day 10, 9/20 kisses
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Ginny woke up the next morning with a frown on her face, the thoughts of last night coming back into her mind. Since their team didn't have practice, she did want to sleep in, but she had hopes of catching Amanda that morning. She quickly stood up and went out of her room. A slight smile made its way onto her face when she was met with the smell of food. She fixed her hair and made her way to the kitchen.
"Good morning, Ada –" Ginny cut herself off because Amanda wasn't there. There was only a plate of food with a note beside it. She frowned and picked it up.
Good morning, Ginevra. Eat well.
Ginny's frown became even wider. She stared at the plate of sausages and toast before letting out a sigh and eating the food. Amanda must have been really hurt to not show up. It was her fault anyways for accepting the deal, and now, she was on the verge of losing her best friend. Ginny felt her heart dropping. She couldn't lose Amanda. Losing Amanda would be losing everything.
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When lunch came, Ginny went to the Ministry of Magic to look for Amanda. She knew Amanda usually went out for lunch with the others, and she wanted to talk to Amanda. She looked around for her and frowned when she didn't see the older girl near the Auror's office.
"Excuse me, are you looking for someone?" Ginny turned around and to her surprise it was one of the older Aurors, Dawlish.
"Ah, yes, I am. Is Amanda Lewis in here?" Ginny peeked in the office again with worry in her eyes.
"Let me check. Please wait here." Dawlish smiled at her before going into the office and looking around. He saw Amanda at the far corner and walked to her. "Hey, Lewis. Someone is looking for you."
"Who is it?" Amanda murmured, focused on her report.
"I think it's the Weasley girl." Amanda's head snapped up at his words.
"Ginny? Ginny Weasley?" Amanda asked him with surprise in her eyes.
"Is that her name?" said Dawlish curiously. "But yes. With that red hair, they're probably the Weasleys eh?"
'She probably wants to talk about the deal again.' Amanda thought bitterly. She didn't want to hear it, and as long as she could, she would avoid Ginny. She may be wasting the days she had with the girl, and she may be a coward for avoiding her, but those moments with Ginny were the ones she cherished the most. Amanda stared at Dawlish with a frown that he started worrying if he said something wrong. "Are you okay, Lewis?"
"Yes, yes," said Amanda, snapping back to reality. "I'm sorry about that, Auror Dawlish."
"Please, Lewis." Dawlish waved his hand dismissively. "I already told you, just call me Dawlish since we're in the same position and division, and you're the best candidate for the next Head Auror. Anyways, I'll get back to the Weasley girl and tell her that you're here. Should I let her in as well?"
"No, Auror Dawlish." Amanda stood up. "Please tell her I'm not here."
"Really?" Dawlish's eyes widened. "But why-"
"I'm busy with this report, and she'll probably just tell me to eat lunch. Please do so, Auror Dawlish." Amanda pleaded with him.
Dawlish frowned at her before letting out a sigh. "Okay then. Don't miss lunch, Lewis."
"I won't, Dawlish, thank you." Amanda smiled appreciatively and bent down behind her table to peek at Ginny. Dawlish went out with a frown on his face, wondering why Amanda would ask him to lie, before shaking his head and smiling at Ginny.
"I'm sorry, Miss Weasley. I'm afraid Auror Lewis is not here." Dawlish said convincingly.
"Oh, okay," said Ginny with a frown. "Thank you."
Dawlish bowed slightly. "I'll be going now. Good day, Miss Weasley." When he left, Ginny took another peek inside the Auror's office, and she let out a sigh when Amanda really wasn't there. She turned around and went back to the entrance of the Ministry. Just as she was about to Apparate, she turned around in hopes of seeing Amanda, but to her disappointment, she saw Neville and Luna talking to each other.
"Neville, Luna!" Ginny called out and waved to them. Neville and Luna waved back and walked over to her.
"Hello, Gin," said Luna cheerfully. "What are you doing here?"
"Have you two seen Ada?" Ginny asked immediately.
Neville started speaking. "Oh, I –"
"We didn't." Luna cut him off by kicking him in the leg with her foot. Neville glared at her, but Luna's glare at him shut him up right away.
"Y-Yeah, we didn't." Neville said, backing Luna up, but in reality, he was remembering their encounter with Amanda just a few moments ago.
"Neville, Luna!"
Neville and Luna had just come from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. They stopped walking and turned around to see Amanda, panting.
"Why have you been running, Ada?" Neville said in confusion. "Where have you been?"
"Ginny's here in the Ministry." Amanda said quickly, still panting. She took something from her pocket and handed it to them. There was a bag of Galleons. "Have lunch with her, will you?"
Neville and Luna exchanged confused looks before sighing. Luna frowned at her. "Okay, we'll do it, but why don't you eat with her yourself? Are you two having a fight?"
"No, we're good, I'm just busy right now." Amanda shrugged before smiling slightly at the unconvinced looks on their faces. "She learned about Harry and Jason the other day, and I think she would want to have a talk with the two of you. Anyways, I'll get going now, see you!" She waved at them and made her way back to the Auror office.
Neville and Luna could only frown at each other because they knew no matter how busy Amanda was, she would drop what she was doing to go to Ginny. There was something wrong, and they had to find out what it was.
