peck his wife's cheek and began helping with setting the breakfast table.
Whilst they were eating, with Maristela awake and sitting beside Elrond (who she constantly looked up just to see his pointed ears), Elliot told his brother that he found where Illyria Strange was currently living. Call it a little bit of nepotism, but with the work his connections: he discovered the address in which a Miss Strange was renting out.
(This was one of the only times he could use his work position, and to take days off.)
Adelina insisted to take their daughter to school despite his protests, but as a teacher herself: she pointed a finger at him and then at Elrond. She wanted him to help Elrond or else he was going to sleep on the sofa tonight. (That earned a raised brow from his twin and a giggle from his little star.)
To his disgruntlement, Elliot agreed with his wife to take Elrond to where he needed to go. Elrond had used some of his spare clothes, packing his armour and sword in the back of his car as they exited the house. Before they left, he gave Adelina a kiss before she whispered those familiar Spanish words when they declared their love to each other.
Elliot gazed down at his wife. He once loved another: Nilûphêl. And yes, their love was strong and longing. But with Adelina in his life, there was more to her. A human part he loved more than of Númenóreans culture. There was passion and trust, an equal love that stood because of the limited time they had here.
He then knelt to Maristela, his darling star of the sea. Her light green eyes always reminding him of the trees that grew in Northern Spain. He hugged his daughter furiously, wishing her a good day at school and that she would behave with her mother.
When he stood up, Adelina spoke to Elrond and chided him to not lead him to danger. His brother, ever the polite and diplomatic one, assured his wife that he would keep him out of harm's way before promising his daughter the same. Patting his brother's shoulder, Elliot headed to the car and waved at his small family.
He was glad that Elrond didn't throw up. In fact, he was impressed he managed to find a moment to talk during their long journey to Oxford. (London traffic was bad enough, let alone the motorways up there.)
When they arrived at what he assumed to be the right address, they were met by a semi-detached house. It was one of those typical houses, with light brown bricks and a cute hedge surrounding it, unlike the more modern ones London had.
He was the first one to get out, hearing Elrond clamber out from his side whilst he headed down the short path towards the door. After knocking on the door, nobody had answered.
Turning around, he walked over to the car and looked at Elrond. "She isn't in...hmm. We should try out the university." Elliot smirked at his brother. "Don't worry, we'll walk it."
Elrond gave the most soured glare that he couldn't help but laugh at him.
Despite telling him that Oxford was safe and that the place wasn't going to have any orcs running about, Elrond still carried his dual swords about. At least he didn't wear his circlet, it would've looked rather strange with the jacket, dress shirt and trousers.
Elliot didn't know Oxford as well, only knowing from the times he visited his relatives. Hence why he had his phone out, clearly using Google maps to find what seemed to be the faculty of Physics.
They had been walking briskly for ten minutes when Elrond said sternly, "The longer I stay here, the longer Sauron rages war in Middle Earth." He revealed, "Saruman will do what he can to take this ring and the jewel."
Damn, he forgot what his brother told him. The world Elrond was living in seemed worse than what the books or movies said. Elliot had stopped to face him, ignoring the bystanders eyeing his brother's sword at his hip. He said with a breath, "I know, brother. We just need to find her—"
However, just as he was about to finish, they heard a large roar and the rumbling under their feet.
They both spun around to the sound, seeing in the distance a shadow over looming the sky.
A great creature Elliot had only seen Gandalf face.
"I believe we already have," Elrond muttered, his eyes widened as he unsheathed his swords.
When his heart thumped, Elliot then glanced down at his own hand – only to find one of his brother's swords on him. And when he looked up, his brother was already running down the street. Hold the phone.
"Wait! I haven't trained the sword in decades!" He shouted back at him.
Elrond shouted back, "Then stay as far as possible!" He told him, "Warn the citizens and move them directly away!"
Gawking back, then at the sword: Elliot shuddered a breath.
God...if this doesn't kill him: Adelina would.
And with a tighter grip around the sword's hilt, Elliot muttered to himself in disbelief, "How the hell is a Balrog here..." [3]
[1] - Einstein Rosen Bridge: Wormholes. A theoretical phenomenon in which two areas in space are connected by a sort of vacuum.
[2] - Vardamir, Manwendil and Atanalcar and Tindómiel: The name of Elros' children.
[3] - Balrog: Maiar that were corrupted by Morgoth during the creation of Arda. They carry whips and cloak themselves in shadow and flame. They don't have wings despite what the movies perceived them to have.
A/N: Short chapter this time. And we get some action in the next chapter. :)
Edited: 16/01/2022
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