days with you
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"Damn it, where's my tie?" Amanda ran around their flat, looking for her tie. Ginny came out of her room with an irritated expression, and she saw that the necktie was around Amanda's neck.
"Merlin's beard, it's around your neck!" Ginny said with annoyance as she walked over to Amanda and fixed her necktie. Her eyes softened when she saw Amanda smiling at her and looking at her with only love.
It had been two years since they got together, and everything had been going well. Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes had booming business thanks to the efforts of George and Ron and they had branched out all over England. Neville retired to become a Herbology professor at Hogwarts.
Luna had discovered new species, having even the approval of Newt Scamander himself. Harry had rose up to become part of the Auror's senior division while Jason became Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Prophet. Hermione became Deputy Head of Magical Law Enforcement Patrol, and Eliza became Healer-in-Charge of the Janus Thickey Ward.
Gwenog Jones had stepped down and made Ginny the Captain of the Holyhead Harpies. A week after their scene at Hogwarts, Amanda had rounded up the last of the Death Eaters in Albania and finally became Head Auror. Williamson retired and enjoyed his life with his family.
Eliza and Hermione got married the last year and today, it was Harry and Jason's wedding. Unfortunately, Amanda and Ginny had stayed up late the previous night... playing Cluedo, and not one of them woke up early. Here they were running around, hoping they weren't too late.
"Now, zip me up, will you?" Ginny patted Amanda's necktie and turned around to show her back. Amanda gulped and calmed herself down before she took the zipper and zipped Ginny's dress up slowly. When Amanda's hand accidentally brushed Ginny's back, Ginny bit her lip to repress her shiver.
"All done." Amanda took a step back. Ginny turned around and her eyes drifted off to Amanda's lips. She took a step forward and started leaning in, making Amanda's eyes close. Ginny closed her own eyes and kissed Amanda with passion. Amanda kissed back with the same force, wrapping her arms around Ginny's waist. Ginny wrapped her own around Amanda's neck and pulled her closer, running her fingers through Amanda's hair.
"I was wondering why the best woman isn't there yet, and apparently, she's too busy making out with my sister." A voice from behind them made them jump and George was there with a smirk on his face. Amanda and Ginny blushed deeply at his words. Amanda leaned in to pat down Ginny's hair.
Ginny cleared her throat and reached up to fix Amanda's disheveled hair and clothes. "We just woke up late."
"Ooh, stayed up last night, did you? Are we expecting a junior Weasley-Lewis soon?" George moved away to dodge the pillow Amanda threw at him.
"We played Cluedo!" Amanda glared at him, her cheeks growing darker. "Now, go on. We'll be there in a minute." George just chuckled before Apparating away.
Amanda let out a sigh and smiled at Ginny, holding her hand out. "Are you ready, my Princess?"
"Yes, I am, my Fool," chuckled Ginny before taking her hand. They appeared at the Burrow and Ginny pecked Amanda's lips. "Now, go. Before Jason decides to kill you."
Amanda chuckled and pecked her once more. "I love you, Gin."
"I love you too, Ada." Ginny smiled softly and watched her go.
"I heard you had a good night, Ginny." The familiar voice of Neville said.
Ginny turned around and saw that Luna and Neville were there. She cursed under her breath and made a mental note to get back at George.
"We didn't! We just played Cluedo." Ginny glared at them, her cheeks flushing once more.
"Okay okay," said Luna, laughing at her friend's reaction. "When are you and Amanda getting married anyways?"
Ginny froze at the question. She and Amanda had been together for two years, three in a month, but they had never talked about marriage before. All of their friends were getting married, they were the only ones left. She and Amanda did promise eternity to each other, but she didn't know if Amanda did want to marry her.
"Ginny?" Luna asked worriedly. "Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah." Ginny snapped back to reality. "Just... yeah." Luna and Neville exchanged glances but they just changed the topic and walked into the hall. It seemed like the couple hadn't talked about marriage yet.
