days are up
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Amanda slowly calmed down. She didn't know how long she had been crying and how long she was standing there, but she suddenly remembered what she needed to do. Amanda wiped away her tears and walked shakily to the living room. She turned off the television and entered her room.
Smiling slightly, Amanda looked around her unusually clean room. She went to her cabinets and drawers and put in all her things in her luggage. She was going to Albania and staying there to protect the Wizarding World and finish it once and for all. Amanda didn't know how long she was staying there, but she knew she wasn't coming back right away. She was going to be transferred to America after her mission, helping out with the Confoundables.
Amanda looked around one last time with a small smile on her face. She was going to miss this. She saw some paper, quill and ink on her table and thought if she should write a letter to Ginny. She walked over to the table slowly and picked up the quill, starting to write. It was the last thing she could give to Ginny.
Once she finished her letter, Amanda folded it and stood up. She picked up her bag and checked the time. She had a few minutes before she had to go. She entered Ginny's room and laughed at the messiness. She put down the letter at the table and smiled softly. As she went into the living room, a Sea Otter patronus came.
"Hey Ada!" Eliza's voice came out. "Where are you? It's been 5 minutes already."
Amanda decided to ignore the Patronus and look around one last time with a sad smile. She always imagined that she would be living the rest of her life in this flat, satisfied with being Ginny's best friend. And she honestly thought she would be fine no matter what would happen with the deal, but she was wrong. The more kisses she shared with Ginny, the more she fell in love and the more hurt she was feeling.
Clearing her throat, Amanda wiped away the tears that unknowingly rolled down her face. Without another glance, she walked out the flat and down the stairs. She was surprised to see her neighbor, Mrs. Gibbins.
"Oh, Amanda dear. Would you like to have some tea?" Mrs. Gibbins smiled widely at her. Her face fell when she noticed the luggage. "Are you going somewhere?"
"Just a week of vacation, Mrs. Gibbins." Amanda smiled softly. "Take care."
"Take care, dear." Mrs. Gibbins walked past her, and Amanda let out a shaky breath. She walked down the stairs, and waited for a cab to come. To her surprise, a familiar car came and stopped in front of her.
"Daphne?" Amanda knocked on the window.
The door opened to reveal Daphne, smiling at her. "Dear cousin, I knew you missed me."
Amanda scoffed and shook her head in amusement before she went in the car and put her luggage in the back seat. "Do you even know where I need to go?"
"No." Daphne shook her head. "Where are you going anyways?"
"To the Hogwarts Express." Amanda muttered and stared out the window. Daphne nodded and started the drive to King's Cross. The way to the station was quiet because Amanda was simply staring out the window and she could see Daphne glancing at her with worry, but she did not give any sign that she noticed. Daphne tried talking to her, but Amanda would only give short responses, making Daphne give up.
Daphne wanted to help her cousin who helped her pick her life up in the Muggle world, but she knew Amanda was a stubborn arse who wouldn't ask for help if she didn't want to, and after an hour, they finally arrived at King's Cross. Amanda passed through Platform 9 and ¾ with Daphne, who told her that she wanted to send her off. Amanda wanted to protest, but Daphne's glare just made her sigh and let her do so.
Amanda went to Williamson who was waiting for her at the entrance to Hogwarts Express. Williamson smiled at the two of them. "Amanda, it's good to see you."
"It's a pleasure, Sir." Amanda shook his hand. "This is Daphne Greengrass, my cousin. She insisted on bringing me here."
"Roland Williamson, pleasure to meet you." Williamson smiled once more before letting out a sigh. "I'm afraid the Portkey can not be used today, Lewis. We'll have to do it tomorrow."
Amanda frowned before nodding. "It's fine, Sir."
"Well, you can go home for now." Williamson checked the time. "I'll be going to Hogwarts first. So, I can see you tomorrow."
"Can I go with you, Sir?" Williamson and Daphne looked incredulous at her words. Amanda smiled slightly, wondering how to explain it. "I moved out of my flat today, and I don't really have any place to stay so I was wondering if I could just come and stay at Hogsmeade for the night."
