11 | Science is the Solution
11 | Science is the Solution
Illyria Strange | Elemmírë Oialëa
Location: Oxford, UK, Earth
Time: June 2027
Illyria knew something was up the second Maedhros Fëanorion out of all elves asked to go with her to the store. The reason for that is that he hated having to do mundane human things, especially if it meant shopping for food or clothes or simply ogle at the restaurants they were too broke to go into.
Oh the life of a student, even if she was getting paid by Stark Industries in helping with their energy and extra-terrestrial programs.
She didn't react or remark about it, ensuring that Elrond would simply be bathing outside in the garden with all the books she gave him on medicine whilst Glorfindel invested his time trying to fill his journal of things he learnt whilst continuing his training in the same place.
They just reminded him not to trim the hedge.
Whilst they trudged around the store, picking up a dozen of eggs as well as more bread, Illyria waited by the trolley as Maedhros dropped down the bag of bagels with a blank look. Most of the people here knew them and didn't seem surprised at the seven-foot redhead model standing beside her.
(But then her lovely brother and Elrond decided to pop out of thin air and collectively followed her around like a bunch of tall and rather handsome ducklings. Forget the story about the ugly duckling, these elves were probably adorable as children and just got hotter when they grew up.)
As she pushed the trolley along, she quietly murmured to him, "I know you're avoiding him."
They entered a new aisle, picking up milk as Maedhros irritably replied, "I am not avoiding him, Illyria."
She gave him a dead look.
He answered, "I am merely waiting for the right moment to speak to him about what I did."
Yeah, she held the same face once more.
When Maedhros realised she wasn't going to have it, he paused as he placed the milk down and questioned her, "How much have you told him?"
The shelves of Flora butter looked rather interesting all of a sudden. [1]
'Illyria,' Maedhros warned.
Oh look, it's a two for one price.
He repeated, 'Illyria.'
"Apart from the fact that you skipped an entire two ages, that is all." Illyria defended herself, her voice going a little out of pitch. She did not mask it very well, even if she wasn't entirely lying.
To be honest, most of the things they said were revealed when Elros was here, so there wasn't much to say when she and Elrond went on their little evening date at the park.
(The date being, being incredibly silent and rather awkward, to begin with until Elrond had been the one to 'man-elf' it up and start speaking. Their entire little outing was basically explaining the basis without revealing too much and had them almost heatedly getting told off for being out in a park that wasn't her college. They then went to get sundaes in New York City.)
(All in all; the best and the first date she could ever ask for.)
He closed his eyes, his arms slackened at his side. "You did not make it any easier for him."
The grasp of the handle tightened before she inhaled sharply. Nothing couldn't make it any easier; Elrond needed to know which version of Maedhros he was having to face, and she wasn't going to have them take months to go over that hurdle. She just gave a little boost to them.
So perhaps if he couldn't scowl at her in the middle of Tesco that would be amazing. [2]
Illyria stopped before she glanced up to him and softly said, "It's not supposed to be easy, Mae." He glanced away, causing her to firmly repeat his name. "Maitimo, the conversations you and I had as well as with Andrea are just the same as talking to Elrond."
Taking his hand, Maedhros' body stiffened.
Forget what people said to them, they'll have their little episode in the middle of the cheese aisle even if the world was ending. Maedhros needed to know what she was about to say.
"You and Elrond need to understand what's been going on and allow him to talk to you. A wound had just opened for him, perhaps not as bad as what I hoped, but it's still there," Illyria insisted.
Maedhros admitted quietly, "I am already worried about when he ever meets Makalaurë."
She really felt like a pin dropped at that moment.
"And you don't think that?" She peered to him, exasperating a breath at the end. "Heck we don't even know he's alive or if he's in the Halls!"
The red-haired Fëanorian didn't respond afterwards, more focused on his clouded thoughts whilst he walked away – leaving her standing alone.
If people were not around, she wanted to smack her head down onto the handle. If they did listen in to their conversation, they probably thought they were fucking insane.
Scratch that: they were insane.
Thankfully, she found him by the end of the store, the alcohol section looking a little empty to her surprise as she approached him.