"AMANDA FAYE LEWIS!" Jason shouted as Amanda opened the door. She put her hand in her pocket when she saw Jason raise his wand. "WHY HAVE YOU JUST ARRIVED? HOW COULD YOU? IT'S YOUR BEST FRIEND'S WEDDING, AND YOU'RE THE BEST WOMAN!"
"Yes, I'm sorry, Jace." Amanda smiled apologetically. "Happy wedding?"
Jason opened his mouth to say something before sighing and hugging Amanda tight. "I'm sorry, Ada. I'm just stressed. I mean, it's such a big day."
"And I'm here now, Jace." Amanda hugged him back. "It's your big day, and I won't let you be stressed anymore. The only thing you should worry about after this is how many children you and Harry are having."
Jason smacked her shoulder playfully before smiling at her. "Thank you, Ada."
"For what?"
"For everything."
Amanda smiled at his words and nodded. "Anytime, Jace. Now come on! We can't have the groom late eh?"
Jason chuckled before he followed Amanda out. "Are you and Ginny getting married soon?"
Jason's question made Amanda blush deeply. She and Ginny hadn't talked about marriage yet, and she wasn't sure if Ginny was open to marriage. Amanda wanted to marry her, she wanted to spend the rest of her life with her, but she just couldn't find the right time to ask.
"I don't know. But let's not worry about that. Come on!" Amanda pulled him to the entrance and smiled. "I'm happy for you, Jace. See you!" She patted him on the shoulder before entering and walking to where Harry was waiting at the front.
"Ada, how is he?" Harry whispered to her.
"Ready to marry you." Amanda winked at him and that made Harry smile at her and relax. The doors then opened to reveal Jason, and he and Harry smiled softly at each other. Amanda looked around the audience and smiled when she caught Ginny's eyes.
"I love you, you crazy fool." Ginny mouthed to her.
Amanda rolled her eyes before mouthing back. "I love you too, Princess."
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
"I can't believe you're married, Jace." Eliza giggled as she, Amanda, Jason and George sat down at one of the tables.
"I can't believe it too." Jason laughed softly. "But what I can't believe is how Amanda still hasn't proposed to Ginny." All of them looked at the blushing Auror.
"You've been together for 2 years! And you've loved her for more than 10 already!" George exclaimed in surprise. "When are you going to propose to her?"
"I don't even know if she wants to get married with me." Amanda mumbled, smiling reassuringly when Ginny looked at her worriedly. Eliza, Jason and George looked at each other with wide eyes, wondering how stupid Amanda was to think that. Did she really think that after everything, Ginny wouldn't want to marry her?
"You know you could be such an idiot at times." Eliza shook her head with a sigh. "I wonder how Ginny can put up with you."
"Hey!" Amanda glared at them.
"She's right." George shrugged. "How can you possibly think Ginny wouldn't want to spend the rest of her life with you? She loves you just as much as you love her."
"You're scared, aren't you?" Jason suddenly said. He knew his friend, and she wouldn't be like this if she wasn't scared. Amanda opened her mouth to say something when Jason continued. "I know you are. You're scared that she might not want to marry you, but you have nothing to be afraid of because Ginny loves you. Isn't that enough reason to marry her?"
Amanda kept silent and looked at her three smiling friends. She was scared. She was scared that she would scare Ginny away with the proposal of marriage, but she looked back at Ginny and saw her smiling at Hermione, Luna and Neville, and she immediately felt warmth at the sight of her girlfriend's smile. Just imagining calling Ginny her wife was enough to make Amanda's heart speed up.
While the four friends were talking, Ginny was also talking with Hermione, Luna and Neville.
"Hasn't Amanda talked to you yet?" Luna suddenly said. "About marriage?"
Ginny's cheeks flushed and she shook her head. "We never really talked about it..." She looked at them seriously. "Do you think she wants to marry me?"
