"Did you hear?"
"About the Sirius Black thing?"
"What do you mean?"
"Read the first page in the Daily Prophet!"
"He's been spotted near Hogwarts!"
"I guess he really has it in for Potter,"
"What's going on?"Astoria mutters as our whole group walks into the Great Hall.
Aria snatches a newspaper from a Gryffindor's hand as she walks past,before turning it over to the front page.
"Listen to this,"She says her voice becoming excited.
"Aurors have reported that Sirius Black,the Azkaban escapee has been spotted near Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Head Auror reports that an old woman had spotted him in the highlands of Scotland when walking her dog,but by the time she had called the authorities,he had escaped.Aurors were immediately on the scene,and are now trying to track Black before he can do any further harm.At these times,we would like all witches an wizards to stay cautious and immediately report to the Auror office if they have any information."
"What?"Anderson asks,but Aria holds up a finger.
"Minister of Magic,Cornelius Fudge would also like to address the Wizarding World to remember that Black is an extremely dangerous man,and that the incident 13 years ago is not to be forgotten.Turn to page 5 for more information."She finishes.
We just stare at each other in shock.
"Guys?"Anderson asks, "what happened 13 years ago?"
"I'm not explaining it,"Me and Ashley say in unison.
"Me neither,"Aria and Astoria say simultaneously.
We look at Harper.
"I don't even know what happened 13 years ago." He defends.
"Turn to page 5 for more information,dumbass," Maria snarls as she walks past. "Move,you idiot."
We watch as Maria shoves a 3rd year Ravenclaw who knocks into another Ravenclaw,knocking over a pile of carefully constructed cards at Ravenclaw table which was still being built.
"Oh no-" the Ravenclaw mutters as the cards all pile onto the table and floor.
Flitwick comes running down the aisle and restores the cards before glaring at Maria.
"That will be 5 points from Slytherin,Miss Alpin and a weeks worth of detention."
"For what,knocking over a stupid pile of cards?"Maria huffs.
"That will be another 5 points Miss Alpin," Flitwick says,as the Slytherins glare at Maria for losing 10 points in less than a minute.
Maria rolls her eyes and is about to take a seat when she realises that the whole table is glaring at her.
"It was 10 points,calm the fuck down,you can get them back during Quidditch,"
Everyone just glares at her.
Eventually conversation breaks out on the table.
"Andyyy,"Ash sings and we look up to see her gaze fixed on Anderson.
"Andy?"Harper snorts.
"Very original,Ashley,"Anderson says rolling his eyes. "What do you want?"
"What lesson are we in first?"
"It's a Saturday....we don't have lessons today."Aria says slowly. "Right?"
"Yeah,"I say,before getting up, "Anyone gonna come library with me?"
"What are we looking at today?"Astoria asks.
"You're gonna go?"Harper asks,and Astoria nods.
"What happened to 'I hate that place so much that I'm never gonna enter that awful place ever again'?" Harper says quoting her.
"Well if you must know,"Astoria says, glaring at Harper, "I've heard that this years 3rd year Slytherins hang out in there,"
Me,Anderson and Harper groan.
"Of course that's why you want to go."Anderson rolls his eyes.
"To ogle at the one and only Draco Malfoy,"I add on.
"So maybe you'd be able to finally get together,"Harper finishes as we high five each other.
Astoria glares at us,before standing up. "Let's go Em,"
I let out a sigh,silently hoping that none of the third years were actually in the library.
Sometimes I really hate my luck. There were only 2 third years in the library. The only 2 third years I couldn't stand.
Draco Malfoy and Mattheo Riddle were both in the library,in the exact section I needed to check.
"You want to go into there?"Toria asks softly.
"Yeah I need to get a book,"
Toria nods before walking into the aisle.
She looks back and mouths "hide"
So I hide as Toria walks up to them and bangs her leg hard on a bookshelf.
Riddle and Malfoy both jump before Toria catches their attention.
"Are you okay?"Malfoy asks,concerned.
"No,"Astoria says wincing as she gently presses downs on her ankle. "It hurts and I don't think I can make it to the hospitals wing on my own."
"I can take you if you want," Malfoy offers, "Riddle do you want to come with-?"
Riddle shakes his head. "No I need to find this book,it's urgent."
Malfoy nods. "Okay I'll see you later,"
As she passes where I've hidden,Astoria gestures for me to go and I nod back at her,waiting until her and Malfoy are out of sight.
I enter the small aisle,I can deal with Riddle,but I can't deal with Malfoy at all.
"I thought I heard two pairs of footsteps before Greengrass walked into here,"
I don't answer him as I try to look for the book I want.
"Let me guess,"He says, "You're looking for a book by the title of Boggarts and their meaning."
I try not to react and carry on looking for the book and Riddle chuckles.
"Let's make a deal,"
I look up.
"What kind of deal?"
"You tell me what your boggart was and I'll give you the book you want."
I blink. "You want to know what my boggart was,for the book?"
"Yes,"Riddle grins. "Do we have a deal?"
His face falls and I smirk.
"Why not?"
"Because Riddle,"I say before moving closer to him. "Madam Pince always keeps multiple copies of every book."
I reach for the book behind him,but he turns grabs the book before I can.
"Yeah,but I have all of them here,"Riddle chuckles.
"Why do you care about my boggart was?"
"I don't,"He corrects. "I'm just curious,"
"That's literally the same thing."I roll my eyes. "Just give me the damn book,Riddle,"
"Just tell me what your boggart was,"He mocks.
"No."I repeat before spinning around and walking out of the aisle.
"Oh trust me,you'll be back to get the book from me,"Riddle calls from behind me.
Oh no I won't. Because Hermione Granger has a copy of that book.
I finally updated 😌 damn it's been a while
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