When they stood next to each other, staring at the shelves of wine, Maedhros murmured to her: "Would it enlighten you if I went to talk to him before we leave?"
She stared at the morphed reflection of them in the glasses and closed her eyes.
A sigh left her lips, "That depends." When she opened her eyes, she found herself looking up to him and gulping. She whispered, "I don't even know if it's going to work because I haven't run it through the simulation. I might do it tonight."
He simply nodded before picking up one of the French wines at the top shelf, placing it into the trolley. Maedhros gave a look, eye lighting up with a smirk before Illyria returned the gesture. They might not have clearly gone through their conversation well, but at least they covered something.
How did she know this? Obviously, the wine would help settle it all.
Surprisingly: wine did help settle down the nerves people had.
The quiet dinner affair consisted of Thai cuisine, which Glorfindel found too spicy to his liking and for her to discover that Elrond could somehow hold it (how did the elf find something in Middle Earth that could imitate green chilli peppers?).
That did thankfully brought her to manipulate some of their conversations, forcing Maedhros to speak to the Lord of Imladris on the other vegetables, spices and herbs Earth had to offer whilst she and Glorfindel continued talking about the various Martial Arts the sorcerers used.
Illyria was glad they also bought the extra bottle of milk since her brother was begging and swearing that his tongue was going to fall off and it was the best sight to behold.
The great Balrog Slayer, defeated by flaming hot chillies – far from the flaming balrog he had killed.
Whilst Glorfindel was busy relieving his burnt throat by eating a tub of Ben and Jerry's Fairway to Heaven ice cream that Maedhros found at the back of the freezer, she went back to her room where she had her laptop and computer open and continued with the work she promised.
She was busy writing away, allowing the coding for her recent model to process when she heard the door creak open. Noise from the downstairs' television blasting a well-known Disney song in muffled waves carried towards the opening until Elrond shut it close.
Giving him a tired smile, she returned to doing her work whilst she switched between her laptop to write down more of her dissertation. She was almost done, just mostly editing until she needed to submit it and allow the examiners to assess it before the end of July. Hopefully, it would be satisfactory, despite the poor attempts of truly creating any energy harnessing portals but the hypothesis was good enough for a doctorate student.
Elrond had done much of the same thing really, gathering and exploring information on what Earth had to offer through countless books. He had already gotten through a dozen, most being as thick as the very diameter of the ice-cream tub her brother was eating.
How that man can cover so much in such little time marvelled her.
However, she really couldn't help but find it so amusing. It was like watching a child wander a museum or a zoo, seeing all these new animals in awe and having them right in front of you. Maybe it was also like handing someone a new sweet, it was nice at first...until they get addicted to it.
And it scarily made her consider if she should have gotten a password for the tablet.
Then again, you can't exactly put a password on a book.
At one point in the evening, Elrond had finished an entire book on the anatomy of the body before he stated in a serene voice, "Your world is...overwhelming. There are so many things I want to ask about."
"I knew you would say that." Illyria looked over her shoulder and grinned at him where he was placing the book back onto her shelf. "Though I am glad you were the fastest in learning how to work the shower."
Elrond chuckled with her, knowing the embarrassing memory a few days ago. There wasn't much to explain, only that it led to the flooding of the bathroom and most of their towels soaked for the whole time. And a lack of towels had her realizing she was living with three male elves who hardly have any shame in walking around topless.
Whilst she was focusing on her laptop, typing away and swivelling the chair about, she heard something she wasn't expecting.
"And yet I miss having to bathe," Elrond murmured lowly, causing her cheeks to warm already and her eyes to avert to him with a glare.
Quite failing to keep it as well.
Illyria spoke in a monotone, "Eyes up here, Peredhel. I am trying to get through the final checks of my dissertation."
His eyes twinkled in mirth before letting a small chuckle.
Huffing, she hid back her smile whilst she added, "Which reminds me, my data is done processing."
She used her feet to propel herself to the other end of the desk, moving her laptop to put up the spreadsheet of coding she had done. Whilst she sorted through the finalization of the proper visual model of the system, Elrond leaned over her to eye the screens.
He slowly spoke, "They are numbers."