"Come on, Gin." Neville sighed in frustration. "She's been in love with you for years. What makes you think she wouldn't want to marry you?"
"I... I don't know." Ginny looked at Amanda worriedly. Amanda turned to meet Ginny's gaze and smiled reassuringly, making Ginny smile back at her. "I mean, what if she doesn't want to get married?"
"Gin, I love you, but you're being an idiot right now." Hermione said and shook her head. When Ginny scowled at her, she quickly continued. "Amanda wants to spend the rest of her life with you. She wants to marry you. She wants to do everything as long as it's with you. You're all she needs, Gin, and you're all she wants."
Ginny smiled softly at them and nodded, her mind now made up. "Thank you." Hermione, Luna and Neville grinned at her before they stood up and went to look for their partners.
"I'll think about it." Amanda smiled back at her friends. "Thank you." She then stood up and walked over to Ginny who was now alone. She held out a hand and smirked. "Would you like to dance with me, darling?"
"I would love to, dear." Ginny laughed and stood up, taking Amanda's hand. The two of them started dancing and watched Harry and Jason who were dancing in the center. "I remember something Harry told me once. When we still had our deal."
"Really? What did he say?"
Ginny lifted her head from Amanda's shoulder and caressed her cheek. "He said you look at me like everything can crumble down as long as you still have me."
"He's right." Amanda chuckled softly and nuzzled into Ginny's hand. "I can lose everything but not you. You're everything to me."
"And I love you, Ada." Ginny took in a deep breath before speaking again. "Marry me, will you?"
Amanda's eyes widened and she stopped dancing, making Ginny stop too. Ginny looked into Amanda's eyes to read them, and she saw surprise in them. She took in another breath and continued. "I-I know it's too sudden. I almost lost you once, and I don't want to risk waiting again. I don't even have a bloody ring, and we've never talked about it before, but I can't imagine my life without you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you in our flat with our children running around. I-I want to wager once more."
Ginny smiled and took Amanda's hands in hers. "Let's wager everything once more like we did 2 years ago for a promise of spending everyday together. This time, we'll spend our days as wives. So, what do you say, Amanda Lewis? Will you marry me?
"Bloody hell, darling." Amanda muttered before she cupped Ginny's face and kissed her with so much love and passion that Ginny kissed back immediately. Ginny could hear the applause and whispers around them, but she only pulled Amanda closer, smiling against Amanda's lips.
Amanda couldn't believe what Ginny just said, but kissing Ginny now assured her what she just heard was real. Ginevra Molly Weasley just proposed to her. She just asked Amanda to marry her, to spend the rest of her life with her, and all of Amanda's worries were gone.
Amanda pulled away gently and stared into Ginny's warm eyes with a smile on her face. "I love you, Ginevra. Let's get married. Because I'm willing to risk everything if it's you I'll risk it all for." Ginny grinned at that and kissed her once more. She would never get tired of kissing Amanda, and when they got married, there were more kisses to come for them.
"So, how many kids do you want?" Amanda said teasingly. "10?"
Ginny smacked her on the shoulder and rolled her eyes. "Will you carry half?"
"Let's see." Amanda smirked at her.
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"Amanda Faye Lewis! Your wedding is starting, and you're still sleeping!"
Amanda groaned when she felt someone hitting her hard. "Damn, Daphne, tell your wife to lay off me. My wedding doesn't start in a few hours."
Pansy glared at her. "It's 8 in the morning!"
"WHAT?" Amanda sat up straight and saw that Daphne and Pansy were dressed up already. "Damn it!"
In the Burrow, Ginny was pacing around her room while Hermione, Luna and Eliza were watching her with worry. They were all worried because Amanda had not arrived yet, thinking something could have happened to the Head Auror.
"Let me check her room." Eliza smiled reassuringly at Ginny and left the room. She ran to the room where Amanda was supposed to say and there was a Pop, and Amanda Apparated into the room, panting for air.