Williamson just nodded with a sigh. "All right, Lewis. Let me take your luggage, and you can have some last words with your cousin." Williamson nodded at Daphne before entering the train.
Daphne frowned and looked worriedly at Amanda. "Why can't you stay at your flat? Are you and Ginny okay?"
"It's too late, and she's out practicing." Amanda shrugged.
"Do you want to sleep in my place instead? Pansy wouldn't mind." Daphne offered to her.
"Don't worry about me." Amanda chuckled and ruffled Daphne's hair. "I can stay at Ab's. He'll probably let me sleep in the bar anyways."
Daphne just sighed then suddenly, a Sea Otter patronus came with Eliza's voice once more. "Amanda Faye, where are you?"
The patronus disappeared and Daphne looked at the frowning Amanda. "Aren't you going to send one back?"
"I will. Later." Amanda just shrugged and glanced at the time. "I have to go now, Daph. Thank you. For everything."
Daphne sighed and hugged Amanda tight. "Take care, Ada. I'll see you when I see you." She watched Amanda enter the train and let out a sigh. She didn't want to push her cousin away from her by asking her questions that Amanda was clearly not ready to answer. But she could still do something.
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
For the whole day, Eliza and Hermione stayed with the broken Ginny who couldn't stop crying. Eliza didn't bother going back to work anymore because she knew that Ginny needed comfort, and she and Hermione wanted to give that comfort to her friend. Even if it was just a bit. They did calm her a bit, but when she stopped crying, Ginny was just quiet with her eyes on the wall, and she sat down in her seat.
Eliza and Hermione talked to each other through their eyes, none of them knowing what to say or do. Suddenly, Ginny stood up.
Hermione looked at her worriedly. "Gin, what are you–"
"Thank you for staying with me the whole day." Ginny said hoarsely.
"It's nothing." Eliza said reassuringly. "You have us all the way, Gin."
Ginny nodded and looked up at the clock on the wall. "You two need to go home. It's already night."
"But we can stay with you. You're not okay, Gin." Eliza protested with a soft tone.
"Yes, we can stay with you." Hermione squeezed Ginny's shoulders.
Ginny just smiled and shook her head. "I'm fine, you two. You can go home."
"But-" Eliza started when Hermione shook her head at her. She knew from the look in Ginny's eyes that she needed to be alone, and Hermione nodded with a soft smile. She pulled Eliza up and walked to the living room. Ginny smiled at Hermione with gratitude at her understanding.
"You can Apparate anytime." Hermione said gently. "Promise us that if you need to talk, you'll Apparate to our flat right away." Ginny nodded with a smile on her face. Hermione hugged Ginny tight and whispered. "Everything will be fine, Gin. Everything will be fine."
Eliza came up behind them and squeezed Ginny's hand. "We're here for you, Ginny. And I promise to go to you right away when I find out where Ada is."
"Thank you." Ginny said quietly and smiled once more. The two Apparated out of the room and Ginny was all alone. She sat down at the couch silently and opened the television that was playing one of her favorite movies, Notting Hill. She wished it could distract her for a while, but she was just staring at the television, not caring about the movie.
All the memories she had with Amanda were consuming her mind. On a usual day, Amanda would be lying down on the floor while reading her books, and she would insult the movies from time to time. Especially when there would be the cliché and cringe-worthy lines, she would groan and shake her head.
"Why am I not surprised?"
"What do you think would happen if two people lean in towards each other? Just stare at each other?"
"I guess this is us."
Ginny cleared her throat and wiped away the tears she felt dropping on her hands. She turned off the television that only made her remember a certain Ravenclaw who she missed dearly. She was about to go to her room when she saw Amanda's door. Without hesitation, she entered the older girl's room, which felt emptier than before.