Nodding along, she continued, "Yup. We use equations to calculate more than just sums for money or stocks." She turned her head, slightly and stopped. Their noses had almost touched, hadn't she stopped and awkwardly moved away.
'Right Illyria, focus on the work and not his lips.' She repeated in her head before she commented, "I loathe having to go through data, but this will tell me if we have a perfect correlation of the Silmaril's power source to that of mine. Perhaps even better considering how perfect the silima can withstand the light."
Hope was really high at this moment. If it worked, it didn't mean just an opportunity to finally find a way back to Middle Earth. It will also enable them to secure a way to find the other Silmarils, specifically the one which was apparently lost to the sea. Maglor had been the one who was last seen with it, and if this Lokachari had found it and had been using it, they can perhaps track them better with the same source.
Next to her, who straightened back up whilst he watched her, Elrond said in disbelief, "Never would I imagine something like this."
Illyria twitched her lips as she replied, "Here, science is as much important as magic." She began moving the mouse, changing the code and replacing it with the new one on the simulation. "Okay, let's see. If we put it as the shape of an elliptical cone..." [3]
Once it began processing, she looked over to the other monitor on the right, seeing the previous models she and Finneas had covered for the past year. A year before had been mostly theoretical work and preparation for the design of their portal. And since half of her term had been saving the world, the university was a little relaxed that their student was slightly behind in work.
Illyria also flicked through the several blueprints stuck with Blu Tac on the wall. A3 spreadsheets of photocopied designs she had done by hand. But there was one specific one that always caused her to look longer.
The ring-shaped model which Tony Stark had made years ago...and the very one which led them to begin the Time Heist.
Pointing a finger upwards, she drew Elrond's attention to the certain sheet. "See the other model? That's what we call an inverted Mobius strip, but using it only accounts for moving through the time vortex. We need to be able to get through a certain time and location." Looking back down to her computer, she continued, "I'm hoping, with the joint of what Darcy, Fëanor and I calculating and Shuri going through the checks, it should work..." [4]
The bottom bit of the screen turned green.
She stopped breathing then.
Heck, her entire mind stopped functioning. Period.
Thank for Elrond, who had placed a hand atop her shoulder before he worriedly asked, "What is it?"
That was all she could say, clearly surprising the elf next to her with the large expletive. However, Illyria was internally quaking right then. She spoke, her voice growing louder.
"It works...the Silmaril will be stabilized with the fucking thing!"
Something inside her erupted, resulting in a wide grin before she began laughing – her eyes beginning to water.
She pushed her chair back from the desk, standing up before swinging her arms up to go over Elrond's neck.
Hearing a quiet groan, she hugged him tightly as she just continued to cry with joy under the crook of his shoulder. Elrond eventually began to feel relieved and happy, his fëa almost jumping with joy along with her as his arms encased her tightly and pulled her close.
For once she felt completely content. Proud of herself and for Finneas of the two years worth of work they have done. They had achieved something not even Jane Foster could have replicated, someone who hadn't completely re-created a wormhole by human design.
Oh, Aunt Jane was going to be jealous! Especially to Finneas who had rivalled her in the last decade over the Nobel Prize.
She placed her heels back down, she grinned up to Elrond before leaning up to peck him on the cheek. The sudden intimate action caught him off guard the moment, leaving his grey eyes widening whilst she moved away and went to grab her phone on the desk. Her mind was too caught up and she wanted to tell the very next person who needed to know about it.
As they picked up after the fourth ring, Illyria yelled out. "Finneas!"
"I am clearly trying to sleep, Strange!"
His voice spoke with irritation, causing her to sigh and roll her eyes.
Holding the phone up, she opened the camera and showed him the screen.
"Look at what I got," Illyria responded.
There was a second of silence.
Then a large thud.
Raising her eyebrows, she briefly glanced over to Elrond who was thankfully confused as well. Illyria then snorted when she understood where the reincarnated elf had been – and probably decided to find the floor as quickly as anyone else.
There was enough clatter of noise before the sound of keyboard typing ratted from the speakers.
"Fucking hell."
Illyria's mouth morphed to a grin again. Out of all people, she would find Fëanor swearing to be funny as well.
Send me the screenshots right now," Finneas demanded as she complied, not without stifling a laugh.