Eliza glared at her. "Where have you –"
"Where's Ginny?" Amanda said immediately.
"She's in her –"
"Great! Can I go see her?"
"What? You're not supposed to –"
"Well, it's good that we're not like –"
"Damn it, let me finish!" Eliza sighed in frustration at being cut off. "Fine, come on."
In Ginny's room, Hermione had gotten tired of Ginny pacing and she put her shoulders on the younger girl's shoulders. "Ginny. Calm down."
"What if she decided to not show up because she realized she didn't love me?" Ginny started panicking, her heart dropping at every word she said. "What if she found someone else like Terry Boot or that Emma girl? O-Or what if she decided to go to America and take MACUSA's offer–"
"What if you turn around right now?" Ginny heard the warm voice of her soon to be wife and turned around to see a disheveled Amanda there. Amanda smiled at her. "Hey – Ow!"
Ginny smacked her on the shoulder, her tears filling with tears. "You're such a git! I thought you left me."
Amanda's face softened and she hugged Ginny tight, kissing the younger girl's forehead. "I would never think of doing that. I love you, Ginevra Molly Weasley, and I would never let you go. I wouldn't love anyone else because it's you I'll choose to fall in love with every day. We've gone through some crazy stuff."
Ginny chuckled at that, making Amanda smile before she continued. "We've put everything on the line, our feelings, our fears, everything. We've put a wager on so much, and we're still here. So, let's stop worrying and have this wedding, eh?"
Ginny lifted her head and kissed Amanda shortly but softly. She pulled away with a soft smile, fixing Amanda's tie. "I love you."
"And I love you too."
"And we're still here." Luna suddenly said, making the two girls jump away from each other.
The three chuckled at their reactions before Eliza started pulling Amanda away. "Okay, now go on. You'll see each other again later." Amanda smiled one last time at Ginny before the door closed and she was pushed to the hall.
Eliza checked the time. "Well, we're just in time. Now, come on. Let's get you married, Ada." Amanda laughed before the doors opened, and she walked down the aisle, smiling at all her friends. The Weasleys, the MacCabe-Potters, the Longbottoms, Daphne and Pansy and her fellow Aurors all smiled back at her, proud she was finally getting married. Amanda was getting the happiness she deserved.
Amanda arrived at the end of the aisle and glanced to her right to see Eliza smiling reassuringly at her. The doors opened once more, and everything faded away. It may sound cliché and Amanda would never admit it to Ginny, but she felt like they were living one of Ginny's movies in that moment. As Ginny walked towards her, all she could see was Ginny, and Amanda felt like she had everything she ever wished for.
As Ginny walked down the aisle, she smiled at her family and friends before she looked at Amanda and a soft smile spread across her face. The way Amanda looked at her still had the same effect on her after all these years. It made her feel warm and soft, and that look in Amanda's eyes assured Ginny that marrying Amanda was the best choice she had made in her life. Well, aside from accepting that crazy deal.
Ginny arrived in front of Amanda and whispered. "I love you, you crazy fool."
"I love you, Princess." Amanda whispered back. As Percy, their officiant, started off the ceremony, Amanda and Ginny smiled at each other, remembering every memory that led them to this moment. This moment where they would have another deal, the deal of forever.
"And now, for the vows. Ginny?" Percy smiled encouragingly at his sister.
Ginny took in a deep breath and smiled at Amanda. "I remember the first time we met. I was trying to play Quidditch with my gits for brothers." Everyone chuckled at that, and the Weasley boys simply rolled their eyes. "Then, you went to me and said, "Do you play Quidditch? I reckon we can beat them, yeah?" I was surprised you talked to me, and I didn't even know who you were, but I wanted to play so I agreed. And so we played with me, you, Fred and George against Ron, Charlie, Percy and Bill. I was appalled at how bad you were." Laughs came from the audience while Amanda blushed.