She lay down on the bed and hugged the pillow tight, the strawberry scent of Amanda engulfing her senses. She couldn't help but cry even more at the scent. She hugged the pillow tight, the scent making her miss Amanda even more. She wished Amanda was there to hug her tight and whisper sweet nothings into her ear, comforting Ginny.
In that moment, Ginny wanted nothing more but to look into Amanda's eyes once more and make her feel warm in this cold room. She wanted to feel Amanda's strong arms around her body, making her feel safe, and Ginny let herself cry until she slowly surrendered to the darkness, one last thought in her mind. 'Come back to me, please.'
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
The next morning, Ginny was confused to see that she was sleeping in Amanda's room. Thinking that what happened yesterday was a dream, she sat up slowly and looked around. She saw that the room was just as empty as it was when they arrived, and the flat seemed even more silent than it was yesterday.
Ginny picked up her wand and without hesitation, she waved her wand and cast a Patronus, hoping that the message would get through to the Auror. She didn't care if she sounded desperate, all she wanted was Amanda.
"Come back, please." Ginny whispered and let her Horse patronus fly away. She sat down and stared at the ground for a few minutes, waiting for Amanda's own Horse patronus to come back with a message. Anything? And Ginny's face fell. What if she was already in Albania? Ginny could only hope not.
Standing up, Ginny decided to change her clothes, feeling sticky and dirty in her clothes from yesterday. She left Amanda's room and went to her own. She took some clothes from her closet, and just as she was about to change, she saw something on the table.
Ginny walked slowly to it, and her lip started quivering when she saw it was a letter to her. She saw the handwriting on the back of the letter and knew immediately that it was from Amanda. Ginny wiped away the tear that fell out from her eye, and she couldn't help but scoff. Amanda left, and the only thing she left Ginny was a letter?
She sat down on the bed shakily and opened the letter slowly. Ginny took in a deep breath before starting to read the letter, and she couldn't stop her tears from falling from her eyes one more.
Hey there, Darling!
I never knew I would be writing you a letter, but there's always a first for everything, yeah? And if you're reading this, I'm probably off to Albania, and I know I'm an arse, and I apologize for not telling you. And I don't know why I did it. It was just a sudden decision, and I know you're probably angry for I only left a letter. You deserve an explanation, and I hope I can explain it in this letter. I feel awkward writing this because I too don't know what I should write. So, let's get it on.
I'm so thankful you've been my best friend, Gin. Since the first time we met at the Burrow, I was honestly afraid of approaching you. I just hoped you would be as nice as I thought you were, and I hoped we would be friends, but something just made me look at you as more than a friend. I never thought I would fall in love with you, but when I saw you with Michael Corner, I realized that ever since we were just kids, I was already loving you, and when you became my roommate, I couldn't get any happier, Gin. We became closer than before, and I just fell in love with you more, and that was honestly the best part of my life.
And thank you for giving me a chance with this deal, Ginny. I'm sorry for pressuring you into accepting it, but I have never regretted any second of it. Everyone did say it was quite stupid, but I still do not regret it. And if you'd ask me if I had done it differently, I'd choose not to change a thing and have this deal with you no matter what. I didn't know why I asked for 20. I think I should've asked for 100 instead. Every day of our deal made me want to have more moments with you. Every time I kissed you, I wanted to make each kiss longer. I started wanting more. You make me feel things, Gin, and those feelings are making me crazy.
Our deal is ending today, and I realized I never really had a chance with you, but I also realized I loved you much more than I ever thought I could, and I'm glad I thought of this deal and that you accepted it, Gin. Everything was worth it because I love you. Everything was worth it because it is you, Gin. You're the one I love. I have no regrets at all. I did do my best, didn't I? And that's enough for me. I'm glad I took a risk and wagered everything. And for that, I do not have any regrets.