Ginny frowned at their answers. "Do you know where she could be? She's not at the Auror office, she's not at home. Where could she be?"
"Maybe, she's at Alicia's for lunch? Why don't we go eat first, Gin? And we can look for Amanda again." Luna suggested.
Ginny let out a sigh. "All right. Let's go." She took one last glance behind her, hoping for a sign of the Auror she wanted to talk to, but as they Disapparated away, disappointment and hurt bubbled in Ginny due to the fact that she knew Amanda did not want to see her.
The trio arrived at Diagon Alley, and Ginny walked fast to Alicia's with Neville and Luna chasing after her.
"Gin, wait!" Luna called out, but Ginny was focused on finding Amanda. She opened the door to Alicia's and looked around. She let out a sigh of defeat when there was no sign of Amanda, not at all.
"Bloody hell, Gin." Neville panted with his hands on his knees. "You could've waited for us."
"That's enough, Nev." Luna said, already calming her breathing. "Are you okay, Ginny?" She looked at the frowning Ginny with worry in her eyes.
"Y-Yeah. Come on, let's just eat." Ginny shook herself out of her thoughts before sitting down at one of the tables. Neville and Luna frowned at each other again before sitting with her.
"Hello, Ginny, Neville, Luna," said Lee pleasantly. "What can I get you?" Neville and Luna gave their orders, but Ginny was staring out the window, thinking about the older girl. Did she even eat? Where was she? What was she doing? What-
"Ginny!" Neville's shout made Ginny look at them questioningly. They were all looking at her with worry and confusion in their eyes.
"Are you okay, Ginny?" Lee asked with concern.
"Yeah, just good, Lee." Ginny smiled forcibly and gave her own order. Lee looked at Neville and Luna, asking with his eyes what was the problem with the Chaser. The two simply shook their heads, not knowing too what was the problem. Lee sighed before smiling at them and going back to the kitchen to prepare their orders.
After they ate their food, Neville and Luna nodded at each other and thought it was time to talk to their friend.
"What were you doing in the Ministry anyways, Gin?" Neville asked her.
Ginny was so hesitant to answer, but she let out a sigh instead. "I was just looking for Ada."
"Well, actually we –" Luna kicked Neville again, making the older boy glare at her.
"Isn't your free day? Why didn't you just wait for her there?" Luna asked curiously, glaring at Neville and shaking her head subtly to tell him that it was not time to tell her yet. Ginny raised an eyebrow at the glaring between her best friends.
"I just needed to talk to her about something, but apparently, she's not in her office." Ginny sighed once more and looked out the window. She knew the chances were low, but she still hoped that somehow, Amanda would pop up and go talk with Ginny.
"Seriously, what's the problem with you two?" Luna frowned at the clearly lost girl. "Why do you look so lost?"
"Nothing." Ginny muttered under her breath.
"You know it's not nothing, Gin," said Neville with a raised eyebrow. "You won't be like this if you don't have problems."
Ginny stared at him for a few moments before letting out a sigh. "Amanda and I just had a disagreement. That's all."
"If that's all, you and Ada usually resolve your disagreements right away." Luna said, shaking her head. "That's not all there is to it."
"Fine, we just had a fight... about the deal." Ginny paused and looked up at them. When they nodded, she continued. "I want to stop our deal."
"What?" Neville and Luna said in surprise. They did know about Harry and Jason since the two told them the previous day, but was that really the reason Ginny wanted to stop their deal? Was that why Amanda didn't want to see the younger girl?
"I was heartbroken when I learned about Harry and Jason." Ginny explained, her heart hurting at the thought. She may have felt better, but it didn't mean she was over it. "And I don't want to hurt Amanda like that. She deserves better. You both know she does. I'm not what she's looking for."
Neville and Luna wanted to protest and tell her she was all the Auror wanted, but understanding settled in them for they now realized why Amanda was avoiding Ginny. She wanted the deal more than anything, and she didn't want to talk to Ginny if it meant having their deal.
"She'll come home soon, Gin." Luna said with a comforting smile. "She's probably just a little busy." She stood up and pulled Neville with her. "Well, we have to go to work."
"And don't worry about Ada, okay?" Neville pat her on the shoulder.
"Take care," said Ginny, smiling slightly at her two friends who Disapparated out of the diner then she tried convincing herself that Amanda was okay. She was just busy like Neville and Luna said.
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Ginny let out a sigh as she sat down on the couch. It had been a few hours since lunch with Neville and Luna, and she kept on glancing at the door, waiting for a sign of her roommate. She checked the time and saw that it was already 8 PM. By this time, Amanda would be coming home. She let out a sigh and decided to wash up. As she entered her room, she was surprised to see a note on her tableside.
I have the night shift so don't wait up.
The cold note made Ginny frown, but she couldn't help blaming herself, knowing she was the reason for the coldness of the older girl. Ginny was feeling regretful for accepting the deal. She froze where she was because she wondered why that thought felt so wrong in her mind, but she shook her head and went to the bathroom to wash up.
Ginny waited for her the whole night, but Amanda never came home.
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