"You couldn't even catch the Quaffle! Fred and George were livid, and you smiled at me and introduced yourself. I didn't know then I was meeting my best friend so I left you there. Then, you apologized so much to the point that you wouldn't let me sleep. I realized you weren't so bad, and we became friends. Then best friends, and I always rejected you when you confessed. I knew you were in love with me, but I was... in love with someone else at the time."
"And that crazy deal of yours." Ginny chuckled at the memory. "That stupid wager changed everything and let me open my eyes. You were there through everything. When I needed someone to talk to, when I needed someone to cry on, when I just needed someone. I slowly fell in love with you, and I felt so stupid for not realizing it any sooner, and I found out you were leaving. Damn, it hurt so much because just when I found out I love you, I lost you, and I was just lucky I caught you before you left."
Ginny didn't realize she was crying until Amanda raised her hand and wiped away her tears, her own eyes filling with tears. Ginny smiled gratefully and took Amanda's hand in hers. "I was always too afraid to risk, but falling in love with you made me realize love is worth the risk. You are worth the risk, and I realized you're the person I want to spend forever with. I love you, you idiot."
Percy cleared his throat and sniffed. "Thank you for that, Gin. Now, Amanda?"
"Ah, damn it, I said I wouldn't cry." Everyone laughed as Amanda wiped away her tears away. She smiled softly at Ginny. "Your movies always annoy me. How cliché they are." Ginny shook her head in amusement at that. Until now, they still fought over those movies of hers. "I always thought your movies were stupid. It was always the same thing. The guy gets the girl, and don't get me started on their lines. Bloody hell, just thinking about them makes me cringe already."
Laughs rose from the audience once more while Ginny glared at her playfully. Amanda grinned and continued. "And now that I'm getting married, I realize why you love them so much. Life is like a movie. We may not be actresses or characters, but our lives are cut into many acts. We've got those happy and sad moments. We meet and lose people in every act of our lives, but darling, we're here to stay. We've got the rest of our lives together. We've got a whole act for us and it's the best part of our movie."
"I'm glad I thought of that deal." Amanda cupped Ginny's face and wiped away the tears that continuously fell from Ginny's eyes. "That deal changed our lives, and I thought it was a done deal from the start. I had little hope inside me, but I always knew you'd never fall for me. So, when you ran into the Courtyard, shouting my name, I thought I was dreaming. Maybe I would wake up and it was Aberforth calling me." Ginny chuckled tearily at that along with the rest of the people there, some were already crying.
"But when you hugged me, I knew I wasn't dreaming and you actually fell in love with me. I finally had you, Gin, and I was never letting you go. We've been together for 4 years already, and we'll be together for so much more." Amanda leaned in and placed a kiss on Ginny's forehead with a soft smile. "That stupid wager gave me you, and I will never regret it. I'd do it all over again because it let me right to this moment. So, when we put those rings on our fingers and share that kiss, we're making a wager on our forever, Gin. I may be a fool at times, but I'm your fool, Princess, and I'm never giving up on you. I love you."
Ginny intertwined their fingers and whispered shakily. "Arse."
"You love it." Amanda smirked and wiped away her tears.
"These two." Percy wiped away his tears and smiled. "The rings please." Little Teddy Lupin walked to the altar and beamed at the couple before sitting back down beside Harry.
"Take the rings and place it on your partner's finger." Percy handed them the rings. "Do you, Ginevra Molly Weasley, take Amanda Faye Lewis to be your wife?"
"I do." Ginny said softly as she gently placed the ring on Amanda's finger.
"Do you, Amanda Faye Lewis, take Ginevra Molly Weasley to be your wife?"
"I do." Amanda slipped on the ring on Ginny's finger, kissing her hand.
"You may now kiss –" Percy was cut off as Ginny pulled Amanda by the tie and kissed her passionately. Cheers came from the audience as Amanda wrapped her arms around Ginny's waist and pulled her closer. Percy chuckled in amusement. "The bride."