And I'll say it again even if you get tired of me saying so. I love you, Gin. Even if you don't love me the same way that I do, I know you still love me, and that's all I need. I would never ask you to do something you could never do. I love you, Gin, and don't you dare blame yourself for the decision I made. None of this is your fault. I chose this, and I want you to be happy. For yourself and for me. There's someone waiting for you out there. I know that person is the one who could make all your dreams come true and love you just as much as I do. I may not be that person, but I'll love you for eternity. Our days and kisses are what I'll hold onto. I love you, Gin. 'Till next time.
"You're such an idiot!" Ginny cried once more and let her tears fall on the letter. She hoped she would get comfort from reading it, but it just made her feel even emptier inside. It made her realize just how stupid she was for not seeing her love for Amanda earlier, and she was the one at fault due to her being such a stubborn person.
"You didn't even finish the bloody deal," whispered Ginny, wiping away a tear. "You haven't done the last kiss, you idiot."
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Ginny woke up due to the tapping on the window. She opened one eye and saw that there was an owl there. Hoping the letter was from Amanda, she quickly ran to it and took the letter and frowned when it was just from Hermione. She was about to open it when she heard loud knocks on the door. Ginny looked back at the letter before putting it down. She ran to the door and opened it to see Hermione and Eliza.
"Why didn't you use Alohomora?" Ginny asked. Hermione and Eliza stared at each other before sighing.
"That's not what's important here." Hermione blushed slightly at forgetting that. "We've sent a thousand Patronuses and letters!"
Ginny opened her mouth to apologize when Eliza cut her off. "Get ready, we're going to Hogwarts."
"Hogwarts? What do you mean we're going to Hogwarts?"
"Amanda's there. We're going to get her." Eliza explained quickly.
Ginny frowned at the two witches who had looks of impatience on their faces. "She left already, remember? I just read her letter a while –"
"She hasn't left yet." Someone cut Ginny off. She turned around and to her surprise, Daphne Greengrass was there. Why was she there? Daphne smiled and entered the flat. "Amanda's departure was delayed yesterday."
"WHAT?" Ginny exclaimed in surprise.
"And she slept with me at the pub." Daphne watched Ginny's reaction and smirked when she saw Ginny's face fall.
"S-Slept with you?" Ginny asked lowly, her fists clenching. "A-At a pub?" What in bloody hell was Amanda doing? Was Daphne Greengrass her girlfriend?
"I'm just messing with you." Daphne chuckled slightly. "Let me introduce myself. I'm Daphne Greengrass, Amanda's cousin. It's nice to meet you, Ginny Weasley." Ginny's cheeks flushed and looked away from Daphne while shaking her hand. She felt embarrassed for thinking Daphne was Amanda's girlfriend. She suddenly remembered Amanda's picture with Daphne.
"You have to change your clothes." Daphne smiled in amusement. "Amanda's still at Hogwarts, and her Portkey's scheduled at 6 this evening." Ginny's eyes widened as she stared at Daphne who was smiling at her. Ginny looked into her brown eyes and saw the resemblance to Amanda's.
Someone suddenly pushed her, and she saw that it was Eliza with a raised eyebrow. "What are you doing, Gin? Change your damned clothes already. It's already 5:30! We have only 30 minutes left!"
Ginny snapped to her senses and with a newfound sense of determination despite not having eaten yet, she ran to her room and quickly changed into her clothes that she took out earlier. She did not bother taking a shower anymore. Who cared about how she smelled? This was the love of her life she was talking about.
She glanced at the mirror and saw her reflection. She looked like a mess, and if her mother saw her right now, she was going to be yelled at, but she didn't care at all. Ginny grabbed her wand and went out of her room to see Daphne, Eliza and Hermione smiling at her. They went out of the flat and Apparated to Hogsmeade.
"Ginny, you're my friend, but you seriously have to shower after this." Hermione mumbled and shook her head.
"Shut up, Hermione." Ginny grumbled. Daphne chuckled at that and called a carriage of thestrals for the four of them. She waited at them to enter before coming in herself. Daphne observed the three witches and saw how nervous they were. She watched Ginny and saw her looking out at the scenery and tapping her finger on her knee. Daphne smirked. Amanda owed her big time.
