day 5, 4/20 kisses
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"Hey, Ab," said Amanda, waving at the man before sitting down at one of the tables in the corner.
"Hello, Amanda. Butterbeer or firewhiskey?" Aberforth Dumbledore smiled at the former Ravenclaw. When Amanda was in Hogwarts, she took a job at Hog's Head to support herself. She didn't have her parents anymore and she couldn't rely on the Blacks' money, especially since she thought Sirius was a murderer during that time.
"Just Butterbeer please, I've got a night shift later," said Amanda cheerfully.
"It's been 5 years since you've become an Auror, eh?" Aberforth set down the tankard in front of her. "You've grown so much, Ada. I still think of you as the thirteen-year old Ravenclaw, who got down on her knees and begged me for a job."
"Things did change lots, Ab," chuckled Amanda. "So have you. I dare say Merlin's beard can't even compare to yours." Aberforth laughed loudly, attracting the attention of the others in the pub and making Amanda blush at their looks.
"I'll leave you to it." Aberforth went back to his spot behind the bar, and Amanda took out Pride and Prejudice she had inside her coat and started reading from where she left off. It was just brilliant with the initial prejudice of Elizabeth Bennet and the pride of Fitzwilliam Darcy. It was Amanda's favorite novel, and she wouldn't get tired of it no matter how many times she read it. Amanda was just about to get to Darcy's proposal to Elizabeth when someone grabbed the book from her.
"Hey! Darcy was just about to propose!" Amanda said lowly, glaring at the three people behind her.
"You came here to eat," said Eliza, rolling her eyes. "You didn't even notice us coming and ordering your food, did you?"
Amanda was about to say something before she looked down and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry." Eliza, George and Jason MacCabe just laughed before sitting down beside her and starting to eat while catching up on what had been happening in their lives. They were a group of five, now four. Amanda, Eliza, Fred, George and Jason. All of them were in the same year, the three Ravenclaws kept the Weasley twins on their feet.
"So, Amanda," started Eliza slowly after George and Jason nodded at her. "Is there something you want to tell us?"
"Nothing," said Amanda a little too quickly.
"Then, what did I see in the Grocer's yesterday?" Eliza demanded, her voice growing louder.
"Quiet down," Amanda whispered because people were starting to look at her again. She may have grown a little out of her shell, but that side of her was reserved only during Auror duties and for her family and friends.
"What are you planning with my sister, Ada?" said George.
Amanda stared at him before sighing. "20 days and 20 kisses."
"What?" repeated the trio in disbelief. Amanda shushed them again.
"What do you mean?" said Jason with wide eyes. "What do you mean by 20 days and 20 kisses?"
"I've got 20 days and 20 kisses with her, and then I'll stop," said Amanda, leaning back in her seat.
"Wait, I still don't get it," said George while blinking. "Explain it again please."
"Are you saying you have 20 days and 20 kisses with her?" said Eliza slowly, understanding what their friend was trying to tell them. "You have 20 days and 20 kisses to make Ginny fall for you?" When Amanda nodded, Eliza, George and Jason looked at each other before staring back at her, dumbstruck.
"You're an idiot, Ada, an idiot!" Eliza started smacking her with Amanda's book.
"Ow! That's a limited- Ow! Edition book! Bloody hell, Eliza." Amanda glared at her fellow Auror, who glared back at her.
"I must say, Ada." George piped up. "This is stupid, and that's rich coming from me. What were you thinking, mate?"
"I wasn't thinking." Amanda sighed deeply.
"That's clear," said Eliza, still glaring at her. "Is that why you asked me how long it took me to fall in love with Mione?
Amanda rolled her eyes before running her hands over her face. "Yeah, but I don't know. It's risky, it's everything and that's why I'm proposing it." She finished with a gentle voice. Eliza, George and Jason looked at her with soft eyes, their hearts hurting for their friend.
"Why don't you just give it up?" George said. "I love Ginny, but I'm worried about you, Ada."
"I can't do that, George," chuckled Amanda softly. "I gave my word. I would stop and move on after this deal if she doesn't fall in love with me by then."
"But can you do that?" Jason asked her, the tone of worry evident in his voice.
"I keep my promises, Jace. And it was Ginny I promised to. I would keep it no matter what." Amanda smiled softly at the worried looks on their faces. Even if this deal might not turn good for her, she still had them, no matter what.
"Ada, you'll be broken if this doesn't turn out well," said Eliza with a frown.
"I thought about it hard enough, Eli," said Amanda, looking out the window and watching the snow fall. "And that's why I should do everything I can. I think I was going in the wrong direction for the past few years. If I don't do this now, then I'll still be broken, won't I?" Eliza and George looked at each other with wary looks.
"Let her be," said Jason, wrapping an arm around the lovestruck Ravenclaw. "She's a fool in love." The four of them laughed appreciatively, the tense silence being broken. Amanda Lewis was really a fool, especially when it came to Ginny Weasley, and the only thing they could do is to be there for her.
