I don't really have any idea about some things;why my boggart was what is was,and my Riddle was so interested in finding out what it was,but also how he knew about me wanting the book.
So right now I'm stood in front of the Fat Lady's portrait,desperately praying for the stupid thing to let me in,so I can find Hermione.
"No password,no entry!"The stupid thing repeats again and I'm literally about to rip the portrait apart when I hear a voice say from behind, "Fortuna Major,honestly you should start remembering the password by now-"
The person stops talking when I turn around.
"Hold up a second,you're not a Gryffindor!"My eldest brother,Percy exclaims. "Hold up- Emily?!"
"Hello Perce,"I say sheepishly. "Long time no see?"
"Forget the formalities Em,"Perce says,before looking around. "Why are you here? Aren't you a Slytherin?"
I wince slightly,hearing the emphasis on Slytherin.Perce and I had once been close,but the second I got sorted into Slytherin,him like the rest of the family apart from Bill,Ginny,Fred and George had turned on me.
I can still hear mums howler that she sent personally to me in the dorms,rather than sending it with Ron's one about the car.
"I needed to talk to Hermione,"I say quietly.
"Okay,wait out here and I'll get her for you,"
"Do I have to wait out here,Perce?"
Percy sighs. "Hurry up and get inside before you're seen.I shouldn't be letting this happen as Head Boy.This is a one off Em and it better stay that way,"
I grin internally. Maybe the whole family doesn't hate me as much as I thought.
The Gryffindor Common Room is exactly how I imagined,warm,cosy and so so Gryffindor themed.
It's the complete opposite of the Slytherin one,which is dark,cold and lacks any sort of emotion.
Percy goes and whispers to a 7th year girl, probably because of the charm they have on their stairs.
She comes down with Hermione about 5 minutes later.
"Hey Mione,"I say,reaching for Crookshanks in her arms,and he jumps into my arms, much to our surprise.
"Hello Em,how have you been?"
"I've been pretty good,how have you been?"
Hermione laughs. "Well I don't think you've heard of your brothers shenanigans,"
"What do you mean?" I haven't heard anything at all so this would be new.
"Well,Ronald keeps accusing Crookshanks of trying to eat Scabbers, but it's only what all cats do,"
I nod. "Besides Scabber's been in the family for too long,maybe it's time for a change,"
"I agree,anyways enough about me, what's going on with you?"
"Well Mione,we had the Boggart lesson about a week or 2 ago-"
"Yeah I heard about..your little incident,"Mione says sheepishly, "Are you okay now?"
"Yeah,yeah I'm fine,it was a bit of a concerning boggart,to be honest."
Hermione looks around,before looking back at me. "Would you rather talk in my dorm about it? Theres nobody in there,I was just studying for the potions test;I'm so bad at potions!"
"Yeah I'd like that,"I reply. "Oh,I'm actually pretty good at potions if you want help,"
Hermione nods and we go up the stairs to her dorm.
Hermione's corner of the dorm is unusually messy,and she winces before moving to get her wand. She casts a spell and everything returns to the normal neatness it's at.
"Oh you have to teach me that spell,"I say and Hermione laughs.
"I will,if you help me with potions,Gin says you're really good!"Hermione says before looking at me. "Now what were you saying about your boggart?"
"Well Mione,I'm not sure if Gin told you or not but my boggart was myself being tortured with crucio, as in the unforgivable curse. And I think you had that book,the one that was called-"
"Boggarts and their meanings?"Hermione cuts me off,and I nod. She walks to her trunk and unlocks it with Alohamora and pulls out a book.
"I've got it here,but be careful with it and return it to me as soon as you finish using it."
"Thank you so much,Mione!I owe you" I say as I take the book and put it into my bag,before making sure that it was closed properly.
"Of course,now can you help me revise for potions?Harry's useless and me and Ron aren't on talking terms,"
"Of course,what do you want to go through first?"
It's well past curfew when I sneak into the Slytherin Common Room,but I don't really think that mattered as I seem to have crashed into one of Slytherin's "famous" parties.They're housemates and invites only,meaning it was rare for any Gryffindor's to be in here, so me being surprised when I see Fred and George is an understatement.
But I wasn't going to go over to them,the parties are normally 4th years and above and this is no exception,so I quietly walk up the stairs before I walk into someone when turning the corner.
"Harper."I sigh,genuinely relieved. "Thank god,I thought you were one of the 3rd years."
Harper shakes his head. "Tori,Ash,Aria and Anderson are in your dorm,there's a party downstairs so we thought that we'd have a little get together too."
"Is it just us 6?"I ask,and Harper looks at me.
"Well it was going to be...but the 3rd years overheard us talking about it and they crashed it."He explains. "We got rid of them though,don't worry."
I nod,but freeze quickly when I realise that the 3rd years wouldn't have left so quickly without something in return.
"Harper." He tenses. "What did you do to get them out?"
"Well Riddle said he had a question,and said that one of us could choose to answer it."
I raise my eyebrow and he stumbles over his next words.
"He gave us a drink and said that it would loosen our tongue so we could answer freely."
And somehow I know what the drink contained and question was before Harper even opens his mouth.
"The question was 'What was Weasleys boggart?' but only Riddle heard the answer I swear!"
"Who answered the fucking question, Harper?" I ask,panic slowly setting in.
"I did."
"And did you realise that the drink contained Veritaserum?"I ask.
"Yes because Astoria asked me why I answered the question,"Harper says as we reach my dorm.
"Well fuck,"
Another updateeee!! Thank you sm guys for 1K,I literally cannot believe it omg!!
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