The carriage then started, and their way to Hogwarts was silent. Daphne glanced at the three silent witches before speaking. "Did you know that Amanda was supposed to be transferred to MACUSA last year?"
Their surprised expressions made Daphne laugh once more. She did expect that. She wouldn't have known if Pansy didn't find out from Williamson's cousin. Amanda was just a private person, and she didn't share anything with just anyone, not even her best friends. She kept to herself, especially when it came to work. Daphne wanted to know the reason why she took the mission, and she saw Ginny, and everything fell into place.
"She was supposed to be promoted," said Daphne softly. "She was supposed to be Head Auror in MACUSA as requested by their President himself, but she always said there was something important that she couldn't leave here in England. And I now know who was she referring to all along." She smiled at Ginny.
"And let me apologize for my idiotic cousin." Daphne chuckled when Eliza laughed. "Please. Go give her a punch and talk to her." Ginny nodded wordlessly and smiled weakly when she saw Hermione look at her with worry.
"And why does she have to go to MACUSA when she can become Head Auror here?" Eliza asked curiously. All of them looked at Daphne, they too wondered about that.
Daphne scoffed, making her realize how Amanda was truly an idiot no matter how brilliant she was. "She could be Head Auror here, but she thinks there are Aurors better than her. She always rejected MACUSA's offers even if they've always pestered her about it. So, I was surprised when she accepted the offer." She looked back down at the floor and let the three witches mull her words over.
Ginny let herself think hard about the words she just heard. She never thought she would be talking to Daphne Greengrass and she never knew there was so much more to Amanda that she didn't know. She could have been Head Auror of MACUSA, she could have been Head Auror of the Ministry, but she decided not to. All because of Ginny. It made Ginny feel even guiltier, she was truly an idiot.
Ginny looked up when someone squeezed her hand and she saw it was Hermione. "We're going to catch her this time, Gin." Hermione smiled reassuringly at her.
"Thank you, Hermione." Ginny said gratefully before she looked out the carriage again. She just hoped this time, she would not be too late. She started thinking. What would she say once she was in front of Amanda? She was feeling nervous about it all, but she knew in her, she just wanted to do one thing. Just like how Amanda convinced her to accept this deal, she would convince Amanda to accept her.
After a few minutes, they finally arrived at Hogwarts. They ran into the castle where Filch was at the gate. His eyes widened at the sight of them. "You aren't students anymore. What are you –"
"It's not the time!" The four witches shouted simultaneously and entered the castle. They stopped and frowned when they saw so many people there. Of course, it was almost dinner so that was to be expected, but this just made it harder for them to look for Amanda.
Ginny's hopes were starting to fall then Eliza took out her wand. "I'll send the Patronus to her. That'll make it easier for us to find her." Ginny nodded and looked at the clock on the wall. They had 10 minutes more.
"Come on, let's look for her. Look properly." Daphne said firmly. "When you find her, send a Patronus." Ginny, Eliza and Hermione nodded before they all split up and started looking for Amanda. She looked around at all of the face, looking for any sign of Amanda's brown hair. She glanced behind her and saw Eliza sending another Patronus while looking around as well. None of them seemed to have success in finding Amanda.
Ginny looked at the clock and saw that it was already 5:55. They had only 5 minutes left. She looked at Daphne, Eliza and Hermione and saw that they were staring back at her. Time was ticking, and Ginny was starting to lose hope. She wanted to find Amanda, but Hogwarts was just too big for them to find her in 5 minutes.
Daphne walked over to Ginny and squeezed her shoulders, hoping to give Ginny comfort and hope. "We will find her, Ginny. Do not lose hope. Come on."
Taking a deep breath, Ginny sighed shakily. She started running around again, looking for Amanda. She scanned every face of every person that passed by her, but she still couldn't find Amanda. They had reached the seventh floor already, but still no Amanda. They decided to go back down again to check. Daphne and Hermione were off to the other side while Eliza was a little behind her.