They shared what Illyria's computer showed, going through all the coding and information given by the simulation before Finneas' cheer exploded from her phone. She was laughing along, seeing Elrond smile along before the door opened, revealing a concerned Maedhros and Glorfindel's blonde hair poking behind him.
As they entered her room, Maedhros questioned, "What is with all the noise?" He then heard the voice and frowned. "And why are you calling him?"
Illyria spun around to them and exclaimed, "We solved it! We can go back!"
The two elves stood frozen both fixated in shock. Not for long until Glorfindel let out a laugh whilst Maedhros was still administering the information that was passed to him. Her brother was the next to congratulate her, engulfing her in a hug whilst he pressed a kiss on top of her head.
"Yes. The simulation passed with the energy core of the Silmaril along with the navigator. We don't need time dilation to stop us from entering a different period," Finneas spoke through the speaker.
When she brought herself to stand in front of Maedhros, the red-haired Fëanorian stared down at her. Then at the computer screen.
She knew he had seen the certain colour and word before his pale blue eyes lit up and he smiled, shaking his head. "Elbereth, you are amazing."
"Of course, she is," Glorfindel retorted, and she cheekily smiled at her brothers. "I would not have imagined anyone other than you, nésa."
Once Finneas hung up once they agreed to start the final mark at the beginning of next week, Illyria plopped into her chair. The adrenaline was pretty much gone after that, though it didn't stop her grinning as she kept glancing back at the screen, hearting still skipping every time she saw the green light.
She really did it. Her parents are going to be ecstatic, even Harley and Shuri when they discover this.
"Guys, we're going back," Illyria whispered, wiping the corner of her eye from her tears. Elrond had perched next to her, his eyes never leaving her with amazement as she looked over to Glorfindel and Maedhros.
Her brother joked, "Well, this is clearly better news, though I am a little upset about not knowing the ending to that movie."
Maedhros snorted at the comment whilst she plainly replied to him, "Háno, it's a Disney Movie. Most of them are happy endings...apart from Bambi." Illyria paused and included, "Don't watch Bambi. Unless you want to stop eating venison." [5]
Elrond Peredhel | Lord of Rivendell
Location: Illyria and Maedhros' House, Oxford, UK, Earth
They were sitting in the garden of Illyria and Maedhros' house that evening, unsurprisingly reading.
He was sat crossed-legged on the blanket, a little peeved that his legs were exposed due to the garments which Illyria had provided.
They were called shorts, a fitting name for them and despite it being out of his comfort zone: they were in fact comfortable to wear. Especially with the weather, the sun beating terribly down on them for the entire day and reminding him of those months travelling down to Harad a couple of centuries ago.
There was a lovely breeze, however, and Illyria's own preference to use magic to cool them had him thank again for her resourcefulness. Though as the sun began to fall, it got cooler after they spent the weekend exploring the city he now stayed in. They had even contacted Elros, his brother sending those photos of his family and their trip to the coast on the same day.
When Maedhros went over to Kamar-Taj with Glorfindel to train, he and Illyria decided to make most of their time together. She had improved immensely with fighting, using her magic predominantly through also improved in her swordplay. Though, Elrond knew she wouldn't be close to the skill she once had and accepted it. He already knew that she was competent after the balrog.
They were exhausted afterwards, having watch Illyria use most of her magic as she laid down on the blanket, eyes closed as she meditated for a bit. Her hair was splayed out, the silver strands tickling his knees as he gazed down at her occasionally.
The sky was bleeding in colours of orange, red and yellow; the light overcasting her face caused him to keep the small smile on his lips.
Elrond didn't imagine he would be with his wife again. Sitting in a garden as they spent their time together in peace. Despite it not being the valley, it was a nostalgic sensation bringing his heart to skip as he imagined their days. He could only wish their children were here.
He stopped reading when he began thinking of them. What was happening in the valley when he was gone? Did Elladan and Elrohir safely find Bilbo Baggins and Thorin Oakenshield? And Estel; was his youngest foster-son safe with Legolas?
The worries swirling in his head had him thinking not only about those in Middle Earth but even about those here. One being the particular Fëanorian he had yet to properly speak to.