"You have us all the way, Ada," said George firmly when they all calmed down. "No matter what happens, you have us."
"And that's why I've got the courage to do this, George. Because I've got you to lean on, and I'm grateful to have you three." The group of four smiled at each other before they continued their meal and changed the conversation about George's new products and Jason's promotion in the Daily Prophet.
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Amanda stretched her arms and yawned as she went out of her room and into the living room. She still had 2 hours before she had to go to her night shift, patrolling the grounds. She sat down beside Ginny, who was doing something with a serious look on her face.
Amanda decided to read Pride and Prejudice instead to kill time. She muttered the memorable quotes from the book and groaned when she finished it already. Now, she had nothing to do again. She took a peek at what Ginny was doing and chuckled. It seemed that their captain, Gwenog Jones, gave them Arithmancy work for their Quidditch strategies. Ginny seemed stuck at one of the papers so Amanda did the thing she did best. Bother the Gryffindor. She laid her head on Ginny's lap.
"Amanda Faye." Ginny groaned and tried to push the girl off, but Auror training had paid off for Amanda and made her stronger. "I'm doing something. Do whatever you're planning tomorrow."
Amanda wrapped her arms around Ginny and pouted at the girl. "Come on, Gin, Tomorrow's too late for me."
Ginny sighed and looked at the grinning girl with annoyance. She tried pushing her away again, but Amanda just tightened her hold onto Ginny's waist.
"Go read your book or something. Just get off."
"I've already finished it. Your lap is a comfortable place to be, Gin."
"Just read another book then," Ginny gave one last push and made Amanda groan as she fell to the ground. She rubbed her head and her eyes lit up as she looked at the papers in front of her.
"I could help you with this."
Ginny stared at Amanda. Amanda was intelligent, she and Eliza were always at the top of their classes during their Hogwarts years. Even Hermione herself said that Amanda was a clever mind, but she thought that Amanda might have been planning something again. What would she have to wager for Amanda to help her?
"Shouldn't you be going to your shift now?" said Ginny questioningly.
"Why? Miss me already?" Amanda chuckled slightly when Ginny glared at her.
"I still have lots of time," said Amanda as she moved closer to Ginny to read the Arithmancy problems. Ginny leaned back slightly, but she was still staring at the older girl, thinking about what she could be thinking.
Amanda turned her head to look at Ginny and raised her eyebrows. "Let me help, Ginny, I just want to pass the time, and I like Arithmancy." Ginny hesitated before nodding and giving the older girl the quill and ink. She watched Amanda write on the parchment with a focused look in her eyes. She seemed like she really wanted to help Ginny so Ginny just leaned back and watched her solve the problem.
"Okay..." Amanda started explaining to Ginny on how to solve these problems, and what the probabilities meant in the various plays they had, how the opposing team may attack and how they could improve their own defense and offense.
"Just- No, no, it isn't like that. Ginny-"
"But you said that-"
"What I meant is that you have to-"
"Bloody hell," Ginny sighed in exasperation. "I'm quitting the Harpies, I'll just go to the Cannons, yeah, that might work better."
"You can do it, Gin," said Amanda softly. "Look, let's try again, shall we?" The soft look in Amanda's eyes told Ginny that she should try again because she had Amanda there, and when Amanda was there, everything turned out to be fine. She gave tips to Ginny on the basic Arithmancy techniques and constantly motivated the girl with her words.
And after an hour and 20 minutes, Ginny managed to start doing some of the plays by herself. Amanda grinned at her before she got up from the couch and walked to her room to change into her Auror attire. She wore her brown trench coat and fixed her hair and her stuff before she went out of the room again and saw Ginny had just finished the last play.
"You good, Gin?"
"Definitely." Ginny smiled at her work victoriously while Amanda sunk into the chair beside her. She still had 25 minutes, and she would just Apparate anyways so she still had a lot of time before she had to go to work. She turned her head to look at Ginny, who was watching another movie in the television. Amanda observed Ginny's face with her eyes. Her brown eyes of warmth, her pink and plump lips that were open slightly due to her amazement at the scene. Ginny Weasley was simply the epitome of beauty, and that was one of the reasons why Amanda was deeply in love with Ginny.
"You're staring again." Amanda simply hummed in response as she continued staring at Ginny who was still watching her movie. Ginny sighed deeply. "Seriously, stop that."
"Have you looked at yourself in the mirror? I mean, who wouldn't stare with a beauty like yours?" Ginny rubbed her forehead before turning to Amanda, and her eyes widened when she saw the soft look in the older girl's eyes as if she could see everything that Ginny was, all her imperfections and strengths and all her feelings and thoughts... And yet, Amanda still chose to do that. To love Ginny Weasley.
"Who's staring now?" Amanda smirked and leaned in closer to the Gryffindor.
"I just thought you had dirt on your nose." Ginny raised an eyebrow at her. "Now, I can see the dirt was just your face."
"Didn't Molly teach you how to thank someone?"