"Come on, Ada. Where are you?" Eliza muttered and waved her wand once more. "Expecto Patronum!" They were back at the ground floor and they looked at each other with grim faces. Where was Amanda.
"Damn it, cousin. Where the hell are you?" Daphne sighed in frustration. They checked every floor, and it was too dark outside to see if there was anybody from inside the castle. Eliza send another Patronus and Ginny suddenly looked at the courtyard and saw a glimmer of blue light and a tall figure in the distance. She just hoped that she was right.
"Eliza, send another Patronus." Ginny asked her. Eliza was confused before she did as Ginny requested. Ginny saw how the glowing Sea Otter went to that figure again. She bit the inside of her cheek. "One more."
Eliza raised an eyebrow. "What are you –"
"Just do it, please!" Ginny pleaded with her. Eliza sighed before waving her wand and Ginny was sure now. She started running to the tall figure standing in the courtyard. It was a good thing she got her coat because it was cold. It was too dark, but she was sure. It was Amanda Lewis right there.
"Oi, Ginny! Wait!" Eliza called out and ran after her. Daphne and Hermione looked at each other before following after them. As she ran to the courtyard, she could see the figure better. She saw the person talk to a man and she was about to clasp her hand over something. Ginny didn't care anymore, a fire igniting in her. She had to take this risk.
"AMANDA FAYE LEWIS!" Ginny shouted loudly, surprising Eliza, Hermione and Daphne and making the person freeze in her position and drop her hand. The students inside the castle were now looking at the scene and whispering to each other, wondering what was the commotion all about.
When Ginny saw the girl shake her head and raise her hand once more, she yelled again. "If you move another inch, I swear I'm going to hex you." The person stopped moving, and Ginny noticed the stares on them and she could see the man was Williamson and he looked at Ginny with surprise on his face. Ginny didn't care about any of them. All she cared about was the woman who had her back turned to Ginny.
Ginny continued running, and the person turned around, and it was Amanda indeed. Amanda's eyes widened when she saw that Ginny was really walking towards her and she saw Eliza, Hermione and Daphne behind Ginny with their wands alight. Amanda scoffed mentally. Of course, she'd be the one to tell them.
Suddenly, Amanda's head snapped to the side as she felt a pain on the right side of her face, the loud sound of Ginny's slap echoing throughout the grounds, and everyone looked at the scene with wide eyes.
"What on bloody hell?" Eliza said lowly, her jaw dropping.
"Damn, Weasley can slap." Williamson whistled.
"What are you doing, Gin?" Hermione asked horrified.
"Nice one, Ginny! Do another one." Daphne cheered her on.
Amanda gulped and closed her eyes at the pain. She deserved that and so much more. She turned her head slowly and opened her eyes to be met by Ginny's piercing glare. Amanda took in a deep breath and prayed mentally. 'Oh Rowena Ravenclaw, take me now.'
Amanda smiled awkwardly and looked down to avoid Ginny's gaze. "Ginny, it's good to see you. Isn't it a good winter day?" She honestly did not know what to say to Ginny because she didn't think that this would happen. She was about to say something when Ginny beat her to it.
"A good winter day?" Ginny shouted loudly, making Amanda jump slightly. "That's what you have to say? How could you? How could you just leave like that?"
Amanda was about to speak again when Ginny cut her off. "You made a promise!" Amanda noticed that the students and Professors were watching them, but she was focused on the crying Gryffindor in front of her, the guilt bubbling inside her. She made Ginny cry. She was really an idiot.
Amanda frowned and looked down, speaking quietly. "I promised I would stop pursuing you after our deal."
"But you didn't tell me you were going to leave." Ginny shot back at her.
Amanda's eyes hardened at those words. She let out a scoff and looked at Ginny. "And would that change anything? Would it change anything if I told you that I had to go – "
"Of course! It would change everything!" Ginny cut her off, anger rising in her.