Amanda pulled away and leaned her forehead against Ginny's, grinning at her. "I love you, Princess, my wife."
"I love you, my wife, my fool." Ginny grinned back, kissing Amanda one more time. The kisses they shared were just promises of more. Ginevra Molly and Amanda Faye Weasley-Lewis made a deal of unlimited kisses and days of eternity. After all, deals and wagers were their things.
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"You're cheating!" Nathaniel Charles, the third eldest child, glared at his brother. "How could you have won five times in a row?"
"Bloody hell, I didn't cheat!" Simon Arthur, the eldest child, glared back at him and shook his head. "It's not my fault you're bad at Cluedo."
"Will you two shut up?" Tristan William, the second eldest, scowled at them, snapping his book shut. "Darcy was just about to propose to Elizabeth!"
"Forget your book, he cheated!" Nathaniel shouted.
"I did not!" Simon shouted back.
"You did, it's your notepad!" Nathaniel jumped at him, trying to get the notepad. The two fell on Tristan who yelped and dropped his book.
"Stop it, you two. Honestly." Matthew Ignatius, the fourth eldest, rolled his eyes. "Be thankful Mum and Mama are out. Mum's going to be livid when she finds out."
"Shut up, Matt." Nathaniel scoffed at him.
"Can all four of you shut it?" Faye Evanna, the youngest and the only daughter, sighed from the single seater. "I can't watch my movies with all of you yapping around. And it's the 1st of September, you three have to go to Hogwarts today. Nate, it's your first year. Mama wanted you to be ready before we go." Simon, Tristan and Nathaniel quickly got up and ran to their rooms to fix their stuff.
Amanda and Ginny still lived in their flat, only having rooms built for their children and buying more couches and chairs as their family expanded. Their flat was big enough for all seven of them, and none of the two really felt like moving out of the place so they just decided to continue life there.
A year after they got married, Ginny retired from Quidditch and became a Quidditch reporter instead. Amanda was still Head Auror, and offers to make her head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement came, but she rejected them, satisfied with her job. Ginny carried all five of their children, understanding how Amanda couldn't leave her job. Though she was busy, Amanda was always there for Ginny, as soon as her wife needed her.
Simon Arthur had Ginny's red hair and hazel brown eyes. He was good at games, especially Wizard's Chess and Cluedo, even beating his uncle Ron who was in despair after losing. He loved Magical Creatures, which was why he was often at Ron and Luna's house asking Luna about the creatures she discovered. He was a Gryffindor just like Ginny.
Tristan William had Ginny's red hair but Amanda's brown eyes. He was a mixture of his mothers. He loved books like Amanda, a Ravenclaw too, but he was a very sociable person just like Ginny. In fact, he was quite the ladies' man at school, but to the ladies' despair, he was in a relationship with James Sirius MacCabe-Potter.
Nathaniel Charles looked exactly like Amanda. He had Amanda's black hair and chocolate brown eyes, but he inherited Ginny's personality. He loved Quidditch, playing Beater, and he was a prankster just like his uncles. He loved Cluedo but he wasn't as good at it as he was at Quidditch.
Matthew Ignatius had Amanda's black hair and brown eyes too. Even if he was not yet of age to go to Hogwarts, he was already learning everything he could, wanting to follow his mother's footsteps in becoming an Auror. He also thought himself to be the most responsible so he always told his siblings off when they were being too much.
Faye Evanna was just 5 years old, and she was already loving the movies her Mama introduced to her. Even if her Mum would moan and groan about how cliché her Mama's movies were, her Mum would give in to them anyways and watch with them, not able to resist the puppy eyes from the two girls.
"Hey, are you kids ready?" Amanda Apparated to their flat with a grin.
Ginny followed after her with a scowl. "We're going to be late again because of you."
"Oh, chill, Gin." Amanda rolled her eyes and kissing Matthew and Faye on their foreheads. "Good morning, loves. Are they ready?"