"And why would I thank you?"
"I helped you solve those problems, and you keep on insulting my wonderful being. Shouldn't I get a reward?" Ginny narrowed her eyes at the wide smirk on Amanda's face. She knew Amanda was planning something. That idiot was used to wagering, even if the odds were risky.
"And what reward is that?" Ginny raised her eyebrows at her. Amanda pursed her lips in thought and looked at the younger one.
"And what reward have you got for me, Gin?"
"A punch to the gut," said Ginny blankly. Amanda groaned and held onto her stomach tight.
"That was a hard blow, Gin. You do know a kiss would suffice eh?
"Two punches to the gut."
"I have been reading some classics, and they say a kiss with tongue would bring you sweet dreams." At Amanda's words, Ginny glared at her before letting out a loud groan. Amanda was such a stubborn witch. Ginny was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice Amanda suddenly leaning in.
"A kiss would be enough, darling," whispered Amanda lowly before leaning back on the couch and she grinned when Ginny sighed.
"Fine. Just one kiss... And no tongue!"
"But Ginny-"
"Remember I've got two hands, and the last time you felt my punch was during my 3rd year. Let's see how two punches would work." Ginny's cheeks flushed, which made Amanda grin at her. "I'm warning you. No tongue."
Amanda's face fell. "But-"
"A Bat Bogey Hex is what you will get if I feel it," warned Ginny, and Amanda immediately nodded with a soft smile. Ginny closed her eyes, anticipating Amanda's move. "Now, do it quick."
"I didn't know you're that thirsty for my lips, Gin," said Amanda teasingly.
"You arse, just do it or I'll –" Ginny was cut off when Amanda leaned in and kiss the girl. Ginny wrapped her arms around the Ravenclaw's neck when she felt Amanda nibble on her lips. Amanda was holding her face gently, and Ginny could taste the strawberries in Amanda's mouth.
Amanda wrapped her own arms around Ginny's waist before she supported the younger girl's weight when she leaned back. She was on top of Ginny, but she did not dare pull away and basked in the feeling of kissing Ginny Weasley. The heat from where their lips made contact and the perfect feeling of Ginny in her arms was enough to make Amanda forget the biting cold of winter.
With the kiss heating up, Amanda swiped her tongue across Ginny's bottom lip. Ginny did not pull away or punch her. She simply tightened her hold onto Amanda. Feeling the need for air, Amanda was the one who broke the kiss with her eyes wide. She thought she imagined it, but she thought Ginny followed her lips when she pulled away. She panted for air and glanced at the clock and saw that she had to go to work in 15 minutes. Amanda looked at the panting Ginny, who was now watching her movie when Amanda turned towards her. That made Amanda shake her head, thinking she really did imagine it and the flicker of emotion in Ginny's eyes.
Ginny's mind was a mess. She did not know why she did not punch the girl when she felt her tongue, and she did not know why she tightened her hold and followed her lips when Amanda pulled away. She told Amanda that she shouldn't expect anything from her, but she was confused because she found herself feeling disappointed when the kiss was broken.
Amanda got off Ginny and stared at the younger, who was still watching her movie. She approached Ginny slowly. Ginny looked up at her and saw Amanda combing Ginny's messy hair with her fingers. She saw a calm expression on Amanda's face and wondered how could she feel like that when Ginny's heart was still pounding because she was still thinking about their kiss?
"You're staring again," said Amanda in amusement while smiling softly at her.
"Shut it."
"That hurts here, Gin." Amanda pouted and held her chest. "You shouldn't talk like that to your amazing girlfriend."
"Amazing girlfriend, my arse." Ginny shook her head, but the corner of her lips tugged up slightly. "Shouldn't you be going now?"
"I should." Amanda stood up and stretched, taking her bag from the floor. "See you tomorrow, Gin. Don't miss me too much, love."
"And why would I miss you?" Amanda chuckled before she suddenly jumped on the couch and hugged Ginny tight, nuzzling her face into Ginny's neck.
"Who knows? You might miss my love in these next few hours," mumbled Amanda, her breath hitting Ginny's neck and making her shiver. Amanda got off her with a grin. "I'll be home late so don't stay up."
Amanda went out of their flat and Ginny stared at the door with a slight smile. She turned her head back to the movie when suddenly, the door opened, and Amanda's head came through.
"What? Did you forget something?"
"I did forget something."
"What is it?"
"Good night, darling," said Amanda softly. "I love you, Gin." She closed the door once more, and Ginny stared at where Amanda's head had been a few moments ago, her heart warming at the softness of Amanda Lewis that was reserved only for her. She shook her head and turned back to the movie.
"I love you too, you fool," said Ginny in a low voice. She knew they meant those three words in different ways, and she knew she couldn't give the girl what she wanted. She knew Amanda was bound to be hurt in this deal, but if that was what made her happy... Ginny would give it. They had 15 days left anyways, but Ginny did not notice what she just questioned herself as she stared at the movie. Why did those 15 days seem too short?
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