Amanda tried to compose herself, but she couldn't hold in the emotions she was feeling. "And what would it have changed?" She raised her voice. "Would it make a miracle? It's not like you would fall in love –"
"But I did!" Ginny shouted and took a step forward. "I did just that. I fell in love with you!" She started sobbing making Amanda freeze in surprise. Ginny couldn't handle it anymore, and she fell on Amanda's body. She whispered shakily. "So how could you just go and leave me like that?" She cried even harder and started punching Amanda on her chest.
"I fell in love with you. Your annoying grin, your stupid voice, your bloody insults on my movies. I fell in love with how you wouldn't let a day pass without annoying me or embarrassing me in front of other people." Ginny didn't care about anything anymore. She didn't care about how they were at Hogwarts with all the students and staff watching as they cried and shouted. All she knew was that she had to tell Amanda what she felt for her.
"And I fell in love with the way you smiled at me. Your annoying and warm smile. And the way you would hug me tight every time you saw me even if you knew it annoyed me." Ginny chuckled tearily at the memories she had with Amanda. She didn't give Amanda a chance to respond and continued speaking. "And I fell in love with your randomness. You say the weirdest things and do the most unusual stuff I was starting to wonder if you were all right. And I fell in love with how you wouldn't go to sleep without telling me you love me."
Ginny cried once more and wrapped her arms around the frozen Amanda's waist tightly. "So how could you? How could you leave me like that? How could you make me fall in love and leave me?"
"I-I'm so sorry –"
"And you made a deal of 20 days and 20 kisses." Ginny cut her off and whispered against Amanda's chest. "You didn't even finish our deal properly. So how could you?" Ginny felt exhausted from crying and she didn't stop herself from leaning into Amanda. She breathed in the scent of strawberries and hugged Amanda tighter.
Amanda was still frozen in her position. She felt her voice getting caught in her throat, she couldn't find the words to say. Ginny's words surprised her. She never thought that she would be able to hear those words from Ginny. She thought she was just dreaming and she would wake up in Hog's Head, but when she felt the dampening on her shirt and the tight hold around her waist, Amanda realized. She wasn't dreaming at all. Everything was real.
Amanda's own tears started falling from her eyes, and she didn't care at all. She gently wrapped her arms around the Chaser who was still punching her chest. Amanda let out a soft chuckle and tightened her hold on her best friend. She whispered softly. "I'm so sorry, Ginny. I'm sorry I can't find the right words to say."
Leaning in to kiss Ginny on the forehead, she smiled softly. "I'm so sorry, Gin. I'm sorry for making you cry. Calm down now, please? Stop crying. I'm sorry."
"Stay with me, please." Ginny whispered pleadingly into Amanda's chest.
"I will. I'm sorry." Amanda whispered back. Ginny pulled away slowly and looked at Amanda's face, seeing the tears roll down Amanda's cheeks. Without another thought, Ginny cupped Amanda's face and kissed her passionately. Though she was taken by surprise, Amanda kissed Ginny back with the same passion. None of them cared that there were hundreds of people watching them. They pulled away slowly, panting for air and staring at each other.
"And our deal is officially done." Ginny closed her eyes and whispered.
Amanda chuckled before she leaned her forehead against Ginny's. "And does it mean you're not in love with me anymore?"
Ginny smiled softly and opened her eyes. She shook her head and leaned in to nuzzle her nose against Amanda's. "It means you should ask me to be yours. Ask me to be your girlfriend."
Amanda hugged her even tighter and smiled teasingly. "Isn't that given already? Do I really have to still do that?"
"No, not really." Ginny laughed and shook her head. "Just shut up and kiss me."
"Well –" Ginny leaned in and kissed Amanda, shutting the girl up. Amanda closed her eyes and kissed her back. She moved her hold to Ginny's waist while Ginny wrapped her arms around Amanda's neck and pulled her closer. Ginny couldn't help herself from smiling into the kiss because as she said before, every kiss they shared was different, but they all had the same effect. They made Ginny fall even more.