'Tell me what you're thinking, El Elrond.'
Elrond's thoughts must have been loud as he felt Illyria shift her head. He brought the book in his hands down onto his lap, his eyes finding hers. The first time he had seen her on Earth, he was brought back on the last days with Elemmírë with those glowing eyes – almost having him hesitate then.
But with Illyria Strange, they did not shine like a blinding light. Instead, it was a controlled glow: her fëa imitating the same control he first saw to the sorceress thirty-nine years ago.
"I am just...how I am going to approach him," He confessed.
Illyria rotated her head to look straight up and blew out a breath. "Well, Finneas and I are going to the lab tomorrow. Why don't you and Maedhros spend time in Kamar-Taj?" She suggested, giving him an encouraging smile. "I'm sure I can ask my mother to spend a few hours with Glorfindel. He would love to know how the Asgardians fight and perhaps have a good opponent with Jane and Valkyrie."
Glancing up, he felt his chest tighten – his stomach churning into a knot.
Elrond really wasn't sure why he was nervous. Perhaps even after forgiving him throughout the years, he had not prepared to unexpectedly meet him once more. He always imagined that he would see him in Aman, meeting through invitation and alongside their family.
And yet here, he witnessed him alive – missing two ages and knowing that he saw Elrond as a young ellon rather than a grown elf. He would be older than him, experienced with hardships and Maedhros and Maglor's abandonment the catalyst of his decisions.
In truth, he didn't know how to feel.
Elros was angered, but that was his brother. Easy tempered and didn't easily forgive. However, it didn't mean he was the good half. He was slow to anger but he forgave too easily, and something that not many who loathed the Fëanorians liked him for it. But did he truly forgive him?
His thoughts paused when he felt a hand placed on top of his knee. Elrond glanced down, seeing a worried expression on Illyria. She softly spoke, "My love, he understands." Her fingers lightly tapped as she continued, "He had to go through me first before you. I think he is ready to listen to you."
Was he though? Was he ready to tell him everything? To know the actions they've caused, which in turn affected his own heart, mind and fëa? Illyria may forgive Maedhros easily because he knew she had always cared for the Fëanorians in a light that baffled everyone including him once before, but it didn't mean he shared the sentiment with her.
When the stress of his future conversation with Maedhros overfilled, Elrond placed the book beside him and pleaded quietly to her, "Tell me of your time here." He found her peering her eyes back before he whispered, "Please, Calanya."
Illyria sighed in defeat and began her tale, "I...a lot happened." She continued to explain, "We never really settled and when we do, we made most of the time spending it doing what we enjoyed really. You saw Maedhros and his workshop."
"Yes, his works are beautiful," Elrond gave a fond smile, remembering the several swords, daggers, and jewellery he had seen displayed around the room. Not once could he imagine centuries ago that he would watch the red-haired Fëanorian decide to choose a craft.
"He even made me a circlet to wear once I get my doctorate. If I ever actually get it," Illyria included, the sarcastic tone making him chide back that she will succeed in the studies she pursued.
During the war, there was hardly any time nor the resources to be able to create such elaborated pieces simply for enjoyment and improvement. Even so, both Maedhros and Maglor were more focused on leading their armies and too busy playing politicians. Only on small occasions, his foster-father would take out his harp to play – enrapturing everyone in the camp with his voice. Maedhros couldn't join or even take any other hobby, especially with only one hand.
But now he possessed one, and it joyed him to see the man he had been afraid to then admire find some calm in his life...or at least that was what he thought.
Illyria continued to speak, "Anyway, when we weren't here, we were everywhere, per se. Maedhros and I travelled to and from New York and Kamar-Taj the most. I was training as well whilst Maedhros was accepted to learn some of the basics." She stopped, gulping down to take air as she glanced up – a look of reminiscence. "Then London happened, the Multiverse leaked, and my father and I were involved. Following year, New York and Doctor Doom happened. An enemy, more dangerous than we believed. But we did it."
He felt himself frown at that, saddened at the realization. Elrond spoke, "You seem as if you were fighting every moment."