"Yes, Mum." Faye nodded and called out. "Simon, Tristan, Nathaniel! Mum and Mama are here."
"We're done." Simon ran out of his room with his luggage. Tristan and Nathaniel followed with their own luggages.
"Thank Merlin you're ready. Someone decided to take too long with their coffee." Ginny sent a glare at Amanda.
"It's all good." Amanda smiled and went to Tristan, Nathaniel and Faye. "Let's go now, shall we?" When they nodded, Amanda held her arms out. As her three children held her arms, they all Apparated in front of the Hogwarts Express with Ginny, Simon and Matthew following.
"Damn, we don't have long." Amanda shook her head and smiled at their three eldest sons. "Don't get into too much trouble, all right? Your Mama's going to have a fit when she finds out."
"You're the one who had a fit the last time." Ginny scoffed at that.
"And have fun." Amanda continued as if Ginny didn't speak. She hugged all of them and ruffled their hairs. "Don't forget to write."
"We won't." The three boys replied and smiled at their mother.
Ginny hugged them all. "We love you, boys. We'll see you during the break." The Weasley-Lewis family shared one more hug before Simon, Tristan and Nathaniel boarded the train.
"You sure are fashionably late." They turned around and saw their friends there. Eliza chuckled at them. "I mean, Amanda was almost late to her own wedding. Why am I surprised?"
"Shut up." Amanda rolled her eyes at her best friend as they watched their children wave at them from the train. Sophia Anais Granger-Collins was sitting with Nathaniel, Rose Layla Weasley and Albus Severus MacCabe-Potter. Madeline Cassandra Granger-Collins was with James Sirius MacCabe-Potter and Tristan while Simon was with his own friends. They watched the train go before bidding each other goodbye.
As they Apparated home, Faye and Matthew went to their rooms, leaving their mothers alone in the living room. Amanda hugged Ginny from behind and kissed her cheek. "Want one more, Gin?"
Ginny smirked at her. "Will you carry the next one?"
"I'll think about it." The couple chuckled at her answer. Amanda turned Ginny around and kissed her softly. "I love you, Princess."
"I love you, you fool." Ginny kissed her back and smirked when she noticed the Cluedo board. "You still have work, don't you?"
"I think so." Amanda muttered, a little confused. "Why?"
"How about a game of Cluedo?" Ginny suggested. "Or are you too scared?" When Amanda scoffed, Ginny laughed and led her to the Cluedo board. "I'll be Miss Scarlet."
"And I'll be Mrs. Peacock." Amanda chuckled, remembering the first time they played Cluedo. "You're buying dinner for the week, Gin."
"Are you making a wager with me?" Ginny raised her eyebrow. Amanda grinned and nodded. Ginny leaned in and kissed her once more, smiling softly. "I guess this is us."
"It's always been us." Amanda smirked and kissed her again. The couple started playing Cluedo, all work forgotten. And this was them. With 5 children, a television, a Cluedo board, their flat, their unforgettable wagers and deals and each other, that was all Amanda and Ginny needed.
And it was a happy ending for the Princess and the Fool.
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈ THE END ┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
Oh my gosh, we're finally here! My first completed story. Wager was actually born after I read a story on asianfanfics, A Deal of 20, by the amazing enigma91. Afterwards, I thought that it would be fun to try and make a Wizarding World version of the story and asked permission from the author. Thank you again for that. Wager wouldn't have been here without you :)
My other works were heavier to write so Wager was like a breath of fresh air to me. I enjoyed writing it as much as (I hope) you enjoyed reading it. Thank you to everyone who has supported and read Wager from the beginning until now. I know my works aren't perfect and I still have a lot to improve on, but thank you still for giving my works a lot of love.
This is the end of Amanda and Ginny's story, the fool and the princess. Hoping to see you all in the other stories!
Creating magic with words. kitkatgram.
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