This kiss held all the feelings Amanda had for Ginny and all the feelings Ginny had for Amanda. It was gentle. It was passionate. It was full of love. And it was a kiss of assurance, all their worries now gone. All the kisses they had before they've counted down, but this is the first kiss in all the kisses they were sharing for forever.
"And as much as I do not want to down the mood, but we're still at Hogwarts." At Daphne's voice, Amanda and Ginny blushed and pulled away from each other, looking at the three witches and Williamson who were in front of them. When she saw Daphne smirking at her, she stuck her tongue out at her cousin.
"Well, Lewis. Your Portkey's gone, but I think you're having a better night anyways." Williamson said teasingly.
Ginny blushed at his words and buried her face into Amanda's chest, making the Ravenclaw laugh loudly. The students and staff around them were smiling widely and whispering to each other. Amanda saw Professor Flitwick send her a thumbs up while Professor McGonagall nodded with an approving look.
Amanda kissed the top of Ginny's head and said teasingly. "You really learned a lot from those cliché movies of yours, Gin. You could act in a movie now without any effort."
Ginny pouted and smacked her on the shoulder. "You're such a fool."
"But I'm your fool, Princess." Amanda winked at her. "I love you."
Ginny's eyes softened and she smiled softly at Amanda. "And I do too."
Amanda grinned before she leaned in and pecked Ginny's lips, making the younger girl blush. "Hey, Gin. Let's make a deal." Ginny was confused at that and she stared at Amanda who was smiling softly, her eyes filled with warmth and love.
"A deal of unlimited kisses and days of eternity." Amanda said softly. "What do you say?"
"I'd love that." Ginny whispered and leaned in to kiss her best friend softly.
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"I'll be finishing the assignment next week, Sir." Amanda shook Williamson's hand and smiled. "Thank you so much. For everything."
"You're a good person, Amanda." Williamson shook his head and smiled back. "That's why I'm offering you again. Be the Head Auror, will you?"
Amanda opened her mouth to say something before she glanced behind her and smiled softly at Ginny who was talking to Eliza, Hermione and Daphne.
"I'll give you –"
"I'll do it, Sir." Amanda turned back to him, grinning at his surprised expression. "What is it, Sir?"
"R-Really?" Williamson repeated in disbelief. When Amanda nodded, he hugged the Auror tight, making her eyes widen.
"Thank you, Amanda." Williamson said softly. "Thank you."
"Anytime, Sir." Amanda patted him on the shoulders.
When they pulled away, Williamson let out a sigh. "I'll get going now to tell them the news. Congratulations by the way, Amanda. You deserve it." With that, he Apparated out of Hogsmeade and left Amanda smiling at Ginny.
"And I'm lucky to have her." Amanda ran to them and hugged her girlfriend, she would never get tired of saying that, tight.
"This is disgusting." Daphne mumbled under her breath. "They're so in love, aren't they?" Her voice died down when she saw Eliza and Hermione flirting with each other.
"Damn it, I miss Pansy." Daphne let out a sigh.
Amanda and Ginny bid goodbye to their friends and Amanda held her hand out to Ginny. "I shall take you home now, Princess."
"Why thank you, my lovely fool." Ginny laughed loudly when Amanda pouted at her. She took Amanda's hand and they Apparated back to their flat. Ginny pulled Amanda down gently and kissed her on the lips. "I love you."
"I love you too, Princess." Amanda's eyes softened and she sighed in contentment as they stood in the middle of their flat, their home.
Not all stories ended with the prince and the princess getting together. Sometimes, you fall in love with the person you least expect to fall in love with. Some may have expected the prince and the princess to fall in love with each other, but a stupid wager changed everything.
The fool who always loved the princess proposed a crazy deal, and the princess accepted it in hopes of making the fool move on. They found themselves getting more than they asked for. The princess fell in love with the fool. The fool felt pain that proved to be worth it in the end.
And sure, it was unusual. The princess and the fool, but all that mattered was each other and their deal of eternity. They've decided to wager their feelings once more, but this time was different. This time, they were sure.
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