She closed her eyes for that moment, opening them as she exhaled, "But that's it really. I never really stopped." Illyria's voice was filled with mixed emotion. A hint of regret and some annoyance in her, "Definitely not Maedhros. I begged him to stop. To tell him that he didn't need to fight in every moment I was there. But he was always there beside me, making sure I was alive."
Her lips quirked at the side, causing him to smile sadly in return. Carefully, he brought his hand down and began drawing circles on the back of her's.
Elrond changed the subject as he cleared his throat, "When did he discover our...affair?"
Illyria admitted, "Possibly after eight months. Took me enough to finally tell him what happened. Of the battle and my brother. How I remembered briefly my first death, how I remembered our time during the war." She turned to him, amusement in her eyes as she replied, "He was also not impressed at you for taking too damn long to tell me your feelings. Both times as well."
He chuckled at that, finding the heat rise up to his cheeks as he sighed, "Not him as well."
"Admit it, Elrond. You could have told me when we were in Gil-Galad's court," She grinned up to him, her other hand playing with the ends of her hair.
He wryly responded, "You forget that a lot of the ones left of the Noldor wanted you to become High Queen. Especially the elders."
There was no point in averting the question as Elrond answered: "Because you were the Oialëa. Once an advisor to Turgon and a loremistress. A defeater of Ancalagon and one of those who maimed Morgoth."
"You forget that Lúthien, Beren and Fingolfin encountered him," She countered.
Elrond returned with another, "Though no would have blinded an Ainu then."
Narrowing her eyes, Illyria questioned him in bemusement: "Why do you underestimate yourself? You have so much to offer, Elrond. You are a lord of one of the greatest houses. Someone who survived Two Ages of Middle Earth trying to drive away Sauron's darkness." She shrugged and added, "I'm just me. With these weird powers I was born with."
Mentally he gawked, though offering to hide it with a plain façade as he replied in a tiring tone, "Because you are worthy of more. A better life and a better world. Like here."
"This world is hardly perfect," She scoffed and then calming down. "It's just like every other world."
He pressed on, "But you would be safe here. Away from Morgoth and Sauron."
Elrond then immediately knew he had made the mistake in answering such as that.
He watched her carefully, her eyes growing glassy as she stared up at him. He wondered what was going on, though already understood as her eyes softened and she brought her hand which was on his knee into his own hand – interlocking her fingers with his.
"But would you ever accept it?"
He paused.
Illyria asked him with intention. "You would choose your family to be safe than be with them?"
Elrond wanted to say yes but that would be a lie. He had seen perhaps another version of a future a decade ago, where they would never gain contact with Illyria again and would choose to sail without her along with the Silmaril. He had thought of it, perhaps gladdened that at least Illyria would have been safer if she stayed on Earth.
But now: he was thinking it again. And his confession the first night of accepting her mortality was brought once more to the surface.
"Every time I try to be with them, I always seem to lose them in the worst case. And I realized throughout the time I have been here, how much you have changed," Elrond spoke, keeping his voice low.
Illyria smiled sadly and replied, "We all have. Thirty-nine years must have changed you as well. And I know it."
That was not what he thought she would reply with.
So, Elrond questioned, "How so?"
Her forehead scrunched slightly, peering up to him as she slowly explained, "You're...younger in a way." He furrowed his eyebrows more as she continued, "Your fëa, I can feel it and it seemed brighter than the last time we met. Even without Vilya on you."
If she sensed it, he could not exactly deny it when he could not sense it himself. The ability to sense fëa was rare; most elves who could were adept either naturally attuned to the skill or learnt it. But one who could sense their own fëa were most taught and he only knew those under the Lady of Lorien to know of it.
Elemmírë once taught others of it, particularly his children and himself when she was at her peak strength and control. But he could never sense souls as good as others, something he noticed soon. But Elrond discovered other revelations, hints to his other abilities when he had gone with Illyria to speak with her parents.
"Your father believes I hold more than just the healing magic and sight I possess. Is that true?" He asked again, mostly to listen to himself.
She asked him, "What do you think?"
Abilities in elves were rare. It all mattered with the fëa they possessed as well as incredible years of experience attuned to the nature of their hröa and surroundings. "No one truly knows other than possibly discussing it with Lady Galadriel. Her time with Queen Melian may give more insight on perhaps what I could potentially have. May it be more in healing or my sight," He discussed.
His voice, he realised, hinted with hope. But he doubted that there would be a time when they returned to know about it.
"But do you? Do you want to know? It's something I've been asked a lot as a sorceress or any magic-user." Illyria cautioned him, speaking of her own experience. "Hating on what you have could damage you sometimes. Like sight...seeing the future changes people sometimes."
Elrond gulped. He tried not to remember again what happened up at Ravenhill. The guilt edged in him still after a long time since they had promised each other the thing that agreed on. He had broken it then, and the consequences had led them to the present.
"My visions are just the sight of probabilities and nothing more. I try not to manipulate time as it is for it is not my right so." He confessed to her. "I...ever since that day, I try my best to ignore it. To only use it as a warning instead if it does come."
His chest fluttered lightly when he saw her smile up – pride and comfort in her face whilst she spoke, "Well, you're better than my dad or even the Ancient One then." Illyria added, "You don't need to, Elrond if you don't want it that is."
Deep down in his mind: he was tempted to know. "I... It would not harm me to know of some other hidden abilities I could possess." He drew in a breath as he justified himself, "But if it does come where I have no choice, then I will have to accept what I have gained from it."
"You elves always having the right words to say. I don't get it why, even in my memories, I never felt elven enough." Illyria wryly smiled, shaking her head.
Elrond brought his hand to brush her hair away, watching her close her eyes.
He said, "You aren't alone in that notion. My wisdom will always just be the nurturing I possessed. The experiences. But I won't have the character of what a true elf possessed."
"Doesn't mean it's a bad thing. Being a bit Maia and human is good. It means that you understand more than the idealism an elf should possess. That you're open-minded in things." She called out, continuing to express her words that caused him to feel something in his heart. "I mean, you and Elros established great kingdoms and places because of what you understood. Yes, the war was shit but I mean, you couldn't have ever met Maedhros and Maglor. It's a bit of both really, the idea of nature and nurture."
Looking back to Illyria: he was in awe. A warm sensation built up in his heart, causing him to soften his gaze and found himself leaning down, cupping his hands on her cheeks.
Their eyes met. It was there and then Elrond breathed out in admittance.
"I am right, you have changed," He smiled, every word true to him. "Wisdom suits you, melmenya. It's not what I expected from Elemmírë, however."
She was shocked, confused and overwhelmed despite breathing out, "Really?"
Elrond nodded and smiled, "That was all Illyria Ettelëa. And I love it all the same, meleth nin." He then decided to press his lips on top of her forehead, hearing her hitch a breath before she returned the same content beam.
The sun setting below the trees and the hedges may be beautiful, but nothing could compare to seeing the pure contentment the woman next to him exuberated. Elrond could only wish her happiness could last longer than they both hoped it to be.
Because they both knew times like this will be rare when they soon return.
[1] - Flora Butter: A spreadable butter brand in the UK. And yes: we have it in tubs and other kinds of butter we have are in 250g blocks - not sticks.
[2] - Tesco: A supermarket chain in the UK and probably known for their prices being low and close to Aldi's. It's also known for its Clubcard deals.
[3] - Elliptical cone: In mathematics, it's in the Cartesian coordinate system where it's the locus of an equation where it's (x^2/a^2)+(y^2/b^2)=z^2. If you plot it in a 3D graph, it's a cone that touches the tip of an upside cone. I kid you not: I had to look up a dozen of 3d shapes that basically fit what I wanted to represent. At first, I thought of a hyperbolic paraboloid since that's been something we've focused on in my uni course, but then I saw this beauty and saw a sort of symbolism where the two points touched and I was hooked. (I apologise for that nerd ramble, honestly was the best thing I came up with lmao.)
[4] - Mobius Strip: The simplest non-orientable surface.
[5] - Bambi: A Disney animated film made in 1942 about a young fawn who is chosen to become the next prince of the forest. And yeah, still cry sometimes.
A/N: More Elrond and Illyria bonding because we need it before the end of the world. And the science jargon...don't go into depth about it I tried lol.
I'm going to maybe do two more updates and then I'll probably disappear again and catch up with more editing.
Edited: 07/02/2022
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